daphnemillcr · 3 years
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NAME: Daphne Miller
AGE: 28
HOW LONG HAVE THEY LIVED IN SOMERTON?: Her whole life (barring college)
OCCUPATION: 7th Grade Teacher at Somerton Middle School
THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: Amicable, Perceptive, Witty
THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: Over-analytical, Self deprecating, Stubborn
(death mention tw. )
Since she was able to comprehend nicknames, Daphne Miller has been indignant on being called Daphne and Daphne only. Of course, her family are the only people with the sacred honor of calling her Daph. Born as the 6th of the 7 Miller children, Daphne made her grand entrance into the world in the middle of a snowstorm at the stroke of midnight on New Years Eve, making her both a Capricorn as well as the first baby born in Somerton in 1993. Her father deemed her destined for greatest, her mother fondly called her headstrong —Daphne’s parents had been at a family party only hours before her mother had gone into labor. The couple had at least wanted to share a New Year’s kiss, but Daphne had managed to derail their plans.
Naturally, being the second youngest in such a large family had both its perks and pitfalls. Daphne’s childhood was a fairly happy one. Her parents were upstanding members of the community and she was never want for company. Daphne was doted on and always had someone to play with, be it her younger sister or older siblings, but often felt coddled to a fault. There were times where she felt like she was handed things rather than working hard for them —her weekly allowance, for instance. She held herself to a high standard in order to make herself stand out in the Miller’s brood of 7, sometimes going over and above in when it came to her schooling and extracurricular activities.
Nonetheless, there was never a shortage of love in her family, which was definitely a perk. They helped each other through the difficult times, such as the tragic death of their aunt, and were supportive in all their triumphs. Her mother inspired her to become a teacher and the Millers threw a huge party when Daphne was accepted to her dream school and subsequently another party once she received her teaching degree from Columbia University. Thanks to her mother’s connections, she was able to secure a spot teaching 7th grade at Somerton Middle School.
However, Daphne didn’t merely coming back from New York City with a teaching degree —she also came back with an engagement ring on her left hand.
It was a love story for the ages —he was a photographer working on an editorial piece and stopped her on the street to ask if he could take a picture of her for his project. Lightning stuck, they exchanged information, and the rest was history. Her fiancé willingly relocated to Somerton, thinking he would be able to uproot his whole life and career in a big city to a small picturesque town and for awhile, it worked. They were planning the wedding, thinking of the future… And then, Daphne’s beau received the job offer of a lifetime and while she selfishly wanted him to stay, she knew it ultimately wasn’t possible. Their breakup was devastating and it’s something Daphne still hasn’t quite recovered from and luckily, her family is standing by to support her.
Heartbreak aside, Daphne has a life that she appears to love (although occasionally, she wonders if she really wants to be a teacher or if it’s because she wants to impress her mother). She lives in a cute apartment in Bridgeport with her dog, Penny, and continues to shape the minds of her students (and keep a close eye on her niece, Emma).
I’ve got to update this, but a n y t h i n g from this list! She’s a local and part of a rather well known family, so the sky’s the limit! 
Notable connections not necessarily listed: 
The rest of her siblings
Her ex-fiance (I’ll be submitting a WC eventually) 
Fellow teachers
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somertonmayor · 3 years
i. intro
Hey! My name is Lívia, I’m twenty four and I’m from Brasil. I’m a law student/intern. Here are three fun facts about me: (1) i was watching a small town show and I went “i’m either making a small town rp, or i’m finding one that fits all my different criteria” and I can’t tell you all how glad I was to find Somerton because it saved me from creating 10 thousand pages of small town info. (2) my dog is named after luke skywalker. (3) i overuse l.m. montgomery quotes for literally everything, i apologize in advance.
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ii. george
you can find the bio here (tws:  death, car crash, teen pregnancy) and underneath the cut, i’ll start talking about him
OKAY SO IF YOU READ THE BIO, YOU’LL REALIZE I DECIDED TO REALLY GIVE THIS MAN A TRAGIC BACKSTORY (look, i’ve had george since like 2018, and for some reason everytime i adapt him for a new rp, his backstory gets a little sadder, i’m worried about this man, i really am). 
quick summary: golden child becomes spoiled, discovers his gf is pregnant at 18, his parents die on the way to the hospital, he raises his sister and his daughter. he eventually becomes a nurse and then the mayor.
 good boy, tired boy.
But tbh, George is actually a pretty cheerful muse. He is a happy guy, he has found peace and balance. He is the sort of guy who smiles at everyone and whose shoulder is always free, he is a great listener and he really tries with his advice (might not always be the best, but he gives it from the heart).
He has a 20 year old daughter and a 34 year old sister. While the age difference between him and his sister might not be that big, it was in the moment they lost their parents -- he had to finish raising her, made sure she graduated high school and got into a good college.
He is the current mayor. Recently elected, been doing a good job so far. Formerly, he worked in the daycare (and did some odd jobs around town as well), before he graduated from university and became a nurse. He worked at the hospital for practically a decade (he was a dermatology nurse).
He has lived in Somerton all of his life and has always been the sort of person to befriend lots of people. Those who went to high school with him might have a bad opinion of him (he went through a jerk phase, would love to plot a connection for that tbh), but it’s been twenty years and he is a beloved guy. His family has lived in the town for decades. HIs father was a doctor, and his mother was an author (published romances set in Maine).
iii. injury (tw. nerve damage)
I ended up not going into this in the bio, but he had to go undergo some surgeries after the car accident. He has nerve damage and lost some sensation in his left leg. A former quarterback, George tries to act like nothing is wrong, but he has some troubles.
He uses a cane sometimes when the pain is bad/when he has lost sensation in the leg. He is a bit touchy about it and will sometimes not use the cane when he is supposed to.
iv. wanted connections
friends: LOOK, HE IS NICE, HE IS FRIENDLY, HE IS LOYAL, HE WOULD DEFINETLY HAVE A BUNCH OF FRIENDS. Gimme his guy friends that he shares a beer after work, and then give me some girl friends that he also shares a beer after work.
old friends: i’d really die for someone who has known george for like 15 years, gimme some people who know him very well!!
ex-girlfriend: how about someone he was dating a few years ago, but he was so focused on his daughter that the relationship fizzled out/they had angry fights about him not making time for her?
former co-workers: imagine you wake up one day and a person you work with is suddenly in charge of the town? everyone who works at the hospital had to deal with that!!
fuck buddy: look, the man is busy and while his daughter is finally an adult, he has gotten used to not having a proper relationship, just passing ones. 
anyone who works in the town hall: he is a good boss, i swear.
