#specifically like. that rapid light clawing all over your sides/stomach/ribs.
No guys hear me out
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I have never asked for anything before and I don't know if this where I request. But uh can we have some fluffy yandereiplier x gender neutral reader? Like yandere gets jealous but instead of killing the person, Yandere just like, gets protective in a soft way? I don't know.
This sounds so cute :3 Thank's for the request!!
Fluffy Jealous Yandereiplier x Reader
* (y/n) = your name
*(y/f/n) = your friend's name
A/N: I'm not sure I did it right so if you have any constructive criticism or want it to be fluffier feel free to tell me and you can request something more!
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• You two had been friends for a long time, you'd recently moved house and schools so you were new to the area and prepared to make new friends and Yanderipier loved every second of it, he loved you completely.
• Yandereiplier didn't love you at first sight. Looking back on it he thought he did but in all honesty? no • There was no "love-at-first-glance" or romantic music swelling or cherry blossom petals falling around you, none of that.
• Instead, it was a buildup, it was a quiet but undeniable build-up.
• He fell in love with your jokes he'd hear when he was walking by With the way he'd see you handle yourself in front of others while he was across the classroom, with the way you looked at him always so kindly when you spoke to him in class, with the way you were nice to him no matter what. And he began to get infatuated with the way he'd see your smile stretch across your face when you laughed and the corners of your eyes crinkled and he knew it was a real laugh. He fell with the way you were.
• And he fell hard.
• He even started to love how you walked, memorising how you carried yourself on different days feeling different things; Your handwriting, from the notes you'd passed to others during class and he mimicked your writing down to each letter, your 'style', and how he thinks you'd look so cute in one of his sweaters, honestly everything about you that you deemed unimportant, that you may think is nothing specifically tailored for you but since it's you doing it of course he'd love it.
• And this love for you, this infatuation of you, this want-no this need to be with you, to see you happy and make you happy planted seeds in his heart that blossomed in his chest, twining between his ribs and spreading to every fibre of his being. His chest ached every night when he was alone with his thoughts and his shrine of devotion from things he borrowed from you, little things you wouldn't miss, and made in your honour. He loved you. He loves you. He loves you, he loves you, he loves you.
• He watched you whenever he could, seeing your movements, noting who made you happy, what about them made you happy and how he could replicate that in himself. He was desperate for you to feel as good as you made him feel. And he was good at it too! Until you had sneaked up on him to properly introduce yourself, making him jump and drop his notebook adorned in love hearts and glitter.
• Your smile was so warm. Infectious. His face blew up in the deepest red blush you had ever seen, but excusing it as general anxiety you mercifully didn't comment on until later on in your friendship.
• Yandereiplier.EXE has stopped functioning. Systems overheating, blushing too furiously. Shutting down speech ability.
• The heavy aching in his chest from the flower of love you unknowingly nurtured and bloomed instantly lifted when you looked at him. He felt lighter, fuller, so so happy, feeling his rapid heartbeat pounding away. He felt as if you two were the only ones in the school, in the world, in the cosmic universe. He liked that thought.
• You had crouched down to pick up his fallen notebook but he had enough composure to beat you to it, and lo and behold you brushed hands. He wanted to never wash that hand again but knew you would probably like someone with better hygiene.
• You two were good friends from then on, joking about how that moment could have been in "Anime's top 10 most romantic scenes,"
Yandereiplier would always sputter at that.
• By now it had been a few good months, you two were inseparable. He'd always be giving you gifts, things you never knew how he'd know you liked. And sometimes things that he personally liked, like his prized hello-kitty hair clips and sticker packs that only you were allowed to touch beside himself, it was like a trust pact. You'd exchange secrets, stories and gifts, sometimes, to Yan's immense pleasure, even clothes.
• He knew everything about you, from your likes to your perfume, to your tells to your fantasies.
• He thought he knew everything about your life.
• He thought he knew everyone in it.
• But he was proved wrong. So very wrong.
• When you hadn't replied to his good morning text like you do every day he was instantly filled with worry. He knew your routine, that text message went off 5 minutes after your alarm, he always wanted to be on your mind in the morning so always texted you and if the alarm failed then the text tone would wake you.
• He was pacing around wondering if he should go to your house to check on you or if doing so would overstep any boundaries, trembling at the thought you'd finally had enough of him or were in danger.
