#sorry in advance if i just jinked it
pocketscribbs · 1 year
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ESL: emotional support lemur
seriously though, why is tangle the only idw character who’s mentally/emotionally stable?
- whisper has trauma/ptsd
- jewel and belle are nervous wreaks
- surge and kit were brainwashed, traumatized, and are volatile af
- lanolin’s def going through something too
- and then tangle’s just this happy, trauma-free gal having the time of her life
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Chapter 2 - STJ
The Red Door was Klingon-Bolian fusion and Kathryn enjoyed the monthly new and sometimes rather strange concotions, it made her think of Neelix and how she would never know in the early days whether a dish was a starter or dessert. "Mom, are you listening? You really should try my new face cream, it's so much better than the one in your bathroom" Charlotte exclaimed "are you back in the delta quadrant or what?". Kathryn smiled, she so loved being able to spend a leisurely meal with her offspring, her youngest child Cillian had managed to tear himself away from his girlfriend and it struck Kathryn just how quickly he had grown into a handsome young man. "So anyway," Charlotte continued "try it before I leave and I'll get you another bottle next time I... oh HEY" she shouted at the dark haired man at the door "OVER HERE". Chakotay with Amal following him made their way to the table "sorry we're late" Chakotay and kissed his wife on the cheek "I trust you didn't order me leola root as punishment?"
That evening the wine flowed and Kathryn felt her heart just about ready to burst with joy as her children entertained her with stories of Academy high jinks, questionnable ferengi run bars that were apparently the latest fashion and plans for the future. As she paid the bill she signalled Chakotay to go ahead with Charlotte, Niamh and Cillian whilst she had a moment alone with Amal. Her eldest son, who was always somewhat of a mystery to her. He was the talk of many of the professors at the Academy, brilliant but unsettled, he would do things his own way and had trouble conforming to Starfleet rules. He reminded her of his Uncle Tom and she spent many a restless night wondering how to avoid him being crushed by the legacy of the Janeway name, she felt a pang of empathy for Admiral Paris, a man she always felt was overbearing towards his only son, but maybe that was his way of coping with the expectation of the other Admirals to produce a perfect officer from his progeny. "Amal, i hear from your professors that you are headstrong and defiant, yet you've also been selected for an advanced internship about which no details seem forthcoming. Do you want to tell me what's going on?" Amal gazed out of the window " Mom, sometimes things being beyond your remit is what draws me to them ok?" He shrugged and looked away as he felt her blue eyes piercing his soul, time and age had not dimmed her spirit or her tenacity and she sat in silence allowing the unsaid to hang between them.
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pack-the-pack · 5 years
Any thoughts on the aftermath of mating bites? I have a headcanon that taking care of the other's bite until its healed is a huge part of strengthening a pair's mating bond. Do you think Alphas would take pride in changing the Omegas bandages every day? Or feel guilty for for causing them pain? Would Omegas fret over using the best salves and anti-inflammatory medicine?
Honestly I adore this idea. But as in most of the asks I answer my response is not just “yes, pretty much” or “No” lol Yeeea, sorry about that guys… I do think that overall the biting and the care for it is an intimacy majority of couples take pride on, but I also think the process and importance itself might change depending on personal preference of the couple, culture, time period and social and economic status. Yes We are going there again, fasten your seat belts kids, cause it’s time for a History lesson, Pack style!!!
Warning: Mentions of death, abortions, mental illness, sexual stuff and all sorts of ancient hi jinks in an incredibly lengthy post (cut possibly unavailable on mobile cause tumblr is garbage).
Disclaimer: A lot of what I’m basing these fictional concepts in is very eurocentric because that’s what I know best, I am not a historian, I am not an archaeologist or a biologist, I have no degree on no nothing let alone an specialisation on anything relevant enough to be used as educated sources for what I’m about to write. This is just for fun okay, guys? So no need to rub your years of hard work and experience on my face or be like “well actually-!”, cause it will be like just, cool to know? But very unlikely taken into account past that, so just, relax m’kay? Thanks…… Also a lot of my knowledge on these things just comes from the “History of the entire world I guess” video so yeaaa.
So first and foremost, the types of things one would use to treat mating bites. Again, I think there are variants regarding time period and culture, but I think every culture would end up coming up with rather similar things, or overlapping methods of treating such scarring, and I made a little drawing for it :3 Nothing, great, nothing awesome, but because this ask inspired me to draw something. 
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(Kind of messy, my pottery is kind of crooked and I totally intended for the background to be grey and didn’t just  fuck up cleaning up on the wrong layers and had to pretend that was the original plan, you’re imagining, but it’s from the heart c’mon).
Before people had this fancy thing called modern medicine, they had to rely solely on instinct, anecdotes and superstition to make their medication, and of course, bite treatment wasn’t any different. 
Whenever an Alpha would bite an Omega or a Beta or vice verse, the glands around the bite area would get irritated, itchy and achy. The most ancient method of soothing these aches was mud, just plain out wet dirt, applied to the area and left there to dry and reapplied only when the entirety of the first batch cracked and fell off naturally during daily activities. It was the hottest trend amongst packs 50.000 b.c. - Though there is also evidence of animal fat being used for the same purpose as well as snow. 
With the end of the Paleolithic period and the invention of agriculture things started to get more advanced, now people have bowls, and lots of seeds… and grains! Grains and seeds that they can squeeze really hard and it makes residue come out of them. This is when various types of oils started to pop all around along with various simple mixtures of flour and water. Many clay statues and other rudimentary paintings from these periods show a variety of deities and rituals that existed around the manufacturing of these products and there are indications that the importance of treating bite wounds only then started to become somewhat of a significant part of mated couples’ lives. It was believed that these smaller human settlements created by the first sedentary packs, aka warrens, didn’t make distinction between the Eleusinian¹ and Asterian² dynamics when it came to mating bites and the treatments of such. Omegas would bite and care for the marks they inflicted on Alphas just as much as Alphas and Betas to one another or other Omegas. It was only when these warrens started to grow into full blown villages and subsequently distinctive cities that these differences started to develop. 