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josieedwards · 4 years
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hey everyone!! i’m steph, 24, she/her, and canadian (so expect to see colour spelled with a “u”), and this is josie
name: josephine “josie” edwards
pronouns: she/her
birthday: january 31st, 1991 (29 years old)
occupation: novelist and short story writer, but sometimes writes for the local paper
length of time in somerton: one year (since september 2019)
neighbourhood: evergreen dock
hometown: new york city
positive traits: creative, dedicated, ambitious, outgoing, confident
negative traits: singularly-focused, perfectionist, guarded, headstrong
faceclaim: laura harrier
point form bio
josie’s mother is from somerton and her father is from new york
they chose to raise their family in nyc, but bought a vacation home in somerton right on the coast, so josie grew up spending summers and some holidays in maine
josie has one older sibling, which if you’re interested is a wc!!
she went away for undergrad, but moved back to new york to get her mfa in creative writing from nyu
during her first semester of her masters program she met her ex-boyfriend, who is also a wc
august 2018 her parents died in a car crash due to a drunk driver, and it crushed josie
a year after after her parents passed she decided to move to somerton because although she’d excelled at work, she felt disconnected from what everyone said really mattered in life, her family
it took some adjusting at first, but now, a year later, josie loves it in somerton
work is still going well, now she’s just working on reconnecting with her extended family and perhaps starting a family of her own
find her full bio here
find her wanted connections here
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bobbiesparkles · 4 years
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♪ I'm still a believer but I don't know why I've never been a natural All I do is try, try, try I'm still on that trapeze I'm still trying everything To keep you looking at me
Because I'm a mirrorball I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself Tonight ♫
full name: robin lilian martin-chang
age + birthday: twenty-eight | 04/15/1992
gender + pronouns: cis female | she/her
sexual & romantic orientations: pansexual/romantic
hometown: somerton, maine / vancouver, british columbia
occupation: graphic designer / digital artist 
personality traits: independent, creative, open-minded,  impatient, guarded, lazy.
looks like: chloe bennet
mother: lily chang
father.: chuck martin
siblings: aiden martin ( step brother, 8 )
other important relationships: stacey martin ( step mother ), wei-ling chang ( maternal grandmother )
pets: timon & pumba, her fur babies. 
wester zodiac: aries
chinese zodiac: monkey
primal sign: gorilla
hogwarts: hufflepuff, but she thinks she’s a ravenclaw
one song: we’re all in this together - hsm, and she will belt it at you bc she’s annoying 
one book: oh the places you’ll go! - dr. seuss
one movie: the parent trap, bby robin had many dreams about running into a lost twin and switching places okay?
tw: divorce
Lily Chang and Chuck Martin had no business falling in love, but in the early 90′s at a karaoke bar in Somerton, Maine - that was precisely what happened. The relationship was doomed from the start -- a walking dad joke wrapped in a sweater vest and woman strung higher than her up-do would have very little in common once the thrill of young love wore off -- but hindsight is a fickle thing, and youth has a funny way of blinding what is right in front of your eyes. It wasn’t long after the first meeting that the couple would find themselves married, and then welcoming a daughter into the world who would someday serve as the only proof the two ever got along.
Still, compatibility issues aside, her parents gave it a real go and for the first seven years of her life, Robin had a real family. Family dinners around the table, Saturday morning cartoons with her dad, and road trips to her mother’s favorite East Coast landmarks. But the facade could only last so long and so the summer before she was meant to start the second grade at Grant Elementary, her parents made the difficult decision to call it quits. Looking back at it through adult eyes, Robin would see the cracks in the foundation -- the petty fights and cold silences that seemed to rule their household -- but at seven years old sitting on a chair staring down at skinned knees listening to the two people she trusted the most tell her their little family was breaking up she felt her whole world crumble around her. It just wasn’t fair! Despite loud protests and heartfelt pleas, by the end of the week Robin found herself packing up her bedroom and leaving the only home she’d ever known in favor of moving west with her mother who had secured a job at the University of British Columbia.
From that point on her childhood felt divided -- splitting time between her parents' homes on opposite coasts. Summers spent eating lobster and laughing at her dad’s dumb jokes in Maine and forced ski lessons with her mom when what she really wanted to do was snowboard back in BC. And for a time, it was manageable. But everyone has a breaking point, and for Robin that was puberty.
It seemed to happen overnight. The status quo shifted --  one day mother and daughter were compromising about take away order and the next they couldn’t agree on anything. And just like that, their small condo became a battleground. Something about hormones and teen angst seems to cause friction between mothers and their daughters and Robin was no exception to this cliche. As she grew the realities of her childhood set in and Robin became bitter, pinning an unfair bulk of the blame on her mother and this expressed itself through a rebellious streak come high school. Once a straight-A student, Robin was now skipping classes to smoke under the bleachers and stealing bottles from the liquor cabinet to go drink with her friends in the park. It was clear her mom was in over her head, and with all modes of communication closed off she felt had no options left but to send Robin back to Somerton to live full time with her dad and though Robin agreed it was what she wanted, deep down it really hurt. She felt like her mom given up on her and it’s a wound their relationship hasn’t ever recovered from.
Adjusting to a new school at sixteen was difficult -- most cliques had been solidified, friendships formed over a lifetime and Robin felt there was little room for her to insert herself and with the bulk of her support group living on the other side of the continent, those first few months were a bit isolating. But eventually, Robin found her footing. She made some friends, slowed down on the partying and found solace in art and music.
As with most things in her life, when it came to secondary education, Robin chose the easiest path. She went to Somerton University because it was close and despite her dodgy school records they accepted her, majored in graphic design because it was easy and she liked computers and forwent dorm living in favor of renting her dad’s basement apartment because it was familiar.
Robin lived in that apartment until she was twenty-four when her dad got remarried. She’d saved enough living there to have a sizeable safety net and she wanted to give the new couple some space. She loved her dad but didn’t want to risk the emotional scarring of walking in on him and his new wife canoodling. Despite initial reservations, Robin bonded pretty quickly with her new stepmother and her four-year-old son.
Now that Robin works a stable 9 to 5 she has less time to get into trouble --  but between being a proud dog mom, Sunday dinners with the family and watching her little brother once a week to give her parents a break she manages to find some time. Of course, today trouble looks more like running a semi-famous comic on the internet based on her dogs Timon and Pumba which anthropomorphizes her little beans and sees them maneuvering life’s everyday problems, usually with humorous results.
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sebastianbrant · 3 years
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Character Basics
Name: Sebastian Brant  Nicknames: Seb, Bash, Sebby (do not call him this) Age: 43 Gender: Cis Male Preferred Pronoun: He/Him Occupation: Chief of Police for Somerton PD Residency Length: 42 years Birthplace: San Antonio, Chile Neighbourhood: Aurora Vista
This will be the tl;dr bio and the full bio can be found on this page here! TW teen pregnancy, infertility
He was an unplanned pregnancy, his parents were both 16 years old. When his biological mom found out she was pregnant his dad basically noped out, denied all responsibility. 
Valentina (his biological mother) hid her pregnancy for as long as she could but once he family found out her father kicked her out of the house. After Sebastian was born the young mother struggled for months to keep a roof over their head and food on the table. As it became harder and harder to work as a new mother she made the difficult decision to put Sebastian up for adoption in hopes he would have a better life than what she could give him.
Sebastian was adopted by the Brant family, a couple from Somerton that couldn’t have children of their own. They’d already adopted one child and he was the second one adopted. The Brant’s adopted two more children in the following years. 
Sebastian was always fiercely protective of his siblings. It led to him getting into several fights in school when cruel children teased one of them about being adopted. School was far from his favorite thing because of it. His grades always hovered around the high C’s, low B’s because he only put in enough effort to keep his parents from being upset.
What he did love was sports! In high school he was on both the track team and the soccer team. He got a scholarship to Somerton University (entirely based on athletics and not his grades). Not having to leave town was an idea he loved so he went happily.
Not knowing what he wanted to do (and with a part of him holding on to hope he could do sports) Sebastian majored in psychology. The random choice in major ended up being the best decision he’d ever made because he met the woman that would eventually become his wife in class. 
After graduating it became clear Sebastian wasn’t going to become a famous soccer player and now he needed to figure out what he was really going to do with his life. He decided to enroll in the police academy (which had some in his family questioning why because until that moment he hadn’t been interested in being on the police force)
After graduating from the police academy Sebastian got a job with the Somerton Police Department as a rookie. From there working at the Somerton PD became a life long career for him. 