He could barely be able to survive if you'd had enough of him but he knows he wouldn't be able to live if you were in danger and he wasn't there to protect you, the very thought sinking its claws into his mind and crawling up his skin leaving a trail of frigid goosebumps in its wake. • He grabbed his backpack and ran on out of the house way earlier than usual, sprinting to your house with the toast from breakfast in his mouth since he didn't have the time to spare to eat it at home on his way to yours.
• And when he got to your house, his stomach fell and the blooming flower in his heart burnt with a fire that licked at his skin, scathing his organs and clogging his lungs with thick smoke and reducing his once light and happy heart to cinders. And with the last embers he possessed, he managed to find the will to take the toast out of his mouth and say "Hey (y/n),"
• You turned around to see him, overjoyed as your two best friends will now get to meet each other! "Yan! Hi!" you said still hugging your friend, "This is (y/f/n), they surprise visited me today!"
• Yan gave a meek wave, too enraptured by the biggest smile he'd ever seen on your face, every vein in his body burning with guilt and anger he wasn't able to make you smile like that.
• (y/f/n) turned to see Yan and greeted them happily, still clinging on to you, "So you're Yan? Nice to meet you," they smiled.
• Yandereiplier would have said a curt hello, probably just ignored them completely were it not for the twitch of guilt he knows he'd feel to be seen as rude in front of you.
• "Hello (y/f/n). Nice to meet you too," he strained to smile
• And it was like that for the whole day because your friend not only had to walk you to school instead of Yan, but they furthered their surprise by spending the day at the school for some stupid transfer day and it was ruining everything. They weren't supposed to be able to touch you like that! Yan, as much as he hated the thought of you being uncomfortable, did try to look for any sign you were in discomfort but knew every conclusion was his bias.
• They had their arm around your shoulder. They made you laugh and smile all day but he loves your smile too much to be angry at that but his mind did wander to different ways to torture them should they be the cause of your smile vanishing. He watched, gripping his pen tightly in frustration as he watched from across the classroom how close you two were, how you easily talked fondly of secrets that had taken him months for you to be willing to share, you were joking, teasing each other, sitting closely, swapping stationary, whispering, the pen broke and splattered ink all over his hand and his work.
• What did they have that he didn't? What did they have he couldn't replicate in himself? What did he have to do to get you to love him as much as you obviously love them in whatever way you do.
• You were all sitting together at lunch, Yan quietly eating from his bento box while still, you and your friend talked. The rage still bubbling and blistering inside of him. But he kept quiet. He began shaking, anger coursing through his blood attacking all his thoughts. But he kept quiet. The heavy weight in his chest returning, aching for you once again despite being just a bit away, the crippiling aching. But he tried his best to keep quiet. The need to be the one by your side, to not only see you happy but make you happy, the need to be the one there making you happy because if it's not him then that means he- ... That means you don't need him. If someone else can make you happy just like you deserve to be then.. then it doesn't matter if it's him. If anyone can do it then he isn't needed specifically. You don't need him. Not like how he needs you.
• A shaky breath shook from his lungs, as he placed his chopsticks back in his lunch, the food now making him nauseous.
• His mind iitches to darker thoughts. Of hurting your friend. Of taking you far away so you rely on him; so you need him.
• ...
• No.
• No that isn't right he hates that.
• You'll never love him if he ever did anything like that.
• You deserve so much better than that.
• So, instead of waiting for you to love him as much as you do (y/f/n)
• He'll make you fall for him. No one can be him except himself and in that way, even if it's only in that way, he is irreplaceable. And you deserve someone as devoted as him.
• He marched back on out there pouting heavily as he watched you two sitting so close. He's on a mission.
• He takes all of his courage and he sits beside you, blushing like crazy to the point your friend thinks he's sick but he assures them he's fine as he offers you some of his bento, offering to feed you with his chopsticks so he can lean in close and try feel you blush too.
• Yan touches you more throughout the day, all where you're comfortable and have previously said you're okay being touched, trading books you brush fingers, he says there's a spider on your head so you can get close and "remove it and save you!", he wipes an eyelash from your cheek and smiles, saying for you blow it off his finger to make a wish, sending you notes holding compliments and doodles of hearts during class so you can once again brush fingers little things like that.
• Yan is also constantly offering you things much more than usual, he already got you little gifts, you'd help him overcome most of his anxiety about spending hours, days, even weeks worrying over picking the perfect present for you and instead giving you whatever he thinks you could possibly like, like shiny and pretty rocks, cute pencils, his favourite most prized hello kitty hair-pin, you didn't accept that last one knowing it would destroy him to part with it which hinted about what was going on.
