#spacer shepard
combustiblecake · 11 months
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My Shepard is a Spacer and I always loved this little detail specific to the background where both Shepard and Garrus ask about each other's missing families.
Shepard reassures him that Castis and Solana will be alright, to which he replies:  "That's the thing about getting old, Shepard; the platitudes get just as old"
It's a comment that comes from a place of hurt, of being tired that no one listened to the warnings about the Reaper threat and now many people are dying or missing. He's jaded and denying himself the niceties because he doesn't think that there's much that can be done about it. Still, he feels close enough to Shepard to ask them about their family-
This is the first time I've used flycam for this scene and I didn't realize how worried Shepard looks about not knowing if their mother survived. The original angle doesn't let us see that moment of vulnerability and sadness from Shepard, only Garrus gets to see it, and his reaction to seeing Shepard so worried….is him wringing his hands awkwardly and reassuring them that their mother is okay lol.
It's like seeing Shepard this worried made him come back to himself.
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spectralhero · 1 year
Been thinking a lot about Mama Shepard.
Just picturing the CO of the Normandy, badass N7 Spectre, taller than her Admiral mom...being scolded for doing stupid, dangerous shit.
And Shepard has the decency to look properly scolded.
Then mom just pulls her into a tight hug.
Mom always outranks even her Spectre child 😌
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gamerkitten · 11 months
Garrus and Juno bonding over constantly failing to meet their parent's high expectations. Failson x Faildaughter solidarity.
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zet-sway · 2 years
LE1 - Spacer Background Quest
Recorded this for some friends who mentioned they'd never seen this quest before.
CW: Zabaleta and Hannah speak in detail about the traumatic things they saw on Mindoir.
Fastest way to reach him is to take rapid transit to the Presidium location called "Wards Access." Go down the stairs and take the elevator. You'll be in a long corridor, Zabaleta is standing against the right wall and will call out to you.
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thepantyreckless · 1 year
oh my god, this is exactly the male shep i wanted. absolutely worried about everything. anxious sweet man who for some reason cares for his moustache whilst always having sweaty helmet hair.
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boutta rock his world. boutta stress this poor man out sososo bad.
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crualex-de-vil · 11 months
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Commander of my heart 🫡
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clericofshadows · 6 months
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REGIS SHEPARD - 15/??? "Well, what about Shepard? He's a spacer. Lived aboard starships most of his life." "Military service runs in the family. Both his parents were in the navy." "He got most of his unit killed on Torfan." "He gets the job done. No matter what the cost." "Is that the kind of person we want protecting the galaxy?"
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unabashedllamamusic · 2 months
Mass Effect questions that I need answered or so help me I will lose what little remains of my mind
wtf happened to everyone on the citadel when the reapers moved it? Because you can still see cars moving on the wards in orderly lines and shit during the last scene with Anderson and TIMmy- is everyone going about business as usual? Do they all just fucking die when the crucible fires??
why doesn't anderson have a british accent
Did Traynor's parents die at Sanctuary/in the Reaper attack?
Where tf is Spacer Shepard's dad
Is shepard still a lt. commander or did they ever get promoted to full commander? Why tf didn't they get several more promotions?
Why are vorcha Like That
How the everliving fuck did the Normandy happen to crash on a perfectly habitable world (in the extended cut)
How did Anderson afford that apartment, and did Shepard have to start paying the rent after they got it? Why did Kahlee have a bag there if she and anderson broke up 20 years ago??
did they really expect us to think Jack was straight
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annyoingkid · 1 year
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jbk405 · 19 days
I like how the Legendary Edition includes all of the clothing options for Shepard right off the bat in Mass Effect 2. The casual N7 outfit not only looks cool, but finally provides an off-duty clothing option without the Cerberus logo.
I lean strong into "I'm not joining Cerberus, I am accepting their resources and intelligence to deal with an imminent threat only until I can convince my previous friends and allies to support me instead". And wearing their logo on my clothing is one of those symbolic actions that just rubs me the wrong way. It doesn't affect anything in gameplay -- except for one line in Kasumi's loyalty mission there literally isn't a single comment on your clothing in the entire game -- but nonetheless this is important to me.
I can understand "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and "desperate times call for desperate measures". But once a character sews their patch onto their sleeve they can no longer claim to not be a "real member". You've chosen to display your allegiance.
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major-alenko · 5 months
I’m curious which combinations people prefer/which are more popular compared to what I’ve seen around the fandom. Please reblog for a larger sample size and share your opinions, if you’d like!
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scionshtola · 3 months
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well i like her
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springagainafter · 1 month
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Starting my LE1 run with my Infiltrator Colonist/Sole Survivor Liaramancer, whoo!
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corpocyborg · 9 months
renegade spacer shepard: no mom i'm not on drugs. my eyes are red because i'm evil.
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vulpixelates · 1 year
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anaya has such femme dyke swagger
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lavampira · 9 months
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latine crew game night ᕙ(‾̀◡‾́)ᕗ
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