#sorry i took so long lovely!! i loved this idea tho eeee :P
glazelilyy · 3 years
So imagine, so, ik u simping for Scara so I'll make this about him
But to the point. Scara's lover has no vision, just nothin at all. None.
However one day, Scaramouche and S/O go for a little walk on some field, they're having a fun time, Scara is being Scara but suddenly a strong enemy appears. And I mean s t r o n g. Scara somehow gets his shit kicked in severly and is loosing. The enemy prepares for a killing strike, but S/O can't let that happen so they rush to Scara, shilding him from a blow that never comes
They both look up and there's this giant wall made from roots, they can hear the enemy screaming from the otherside but the screams die down with the enemy. Basically S/O's willingness to die for Scara, their want to protect him, got the dentro Archon's attention thus they granted S/O a vision, and said vision was severly powered up in the heat of the moment
lusus my dearest i was genuinely going to write a quick drabble for this but my energy fizzled off into the winds and i completely forgot LOL
but AAAAA i have a feeling scaramouche is attracted to strong willed people who don't waver in their decisions so the reader's decision to shield him would shake his heart like maracas owa owa :P
AND??? the potential angst/comfort??? him seeing his s/o nearly die before his eyes if not for the protection of one of the archons??? MY HEART HE WOULD BE SO WORRIED <3 but in a passive aggressive way bc its scaramouche and he's emotionally constipated/hj LOL (immediately hugs and squeezes the life out of you as soon as the monster is no longer a threat)
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glazelilyy · 3 years
Olympic Anon!
Also, whilst I am tempted to change to Angst Anon, Olympic Anon just has that nostalgia attached to it, you know?
Besides that, I promised Headcanons (read: World Building, I became obsessed. help) and I shall deliver. Sorry for taking so long!!!
I actually had to redraft this ask multiple times because it got too rambly so please ask me to clarify if I leave something out!
So first up: Diluc, though it takes a bit for everything to peak like this, becomes a shut-in. Which seems odd because the Diluc we know probably wouldn’t do that because, spoilers for his story by the way, goes on a trip after Crepus died.
But that quickly explains itself because he went on that trip to figure out what caused his fathers death. He was still operating on the ‘justice or whatever’ belief his father had, so he couldn’t waste time being sad, right?
BUT! He accidentally killed Kaeya! So it's hypocritical of him to be all Justice after killing an innocent.
He’d probably be so messed up after this thing because… murder. And so with the knowledge that he failed horribly in trying to protect the people, he’s just gonna disappear. For a few years.
And that also leads into a separate idea, what everyone thought caused the Ragnavirs to just blip out of existence. Crepus? Passed away. Kaeya? Also dead. And Diluc pulling away from the outside world probably didn’t help the rumors about someone that was out to get the family. So everyone kinda just assumes the worst and after a bit, and keeps it moving. This is a surprise tool that will assist us later, in phase 2.
So anyway Aether comes along, briefly sees Venti, and after briefly forgetting that he need to head to Mondstat, climbs up the nearest mountain, which is important because this allows him to see the Dawn Winery in the distance, and delays- or possibly even cancels- the meeting with Amber.
I’m leaning on cancelling it so I can avoid the Knights as much as possible, haha… who knew killing off a character could have ✨consequences✨
Anyway, Aether gets into town, learns a bit about everything, etc… After determining that he’ll need to dig a bit deeper into Mondstat later to figure out the next steps, he finally decides to explore a bit, remembering about the Dawn Winery.
Takes a bit to get there, but does standard ‘Ooo new area’ things: Exploring the area, learning new things… then he talks to one of the maids there. Finds a bit about Diluc, and how none of the maids have seen him in a few years- specifically, after Kaeya’s funeral. Said maid realizes they said too much, and peace’s out.
Even more curious about what they meant, he looks around a bit, and I think I’ve already rambled enough, so the short version is: He finds Diluc’s room, finds it’s not locked, and peeks his head in, Diluc is asleep (Aether assumes) so Aether leaves.
Anyways, a bit more exploring and finding Mora in a few chests, Aether goes back to Mondstat to notice a Glider on sale (Totally not conveniently placed or anything ahaha). With a quick explanation from Paimon about what it is, he buys it with the found money.
And, conveniently, Stormterror decides to tear it up. So anyways-
I have a lot more, but I feel really bad for taking nineteen days to give this to you aaaaaaaaa
Buuuut, do feel free to ask for the other parts because I have this split in three phases. I actually have a meme that quickly explains phase 3 If you want it because I know I will take three years to get back to you on it shdhhkshs
hey olympic nonnie! sorry i took forever to answer your ask (motivation go brrrr) but i'm here now and i've read this a lot of times!!)
(DISCLAIMER: these are just my opinions and you are totally allowed to disagree!)
recluse diluc actually makes a lot of sense if he were to accidentally kill kaeya (oh god i hope that NEVER canonly happens :<) people deal with grief in many different ways, healthy or not, but from what we've observed with diluc he's quick to go and seek answers for everything himself. but in the story you described, the answer to his grief isn't on some adventure hunting down fatui, it's in kaeya's invisible blood that he can't wash off of his hands no matter what (like lady macbeth :P)
so with that, the idea of him becoming a recluse in this timeline makes perfect sense given that he'd be stuck in a single moment reliving it forever and ever and letting the guilt eat away at him. if there's one thing we know about pryo users, its that they express their emotions vividly and openly. diluc doesn't exactly express his emotions outwardly like say benny or yoimiya but his emotions seem to manifest in the form of inner thoughts (and given that he accidentally killed kaeya, he might have intrusive thoughts about the matter)
don't apologize (i mean hey i took even longer to answer :'>), i liked reading about this!! (even if it broke my heart eeee :'>) if you want i'd love to hear the rest!! (totally up to you tho, no pressure!)
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