• As much as Yan knew you, you also knew him.
• You knew his breath would get shaky when he wants something but is too scared to ask for it. You knew he was being more clingy, not that you minded in the least, except for he clearly wanted to do more.
• You knew he didn't want to burden you with his problems so he likely wouldn't say what it is, especially with someone he didn't know all too well around.
• (y/f/n) excused themself for a bit while Yan who was currently fawning over. the band you said you liked last week he memorised all their songs just so he could talk about them with you and hear the facts you knew about them that he already knew but loved the way your eyes lit up when you told him what you thought was something new.
• Thanking any gods, demons or supernatural entities for the time alone Yandereiplier engulfed you in a hug from behind, arms securely wrapped around your chest and face nuzzeling against your hair. He would have done this earlier but he didn't know if you were okay with this sort of affection in front of people so as painful as it was, he waited for so long to be alone with you.
• "Hey Yan, are you doing okay?" • "Of course! I'm with you, my darling!" • "Aww, your darling?" you teased him, his face once again exploding in a deep blush as he buried his face in the crook of your neck to hide his shame.
• He really meant his darling. No matter which way you interpreted 'darling' to be, he meant it as so much more.
• This was the last thing that tipped you off to what he was really after,
• When your friend returned, Yan was hyping himself up to be able to leave the warm hug that let you be in his arms, desperately waiting to not tear himself from you but even more desperate to not make you uncomfortable.
• "Heya y/n!" your friend called
• You held Yan's arms in place, leaning back against him, holding him in place. Yan now wasn't the only one with a mission.
• A long drawn out wheeze escaped his throat as you felt his face heat up against your shoulder through your clothes, slightly worried for him, you turned your head to him while (y/f/n) talked about something Yandereiplier couldn't bring himself to pay attention to you as he savoured the moment, memorising every feeling, every touch, every scent, everything he can as if it were his first time ever being near you, locking this memory in place so he can remember it for those cold lonely nights and for the rest of his life.
• The when saw Yan again, you saw his mouth fall open, bobbing open and closed like a fish as he struggled to articulate his thoughts while you stood before him in the sweater he left at yours a while ago. It smells of his cologne and he can smell it on you.
• His sweater. His.
• He was sure he had ascended at the very moment for the angel he saw wearing his sweater, in his clothes, his. His!!!! And he promises to worship you and treat you like the Angel you are, even if you don’t always see it in yourself. You are his Angel. And the flower bloomed in his chest all over again.
• You're his and he is yours. That's how it always will be.
• And he supposes, it's not all bad having (y/f/n) around. He'll do whatever it takes to keep you happy. He'll protect whatever makes you happy too.
• (y/f/n) also has so many good stories on you that Yan adores hearing and he gets to hear more about your life!
• Just don't forget him. Please. He loves you. So much. He'll always love you. No matter what.
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boneswriteswords · 4 years
Jason reacting to his s/o drowning in the lake but bring saved by him last min?
A/N: You requested this like three weeks ago and I was so excited by it because it’s my first real request from the slasher fandom. I am sorry it took so long but I got really into it and then I hated all my drafts so I’m going to add my normal disclaimer of “This is bad and I am so sorry but I tried very hard.”
I tried to do a bit of research for this because I have never drowned. I have never experienced this. I struggled very hard with descriptions and emotions and maybe one day, when I suck less, I will come back and revisit this. 
This wasn’t supposed to happen. No one was supposed to find you. You purposely chose the cabin farthest from the trails, surrounded by a thick cluster of trees, to make your home. People rarely got passed the perimeter of the lake before Jason got to them so there hadn’t been any reason for you to actively worry for your own safety, not this far into the woods. You knew where all the traps were, Jason had helped you set them up, and how to navigate the path he left clear on the off chance you needed to leave.
Jason was the softest man you had ever known but he wasn’t a fool. He made a survivor out of you when you decided that he was worth everything. He molded you into someone who could navigate and forage as well as he could, and you wore his pride like you wore his love.
Archery. Hunting. Fishing. Trapping. Reading weather patterns. You mastered them all under his watchful eye. They were precautionary measures taken seriously, on the off-chance that something happened to him and you were left vulnerable.