He proposed to his wife after he finished his probationary period and got a full time job. A year later they were married and they’ve been together since.
After they were settled and had built up some savings they became foster parents to help children with families that couldn’t or wouldn’t look after them.
Sebastian and his wife wanted a large family from the very beginning. They had two children and adopted two children. (I’m still deciding names because I’m indecisive but they’re all 13+)
Two years ago the old Chief of Police retired. Sebastian had worked his way up the ladder and was asked to fill the position on an interim basis. Once the position was officially posted he was invited to interview for it and was the successful candidate! 
The hours are a lot more demanding than he would like, it takes him away from his family far more often than he would like. 
Will dad everyone that needs a dad. I mean everyone. You need a dad? He’s your dad now. 
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charlottexhendricks · 3 years
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Hey everyone, introducing cinnamon roll Charlotte Hendricks. Super excited to plot with you all, been a while since I roleplayed in a group so I’m extra excited!
Name: Charlotte Hendricks
Date of birth: 12th of september, 1986
Gender: Female (she/her).
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Occupation: History high school teacher.religion: christian.
Jung type: ESFJ (the caregiver).
Enneagram: 6w7 (the buddy)
Temperament: Sanguine-Melancholic.
Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff.
Instinctual variants: sexual/social/self preservation.
Archetype: The lover.
Element: Earth.
Aligment: Neutral Good.
Vice: Gluttony.
Virtue: Kindness.
bio || wanted connections
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loganarmstrong · 3 years
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NAME: Logan Mayumi Armstrong
AGE: 29
DATE OF BIRTH: 5 February 1992
GENDER: cis male
PRONOUNS: he/him
MOTHER: lyra armstrong, nee karingal
FATHER: michael armstrong
SIBLING(S): sean (older brother), mason (older twin brother)
FACE CLAIM: darren criss
RACE/ETHNICITY: english, german, filipino, spanish, chinese
HEIGHT: 5 feet and six inches (5′6)
WEIGHT: 152 lbs
BUILD: slender, skinny, will often describe himself as scrawny
SCARS: inside of wrists, one above eyebrow
HAIR: black, curly
EYE COLOR: hazel
ACCENT: american (though rarely speaks)
PHYSICAL DISABILITIES: none, though needs glasses
MENTAL DISABILITIES: autisim, selective mutism
ALLERGIES: shellfish
DISORDERS: anxiety, depression
FASHION: prefers soft fabrics, often wears with overalls and doc martens
NERVOUS TICS: wringing hands together, fidgeting
HOME ADDRESS: bridgeport, somerton, maine
RESIDES: medium sized loft apartment
BORN: conway, new hampshire
RAISED: conway, new hampshire
VEHICLE: range rover suv, black
PHONE: iphone xr
LAPTOP/COMPUTER: macbook pro, ipad pro
PET(S): service dog, northern inuit named ella
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: kennett high school
COLLEGE EDUCATION: the institute of fine arts, nyu
MAJOR: fine art
MINOR: illustration
CAREER: head baker
EMPLOYER: golden flour bakery
DIET: vegetarian 
LANGUAGES: english, american sign language
PHOBIAS: loud noises
HOBBIES: art, reading, journalling, soccer, video games
SOCIAL MEDIA: inactive on most, privacy settings high due to ex partner
LOCATION: the reading nook in his apartment
VIDEO GAME: skyrim, animal crossing, horizon zero dawn, spyro, stardew valley
ARTIST: vincent van gogh
MUSIC: varying
SONG: radio gaga - queen
TV SHOWS: the umbrella academy, the witcher, friends, stranger things, doctor who, sherlock
MOVIES: the addams family, my neighbor totoro, jurassic park, hook, forrest gump
FOOD: asian
COLOR: yellow
MBTI: infj-t: the advocate
TEMPERAMENT: melancholic
PRIMAL SIGN: dolphin
tw suicide attempt, self harm, abusive relationship
Logan Mayumi Armstrong is precisely three minutes and forty two seconds younger than his twin brother, Mason, and six years younger than his oldest sibling. He was a quiet baby who hardly ever cried and mostly kept to himself, even as a toddler. None of the family knew anything was wrong with Logan until he was five years old. The Armstrong family thought that maybe Logan was just a quiet child, or even a late bloomer. But soon enough, every other child in his play group could speak and Mason was already stringing together full sentences. Logan hadn’t uttered a single word and was taken to see a doctor, put through weeks of testing until finally, a result came through.
Logan was diagnosed with selective mutism. He had the ability to speak - the tests showed he had the physical ability, but he was unable to do so. The Armstrong family learned sign language in an effort to help their youngest son communicate and it was something he appreciated - he could actually ask for things now! More tests followed and eventually Logan was given a diagnosis of autism. He didn’t fully understand it, not when he was young, but he understood enough to know it made him different. He struggled to make friends in his class and often spent recess alone. Mason on the other hand, was confident and never shy of any friends. He was always around people, always out playing with his friends and happy.
Logan tried hard not to let his differences bother him. People didn’t understand him, that was what he told himself. He focused on the things he enjoyed instead, such as art. For Logan, it was a way of expressing himself without the need for words and he spent hours practicing, filling sketchbook after sketchbook. Art became his outlet, how he showed his feelings although most of his work he kept to himself. He didn’t want to upset anyone with his difference. He’d heard his mom crying when he was first diagnosed as autistic and understood being different made her sad. He’d heard his father say they could get through it and at least they had his siblings who would be able to lead “normal lives”. Those were the words his father had used and it hurt, to know he wasn’t normal. He’d known he was different, sure, but the thought of not being able to live a normal life hurt.
Logan never told either of his parents he’d overheard their conversation. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to hear it but he was sure it wouldn’t be good if they knew. He began to withdraw even more than before, stopping using sign language and only used simple, one-word answers to questions. Logan was battling with himself. As he got older, he realised he was even more different to his peers than he thought. Everyone started getting girlfriends when he entered high school and Logan wasn’t really interested in that. He thought girls were beautiful, sure, but Logan thought guys were too. He told Mason one day who seemed taken aback by the confession. The people in their school found out that Logan wasn’t quite straight and things only got worse. He was already picked on relentlessly for his lack of speech and being different but with new fuel to the fire, they made Logan’s life miserable.
The most difficult thing for him to accept was that no one wanted him around. He felt isolated, more alone than ever and didn’t know who to turn to for help. What could he do? He struggled with communication at the best of times. His parents were concerned at how withdrawn he’d become and heard from Mason how the bullying had gotten worse at school. They took him to a doctor and Logan was diagnosed with depression. He refused to take his medication and hid the pills from his parents - he didn’t need another thing wrong with him and he didn’t want the medication. He was careful though and everyone thought he was taking them when he was supposed to, believing it would just take time for him to get better.
Death wasn’t something that scared Logan. He wasn’t afraid to die and it was something he’d welcome. He wasn’t really sure what spurred his decision; he hadn’t been on his medication since his diagnosis and he was gradually getting worse. He couldn’t think of any other way to deal with the mess that was him. So when Logan’s mother found him on the bathroom floor, barely conscious and in a pool of his own blood, no one had expected it.
Logan was forced to stay in hospital for three months after that. Physically he was fine, merely left with deep scars marking the insides of his wrists. But mentally, Logan wasn’t okay. He was forced to take his medication, made to attend counselling and managed to tell his therapist everything. It took a long time, what with his lack of communication, but eventually, they understood the reasoning behind it and Logan began to recover.