Once these villages and cities started to gain shape and power, social hierarchy took on a new dimension beyond sole survival. Alphas no longer concerned themselves solely with the survival of their own small pack and hunting food to provide for their mates and children, Betas no longer concerned themselves with just assisting Alphas and Omegas in their daily activities as well as primarily caring for crops and animals, and Omegas no longer only cared to make sure their children and pack were in good health and cared for. Farming and the domestication of animals allowed everyone to have more time for architecture, writing, laws, politics, dancing, music, religion and most important of all: Figuring out how to divide people in a way that totally doesn’t benefit everyone equally, as one do. So now you got social classes and cultural diversity, and these come with different ways of treating mating bites. So around the period of the Bronze age to when the Greeks were like really important (specially cause a lot of the terminology and ideas about the dynamics carried nowadays comes from them and the Romans in western society) methods and materials started to shift a bit, but not drastically. Herbs like mint and parsley, flowers like lavender and aconite, roots like ginger and marsh mallow, and oils like that from olives, frankincense or sesame seeds as well as animal derived products such as wax from bees or blood and fat from animals and sometimes even metals like iron started to pop up all around from east to west as cures for all sorts of ailments and diseases. Brought through the sea or through land by merchants (rhizotomiki) who crossed nations and continents, carrying with them they brought all sorts of new superstitions and beliefs about mating bites. Flowers said to be born from rivers or lakes of eternal youth, roots and spices made of fire itself, honey directly from the mouth of deities or roots that’d kill any spiritual disease started gaining popularity quickly with pretty much everyone seen as a lot of these were said to provide for good fortune and happy and prosperous marriages if incorporated on biting rituals. Oracles and religious leaders would advise their followers and rulers to consume certain things before mating and to care for their bites and their partners with extra amounts of care because all of a sudden they started to become super important. Deaths, famine, bad luck, abortions and mental illnesses started to be blamed on the lack of care or the improper care of mating bites, said to either cause the body to perish in account of some malignant aspect of a specific plant or to have angered the gods in some manner. 
The high mortality that could come with infected mating bites became more and more apparent the more society advanced, but they didn’t know it was because of the infection itself yet, so surviving these was not only a sign of strength or luck, but a sign of status, power, money and higher spirituality. Emperors, Empresses, feudal lords in the orient, etc. All took pride in having enough money to buy rare ingredients from merchants from far away lands as well as hundreds of slaves and servants to care for their gardens, plantations and animals which provided them with an immense diversity of always available plants, herbs and roots that gained favour in aiding with biting marks. To be the chosen mate of one of these people would grant one with a similar status and privileges, such as not dying and having better flavoured bread or something. 
This also meant that they didn’t really want other people but them using these miracle medicines, because they thought that for the common people to use “divinely provided” forms of care would inevitably result in corruption of said methods and subsequently the fall of society. So now you had:
The rulers of nations and cities/nobles: Using and manufacturing refined powders from roots, grains and metals from far away nations in order to bind and cure mating bites. Rare Oils from plant eradicated anywhere but the palaces and gardens belonging to the highest circles, bandages made from the finest silks and sown and painted with all sorts of religious meanings. Concoctions that took hours, months or even years to be finished for a single claiming treatment, with recipes and processes kept secret and many times lost forever with trusted doctors/shamans that’d tend to royalty only. 
Generals, Priestesses, Shamans, Politicians: Using plants and roots that were common, but difficult to come by, expensive, difficult to use or “required” a specific ritual that’d grant them some sort of untapped potential from these plants otherwise, providing them “enlightenment”, “strength”, “wisdom” and “spiritual clearance” in order to win all things from wars, to new knowledge and insight on the gods’ wants and needs to political feuds. Alcohol and other fermented blends such and wine and grape must with marsh mallow, made to clean and close wounds as well as soothing burns were prioritized here. The immediate pain was considered cleansing and efficiency. Mandrakes were rather popular as well, but for treating “deep spiritual diseases”, such as when ones mate falls ills some hours or a day after the bite is consummated, or to ensure healthy and strong offspring coming from the union since it was considered to aid on sexual prowess. However given its “immense” power and magical properties it was rarely ever given or prescribed to the masses without the supervision or blessing of a highly spiritual attuned authority. 
Lords and wealthy merchants: Using, manufacturing and selling all sorts of blends, mostly creams and perfumes said to help with pain and itching. These would change depending on the city and the deities they worshiped and superstitions they carried as well as the plants naturally available in the lands (the ones that haven’t been eradicated or hogged by other classes of people). These were the ones usually gifted by acquaintances, and friends of the newly mated couple as offerings of good fortune, prosperity and fertility. These varied hugely in ingredients and price as well. Though there were other ingredients and recipes guarded with an amount of secrecy by these as well, gifted and used just by the family to other members of the same, these tended to be tended to and made with a higher degree of care, utilizing plants one would have at their disposal in their own home.
Common soldiers, artisans and lesser merchants, sailors and farmers: The people that didn’t really have much money, time or social status to dedicate to bite wounds would resort to simpler and cheaper methods of soothing their pains. Simply dousing the wounds with olive or fish oil was a common practice, as well as using salt water to wash the area. Clay of various kinds as well as coal and ground up seashells were popular on various cities as ingredients for lotions and creams and many times were offered to the gods as well as a form of prayer for good health and happy mateship. Lamb and goat fat was also very popular with the poor for its healing and relaxing properties, people would collect an array of herbs and flowers that’d fancy their partner or the both of them to incorporate into it, in order to symbolise their union as one as well as to mask the strong foul smell from the fat.  
Slaves: Slaves were usually prohibited to mate by their masters, but the ones that happened to mate someone or being mated would be punished with not being able to treat their wounds. It was seen as a disgrace and distasteful to not treat ones bite wounds, and people thought only fitting that slaves who step out of line would have their favour taken from them entirely on the eyes of their gods or polite society. As a result slaves had to resort to only using water and cool mud, many succumbing to the infections and fevers that were attributed by most as a corruption of the spirit and not worthy of pity. 