No one was supposed to get this far out though.
You weren’t planning on ever having to see anyone outside for the few times you went to town.
But they had.
Three people had.
Three very angry people who realized that, no you weren’t a prisoner that needed saving. You were living in the camp, of your own free will, knowing that Jason was out there.
Three very angry people that decided that they were going to get revenge.
And you fought. You fought hard. You tumbled and thrashed as they grabbed you. Your own knife – a gift from Jason - slashed into thick flannel and weak skin before it was knocked from your hand. You screamed for Jason, biting at the fingers trying to stuff the gag in your mouth, blood filling your mouth. You punched and kicked as they pinned and tied you down. You bruised and tore at any skin you could, desperation clawing at your chest.
But they had caught you by surprise and with their combined strength, they forced you into submission.
Things were a blur as one of the intruders lifted you over their shoulder, exchanging words with the other two about what to do next. You attempted to wiggle free but they were strong, a lot stronger than you, and tightened their grip.
“We could use her as leverage. That psycho knows she’s here. He’s letting her live. She has to have some kind of importance to him….”
They trekked down the beaten path, the one Jason left clear for you and you wondered how they found it. The sun was getting lower in the sky and you knew Jason was tracking them. He wouldn’t do anything while they still had you, he wouldn’t risk your life knowing that they were using you as their shield.
You weren’t worried though, he’d get them. He always did.
And you’d reward him for it, like you always did.
It felt like an eternity before they stopped, their boots clunking heavily as they made their way down the pier.  
“Hey asshole!” One of them shouts suddenly and you wiggled as the one holding you adjusted so he was carrying you bridal style. Jason was standing off to the side of lake, adjacent to the pier, and you could feel the fury radiating off of him. His emotions were subtle but, after spending so much time learning him, you knew from the line of his shoulders that he was enraged.
Your love was covered in fresh blood that you knew wasn’t his and you took a glance at your captors.
Their eyes reflected their loss, vacant aside from the echoes of their torment. For a moment, you felt sympathy.
But only for a moment.
They may not have asked for this but there was a consequence to every action and their actions led them here.
“We got your girl!” The one holding you continues, shaking you a bit in their arms. “If you let us go, we’ll let her go. If not, we toss her in the lake and you can watch her drown.”
Fear crawled along your ribs. Swimming was something you weren’t particularly skilled at on a normal basis but you knew how to make yourself float and paddle to shore. But tied up, gagged, and beaten?
You wouldn’t survive.
And there would be no one to save you.
Jason was terrified of going in the lake. He had no problems being on the piers or walking around the edges of it but submerging himself under the water was a whole different ballgame, one he wanted no part of.
And your captors knew it.
You kept your eyes on Jason, waiting, and from the way his body tensed, you knew Pamela was giving him instructions. Pamela spoke with him often, watching over her son the way a loving mother would. The land of Camp Crystal Lake was her domain. She oversaw everything. You didn’t understand a lot of how spirits interacted with the living but you did know she was capable of talking to people if they stayed on the grounds long enough.
She’s reached out to you several times for a quick chat. (There was something to be said about your level of sanity but you weren’t going to focus on that at the moment.)
The person holding you was twitching, fingers digging into your body, pressing into the bruises already forming. You can only imagine the bruised mess you are going to be after this.
For a few solid moments, it was quiet. No one moved.
And, in a move that you would have never expected from Jason, he dropped his machete onto the grass and held his hands up, surrendering. The tension eased from his shoulders. The emotions that rushed through you would take a while to unpack.
When you were free.
Your captors grinned, celebrating their apparent victory over the mighty Jason Voorhees. More jostling. More taunting. Manic smiles and obnoxious noise.m,
‘Ok now. You’ve won. You’ve bested him. Let me go.’ You thought as they as they started backing off of the pier, still hollering but wisely keeping their eyes on Jason. There was a sinking feeling in your stomach, panic clawing at your throat.
Jason took a step forward, lifting his hand and pointing at you. Your captors paused, still grinning as they looked between each other. The one holding you adjusts you in his arms.
And it hits you.
They’re going to let you go.
They’re just going to let you go into the lake.
You scream through the gag, thrashing as you are lifted over the pier and dropped. You can hear them running and the crash of your body hitting the water before everything goes silent.
The water is cold as it wraps around you, dragging what little air you have from your lungs. Beams of light scattered through the water, the silhouettes of the plants and fish casting odd and blurry shadows around you. The gag in your mouth swelled, the excess water dripping down the back of your throat, choking as you fought to preserve your remaining air.