He finished the school year in between his home and the hospital, Mason bringing the work home to him and helping him set up his online classes. Logan managed to graduate with a respectable grade. He wanted to pursue college, wanted to take his art further and make a career out of it. His parents were terrified to let Logan travel so far away. But they understood and after a lengthy conversation and the promise he would keep in contact with them, Logan was off.
He flew to New York City to study Fine Art and Illustration. It was a new sense of freedom for him. He still wasn’t okay, but he made sure he took his medication and stuck to a strict schedule for himself. It helped him focus and Logan was able to enjoy himself, even make a couple of friends and get a job as a barista in a local coffee shop. It was in this coffee shop that he met the person who changed his life.
Matthew was a kind and caring man at first glance. He didn’t let Logan’s lack of speech bother him, continuing to visit the younger man every day with a bouquet of flowers until Logan agreed to go on a date. Things started off well - Matthew was patient with Logan’s difficulty communicating and he made him laugh. Logan thought he could actually be happy and was excited when after a few short months, Matthew asked him to move in with him.
But that was when things began to take a turn for the worst. Matthew seemed to lose the patience he had before. He grew frustrated at Logan’s inability to speak and would fly into a fit of rage more often than not. The first time he hit him was one of the worst. Logan told himself he’d leave him, he wouldn’t let himself be pushed around like this. But Matthew had broken down, told Logan he needed help and said he wouldn’t be able to survive without him. He told Logan he’d been suicidal in the past and he would die if Logan left. So Logan stayed, forgave Matthew each and every time he was hit, when he was shoved or when he was beaten. Matthew told him this was what he deserved and Logan started to believe it. The bruises were always carefully hidden and Logan accepted that this was what his life would be. He was afraid no one would believe him if he told the truth so he kept quiet. Even after he finished his degree, he stayed with his boyfriend. Months turned into years and still, Logan was too afraid to leave.
The sixth time he was hospitalised from his injuries was the breaking point. But it also provided Logan with a way out. Matthew was arrested and Logan discharged himself from the hospital before he recovered fully and ran. He managed to scrape some money together and left the city, travelling as far as he could.
He settled in Somerton, Maine, a town he’d heard about often growing up. No one knew him there and he’d be able to start again, that was the main thing. He was still terrified Matthew would find him, especially as Logan fled without giving a statement against him. But he settled into life, got a job at the local bakery and kept his head down. It was just him and his faithful Ella now, his service dog. She kept him grounded and he knew he owed a lot t her presence. The residents of Somerton were nice and didn’t ask too many questions, for which he was grateful. Now all he had to do was hope he stayed safe.
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alittlebitalex · 4 years
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♪ All that you desired, when you were a child Was to be old, was to be old Now that you are here, suddenly you fear You've lost control (lost control) Do you like the person you've become
Under the weight of living You're under the weight of living ♫
full name: alexis rosa ortiz
age + birthday: thirty-five | 11/02/1985
gender + pronouns: cis female | she/her
sexual & romantic orientations: pansexual/homoromantic
hometown: miami, florida / somerton, maine 
occupation: chef / occasional waitress 
personality traits: playful, hard working, thoughtful, sarcastic, introverted, impulsive.
looks like: aubrey plaza
mother: lacey rose
father.: alberto ‘beto’ ortiz
siblings: one older sister, two younger. 
other important relationships: abigail ( first love / heartbreak )
pets: she has a number of plant babies that may as well count as pets, each of which is name. she also has a small herb garden in her kitchen which she uses often in cooking. 
wester zodiac: scorpio 
chinese zodiac: ox 
primal sign: platypus
hogwarts: slytherclaw
one song: wildflowers - tom petty 
one book: fried green tomatoes - fannie flagg
one movie: ocean’s 8 
tw: parent death
Despite being born in a crowded hospital waiting room in Miami, Somerton has always been Alex’s home. Frustrated with a job that provided no room for growth, Alberto packed up his family and moved them up north when Alexis was barely two years old -- leaving behind warm weather and the comfort of family for the promise of better opportunities and a brighter future for his family. It was a risk, putting all of their life savings in a restaurant favoring Puerto Rican cuisine in small-town Maine, but it was one that would eventually pay with a lot of work and late nights working the grill. In many ways Alex and Beto’s restaurant grew up right along side each other -- hitting peaks and valleys at the same time -- and Alex often referred to the restaurant as her favorite sister. Something her three human sisters took great offence to.
Even at the best of times with three girls to support money was tight for the Ortiz family but Beto was determined to give his daughters every opportunity so they had to scrimp in other ways. Clipping coupons, searching out sales and purchasing a house whose size was not ideal for their family. Full house was an understatement. Five people packed into a two-bedroom home, but they made do, Beto often commenting they all would look back on this time fondly someday and how being surrounded by family was a gift -- but for Alex, it just felt crowded, like she had no space to breathe.
So, being her father’s daughter she made the best of a bad situation and found her own space outside the home. While her sisters stayed in pouring over Tiger Beat magazines and learning the latest dance craze, Alex was outside with her friends - staining every pair of jeans she owned and skinning elbows playing pick up sports and hide and seek with the other neighborhood kids.
This love of the great outdoors and active hobbies followed her into high school as she found herself drawn to the jocks and the varsity sports teams. And the cheerleaders. Oh, the cheerleaders. But it was one cheerleader, in particular, that would change the course of her whole life. Abigail. The two were immediately drawn to each other and it quickly occurred to her that Abigail wasn’t like any of her other friends. They were closer than friends. It wasn’t long before the pair were kissing under bleachers and holding hands under tables in the cafeteria. It was the kind of romance she’d only seen in movies and never
She was young and naive, but Alex was sure their love was indestructible. And it was... to a point. That point being Abigail’s father walking in on the couple canoodling in her bedroom during one of their ‘friendly’ sleepovers. The resulting screaming match knocked the wind right out of her, but it was the break up that followed that would haunt Alex for years.
Abi was quick to cover her tracks -- telling Alex it was just a phase and their friends that she’d pursued her relentlessly. Before Alex could even catch her breath the rumors started and by the time they’d made their way around the school, her sisters confronted her. An ultimatum was given -- either Alex could tell her parents or they would. For a week her heart lived in her throat -- she couldn’t eat or sleep, ruled by the anxiety of losing her family but she did it and though her parents initially struggled with the news they would eventually come to accept her and that was everything. While high school remained a challenge for Alex, she would go on to credit those years for making her the strong woman she’d grow into.
It’s also what gave her the courage to set out and carve her path, taking a year after graduation to travel the United States -- working when she needed to and camping in as many national parks as she could. Eventually, she settled in the San Fransisco bay area and studied culinary arts, following in her father’s footsteps in her own way.
She lived there eight years before she got the call -- her mother was sick. It wasn’t a question of she would come home, but when and by the end of the week, she’d packed up her one-bedroom and heading back east. On top of helping cart her mother to doctor’s meetings and providing emotional support, Alex also picked up the slack at the family restaurant, updating the menu and taking over the cooking duties. Her mother passed within the year, but in that time her father had grown to rely so heavily on her, she knew she had to stay. And if she were honest, it’s where she needed to be. Turned out her father had been right all along, being surrounded by family is a gift.  