So as you can see, there was a divide in how they treated their wounds based on many things, and while some of these methods and rituals sometimes overlapped between classes the distinction was stark enough that you could clearly tell what type belonged to whom. It was around that time as well that the Eleusinian and Asterian dynamics started to get divided more and more as time passed. Omegas were treated as borderline property and in many places like Athens were not granted the right to mark their mate back, with exceptions occurring just in certain occasions (such as the soon departure to a losing war on the mate’s part, or to save the mate’s life though a spiritual treatment), Beta females and poor Omega females being forbidden to use certain plants and to take part in certain rituals by law claimed to be belonging solely to Omega females of higher social status, Omega males being prohibited of using any sort of soothing agents if not prohibited of being bitten altogether. Alphas having or not marks as a form of weakness or a show of strength varied ridiculously from city to city and from nation to nation (So much so that to this day there is not full agreement on that in society). And a whole lot of other rules and random crap just around mating bites alone. 
With the invention of modern medicine, these things started to change obviously, people had a better grasp of what helped and what just made things worse, creams, pills, oils,,and ointments started being patented and people would gradually only look to more naturalistic methods of treating claim bites as an element of a different all-natural life style or a belief (misguided or not) that natural = better. With all that said one thing has remained true: Yes, caring for ones wounds is something that is and was believed to strengthen and solidify ones bond with their mate. People always tended to care a great deal for it, doing everything in their power to provide for their mates in the best way they knew how, if it were through giving them private care by more servants then they can count, with the best ingredients in the world at the moment, or simply by choosing smells and things that they’d like in order to show how much they care, they took and still take great pride in caring for that very fragile wound in their necks. As whether or not this is more an Alpha thing or a Omega thing, or if Alphas hate or take pride in causing pain to their partners, that varies in belief, culture and time period. I particularly think that overall it’d be a mixture of both. They don’t want to cause excessive pain to their partner but they also want their bonds to be solidified forever. The Eleusinian dynamics were always the ones more intimately connected with the production and rituals surrounding bite soothers so to me it makes sense they prioritize its quality more than Asterian dynamics, but that also is a highly individual thing. 
Overall I hope this wasn’t a complete departure from what you asked >.> But I really wanted to explore this a bit more and your ask gave me the opportunity to. Remembering this is all just my interpretation and applies to my verse (PTPverse) which is completely open for creative use in fanfictions, RP sessions and others, so if you don’t agree with what I said here that’s 100% fine, to each their own, I just hope this somehow was able to help anyone ;) any lingering questions try checking out my other history posts such as the Ancient Greece Headcanons one or make another ask on my inbox for clarity. Peace. 
¹ - Eleusinian dynamics: Referring to Omegas (of either gender) and Beta females.
² - Asterian dynamics: Referring to Alphas (of either gender) and Beta males.
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Sorry (Onew)
Genre: fluff, restaurant high jinks (lol)
Word Count: 954
Note: This ties in with my other SHINee drabbles, most notably Anniversary (Minho). So maybe check that out after you read this :)
You had fallen out of the habit of dating, electing to instead focus on advancing your career. Once you earned that long-awaited promotion— just another thing marked off your list of goals— you wondered what harm could be in just one date. 
So you casually asked your most trusted friends if they knew anybody worth meeting. And almost immediately, over a cup of coffee in a local cafe, your friend gushed, “I know the perfect person.” Then, perhaps sensing your anxiety, she hummed comfortingly, “Don’t worry— it’s one of Minho’s friends!”
“Oh no!” You groaned somewhat jokingly at the mention of her boyfriend, who you had known for far too long. “Now I’m really worried!”
She swatted at you playfully, unable to restrain her giggle. “Yeah, I admit Minho can be a piece of work sometimes.” When you eyed her challengingly, she admitted with a sigh, “Okay, he’s a handful most of the time. But Jinki isn’t like that. He’s really, really nice.”
“A double really?” You inquired. Your friend always called someone ‘really, really nice’ when she was concealing some kind of flaw. 
“Yeah,” she said confidently. But as she scrolled through her phone for a picture of him, she admitted, “I mean, he’s a little accident prone. . .” She trailed off as she held her phone out to you. 
Of all flaws, being clumsy wasn’t the worst. So as you accepted the phone, you defended the man you hadn’t even met yet. “He can’t be that bad.” And as you looked through the pictures, you acknowledged, “He’s cute—”
“And nice,” your friend reminded once more. You returned her phone, and she said, “Look, Y/N, nice people are hard to find. Anyway, I’ll tell Minho to give Jinki your number, alright?”
“Sure,” you consented with a shrug. “What’s the worst that could happen?”
You spent the next week texting Jinki at every opportunity. What started as a bored venture into dating somehow evolved into a heart fluttering adventure. It was as if you were holding your breath between every interaction, so when Jinki asked to take you on an official date, you may have reacted with an overly enthusiastic yes, contrary to the popular tactic of playing hard to get. 
He met you at your apartment with a broad smile and offered his arm as he escorted you toward the setting sun. “I’ve heard so many things about this place,” he said when you asked where you were going.
“I’m sure it will be lovely,” you assured. But you hadn’t expected to be led to a five star restaurant. 
And when you glanced at Jinki’s wide eyed, slack jawed expression, you reasoned that he must have been surprised too. He only reluctantly approached the hostess’ podium when you nudged him forward, and you could have sworn that when asked for a name, Jinki whispered, “Choi Minho.”
But you were too overwhelmed to question what you heard. You and Jinki both, although well dressed, clearly did not meet the standard of this restaurant. You knew it— but so did everyone else, staff and fellow patrons alike, judging by their unbroken stares as you followed the hostess to the table.
Thankfully, this didn’t distract Jinki from acting like a perfect gentleman. So as you slipped into a conversation, you easily forgot about the critical stares of strangers. Until the first incident, that is. 
Apparently the waister tipped over Jinki’s foot, and he unceremoniously toppled over, spilling drinks all over the table and your white blouse. The ensuing chaos turned heads, of course, but you only cared about Jinki’s thousand apologies. 
“Hey— It’s okay.” You laughed as you assessed the damage to your shirt; thankfully, you had worn an undershirt. “It’s just water.”
But that didn’t prevent him from racing over to your side of the table to offer his jacket to conceal your stained shirt. On his way, he stepped clumsily over the waiter, who had crouched onto the floor to pick up the cups. The waiter glared at Jinki as if his life had been threatened, and you had to stifle your laughter. 
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” Jinki repeated as he draped the jacket around your shoulders.
“My apologies.” The waiter stood and spoke through gritted teeth. “Let me sit you at a different table.” And once you finished the walk of shame to a corner where, you’re sure the waiter hoped, you would attract less glares, he promised to return with new drinks. 