You thrash again in sheer desperation, fingers flexing only to grasp nothing, but the ropes don’t budge.The light rippled along the top of the water, mocking you as you descended farther down, legs kicking feebly as you do.
The edges of reason disappeared as panic collapsed into numbness. All your survival training disintegrated, flitting away with the speed and dexterity of a hummingbird. Your lungs were burning, every second tightening your access to your air supply. The light dimmed around the edges as the surface drifted farther away from you.
‘I didn’t want to die like this,’ you thought, tears mixing with the lake water.  A heaviness descended, tendrils of death holding you close, and with it, you faded into darkness.
The sun was barely over the horizon when you came to, sputtering in harsh gasping breathes as your lungs filled with air. The pressure on your chest lifted and you curled to the side, dirty lake water evacuating your body in rapid bursts. Your clothes were soaked, sticking unpleasantly to your form as you learned how to breathe again.
After what felt like hours, you collapsed back into the dirt, eyes opening to see an equally soaked Jason hovering above you.
The sudden onslaught of emotions at the implications of his current state made you dizzy but oh, how you loved him.
“Jason?” you croaked, mouth cracking in the creases as you moved it, “Jason? Did- Did you-”
‘Did you jump in after me? Beautiful man, you must have been so scared. I am so sorry but I am honored you love me like this. Thank you. Thank you, my sweet loving man.’
A soft ‘ssh’ noise came from behind his mask, a big burly hand reaching out to stroke your wet hair from your face. He reached over and grabbed his jacket, discarded before he plunged in after you, and lifted your limp body into a sitting position to place it on you. The sun was setting slowly and once it was gone, the night air would bring a chill.
You grinned weakly, turning your head to look at him as he fit your arms into his jacket sleeves, marveling at how wonderfully lucky you were. He pulled back just enough to adjust you and he tensed, lifting the flap of his jacket to look closer at your shirt.
Or, more specifically, the blood spatter on your shirt.
A low distressed noise rumbled from him and you made the soft ‘ssh’ noise back at him, finding enough mobility in your hand to grasp one of his. His eyes met yours from behind the mask.
“It’s not mine, Jason. I promise.”
Your grinned widened as his eyes darkened behind the mask. He always got a little hot under the collar whenever you demonstrated how capable and downright vicious you could be. His grip on you tightened minutely, moving to press his masked forehead onto yours.
A loud scream filled the air and you jerked back, startled at the sudden noise. His hands gripped you tighter to keep you from flinging yourself all the way back into the dirt.
You knew that voice. You knew that scream.
You grinned, leaning back into Jason so your eyes met his.
“Take me back to the cabin and go get them Jay. I’ll be waiting.”
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amazingmsme · 4 years
Hide and go Hammock
AN: Cheesy title I know, but this fic is so damn cute & full of love! I really recommend watching Raising Hope if you haven’t already. It’s on Hulu & is hands down one of the funniest shows ever created, & is pretty progressive especially for when it came out. Tagging @secretblog1212 cause they’re the only other person I know who likes this show. Without further ado, here’s my extremely self indulgent fic.
Jimmy couldn't be happier now that he and Sabrina were together. She was the girl of his dreams, and definitely way out of his league. She was beautiful, smart, funny, just everything about her was so endearing, especially all her quirks. She might've been embarrassed, but he thought it just made her cuter. But there were some that she wasn't afraid to show, even in front of other people. Short little snippets from their relationship on full display no matter where they were.
See, Sabrina was a very hands on type of person. She was a tactile learner, always talked using her hands, and she liked knowing how things felt, so you could catch her running her palm over an interesting looking surface. It only made sense for that to transfer to their relationship.
At first Jimmy was shocked at just how handsy she could be. As it turns out, the small brunette could be quite possessive. While she may not like kissing in public, she had no qualms with showering him with physical affection. Especially once she found out just how ticklish he is. 
She was utterly delighted the first time she poked his side and heard him squeal. She'd made a game out of attacking him at random times no matter where they were, and that was before they started dating. Now, she was truly a monster.
Jimmy was watching tv with Hope, zoning out as she watched Spongebob. Sabrina walked into the living room, spotting her boyfriend from behind the couch.