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magsallen · 3 years
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♪ Giving second chances I don't need all the answers Feeling good in my skin I just keep on dancin'
And if we're here long enough We'll see it's all for us And we'll belong
Maybe we can Find a place to feel good And we can treat people with kindness Find a place to feel good ♫
full name: margaret elizabeth allen
age + birthday: twenty-eight | 03/13/1992
gender + pronouns: cis female | she/her
sexual & romantic orientations: demisexual/panromantic
hometown: new orleans, la
occupation: art therapist
personality traits: empathetic, enthusiastic, optimistic, altruistic, sensitive, gullible, cautious, stubborn.
looks like: melissa benoist
mother: kate allen
father.: chuck allen
siblings: lowell channing ( step brother, 32 )
other important relationships: majorie allen ( maternal grandmother )
pets: she has 2-3 foster pets at any given time and it takes everything in her not to adopt them all. 
wester zodiac: pisces
chinese zodiac: monkey
primal sign: cheetah
hogwarts: hufflepuff, through and through. 
one song: used to be mine - sara bareilles 
one book: wicked - gregory mcguire
one movie: meet the robinsons
tw: parental abandonment, anxiety
For as long as Maggie could remember, it had been her dad and her against the world. The gruesome twosome. Bonnie and Clyde. Collectors of take-out menus and mavens of Saturday morning Cartoons. Maggie knew she had a mother -- one who loved her very much despite never being around to tell her as much -- but apart from having her eyes and blinding smile, she knew very little else about her. Just that she left before Maggie learned to speak her first words and they’d lost track of her after that. And the look of sadness in her father’s eyes when she spoke of her, leaving crumbs and tidbits -- hints at stories, each of which Maggie collected like treasures -- left her feeling like she shouldn’t press. They were fine, just as they were.
It wasn’t until Chuck started dating that Maggie found herself asking questions she’d previously kept close to her heart -- what had happened to her mom, and if she loved her so much, why had she never been around? At just eight years old, her dad finally sat her down and laid it all down. How her mom had packed up her things and left Maggie with a sitter. How she’d moved her life across the country to get a fresh start. How he’d wanted to follow, but put Maggie first. How she loved them very much but wasn’t fit to be a mother. But she knew they were in New Orleans, and he would always welcome them back into their lives if she was ready, but that he needed to move on. After that, Maggie’s whole world shifted. The smile she’d once admired saw differently on her lips. Those big blue eyes haunting her in the mirror because they were hers. She couldn’t help but wonder what other parts of herself belonged to her mother, and who she might one day hurt because of them. The thoughts consumed her, but her dad had enough on his plate and Maggie worried she’d only stack it too full so she learned to bottle them up. Putting all her fears and anxieties in neatly packed boxes to be dealt with later.
It was six months of helping her dad get dressed for first dates that went nowhere and awkward meetings with women who had little interest in being stepmothers, but when Chuck met Birdie, Maggie’s world would shift again. At first, Maggie was wary but quickly noticed the differences quickly. Her dad was walking taller. When he talked about Birdie, his voice softened and his smile lit up the room and by the time they went on their first date as a family, Maggie knew it was for keeps. Birdie and Lowell felt safe, like home. Maggie didn’t have to worry about her dad’s heart anymore, because it fit perfectly in Birdie’s hands. Their fridge was full of fresh produce instead of plastic containers and she watched Saturday morning cartoons with her new brother, her life felt settled.
Until it was uprooted and moved to a coastal town in Maine for a job. The first few months in Somerton were miserable for Maggie. While she’d always had such an easy time making friends at her old school, she had trouble connecting with her new peers making adjusting to her new life even more difficult. Lunch was eaten in the bathroom alone, books read on the playground, and in the classroom, she kept to herself. But it didn’t take her cool older brother long to notice, and just as quickly as she’d lost her footing, she found it again and by the time she was ready to graduate middle school she had curated a small group of true friends.
High school would be the start of a whole new era, for Maggie. Walking the halls with a solid support group gave the previously shy girl the confidence to put herself out there. Dive in headfirst and explore interests she’d been too timid to pursue in the past. Maggie took drama, auditioned for show choir, learned to play the ukulele (and later guitar), even joined the debate for a minute or two. But it was building sets for the school production of Fiddler on the Roof, that she found her true passion in art. There was a sense of calm in hours spent building props and painting backdrops. Zen. Something clicked. For the second time in her life, Maggie knew what it felt like to be at home. Once she started, she couldn’t stop. Maggie became a collector of notebooks, filling pages with watercolored scenes and charcoaled faces and poetry. She didn’t know it yet, but all that art journalling was helping her work through some things she’d long since pushed away deep in her subconscious. Relationships strengthened, grades were at an all-time high and by the time she was ready to leave the halls of Bursted Park High, she felt ready to take on the world.
Family-oriented and frugal, Maggie lived at home all through her degree at Somerton University (go seahorses!), where she studied visual arts with a minor in creative writing. But when it came time for graduation, she had no idea what to do next. So much of the last four years of her life had been spent finding herself in friendships and romantic endeavours, bolstering the people around her with a seemingly unending supply of optimism and enthusiasm. But apart from a good relationship with some local galleries, she had no real path into the real world.
She spent the first three months after graduation wallowing on her parents' couch, watching far too much television to distract from the very real anxieties she felt. Had she just wasted the last four years of her life? What if she never amounted to anything. But Maggie knew a person could only sit still for so long feeling sorry for themselves before they had to pick themselves up and do something about it, and so she did just that. She started looking for work around town, jobs to keep her busy during the interim. As always, it would be her family who guided her where she needed to be. After all, she came from a family of helpers, it seemed only fitting she join the family profession. Within a year she doing her master’s in art therapy out of state, but the pull of family would always lead her back to Somerton. As much as a desire to enrich the community that helped raise her.
These days Maggie primarily works with children in foster care as well as those stuck in the hospital, helping them work through the trauma of their unique situations and giving them tools to work through whatever cards life has dealt them. In her spare time, Maggie can be found hogging the mic on karaoke nights, attempting to beat every escape room in Maine, and fostering senior cats and dogs from the local ASPCA.
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lowellchanning · 4 years
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Courage is not the absence of fear but the judgment that something else is more important than fear.
NAME lowell thibodeaux channing NAME MEANING since lowell’s father passed before he was born, lowell’s mom, birdie, wanted to honor her late husband in naming their son. channing means young wolf, so she chose lowell, meaning little wolf, as a way to carry on her husband’s legacy. thibodeaux, meaning bold or brave, is birdie’s maiden name. NICKNAMES in college when he grew a beard each basketball season he garnered the name sasquatch, sometimes shortened to squatch. some of his coworkers call him that around the station. GENDER cis male PROUNOUNS he/him AGE thirty-two BIRTHDAY august 13 BIRTH PLACE new orleans, lousiana
PARENTS guy channing (father; deceased), birdie (mother; surname tbd); charles (step-dad; surname tbd) SIBLINGS step-sister (name tbd; wanted connection here!) PETS gus, a rhodesian ridgeback
A P P E A R A N C E 
FACE CLAIM derek theler BUILD 6′5, athletic. lowell’s muscles have always tended to be defined without him having to put too much effort into it, though that doesn’t mean he doesn’t put in the hours needed both for his health and his profession. lowell balances his love of junk food and midnight snacks with lean proteins and plenty of greens. HAIR light brown. the longer it gets, the more curl and texture it has, and lowell takes the time to style it properly. when he grows a beard his whiskers tend to be more on the ginger rather than brunette side of things. EYES blue DISTINGUISHING MARKS surgical scar on his left elbow from fixing a break sustained during a basketball game when he was 12. TATTOOS wolf paw print between his shoulder blades STYLE modern, casual comfort. shorts, tanks, jeans, t-shirts, and flannels. ACCESSORIES his father’s watch. lowell doesn’t wear it on his wrist, but it’s usually in one of his pockets, or kept safe and tucked away in his nightstand. HYGIENE lowell sometimes showers multiple times a day, and has for years depending on sport practices, games, and workouts, and then on work calls SCENT le labo santal 33; sandalwood and leather
LANGUAGES english and some creole phrases/expressions VOCABULARY average-ish. he can figure out ‘big’ words with good context, and got used to looking things up from a young age. MEMORY keeping a calendar and to-do lists on his phone is needed more so for organizational and focus TEMPERAMENT sanguine  LEARNING STYLE mainly kinaesthetic, but there are some auditory elements that work for lowell. EMOTIONAL STABLITY pretty high, though that’s because lowell’s worked hard (after some rough teenage years) to have a steady foundation, which his job definitely depends on. sometimes he still bottles things up and will release it all during a workout, but over the years he’s learned when to confront something head-on rather than allowing it to fester. 
