#sorry the video quality sucks in parts it is all downloaded from youtube
vasquez-rocks · 4 months
the prophets appeared to me in an orb experience and told me to make a horny fancam of the most swagless man in star trek, non-vedek division
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you live with your parents?  Yup. Will probably continue to do so for a while, but that’s the norm here. We don’t really move out by the time we turn 18.
Are there any embarrassing school pictures of you anywhere in your house? Not necessarily here in the house, but I have embarrassing middle school photos floating around the internet for sure. And maybe from high school, too.
Can you do a backflip, or anything else of that sort? Not at all. I liked to try doing handstands as a child but nearly broke an arm at one point, so I wouldn’t fare well with a backflip.
What moment in your life have you been most scared? A few men have lunged at me while I was simply walking in public at night. I always have this grand vision of me slapping a guy or kicking his balls or spitting on his face if one decides to act stupid or harass-y around me, but... you’re never really prepared for when it actually happens. I’ve frozen up in terror every time, unable to defend myself. 
Do you have any exes you can't stand anymore? I can’t stand how she handled things, but I’m not capable of hating her.
What happened to cause you to feel that way about them? I don’t feel like getting into the details, sorry. Everything still sucks.
Do you ever make your own surveys, or just take them? I take them. The few questions I manage to come up with have usually already been thought of, so I just like subscribing to survey-makers who are able to come up with new and interesting questions.
What would your parents do if you told them you were pregnant right now? They’d be sorely disappointed and I’m expecting to be heavily interrogated as well. Suffice it to say I’d be unwelcome at home in an instant.
Have you ever actually thought you were pregnant? No.
Were you? I’ve never been pregnant.
Are you more of a phone or a computer person? I’m on my phone for entertainment purposes, and my laptop is for work. I’d say I’m able to strike a good balance with both.
Do you like to cook, or do you prefer when other people cook for you? Well I haven’t learned how to cook well yet, so I don’t really have a choice.
How old do you think you'll be when you move out on your own? Mid- to late 20s, I hope.
Do you have a job? If so, where do you work? If not, do you want one? Currently, I’m an intern at a public relations agency but yes, I’m actively looking for full-time gigs too. I love my work though.
Have you ever ripped your pants in public? I don’t think so.
Do movies such as 'Saw' and 'The Grudge' scare you easily? Sure, but not as much as other horror flicks. It’s the psychological, slow burn ones that really get to me, like Midsommar.
Who do you talk to the most on MSN? I don’t have that.
How many best friends do you have? What are their names? I know I have at least one best friend, Angela. I’m too scared to ask if Gab still considers me as one. How sad is that?
What's the craziest thing you've ever been dared to do? I don’t like dares.
Did you do it?
Do you know anybody who has a birthday today? Hmm November 1...I don’t think so. The only birthday coming to mind is my cousin’s, but that’s not until the 3rd.
When is your birthday? How old will you be? April 21. On my next one, I’ll be 23.
Do you change the radio stations repeatedly in the car? If all the stations seem to be have meh playlists going on, then yes I change it around a lot.
Can you drive? Sure.
Have you ever thought someone was talking to you, but it turned out they were on the phone? Did you play it off? I can’t remember any specific instance at the moment but I’m not ruling it out. What I’ve definitely done is to wave at someone who wasn’t even waving at me.
Do you feel bad for homeless people? Yes, unless they got in that position by being an asshole. But I generally don’t come across that type of situation; and for the overwhelming majority of the time I do feel bad and helpless seeing homeless people, especially homeless kids.
What do you consider to be a good grade? 95 and above (for grade/high school) or 1.00/1.25 (for college).
What do you consider to be a bad grade? 85 and below or 2.00 and above.
Have you ever had a teacher who hated you? So many from my old school did. They were grown adults being pissy with a 12 year old; I will never understand that. They got away with it before but times have changed now, and I’m glad it’s for the better.
Can you remember who your grade 5 teacher was? Did you like them? Yeah. She was just fine, but I remember her having a bit of a temper. She’s mostly forgettable though and doesn’t rank in my favorites.
What's your favourite TV show? Breaking Bad.
In your opinion, who is the best looking celebrity out there at the moment? I’m incredibly out of the loop these days, so I’ll just go with my own biases: Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet.