You tried to interest Jinki in a new conversation, but the blush seemed to have permanently settled on his cheeks. 
As you finished your meal, Jinki repeated, “I’m sorry I turned this into such a disaster.” And before you could argue that you were actually enjoying his company, he continued, “Let me just get the check—” and he raised his hand to call for the waiter.
But in the process, he hit the waiter in the face full force. The loud SMACK once again led stares to your table; the waiter appeared to be holding his breath and Jinki, now a brilliant crimson, couldn’t even will himself to look at the waiter.
And you knew you shouldn’t laugh. The cutting silence that overcame the entire restaurant made that evident, but you couldn’t help it. Suddenly, you were overcome by a laughter that seized your entire body. Before you could hide your face against the table cloth, you were sure you saw Jinki smile shyly at your reaction. 
“Please,” the waiter begged as he pressed the bill on the table, “never come back, Mr. Choi.”
And the realization that Jinki had stolen Minho’s reservation made you laugh even harder, but you would be sure to apologize to your friend later.
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sinewho · 7 years
No.6 major fic rec list
Hello people:D
It seems 2 (two) human beings might be interested in a recommendation fic list. SO HERE IT IS   Things to have in mind:   .It was supposed to be short but I ended up mentioning 97 fics, sorry   .I used 10 categories (highschool, college, modern setting, Kingdom / Fantasy Au / Magic, Miscellaneous Aus, Post-series, canon, reunion, Life Swap and Gender Bend) . Links in bold are fics that are definitely a must. You MUST read them because of how good they are, I tried to highlight 2 or 3 in each category and rating, so you can go to those first   .The rating of the fic is next to the name for easy choosing. Plus some small commentary I added on my favs. .Have in mind that some of this are not finished and a pretty large amount might be abandoned, but read them anyway because they are still great   .There’s a little list at the end with my favorite authors, I would recommend everyone to read ALL of their work, but some of those works might be in other categories. . Feel free to reblog with your own contributions!! I definitely need more awesome fics to read :3
Keep reading for the long-ass list
High School:
Reminiscing on the Past, Looking Forward to the Future (Not Rated)
Shion was digging through a box when he found a small teddy bear and note that Nezumi had given him, many years ago. He reminisces on the past, and decides to finally let Nezumi know how he felt. 
My Gypsy Boyfriend (Not rated) This is MY FAVORITE hs au, go for it, no regrets guaranteed
Shion is drawn to the new kid. Nezumi is both beautiful and intriguing. He's also a gypsy, and a loner that most people avoid...But Shion isn't most people. He’s a persistent airhead who won’t take no for an answer. 
locker notes (Not Rated)
Shion and Nezumi are in their last year of high school with unspoken crushes that only come to light when Nezumi slips a note in Shion's locker. 
shall i compare thee to a high school play? (Not Rated)
Shion is Romeo, and Nezumi is Juliet, and maybe it's just a high school play, but Shion means every single one of his lines to his best friend and only hopes he can keep his true feelings disguised as an act. 
that one where nezumi's an idiot and shion has a cute laugh (G)
“Literally all I wanted was some fucking Doritos.”
Love All, Trust A Few, Do Wrong To None (T)
Shion is the perfect student. He is currently attending a prestigious academy and leads a comfortable, quiet, ordinary life with his mother and best friend in Lost Town. However, a mysterious and dangerous transfer student lurks on the horizon, and little does Shion know his life is about to be turned upside down.
Re: 2 a.m (T)
To: Nezumi
Sub: Sorry in advance
Sent at 1:44 A.M.
Are you awake?
Eyes only for you (T)
This is a world where people are born with two different colored eyes, one is their natural eye color and the other is their soul mate’s natural eye color. When a person makes eye contact with their soul mate, each person's eyes lose their soul mate’s color and become a pair of their own natural color.
Melodic Minor (M)
Rock Band AU set in 1997
School Bells (M)
In an AU Nezumi is a third year who goes to a rich boys school where he aimlessly waits for when he can leave. When he meets a mysterious boy with red eyes named Shion he thinks, maybe, he has something to look forward to everyday.
Meet Me At The Stage Door (M)
Theatre geek Nezumi doesn't think he'll enjoy watching ballet. Boy, is he wrong.
The Rat and Red Eyed Boy (M)
Shion didn't expect for this year to be any different from his others. He had always been the 'weird' kid and got teased for the red mark that traveled along his body. Little did he know his life would change after meeting a certain boy. Nezushi high school AU where Shion's scars are also sensitive to touch.
College / Roomates
drunk and smitten (Not Rated)
Really just a drabble - Shion breaks into Nezumi's apartment in the middle of the night, completely drunk and thinking it's his own home that he's let himself into. 
no more nor less (G)
Nezumi has decided to confess his feelings to Shion after Safu suggests he should. He meets Shion in the library to study Shakespeare, and...?
In Which Shion Is Found To Be Gay (G) soooo cute omg
Exactly what it says on the tin.
I Might Just Love You!  (T)
Nezumi was the first to bear witness to his roommate's dilemma. He knew this was going to be an issue-Not everyone was capable of knowing a beautiful sight once they've seen one, and Shion surely was a beautiful sight, but nonetheless. No one ever said dealing with an infectious disease as a college freshman was going to be easy. Luckily, Nezumi's there every step of the way.
Roommates Before Lovers (T)
Shion needs a place to stay while attending university, and who better to room with than Nezumi, the kid he remembers from that bus ride all those years ago? But things in their apartment don't go as smoothly as expected, because both are hiding secrets about their past from each other, causing things in the present to get...complicated.
The best laid plans (T) ok listen, this fic is great ITS SO GREAT
In which Shion doesn’t know how to meet people, and Nezumi is a Shakespeare snob. Also road trips. 
A college Journey (T)
Nezumi and Shion are randomly assigned to be roommates in their first year of college. Their first meeting goes pretty roughly, but romance soon develops between them. But will it be able to last through the tough times ahead of them?
College Clusterfuck (M) 
Shion's a stoner. Nezumi's a drunk. Inukashi understandably kind hates them both. (High)jinks ensue. College AU.
More than Enough (M)
The lives of Nezumi, Shion, and their friends in college. Or, just another NezuShi College AU with too much fluff.