PRIORITIES carrying for others and most importantly his family, both familial and found MOTIVATION making his family proud SELF CONFIDENCE lowell’s always had confidence in his physical abilities. it’s his intelligence where his confidence will at times waiver, but he feels like he’s found a profession that allows him to shine. SELF CONTROL lowell had to learn some level of discipline pretty early on when it came to managing sports and academics. those lessons his mom helped instill have carried through to adulthood and lowell’s career choices. HOBBIES playing music, basketball, outdoor adventures, camping, gardening MANNERISMS usually a bouncing leg/knee when sitting still, especially for too long. running his hands through his hair when talking. touching his neck when nervous. scratching his forehead or cheek when stumped and trying to come up with an answer so he won’t feel dumb. also saying his sirs or ma’ams or missus as his mother taught and expected of him. HABITS after failed medication attempts, lowell found that yoga helps center and focus his mind, plus has improved his overall flexibility, which helps on the job, so he does at least a short routine every morning. on saturdays or sundays, depending on his shifts, he’ll make a big breakfast spread, have hot chocolate (sometimes with coffee), and do a crossword puzzle, because having to look up clues on his phone isn’t cheating, it’s just learning. ABILITIES strength and endurance. musicality. empathy.  INEPTITUDES lowell isn’t the brightest crayon in the toolshed, and had to put forth a lot more effort than most when it came to learning and course work in school. he also can’t dance. whatever grace and agility he has when it comes to athletics, and the fact that he can drum and keep a beat, goes completely away the moment he steps on a dance floor.  SOFT SPOTS animals, tiny humans, and other people who have suffered loss GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT graduating college, then the firefighter academy, and passing his EMSVO, EMT, and AEMT certifications WESTERN ZODIAC leo CHINESE ZODIAC dragon PRIMAL SIGN orca HOGWARTS hufflepuff ONE SONG "in the air tonight" phil collins ONE BOOK the giving tree shel silverstein ONE MOVIE mrs. doubtfire
LIKES the tired feeling in his muscles and bones after a productive and intense workout or physical call. tacos. pizza. nachos. whoopie pies. his mom’s etouffee and po-boys. root beer floats. spending the day out in nature. gaming. sports. DISLIKES moxie. salt and vinegar chips. ranch dressing. still not a huge fan of maine winters but dealing with it. KINKS consensual voyeurism. PET PEEVES people who are rude to service workers. the trend of crank 9-1-1 calls on tiktok.
H O M E  +  W O R K  +  E D U C A T I O N
HOMETOWN new orleans, lousiana (until 14); somerton, maine CURRENT RESIDENCE bridgeport, row house TRADITIONS sunday family dinners HIGH SCHOOL bursted park high (basketball and jazz band) COLLEGE somerton university (basketball) DEGREES b.s. with a concentration on social work/sciences CERTIFICATIONS FFI, FFII, hazardous material operations, public safety diver, EMSVO, EMT, AEMT PROFESSION firefighter/emt (10+ years) EMPLOYER somerton fire and rescue EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES pick-up basketball, cover band drummer
New Orleans was all Lowell had ever known. Aside from only a few out of state vacations, the city had always been home. And honestly, growing up in Nola meant Lowell got the best of the both worlds: big city living with a small town feel thanks to the neighborhoods and wards of Nola. Families on their street were friendly and nosy, and honestly Lowell’s mom, Birdie, didn’t mind at all because one, she had nothing to hide, and two, was more than happy that when other people learned of her situation -- a widowed and working single mom -- they were more than willing to help out. Which was how instead of becoming a latchkey kid, between after school hours and school vacation, Lowell became a surrogate member of more than a few neighboring families. And while Birdie wished she had been able to make it home from the hospital for more dinners, she was always home in time to sit down at the kitchen table and help Lowell struggle through his assigned school work.
The story was always the same each new school year, with every parent-teacher conference and IEP meeting. Lowell was always a pleasure to have in class, but he was either struggling with math or reading comprehension or his overall attention was lacking. But while Lowell and the general classroom weren’t on the best of terms, he excelled in other areas. Given his size and the fact that he towered over most of his classmates, it wasn’t shocking when the gym teacher had glowing remarks and commented that Lowell’s abilities were well beyond his years, but Birdie was surprised to learn from the music teacher that her son was both attentive and eager to learn in her class, too. After informing Lowell that participation in extracurriculars was dependent upon remaining in good academic standing, sports and music became an award system of sorts. It also didn’t hurt that burning through energy on the field or court, or banging it out with his drums meant that Lowell was less inclined to take out his frustrations of not understanding a word problem or summary question on a kitchen chair or wall.
The summer before eighth grade Lowell started to notice that his mom was coming home early from shifts now and again, getting gussied up, and leaving him with instructions for cooking frozen pizza or bagel bites while she went out. She was always home in time to look over homework and make sure Lowell was in bed on time, so Lowell never wondered too hard about it. Until the day she came home and said they’d be having a guest for dinner. Lowell met whom would become his step-dad that night. Two weeks later he met whom would become his step-sister. And before the start of the new school year, but after a small ceremony in the backyard, the new family had packed up all their belongings to move nearly 2000 miles up north. Chuck, an anesthesiologist,  had a new job at Kane-Russell Memorial in Somerton, and there was no doubt that he could pull strings and get Birdie on the RN rotation there, too.
While having a new family should have been the biggest change in Lowell’s life, everything about Maine was so different from Louisiana. Somedays it felt like Lowell was waking up in a whole new country, especially with his accent and missing his favorite local foods. But eventually school started and Lowell fell back into familiar routines of sports, music, and school work, and soon enough it wasn’t so scary putting roots down in a new place with a new family.
By the time Lowell graduated high school he had a scholarship for Somerton U. Even though he could have lived at home, he lived on-campus to have the full college experience, which also included playing as 4-year starter Seahorse on the basketball team. Lowell might have graduated with a social sciences degree, but after their team bus came upon an accident one winter night and Lowell witnessed firsthand everything the emergency response squads were doing to not only save people, but just to calm their nerves, he sort of felt like maybe he had a found something that could be a good fit for him. Lowell was already working towards his EMT certification when he graduated, and after moving back home began to apply to the Somerton firehouse. Lowell’s been part of the Somerton Fire, Rescue, and EMT Services family for ten years now and loves that every day is a bit of a new adventure. When he’s not working, Lowell’s playing drums in a cover band that sometimes performs at On the Rocks or hanging out with dog, Gus.
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beck-hudson · 3 years
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Hi! It’s Mac again! This is my bb Beckett. He is one of my newer muses and I really missed being able to play him in a group setting. Under the cut will be a bit about him and then a link to his bio and my wanted connection page!
Originally from Portland, Oregon.
Moved to Somerton when he was 10.
Has a younger brother that he has lost contact with as teenagers once Beck turned 18.
He was a firefighter until he got hurt on the job when he was 24. It was a leg injury. He tried to go back but it wasn’t possible.