Do you like peanut butter cookies? Sure do. I do think there are better snacks that peanut butter can be incorporated in, but I wouldn’t turn down peanut butter cookies.
Do you know anybody that has severe allergies? Yeah, Angela with alcohol and Kate with eggs, fried chicken, and seafood. We feel particularly bad for Kate; those three things are all awesome :’(
Do you have an iPod? How many songs are on it? At the peak of my usage I probably had around 200-300 songs in it.
Who was the last person you slow danced with? I didn’t really do it with Gab a lot but I know she was the last. Kaye’s debut in 2017 if I remember correctly. There was a segment in her debut where couples were given the chance to slow-dance, but Gab and I decided against it because we were for sure going to get some looks, and we didn’t want to steal Kaye’s thunder. But she was so sweet to encourage us herself to go to the dance floor and have our moment amid all the straight couples that were there.
What was the last song you listened to on repeat? It was probably Why We Ever, as always. The lyrics are my entire thought process, so it’s a source of comfort knowing a song that understands me and my current situation so well.
What's your favourite song at the moment? I don’t have one.
Do you prefer headphones or earbuds? Earbuds. Headphones’ quality is great, but wearing them for too long ends up hurting my ears.
Do you ever ride the city bus? How much does it cost you? I don’t ride our buses. Bus drivers here drive like madmen and don’t maintain their vehicles, meaning there’s no AC, it’s super cramped, and the seats are probably nasty as crap; and while I would be willing to ride the more premium bus services that we also have, I never really had a reason to considering I have a car and driving on my own has always been more convenient.
How do you get to school? I rode a school bus from grade school to high school. I drove myself in college.
Speaking of school, do you like it or hate it? Loved it for the most part.
Are you a social person? I mean I don’t think ‘social’ defines me as a person, but I definitely can be it. I like being around people.
Are you reliable? Yes. I don’t like being unable to meet tasks or deadlines or expectations so I always find a way to get a job done.
What person/people of the opposite sex do you trust the most? Not sure if there’s such a guy at the moment.
What person/people of the same sex do you trust the most? My best friend.
Do you say 'like' a lot? Haha yeah, especially verbally.
What is the last book you read? Did you enjoy it? Midnight Sun. It’s great so far but it’s literally just like reading Twilight (because it is literally Twilight except told in Edward’s POV), which I’ve reread a handful of times, so my progress has been painfully slow. 
Do you buy CDs anymore, or just download the songs? I stream on Spotify then watch the music video on YouTube, if it has one.
What is your favourite beverage to have in the morning? Coffee. Slowly turning into a morning coffee person, y’all.
Do you scream out the answers will watching game shows on TV? If I know the answer, yeah. I just blurt it out though, not scream.
Who in your life do you care about more than yourself? I can think of one such person but apparently that sentiment is no longer reciprocated, and I’m now also thinking if it ever even was reciprocated to begin with.
Would you ever consider adopting a child with a severe mental illness? At this point, no. That entails so much patience, a lot of commitment, a suitable living situation, and honestly in most cases a lot of money as well...it’s important to acknowledge that not everyone will be capable of having those things and it takes a certain kind of love and home for kids like them to be raised in the best way they could possibly be raised.
Do you have a brother or a sister? If so, are you close with them? Yeah. I’m close with my sister but not in a she’s-my-rock kind of way. We just get along super well.
If you are an only child, do you ever wish you had siblings?
When was the last time you were with all of your best friends? February.
Do you ever go into photobooths? Sure.
Do you waste money on unneccesary things? Hahahahahahaha please don’t remind me
Which wild animal would you most like to have as a pet? No thanks. They can stay in the wild, where they can thrive.
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putschki1969 · 7 years
Translation of Kalafina’s appearance on the radio show 「Takeshi Washizaki’s YORU NIGHT×YORU NIGHT」
I thought I’d provide a rough summary [scratch that. This thing turned out longer than expected >_>] for yesterday’s radio appearance. This is dedicated to @sangaella who was kind enough to capture the whole thing. In case you haven’t seen the link she provided, go HERE (inactive)!! The interview can also be downloaded HERE on my google drive + the extra few minutes that were only available for subscribers of the channel (slightly better quality)!!