Corruption (M)
"You're going to be fun...to corrupt." Nezushi AU. Street musician Nezumi, college student Shion.
Who said college life wasn't fun? This is a ongoing series of at lest 14 works -as of today- rating from G to E and my favorite college au, for real, its great. Please read it. PLEASE READ IT ITS AMAZING 10/10
Just one week had passed since the first lectures and already he had two assignments due for the next week so that meant that there was only one place for Shion to go, the library.
Modern Au / or more things that are not precisely high school or college
You are My World (Not Rated)
Have you ever loved someone with a fierceness you didn't know about until something happened that made you realise just how much it would affect you should that person be taken away from you? Shion was just about to find out what that felt like. 
Smile (G) (13 y/o cute dorks)
Shion won't smile properly with his braces and Nezumi notices. Middle School AU.
Paperback Lover (G)
Nezumi doesn't visit the local bookstore for the cute white-haired boy that works there. He's only here for the books. No, really.
Dance with me (G)
All it takes is a club and a lot of alcohol, and Shion becomes a regular Casanova.
MotherTruckers (T) nezumi is a mean trucker, how great is that?
Living in Alaska is difficult for recent college graduate Shion, especially considering his degree's emphasis in... plants. But when he stumbles into a job as an ice road trucker and finds himself partnered with a grey-eyed man named Nezumi, Shion decides maybe Alaska isn't too bad after all. Nezushi, Trucker AU
Im in love with my Bodyguard (T)
The year is 1947. Nezumi had just gotten fired and is given a job as a bodyguard.But who does he need to protect? and who is this Shion?
Our Day In Summer (T) Super lovely, full of fluff
Shion is stuck in a monotonous job as a simple company employee, and has no real aims in life. One day, he meets Nezumi, a street musician and aspiring artist, and things in his life begin to change.
Codex (T)  (trans!nezumi)
Shion finds a rat in a bookstore.
Any Helpful (T)  (trans shion and trans nezumi)
Safu is asked for assistance by Shion. She ends up helping Nezumi too.
The Visitor (M)
Shion was just about to leave him. Not for good, but at least to teach him a thing or two. The only problem is, he's sure they can reconnect after the accident damages his lover.  
Empty Fantasies (M)
Eve is the best drag queen in Tokyo. When Shion is dragged to his show for Safu's birthday, he finds himself drawn to the man. When they keep running into each other, they can't shake the feeling that they've met a long time ago.  
A time for everything (M)
Shion will never fall in love again. 
All the Pretty Little Animals (E)
"Shion is dragged by his friends to a strip club. There, he meets Nezumi (bonus for drag!)"
Kingdom / Fantasy Au / Magic
the lost prince (Not Rated)
The royal family was massacred 15 years ago, but the kingdom has always held out hope that the lost prince would return. Meanwhile, Nezumi has been acting strange, and Shion isn't sure why his best friend of 14 years keeps giving him these looks that escalate one night to more than just an expression Shion cannot explain.
three wishes (Not Rated)
Shion finds a genie's lamp, and when he rubs it, he's more preoccupied with falling for the cranky genie that comes out than making his allotted three wishes.
Evening Song (G)
A continuation of the centaur AU for all you perverts out there who wonder how Nezumi and Shion are gonna get together even though Nezumi is a centaur and Shion is an elf. Written in the style of a classic fairy-tale by Andrew Lang.
A Centaur Named Mouse (G)
Nezumi is a centaur. Shion is a wood elf. They are dorks. Kissing happens. It's cute. The end.
Yes, your majesty (T)
There once was a king. There once was a prince. There once was a curse.  Now there once was a mouse. Fairytale 
darkness as it turns into light (T) (harry potter crossover)
Safu always says Nezumi appositely asked the Sorting Hat to put him into Slytherin, to better uphold his bad boy looks and his look-at-me-in-the-wrong-way-and-I-will-take-your-eyes-out attitude. Most of the time, Shion can’t but agree.
The Prince and the Rat (T)
 Shion is a prince in a castle, waiting to be rescued, Nezumi is the handsome knight in shining armor, Safu is a sassy tag along friend (like donkey), and Elyurias is an overprotective wasp mother. (The Shrek AU nobody asked for)
cognitive dissonance (M)
A strange night in the rain at twelve years old was the beginning to a future Shion never could have imagined. A future which involved foreign promiscuity, betrayal, dogs, love, loss, and a whole lot of bravery.
Shion can't remember how he died and Nezumi doesn't want him to. Everything seems fine until a plague is mentioned and Shion becomes determined to find out. Will it bring them closer together or part them even more? ... Song fic, but actually it's more of a poem but yeah, hmm character death?
i begin to understand why god died (M) the angel thing is really cool
I was human when my heart was stolen by him, and I was human when I longed to be by his side. This fact won't change, no matter what name I decide to give to these feelings.  --It was sometime around 1,200 A.D. when he met Shion. 
Be Cruel to be King (E) The best kingdom au, 71k words full of fluff and some fights and great things haha
In the kingdom of Seis, King Rikiga rules cruelly. When he takes a former baker as his wife and makes her queen, her son Shion is named as heir to the throne, with one ultimatum; become a good leader before he turns 18 or be banished to"West District" to live forever in poverty and exile. Sadly Shion has no idea how to be cold hearted like Rikiga, but he meets someone who can help.
Miscellaneous AUs
books and mind reading (Not Rated) From all 27 Danielle’s work in my opinion this is the best, full of angst and fluff. Top 5 best fics ever for sure
Shion can read minds, an ability more overwhelming than he was prepared for when he moved from his small hometown to the city for university. In the city, he meets Nezumi, whose mind is much different than anyone's Shion has read before. Shion breaks his own rule by telling Nezumi he can mind read, intending on never seeing the man again - an intention that, of course, does not quite pan out. 
The Dead Horse Shanty (Not Rated) 
"Oh, poor old man, your horse will die, we'll drop him down to the depths of the sea. We'll send him down with a long, long roll, where the sharks will have his body and the devil have his soul." Nezumi, pirate ship cabin boy, is unprepared for the addition of a hostage onto his to-do list. He is even less prepared for the raging storm that will maroon them on an island together.
their wicked minds (T)
Shion is a Senator in the Intergalactic Imperial Senate, and Nezumi is a bioengineered super soldier assigned to be his bodyguard.