He got a job at Kane-Memorial and he went to nursing school, eventually becoming a pediatric nurse and he sometimes works ER shifts if they are short staffed.
He is a really sweet guy.
He has a pit bull named Nova and a ragdoll cat named Cosmo.
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brady-callahan · 3 years
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Hey guys, I’m K and this is Brady - he’s a native to Somerton and works as a commercial fisherman/lobsterman. Would love connections and things since he’s been here. Brief-ish summary of his bio...
Brady was the traditional “popular” type his entire life and he lives off of that outward perception. His real life was a little different than the picture he painted, however. His father out of the picture, his mother struggled from mental illnesses and addictions that left her really unfit to be a mother. Brady was left mostly to fend for himself, leading him to use those friendships that came so naturally to him to get things of basic necessity: shelter in the form of sleepovers on nights that he didn’t know if he had a home to go back to or not. Food when he didn’t know where it was coming from next.
As an adult, Brady craves stability; stability he has found in his job and in the town he grew up in. He prefers things to just stay as is. Which means he has no intentions of rocking the boat in any of his choices or relationships; in turn, he’s content to never come out to the people in his life as the bi-sexual man he is. The people who know are limited to the men he’s been involved with; most of which are men from out of town.
Personality wise, he’s pretty fun-loving and outgoing. He’s easy enough to get along with, puts a limit on how well people get to know him.
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mariexbecker · 3 years
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Hey lovelies! I’m very excited to introduce Marie Becker, also known as a well intentioned human disaster.
Name: Marie Frances Becker (nee Coppola).
Date of birth: 6th of June, 1976
Gender: Female (she/her).
Sexuality: Pansexual.
Occupation: Owner of Dark Sensations
Jung type: ENFP (The Campaigner).
Enneagram: 7w6 (The Pathfinder)
Temperament: Phlegmatic-sanguine.
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
Instinctual variants: Self preservation/Sexual/Social.
Archetype: The Explorer.
Element: Air.
Alignment: Chaotic good.
Vice: Lust.
Virtue: Charity.
Bio || Wanted connections
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anthearose · 3 years
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NAME: anthea rose thomas
AGE: 25
DATE OF BIRTH: 26 april 1995
GENDER: genderfluid
PRONOUNS: she/her but doesn’t mind they/them
MOTHER: dawn eddwards
FATHER: richard thomas
SIBLING(S): unknown
FACE CLAIM: cara delevingne
RACE/ETHNICITY: english, welsh, 
NATIONALITY: english, has american citizenship
HEIGHT: 5 feet and six inches (5′6)
WEIGHT: 112 lbs
BUILD: slender, toned
SCARS: inside of arms from drug taking
HAIR: dirty blonde, medium length
ACCENT: english
FASHION: wears mostly black, has a ‘grunge’ style
NERVOUS TICS: lip biting 
HOME ADDRESS: evergreen dock, somerton, maine
RESIDES: small two bedroom apartment with roommate layla ferguson
BORN: london, england
RAISED: london, england
VEHICLE: chevy silverado, black
PHONE: iphone 11
LAPTOP/COMPUTER: macbook pro
PET(S): none
HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: dropped out at 16, sat ged aged 20
MAJOR: none
MINOR: none
CAREER: exotic dancer
EMPLOYER: dark sensations strip club
DIET: vegan
LANGUAGES: english
PHOBIAS: isolation, enclosed spaces
HOBBIES: video games, guitar, reading
SOCIAL MEDIA: uses twitter and onlyfans mostly
LOCATION: the beach
VIDEO GAME: call of duty, left 4 dead, gta v, mario kart (she will fight dirty)
MUSIC: varying, listens to a lot of rock music 
SONG: rebel rebel - david bowie
TV SHOWS: friends, stranger things, how to get away with murder
MOVIES: labyrinth, the shining
FOOD: everything
COLOR: she’ll swear its black but it’s actually pink
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good
MBTI: enfp-a, the campaigner
tw for non-con & underage sex, prostitution, drugs and violence
Born and raised in the bustling city of London, Anthea, or Thea as she preferred, never really had it easy. Her father had left her mother long ago, only keeping in contact with his daughter through the occasional letter and birthday card. He lived in America and as Thea understood, he had some big fancy job with a large company. Thea always daydreamed about the day her father would burst through the door, scoop her up and rescue her from her miserable life. She dreamed of what it’d be like to live with him in his home and not have to worry about where her next meal was coming from. Of course, that never happened. Her mother was barely home, always out looking for ways to fuel her various addictions. It usually meant prostituting herself and for a long as Thea could remember, her mother would bring strange men home and be locked in her bedroom for hours at a time. 
It didn’t take long for her to work out what was going on - by the time she was seven, Thea understood, especially when the men made advances towards her. But she knew how to look after herself, even at that age and every time they tried, she either replied with a biting comment or, more often than not, a sharp slap to the face. It was usually enough to get rid of them and send them sulking back to her mother so they could pay what she was owed before taking their leave. 
Despite her unconventional home life, Thea got by. She often stole from local supermarkets to get the things she needed, but she cooked her own meals and appreciated the roof over her head. She wouldn’t say she was happy but she survived. Her mother spent her days sleeping with people for money or getting high in their tiny apartment. 
When she was fourteen, her life changed. Her mother pulled her from school and gave her an outfit to change into before taking her to an apartment block she’d never been to. Thea was frightened, told her mother she wanted to go home but she was only led into a grimy apartment by a group of unfamiliar men while her mother waited outside. She heard her daughter’s pleas and cries for help but did nothing to stop what was happening. It was only when there was a fat wad of money in her hands that she took Thea out of the apartment and brought her home, telling her this was her life now. She told her Thea would have to get used to it or starve because she was leaving. 
And just like that Thea was left alone, fourteen years old, no money and no job. 
She was able to contact her father after several weeks. He immediately flew her to America, had her sign some forms she didn’t really understand, and told her she’d be living with him from now on. She was enrolled at a local high school and told to keep quiet about what happened in England. She didn’t understand why, not really, but made sure not to tell anyone. She kept her head down as much as she could. Life with her father wasn’t quite what she’d expected either. His job was different to what she’d imagined when she was younger. He didn’t work in a fancy office, he worked from home and had several people coming and going, purchasing things from him for a large amount of money at a time. It only took her a few weeks to realise her father, the man she’d always imagined would be her hero, a knight in shining armour, was a drug dealer. And an addict himself. 
Thea stopped paying attention in school and in just two years since she moved to America, she was more depressed than ever. She dropped out of high school, even started taking drugs herself and fell in with what could be considered the wrong crowd. Maybe this was what she was destined to be. Maybe this was all there was for her. When her father was arrested for dealing drugs, she was placed in foster care. That had only lasted a couple of weeks before she ran away. Selling her body wasn’t really something she ever intended on doing but it was the only way she could get by. She had no education, no money and needed to do something. It was all she had left, the only thing she had any experience in. Granted, she hadn’t exactly been a willing participant back then and her mother had gotten the money, but it had happened. Thea had nothing left to lose. 
She began to sell her body for sex. Thea hated every minute of it, but it paid. She had enough to rent a tiny apartment in an unpleasant neighbourhood, but it was hers. Sure, she still was hooked on drugs but she got by. It continued like that for several months when she was approached by a different sort of man. The people she usually slept with were often older, other addicts she was sure, and just looking for five minutes of fun. But this one was different - younger, kinder.  
Thea didn’t trust him immediately. She had been looking after herself for as long as she could remember and her previous experiences told her men only wanted one thing. But she went back to his hotel room, unable to turn down the amount of money he was offering her. Thea was even more surprised when the young man didn’t immediately want her body and offered her food and a glass of wine. 