Disclaimer: Take this with a grain of salt. My Japanese listening comprehension SUCKS. T_T I tried my best though. And I might come back to this post and edit things later when I am not so tired >_<
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Translation starts behind the cut! Enjoy ^_^
They start with their usual introduction and then they are saying it’s been a long time since they have last been on the show. Washizaki-san is sorry that it took so long and he also apologises for the late hour. The girls say it’s all right because he is always super hyper and they are having loads of fun. They also mention that he likes to play on his guitar which is quite entertaining. He asks if Wakana wants to try and Wakana is all like, “yeah, sure, I wanna try”. He adds whether she would sing too, Wakana is up for it. Washizaki goes on to ask if they would sing in an izakaya (= Japanese pub) and Hikaru is all like, “nope, we don’t sing there” *in a monotone voice* Washizaki is thrown back by her cold reply and Keiko explains that Hikaru is now a grown-up, she doesn’t do stuff like that anymore.
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Then Hikaru goes on to bluntly ask Washizaki to sing some of Kalafina’s songs for them but they all end up agreeing that he would probably suck since he can hardly produce a three-vocal harmony . They start talking about their upcoming Live Tour and apparently some of the ticket sale for the Tokyo venue will be conducted by “Cultural Broadcasting = the channel they are on” [or something like that o.O] The girls are like, “YAY, that’s great!!!” Seems like they didn’t expect that, they are quite surprised.
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Washizaki explains the details regarding the Tokyo concerts at Tokyo International Forum and on how to get the tickets. The girls are laughing at how he is saying the number for the ticket application because he is doing it all seriously like he is some sort of voice actor or something. They love his voice though. And YAY, the application period is officially starting for their listeners! Everyone should be calling since it’s first come first serve. Next up they talk about their 「9+ONE」 tour in detail. How it is a “hall” tour and how they will perform in many different areas (read out by Keiko). Washizaki seems quite surprised by the last venue [probably because it would make sense to finish a tour in Tokyo] and asks Keiko to repeat it, it’s the concert hall in Fukuoka. Wakana explains they chose it as their final stop because that’s where she grew up, she wasn’t born there but she spent her childhood and youth there. Washizaki wants to know if that’s their first live in Fukuoka, “it surely isn’t, right?” Wakana replies, “no, it’s not our first time there”. Washizaki then wonders if Wakana’s childhood friends come to see her whenever she performs in her hometown and yup, they all come and cheer her on, every time. They are incredibly happy to see her perform. Keiko is imitating her friends’ reactions by being all like, “ahhhhaahha” and she says it’s great when the audience is this lively. Washizaki mentions the Coming of Age Day celebrations in Fukuoka, apparently they are a bit special there and it’s become quite popular (they are even in the news).I guess the outfits, hair and accessoires are a bit more flashy than usual or something. Washizaki wants to know what Wakana wore for her ceremony. Her ceremony and outfit were completely normal though, nothing out of the ordinary. Keiko is like, “That’s because Waka-chan is so innocent!” However, seems like people told her her hairpiece looked like seaweed. Awwww... Keiko thinks Wakana is too cute.
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Washizaki wants to know if Wakana was a “bad girl” in her student days. Wakana is quite shocked by the assumption, “Do I look like I had a bad image???!!” Washizaki has to admit that, no, she really doesn’t look like it. Wakana is trying her best gangster/yakuza imitation, “horahh, horahh!!” LOL But no, she was a totally normal student that liked to hang out with her friends. And they were all members of the art club. Washizaki asks the other two what kind of students they used to be. Hikaru took her studies very seriously and she was the type to be elected as class representative. But she didn’t stand out at all, she always wanted to be as inconspicuous as possible. As for Keiko, she always stuck to her older sister and she would do everything she did (which was mostly sports). She spent her student days playing soccer and tennis. Washizaki asks if Keiko was a class representative as well and Keiko replies in husky voice, “no, I wasn’t.” Washizaki is like, “oh, such a sexy voice!” Keiko says that at this time of the night her voice tends to become quite husky and she likes to talk in a lower voice to give her throat some rest (because they have been singing a lot). Washizaki keeps saying that it is quite sexy and I guess he starts to flirt a bit with Keiko (who is quite embarrassed).
