#sorry my first instinct after reading a book is to imagine pwps that are narratively interesting to me.....
vvienne · 5 months
in some nebulous post canon where no one I like dies I want a fic where like. In an attempt to establish that he’s not as grossly possessive of james as sarcean was of anharion will is like yeah I totally wouldn’t mind if james wanted to fuck someone else... i could be flexible like that. cue disbelieving side eyes but for some bullshit reason this blatant lie is put to the test and the ot4 has to be consummated….. will and violet & will and cyprian have no chemistry to me sexually but every other configuration would maybe work? james and cyprian can have miserable pseudo-incestous last of their kind sex. violet and james can have weird slantways sex where they are both acutely aware of being will's creatures. i think this would be cathartic to them. will can seethe in the corner while desperately trying to hide how worked up and jealous he feels until he figures out some way to get over it and into it
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