She learned his name was Anthony and he told her he was planning on opening up a new business, a brothel of sorts. It was going to be legitimate, according to him, although not entirely legal and all of “his girls” would be well looked after. At first, Thea refused. She wasn’t stupid and she wasn’t prepared to put her life in danger for some fantasy that sounded far too good to be true. If she accepted she had no doubt she’d be trafficked and sold on the black market for unspeakable things. 
As time went on, the man continued to visit Thea and slowly gained her trust. She met with someone who already worked for Anthony several times too and in a matter of weeks, she accepted his offer. Without a glance back, Thea left and moved across the country to work. Anthony helped her get off the drugs, showed her what there was to actually live for, and her life changed. Her every need was catered for - her new home was the brothel itself and rent came straight from her earnings. All her groceries were provided for her and she was able to decorate her personal quarters however she pleased. 
Usually Thea was fine when working. Most men just wanted a quick fuck and they didn’t care about anything else. Some of her clients wanted more unconventional things but Thea didn’t shy away from these, knowing they earned her more money. She didn’t care though - sex was just sex to her, and it paid. For the next three years, Thea lived and worked in Anthony’s brothel. Her regular clients bought expensive gifts, the brothel itself had armed security for the safety of the workers. It was the perfect job. 
Well, almost.
Thea had one problem, and that was in the three years she’d been there, she’d fallen in love with Anthony. It was an unspoken rule in the business - don’t fall for the boss. He had a girlfriend, Courtney, but she rarely visited the brothel. She didn’t like to associate herself with the girls who worked there, which was just fine with Thea. She kept her feelings to herself and thought everything would be fine. She was usually the one who brought Anthony his morning coffee but on one particular morning, things were different. She noticed he seemed tense and was pacing back and forth in his office. There was something about his expression that had Thea stopping in her tracks. She was almost frightened. But then he’d stopped and grabbed her, holding her against the closest wall to kiss her. 
This was everything she’d ever wanted and Thea gave herself to him easily. She wasn’t naive and didn’t really believe in happy endings but there had always been a part of her that had hoped Anthony would somehow realise her feelings for him and return them. Thea had fallen head-over-heels in love with him and had hoped he would get her out of the prostitution game for good. She didn’t want to sell her body anymore, not now she knew Anthony wanted her. Maybe she could help him run the brothel. She was nineteen and she knew the business well enough, right?
That night it was like it’d never even happened. Anthony didn’t look at her when he told Thea her clients were arriving. She was still in his bed and here he was, telling her to return to her room so she could work. Thea was confused but she assumed maybe it was due to Anthony’s relationship with Courtney. He couldn’t let anything be too obvious, right? Not if he was still in it, and maybe he was looking for a way of ending things with her before he swept Thea off her feet. She’d just have to wait. 
What Thea didn’t know was that Anthony had been filming for weeks. He filmed the two of them in bed together, filmed Thea with her various clients and posted the entire thing on the internet. It wasn’t until one night, while she was with a client, that she found out. Courtney had burst in, grabbed Thea’s hair and pulled her straight off the bed, uncaring that she was naked. Thea was thrown against the wall and Courtney screamed at her. It was like she was throwing every insult under the sun at her. 
Thea couldn’t remember much of the attack. Only that her client had left quickly and that when she woke, everything ached. Thea was still in her room, still naked, and beaten black and blue. She’d pulled on her robe and staggered to Anthony’s office to seek help. The sight that greeted her when she got there nearly made her throw up - Anthony taking Courtney on his couch, much like he had with Thea just the day before. They were celebrating something and when they saw Thea, both started laughing at the sight of her. 
Thea learned of the videos Anthony had secretly taken and that the whole thing had been a set up. Courtney had learned of Thea’s feelings for him and together they had hatched a plan of revenge. Anthony had seduced her, recorded everything and uploaded it to the internet. The second attack was worse than the first. Thea wasn’t sure if it was because she was already so injured or whether it was because Anthony joined in. She’d blacked out at some point and this time when she woke up, she was in an unfamiliar alleyway, her belongings in a battered box beside her. 
She was in hospital for several weeks recovering. Unemployed and now homeless, Thea knew she had to do something. She wouldn’t go back to that life. She wasn’t sure she’d survive a second time. So she left, moving from town to town, doing odd jobs here and there, stealing food to survive once again. She reached the small town of Somerton in Maine just before her 20th birthday and got a job at the local strip club. Although how she got the job, she wasn’t quite sure. In her interview she had been exhausted, fed up with rejection after rejection and when she was asked the typical “Why do you want to work here?” she had been a little too honest. She told the interviewer she had worked as a prostitute since she was sixteen and knew what it was like to be at rock bottom so if she could just serve drinks to the customers here, she’d be thankful because at least she wouldn’t feel disgusted with herself. 
Somehow, it had landed her the job. For the first couple of months she served drinks behind the bar but she got to know everyone who worked at the club well. It wasn’t until one of the dancers told her that they were in complete control she began to think about what it’d be like to be one of them. She had been exploited for years and some may say this job was no different. But Thea saw it a different way - she was safe here, she knew that. And if these random men wanted to give her hundreds of dollars just for showing her body and dancing in skimpy outfits, then she’d argue they were really the ones being exploited. Not her. 
That was how she got to where she was now. Five years had passed since she arrived in Somerton and she was settled. She had an apartment right on the coast, a roommate that she liked hanging out with and a job where she was in complete control. No one pulled the strings behind the scenes, no one was controlling her or took a cut of her money. She was safe, she was happy and Thea could only look forwards. 
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ravi-thakur · 3 years
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Hi everyone! I’m Mac and this is my bb Ravi. He is a new muse for me so it may take me a moment to get into his head a bit more. Under the cut I will put in some details and bullet points and then a link to his bio for more information. I am so excited to be here and plot with everyone!
Ravi Thakur Born in London, England 35 years old
He moved to Somerton when he was 12 and went to high school here. 
He dated Felicity in high school and she was his first love but they broke up when they both went off to college.
He went to NYU and got a degree in English and went back for his teaching credential
He is half-way to finishing his first book in his quest to become a published author.
He is a single father to a 5 month old baby girl named Ishani, which means Close to God.
He moved back a week ago from NYC to be closer to his family to help him with his daughter.
Death tw, car accident tw: His wife died 5 months ago because of a drunk driver and Ravi is recovering from a broken leg. They had been going to the hospital to have Ishani. 
He loves books and reads a ton.
He is quiet and mostly keeps to himself.
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arianna-liu · 4 years
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“Intros? Intros… Hi, I’m Arianna Liu. Yes, the Lawyer is my father but we’re not really talking right now. I’ve got a 12 year old daughter who’s hormones are all over the place. I don’t remember being like that when I was her age, but then again that feels like a lifetime ago. Her name’s Emmy, by the way. She used to be a little sweetheart but now we’re butting heads like crazy. Teenaged girls, right?
Okay, okay. This is supposed be an introduction of me. Well, I have very few friends, my coworkers all seem to hate me because they think I slept my way up to becoming head nurse. As if 6 years in the field does nothing, right? As if ensuring that everything is in its place and we’re all up to code and we’re doing our jobs… mean nothing, right? It doesn’t bother me, though. I don’t really care what people think as long as they’re doing their job right – so there’s that. Do your damn job well and you’ll earn some ounce of respect from me. And… well, yes. I’m tired talking about myself now. Bye.”
↳ Full Bio Here 
↳ Connections Here 
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