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Wakana comes to the rescue and cock-blocks him, “Topic change, next topic!!!” => Next up is the meaning of their tour name, 「9+ONE」. They go on to explain that it is because this year is their 9th year and they wanna dedicate this year to work towards their 10th anniversary. They would like to create this tour together with all their fans, they wanna make it special. Washizaki talks about some ideas and how it would be great if they did some roller skating on stage. The girls are totally up for it and wanna try XD Keiko in particular
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Wakana thinks that she might not be able to, she will probably be super shaky. Then she goes on to explain what they mean by creating the tour together with the fans. Seems like they will include a lot of the wishes that fans wrote in their questionnaires (the ones that are always handed out during lives). They will also consider some other input like the wishes that are mentioned on their blog or in the emails they receive on their radio show. They collect everything. Washizaki goes on to say something about a “lounge voice” and Wakana mutters something but meh, no idea what’s that supposed to mean. Next topic is their Arena Live Bluray that was recently released. Hikaru says that they tried a lot of new things for that concert. Washizaki then asks if there is anything they notice when they watch super old recordings of themselves, if there is any change. Keiko jokingly replies, “Our faces were so round!!”
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Washizaki is like, “What? Round faces!!! Kalafina dango-siblings!!”  Keiko, “Yup, we were dumplings!!” Next up is a break where they are playing “blaze”. After their break we return to see Keiko leaning close to Wakana. Wakana is Kalafina’s official heater because she always radiates a lot of warmth and her temperature is always high. [Note that this part is NOT in the youtube video, they probably forgot about it] Another break where some girls read out some emails or something. Then we return to Kalafina and Washizaki playing the guitar.  
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They are having their own little party XD Washizaki then reads out an email by someone who attented Kalafina’s anniversary live at the Shibuya O-EAST and they mention something that Keiko wrote in her recent blog post. About live houses being amazing because you don’t just see the audience, you are literally locking eyes with each and every person. The person then continues to say that they also perform a lot in arenas and halls and whether or not live houses are very different to those venues. And yup, Wakana says that concerts at live houses are much more intimate, it’s almost like their situation right now, sitting in a booth across from each other. In halls on the other hand, their lives have a further reach. Wakana goes on with some weird train station metaphor, I don’t really understand it. The others seem to find it weird as well. Her point is though, that their hall lives can reach more people. Washizaki wants to know if live houses are more fun and Hikaru says that all venues have their perks but at the live house there’s always this awareness of each other. Everyone’s eyes can meet. Another question for them (from another mail). Is there any private challenge they wanna tackle?
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LOL at Wakana’s thinking face....For Keiko it’s trying out new kinds of training. Every year, she will change her work out and focus on different parts of her body. She will also get another trainer at the gym. It’s important for the body not to get used to the training. Washizaki wonders if there is any part of Keiko’s body left that still needs training. Washizaki then asks about oily food and Keiko outright shouts at him that she doesn’t eat oily food, “NAI/NO, I don’t!!!” She doesn’t like it. However, as we all know, she loves candy. I think Washizaki then asks about Keiko being chubby. Not sure if he asks if she used to be chubby or if she tends to be chubby or something else. Something along these lines. Anyways, she once again replies with, “NAI/NOPE” [her “nai” is so cute] Washizaki says something about her dango-past when her face was still round but Keiko clarifies that aside from her round face, she wasn’t particularly chubby. [I think... I am not too sure about this part, my listening comprehension sucks] Washizaki wants to know if they are active together and if they sometimes go for runs together. Both Keiko and Wakana reply with a clear, “NAI/NO!” Wakana’s body is just too weak for these kinds of activities and Hikaru is only active on stage XD Typical Kalafina style! Keiko =>”That’s Kalafina for you!!”
