#sorry it’s short brejskkshdhd
karmawonders · 3 years
Author Note: You know what they say, can’t find more content? Make it yourself, or, like, something. Idk.
as I write this my blog is still in development, making I’m things neat, sorry sorry on mobile like a fool, forgive me
This is my Genshin Self Aware AU. (SAGAU)
Warnings : Religious Themes. Swears. Injury. Joking about death. Reader generally unhappy with previous world/life. Let me know if I need to add anything.
Post// AU Contents: Totally self indulgent, platonic yanderes/worshippers, you can totally interpret it as romantic tho, it fuels my god complex aight? Shush. The beginning of my story line, basic starting the story shit. Shamelessly self indulgent, let me restate. Bit of a crackhead!reader.
This post is more open ended for head canons down the line.
Opening your eyes, the first thing you notice is how much your back hurts. As if you had crash landed into the ground, and damn, it was painful.
Sitting up, you brushed the dirt off of you, realization quickly setting in as you finished and observed your immediate surroundings.
Where the fuck are you?
Looking around the area you sat, it was a nice, almost grove area. Large trees surrounded you, the one behind you noticeably with broken branches dangling amongst the other still intact branches and leafs. A few of the branches had actually been atop of yourself till you brushed them off.
Working from the context clues, you could only assume the poor tree had graciously offered itself as your whoopee cushion. Scrunching your brows, you thought back to what you remember from before this moment.
Before finding yourself in your green surroundings, you had been tucked away in your bed, sleeping peacefully, that was until you had heard your alarm clock. A great start to a new week, the pain of yet another Monday, within your dull existence. However, instead of slugging out of your comfy and warm paradise to turn off the annoying screeches of said alarm, you found yourself tripping in the covers tangling your legs, falling out of your bed.
And instead of hitting the ground of your bedroom floor, this had happened.
Well, at least you don’t have to make the Monday morning commute.
However brief that relief was, it was quickly replaced with the fact that you had no idea where you were, how you got there, and how you are even alive.
Were you dead, this being some afterlife? You must of tripped, hit your head on the bedside table, and immediately of died from the impact. That, was an embarrassing way to go out.
You admit tho, this was nothing like the afterlife you had often seen depicted. Perhaps this was some purgatory for your sins? Its not like you were the perfect being before. Hell, you had a Tumblr account for Pete’s sake. That enough was solid evidence.
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted by a snapping branch, and you whipped your head around to see shocked eyes meeting yours.
The only thing that your brain could process as you stared at them, equally shocked as you were, was that things were about to get much more interesting.
Lol leaving it open ended for headcanons and such. This could actually serve for the genshin SAGAU master list post, who knows. I’ll try to get actual content out soon lol, in headcanons cuz that’s quick.
This would of been longer except my thumbs hurt. Last time they were this sore I was trying to hatch a shiny in pokemon.
🌸Karma Is Out🌸
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