The Forest of Tranquility (M) 
Shion, a young ecologist, is allowed to leave No.6’s protective wall for the very first time in his life. During his research the young man rescues a silver-eyed beauty, unaware that this fateful encounter will hold him captive in the core of the Northern forest. “You shall not leave again!”
Courtship Rituals (M) 
Nezumi is a courtesan in the West Block, Shion is a student from Lost Town who conveniently loses his way and gets caught up in Eve's graces. She offers him possibly the most memorable moment of his life, and he's so close to giving in, but Eve is too much for an innocent Shion to handle. But can a relationship blossom between two that are so different?
On the Clock (Not Rated) 
Post-series bakery shenanigans. Warning for general offensiveness on Nezumi's part. 
We Shall Dance Again (G)
A journey forward; a journey back. This was how Nezumi had changed.
Quietly (G)
In which Shion has a surprise for Nezumi and Nezumi plans for the near future.
Communication Breakdown (T)
[Post-series, post-hypothetical future reunion.] Shion has issues maintaining a work/life balance. Nezumi takes issue with these issues.
First Snow's Kiss (T)
After a fight with Shion, Nezumi sets out to make it the Christmas Shion always wanted.
Statistical Outlier (T)
[Post-series] Shion, sex, and statistics. And Nezumi.
Together (T)
Shion isn’t really sure how to act now that Nezumi’s returned. There’s time between them that won’t ever return, but he’s so glad to have him back. Domestic as hell.
Junior is curious (M) Funny and cute and sexy, this one has everything
"Ah, so you've seen them making a baby too?"
Shion's Birthday (M)
Nezumi has planned the perfect evening for Shion's birthday. It will be romantic, thoughtful, sweet, and most importantly, it will end in mind-blowing sex! Of course, even the best laid plans rarely go accordingly.
Good morning, Love (M)
All pretence of sleep was gone from his voice hearing the excuse Shion made to get up this early on a Sunday sounded ridiculous enough to get most of his attention. There was no way that Nezumi and their warm bed was going to be abandoned because of some damn sewer pipes. He was going to make sure of that!
nothing gold (M)
if Nezumi stayed.
Captivate (E)
"He pulled his brows into a frown and twisted in his seat to regard Shion with one slate-colored eye, noting the soothing, benign curve of his pink lips and how it was utterly belied by the stark heat in his eyes." In which Shion Insists and Nezumi is doomed to fail.
Étude (E)
"I'll show you," Nezumi grins. He disentangles his arms so he can cup Shion's head with both hands. "Again."
Still (E)
Nezumi decides to give up a little control.
To The Simple Two (E)
Shion has a proposal. Nezumi has a counter-proposal. Fluff and porn ensue.
Here's Everything I've Always Meant to Say (E)
There's a first time for everything.
In Knots (E)
Shion had never seen Nezumi wear a tie before.
Akame (E)
Stage Fright (E)
Sion lacks appreciation for the finer points of playing dress-up.
About Shion's topping and embarrassed Nezumi (E)
Little humor story from Nezushi daily life. It can be treated like a standalone story or part of my "Not Perfect" universe. It's about idea of Shion getting banned from being on the top by Nezumi.
Chances and Choices (T)
After the fall of No. 6, Nezumi left Shion with the promise of coming back. After ten years, fate decided to let their paths cross once again.
Revolution (T)
Six years have passed after Nezumi's departure. Even though the progress of the Restructural Committee is like an untamed wave of changes and improvements, some people are unsatisfied and more than tired Shion thinks he has failed. Will he ever be able to look in these beautiful grey eyes again? Or will his guilt consume him?
Revolution EX: In a starlit night (M) (tecnically postseries but oh well)
It’s a starlit summer night. A busy one at that, since Nezumi and Shion move into the attic of an old ivy-clad red clinker house, which is completely surrounded by nature. What a perfect place to care for their deep, invisible scars the past had carved into their souls… A sequel to Revolution.
When Constellations Collide (M) (this is actually in evey categroy)
Everything felt easier in the dark, Shion thought. Now he was starting to understand why Nezumi preferred it. 5 + 1 times Nezumi and Shion share a bed.
Summer Days (M)
Four years have passed since Nezumi left Shion behind. Both of them are living a solitary live… Will they find their warmth again? - This is a story about hot summer days in the Western District. Reunion. Home, Sweet Home. And of course lemony boy's love!
The Sun in Jericho (M)
Ten years have passed since Nezumi left No. 6 at his back. He's seen much of the world and even found a place to call home, but his thoughts keep returning to a promise he made when he was too young to be making such heavy promises. So he decides, somewhat on a whim, to keep it. It's only to appease his conscience, of course; this decision has nothing to do with his curious inability to get a certain person out of his mind. Nothing at all.
No Man is an Island (M)
It's been 4 years, 22 days, 5 hours, and 21 minutes since the last time he kissed Nezumi.
Redeemed  (M) 
Their Five Stages (M)
Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Where the five stages of grief become the five stages of reunion for Shion and Nezumi. Rated M for the last chapter. 
Not Perfect (M) I actually had to edit the post to add this one bc I FORGOT wtf is wrong with me I love this fic im officially the worst, however i dont think there's anyone in the fandom that haven't read it. SORRY DEAR AUTHOR 
 The four years passed after Wall fell. Shion is losing fight with his health and loneliness. Will Nezumi's return help him? It’s been said that life is full of ups and downs.
In Memory Lock'd (E)
I Loved Ophelia (E) I love this one, my favorite reunion so far
Some things are found where you least expect them. Shion and Nezumi are challenged to deal with their feelings for each other and live with the scars from their pasts.
And so we meet again… (T)
Incandescence (M)
Shion is drawn to sharp things.
affectionate (G)
Shion can’t be entirely certain on whether or not Nezumi is, or has ever been, affectionate, but he can say with confidence that he has a way to check.