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Hikaru wants to watch more anime. DUH :P She talks about some anime called Yowamushi Pedal. She is very passionate about it and she has been very invested ever since she watched the first episode. Apparently it makes her cry a lot. As for Wakana, she wants to try diving. To avoid misunderstandings she clarifies, “...in the sea. The sea!!” Keiko is like, “Eh? I can’t imagine Wa-chan doing that!” Apparently Wakana has a lot of trouble with her ears when she is in the water, she can’t get her ears clear or something. She will have to work on that if she wants to go diving. She really wants to go. Why? Because she wants to see some sharks of course! She wants to swim with them. Her older brother lives in Australia and apparently there’s a place near his home where a lot of sharks and crocodiles come out regularly. Swimming is obviously not allowed in that area but still, Wakana wants to go there! She would like to continue talking but Keiko gently makes her aware that she has talked enough about sharks XD
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Keiko is like, “she always does this. She always strays from the topic and keeps on blabbering away.” Next question is whether or not they watch their own live footage. And yes, of course they do. Usually each of them will watch it immediately afterwards, on the day after the concert. They get special footage for that. Washizaki asks if they ever do live commentaries on their Blurays. The girls say no, they don’t and they are not even sure what that is supposed to be. Washizaki goes on to explain and they seem quite intrigued by this idea. The more they talk about it the more they are into it [PLEASE DO IT!] A last message to their listeners since their time is over. Mostly info about their upcoming live tour and their single.
Now we get to the extra part that was reserved for subscribers only. They are back!! BANZAI!! Party!!! High FIVE!!
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They talk about alcohol and how Wakana has recently started to drink white wine. Usually she is more into red wine (which she would drink with her meat and so on) but she thought she would try some white wine for a change. She is trying different kinds right now. Hikaru only drinks Japanese wine. Washizaki is having some wild ideas of Hikaru sitting in Japanese pubs and drinking sake. He is going on and on about being drunk and such and riding a bike. As for Keiko, she says she doesn’t really drink alcohol. During all of this Washizaki managed to fall under the desk. I guess he was laughing too much due to his crazy story about getting drunk. Keiko comments that at such a late hour, something like this probably can’t be helped. She then goes on to explain that she will sometimes have teeny tiny bits of sake with her meal but that’s about it. She can’t deal with too much alcohol. Washizaki wants to know how Wakana and Hikaru act like when they are drunk. Keiko says they are completely normal, they don’t act overly drunk and they don’t walk wobbly or anything. She believes it’s because they grew up in Fukuoka and Toyama respectively (they are hardened countryside people). Wakana is just more talkative and Hikaru doesn’t change at all. She has never thrown up or had diarrhea due to drinking (it’s funny how she sugarcoats this by using an euphemism :P she says “kirakira” and Washizaki is like, “what?” and then she has to explain what she meant). Anyways, she says that her behaviour doesn’t change at all when she is drunk. And she will usually only drink when she has eaten a lot. Wakana can drink a lot, she is quite strong in that regard, she is saying something about having bear blood o.O She got that from her mother. She can drink a whole bottle of wine all by herself. And she gets very cheerful when she is drunk. Washizaki says he usually drinks by himself and he doesn’t really go outside, he is a hikikomori. Keiko is like, “Ah, Hikaru is one as well!!”  Not sure what they are talking about next, it’s more about Washizaki so meh... For some reason, Wakana is posing and calling it a “narcissist-pose”
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Keiko and Hikaru are very amused. Suddenly Wakana and Washizaki start singing, no idea what they are singing but I am sure it’s just some reference I am not getting. Now Keiko and Hikaru seem to be embarrassed. Keiko says jokingly “Let’s go home NOW!” Wakana is having fun though. Another question by Washizaki. Do they ever harmonise in private? If I understand correctly, Keiko is talking about their wrap parties and other official events and how they used to have certain difficulties growing accustomed to that atmosphere. She thinks it’s easier for solo artists because they just go around and accept all the well-wishes and congratulations. But for some reason they never knew what to do, what to say, who should do or say something first etc....but ever since their 7th year, they seem to have become used to it or at least, they are trying really hard. [Not sure if I am understanding this whole part correctly o.O] Washizaki is like “YAY, great job for putting so much effort into it for the past two years!” They shortly talk about some other artists like Angela’s Atsuko. And then of course they also mention their live with LiSA. YAY two-man live with Ri-chan!  Everyone is waving at Ri-chan! Some talk about May’n as well. Washizaki hopes they will be all right at Lisani in the waiting area/lobby (due to their difficulties they mentioned previously). He offers some advice on how they should introduce themselves and such. And then it’s pretty much over...
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