Beside You (T)
Shion gets worried when Nezumi catches a cold, much to the other boy's annoyance.
but let's not talk of love or chains (M) This one is so incredible good, im not even kidding
Nezumi promised Shion they would reunite. He never said when, or how long he would stay. Five years later, he’s still figuring that out himself. Nezumi returns before he’s ready and finds that Shion has grown up without him – but for some reason, Shion still welcomes him back. In which Nezumi is forced to reconcile his conflicting fear and love, the pain in his past and the uncertainty of his future, and decide if freedom is worth the price of belonging nowhere at all.
Surrender (M)
Shion & Nezumi have a fight that leads to a very memorable night. Their emotional connection is so beautiful, I thought their physical one should be too. <3
The Most Beautiful Thing That Ever Was (E)
After everything has happened, we are left wondering what Nezumi and Shion's relationship has become. Nezumi has always teased Shion about being naively moronic, but what if Shion ends up teaching Nezumi a thing or two about the matters of the heart? And what about the way in which he presents his lesson?
Life Swap
In the Shadow of No. 6 (T)
No. 6 is no utopia. After twelve years suffocating under the city's constant surveillance, Nezumi is determined to escape. But just when he manages to crawl out from under No. 6's watchful eye, he finds himself the captive of a West Block terrorist group. 
Beyond the Shadow of No. 6 (T)
Continuation of In the Shadow of No. 6; a glimpse in the days of those left behind, 4 years later.
Fateswap (T)
Nezumi grows up in his village... sort of... while Shion is captured and taken to the Correctional Facility at a young age. How will events play out with the roles reversed? And what will happen to the third option? 
Fateswap Beyond (T)
The post-script to the Fateswap universe you've all been waiting for. Contains light smut.
Gender Bend
Inner Beauty (G)
It starts with a question that's innocent enough: "Can I braid your hair?" 
Small Mercies (T)
Rikiga dotes on Shion. Nezumi does not approve.
Behind Closed Doors (T)
Shion has no fashion sense. Nezumi decides it's time to go shopping.
Domesticity (M)
Shion makes hamburgers and fries, she's pretty tired of soup afterall.
Authors (with a lot of amazing works that Im to lazy to list)
There are some authors that I’ve read and loved but I cant for the life of me remember their name, I will edit this post if I remember 
I hope my long-ass list is helpful :D
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warpswimming · 4 years
Champions of Humanity - Leaders of the Adeptus Astartes part 2
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Part 2 of my look at the Captain units in the Codex Space Marine release. Yes that’s right, more Captain options (hope other factions get this sort of choice in the future) Starting off from the top, and yes its the Gravis Captain.  The new codex introduces two differant Captain in Gravis armour datasheets. I’m not sure why, on the face value of it, there could have been one datasheet with options akin to the Primaris Captain datasheet. Trading the possibility of a 2+ save out of cover for an extra point of toughness and extra wound over their non gravis primaris brothers there guys can be a tough nut to crack. They are a little slower, still sport the aura buff to core units and a 4+ inv with their Iron halo and come in two flavours. First one if the old one from the Dark Imperium boxset of 8th edition. You cant get this guys model anymore from a GW store for the time being. If I’m honest, Marine players have enough new kits coming that frankly we don’t need it right now. He’s sporting his 2dmg power sword, which thanks to the recent update does strike at +1 strength, and his gauntlets which sit at d2 now rather than d3 dmg. Ill always take fixed damage over dice rolled if I can, the higher the fixed number the better. Nothing more annoying than having the older version of this guy smack a Primaris marine for 1dmg. His shooting remains the 12 inch three shot pistol but at -1ap and 1 dmg it just seems lacking. I’ve got one of these guys and I’ve tried using him, but I just haven’t found a spot for him, slow speed and a combat build seem mismatched when his transport options are few.. The model however is nice so I’m still glad I’ve got one.
His new brother the Gravis Captain with Heavy Bolt Rifle on the other hand, I’m expecting to see a lot of with the advent of Heavy Intercessors. he’s every bit as tough as his combat counterpart and still sports his 2dmg sword, but his ranged ability is far more effective. This guy is chucking out a Rapid fire 1 heavy bolter, same range, AP, and dmg, but only one shot at long range. It sounds bad to only have the one shot at long range but don’t forget this guys hitting on 2s. His weapon isn’t Heavy so you can advance this guy up supported by Intercessors which benefit from his aura and hit anything on the smaller boards we’re looking at now. Get charged and his 2dmg sword will hurt. 
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I’ll confess some bias here. I’ve always been a fan of the Ravenwing. The last Dark Angel codex gave you two options for command of the 2nd company, Sammael or a Talonmaster, both speeder based. Thanks to the rolling in of non compliant chapters into the main codex you can now take a Captain on Bike. Straight up, this guy gains the RAVENWING keyword so all the interplay from stratagems in use now and that will come when they get a suppliment will play off this guy.. no Jink, but ok, that’s fine, he’s sporting his Iron Halo. This chap sports a higher toughness than a Primaris Captain, one less attack and the same wounds, making him pretty hardy though less punchy base on his stat line. If you want a little extra durabililty, pop a storm shield on him, 2+ save biker running around anyone? As well as having the bikes twin boltguns you can swap out his pistol and chainsword for some serious punch, Thunder hammer + Storm shield, Master Crafted Bolter and Power Sword, maybe a combi weapon for 3 boltgun shots and a combi attachment. What’s more is at M14 and an auto 6 to advance he’s getting around, just watch out for White Scars, he’ll mess you up.
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That’s your Captains covered 7 in all. All unique in their way with differant loadout options, transports options, keywords and deployment style. I can see myself using all of them, apart from the original gravis, sorry just cant see it anymore with all the other options. Don’t forget though for an investment points/power you can upgrade any of these to a Chapter Master. This gives any of them the ability to give one CORE unit full rerolls to hit (combat and shooting remember), a warlord trait that gives a chance at a CP and a relic that gives them +1 wound and toughness and a 2+ save. (hmmm, maybe a biker, and not having to take a storm shield?) The Chapter Master upgrade also exempts your Captain from the one per detachment rule, because he’s no longer a Captain. The restriction on Captains in your army makes a lot of sense in the lore and its great change to represent the command structure. For a long time you’d see 3 Blood Angels Captains with jump packs, thunder hammer and storm shield, more often known as Smash Captains and despite being a Marine player, in fact because of it, I’m glad its over. Why would 3 Captains be running around together on the battlefield? It didn’t make sense from a lore standpoint outside a narrative scenario such as the defense of Baal
I’ll be back soon with a look at the other arm of the command structure, the Lieutenant.
‘While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace.’
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Hogwarts AU where Parker is not your typical Slytherin whom gets picked on and Gryffindor Nichole comes to the rescue!
A/N: I wrote this while riding in a car for 3 hours and it probably sucks. Sorry in advance for an errors.
Parker is a Slytherin, always has been, and she prides herself in that. She knows she belongs there. However, fellow snakes seem to disagree. The quite girl was always singled out by bullies. Though Parker could, sadly, say that she was used to it, beyond it really but sometimes she felt lower than low and your stomach would curl deep with self-hate. Those days were the worst for her. Those days everything the other Slytherins would say to her, hurt ten fold.
It was a particularly bad day for Parker that day. She hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep the night before, instead choosing to coop herself up in the library to study until lights out, then choosing the calming common room to avoid the others. That morning she has walked into her Charms class, beyond confident that she would ace the test and confidently move throughout the day, however the moment she started her test she panicked and failed. Her potions class ended much worse when she brewed a potion the wrong way and ended up with a mess. None of her classes after that went well. She broke her ceramic piece for Muggle Arts, misplaced her music during Orchestra, and all but had a melt down at quidditch practice. It was the evening now, everyone was gathered in the great hall for dinner. That’s when bad became worse. As soon as she sat down at the Slytherin table there were whispers from the others and angry comments thrown at her. By the time she had decided to leave another Slytherin had jinked her and tied her shoe laces together. Causing her to trip when she was walking away from the table. The entire house erupted in laughter as Parker landed on the ground. She quickly untied her shoes and retied them separately. As she was leaving another Slytherin raised their wand in an attempt to throw another jinx her way, however this time was different. Two tables a Gryffindor stood up and shouted, “Expelliarmus!” The Slytherin’s wand quickly flew across the room and into the Gryffindor’s awaiting grasp. Parker spun toward the Gryffindor girl and made quick eye contact with her before walking again toward the exit. For the next two hours, things were quiet for Parker, just as she liked them. She had been at the Quidditch pitch since dinner, sitting in the middle of the field. About ten minutes later the Gryffindor girl from earlier appeared behind her, clearing her throat and startling Parker. “Mind of I join you?” the girl asks, sitting beside Parker anyway. Parker examined the girl, her Gryffindor robe proudly displaying which house she belonged to. Her hair was almost a complete contrast to Parker’s own, long and brown. The girl wasn’t, per say, skinny, but she wasn’t thick either. Her eyes must have been brown as well but the dark made it too hard to tell. Parker finally pulled her eyes away from the Gryffindor and pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her arms on her knees. “You know, 19 years ago our friendship would have possibly been seen as a major no,” the Gryffindor girl says. Parker stays silent, rather trying to ignore the girl. “Hey Gryffinwhore,” a voice calls out, Parker knows its a Slytherin, specifically a boy named Eric, his friend Kyle probably with him. “Oh look, even Parker is here,” Kyle sneers. “Leave you two, neither of you are supposed to be here anyways,” the Gryffindor snaps, probably already annoyed because of the two Slytherins. “I want my wand back Cox,” Eric growls, walking over to the two. Parker can see the Gryffindor stand up beside her, Parker opting to just stay sitting on the ground. “Then have it,” the Gryffindor says, throwing the wand to the boy, “but next time you or another Slytherin torture Parker like you have been I’ll be going to the headmaster.” Eric snorts and quickly casts a spell, Kyle doing the same. Parker instantly regrets staying seated on the ground when the spell Kyle has casted hits her, her own body being lifted off the ground. “G-gryffindor!” Parker squeals, trying to reach out for the girls cloak before she is too far away, but to no avail, the hood of the cloak slipping just barely from her grasp. Eric and Kyle throw out tantalizing bouts of laughter at Parker. Instantly the Gryffindor girl throws a spell back to Eric, the two beginning their own battle, Kyle too focused on keeping Parker’s body rising in the air. While Kyle was momentarily distracted from Parker she slipped her wand out from within her robe and threw down a jinx at Eric and Kyle. Kyle’s broken concentration sending Parker falling. Instantly Kyle began helping Eric in dueling the Gryffindor. Parker herself had too short a time to save herself from hurting her self and landed on the ground with a thud, the instant pain of a broken wrist shooting up her arm. Parker forced herself up, ignoring the pain that was shooting through her arm. As soon as she was standing Kyle began throwing curses at the girl. Parker knew all too well of his antics and blocked the spells with ease before shooting several back. The last three hitting Kyle, disarm, body bind, and jelly legs. As soon as Kyle was down, Parker stepped up and helped the Gryffindor. The Gryffindor blocked the spells as they came the best they could, but within moments she was overcome by the amount, Parker helping her block. As soon as a free moment came Parker casted the same three spells as before toward Eric, them landing home when Eric casted one last curse in Parker’s direction. Parker was thrown back across the field a few yards. As soon as the duel was over the Gryffindor ran over to Parker, who seemed fine beside the broken wrist. “Are you okay?” The Gryffindor asks, holding a hand out to help Parker up. “Fine, I think his last spell was Imperio however,” Parker says, wincing at the momentary pain she had felt when the curse had hit her. “That’s forbidden,” the Gryffindor states. “I’m much aware of that, though neither of those two follow rules.” Parker slips her wand back into her cloak and proceeds to walk over to where the others were at, mumbling a quick ‘accio’ before dropping their summoned wands upon their chests. The Gryffindor walked the entire way to the infirmary with Parker, insisting that she must make sure that the other Slytherin’s didn’t attack her. By the time they had rea hed the infirmary the roles had switched and Parker was insisting that the Gryffindor stay with her at the infirmary, maybe even cuddle with her. The Gryffindor didn’t deny the offer and offered her name to the Slytherin. “Nichole.” “Parker.” The two talked for the rest of the night in the infirmary, eventually both of them falling asleep in the bed, Nichole holding Parker closely while Parker burrowed her head in Nichole’s chest. The following morning Parker was smiling and was not once bothered by a Slytherin for the rest of her year, the Gryffindor, Nichole, and all of her friends opting to hang out with her. By the time the year had ended Parker had gone from no friends to 5 new friends.
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