"Hey Jimmy," she said, expecting to get his attention. When he didn't respond, she smirked, creeping up behind him. She leaned down and blew a loud raspberry on his neck, immediately drawing him out of his head and back to reality as he burst into giggles.
"Whahat?" he asked as she pulled away, rubbing his neck.
"I said your name but you ignored me," she justified.
"Oh come on, you know I zone out! If you say my name less than three times that's on you," he said, as though that would suffice. She placed her hands on her hips, "Oh is that so?"
That was weird, her voice was different. Why was her voice different? That usually meant-
He whipped around to look at her, a fearful look in his eyes. Her hands were already held out in front of her in the shape of a claw. He scrambled to his feet, making sure to keep the couch between them. Hope looked at her Dad, wondering what he was doing.
"Now wait a minute."
"Okay, what am I waiting for?" she asked. Jimmy furrowed his brows, not expecting her to be so patient. "Uhhh," while he was distracted, Sabrina lunged to the side, ready to go around the couch and grab him. He jumped into action, moving to keep the same distance around the couch. Hope curled in the corner to watch, a bright smile on her face.
Jimmy's smile was just as wide, if a bit nervous. Sabrina faked left before dashing around the other side, causing Jimmy to nearly run right towards her. He caught himself at the last second and spun around, dashing towards the kitchen. If it weren't for Sabrina's short legs, she would've had him.
Unfortunately for Jimmy, his parents were in the already crowded kitchen. Virginia watched him dash by her with a puzzled and judging look before going back to her plate of nachos. Even more unfortunate, Burt was blocking the other doorway. He saw his son coming and took a crouched stance, blocking his path intentionally now.
"Ooo, are we playing ball-less football again?" he asked.
"Dad move!" he yelled, shoving past him as Sabrina dashed past Virginia, hot on his heels. She ducked down and ran underneath his arm before either of them could even think to ask what was happening.
Burt blinked a few times, looking to Virginia for answers she didn't have. "What was that all about?"
"Beats me. Maybe they're twitterpatient like in Bambi," she guessed. Burt looked over his shoulder in the direction that they ran.
"Yeah, that must be it."
Jimmy was no track star, but at least he was fast enough to not get caught. He'd made it outside and was met with a dead end. The yard was small and mostly barren with few places to hide. He could hear her footsteps getting closer from inside the house. Time was running out quick.
He scanned the yard, eyes landing on their hammock. Perfect. He dashed over and flopped inside, wrapping the extra fabric around himself to hide.
Sabrina burst out the back door, surveying the empty yard. There was no way he had enough time to try jumping the fence, so he had to be somewhere. She started slowly making her way around the yard. "Jimmyyyy, come out come out wherever you are," she taunted. Jimmy squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stretch himself inside the hammock so that it would look empty rather than weighed down by a human sized lump.
Sabrina checked the bushes by the house, and when those were empty, she ventured further into the yard.
"Y'know, not many places to hide, so you might as well come out now. It'll be a lot easier for both of us." She jumped behind the large tree in their yard, certain he'd be hiding there. "Huh, better at hiding than I thought," she mused to herself. She was about to check behind another tree when she noticed the hammock swaying slightly. That's strange, there's not much of a breeze.
She smirked to herself, aimlessly wondering towards the hammock. "If you come out I'll go easy on you." Jimmy didn't buy that for a second.
Sabrina now stood in front of the hammock, arms folded across her chest.
"Hm, I wonder where he could be."
She sounded close, too close. Jimmy held his breath, hoping she couldn't hear his rapid heartbeat.
"I guess I should just give up," she sighed heavily in defeat. Before he could relax at her mock surrender, she grabbed the sides of the fabric and pulled it open. "Peekaboo!"
He let out a loud scream and tried to jump out, but Sabrina was faster and climbed in on top of him. She leaned in and said, "Found you." He was already giggling with anticipation. He held her hands up, wiggling her fingers so he could see. He squirmed underneath her, sucking in his stomach to try and get away. She dove in, retreating before she made contact and making Jimmy jerk and his laughter increase. She repeated the action. And again. And again.
"Plehehease," he giggled. She cocked her head, feigning innocence.
"Please what Jimmy? You have to be specific."
"Juhust get it over with!" Her grin turned feral and he could've swore her eyes flashed with something evil.
"Well since you asked so nicely," she said sweetly. She took her time rolling his shirt up. He was already giggling up a storm, and he tried to pull his shirt back down. She gently smacked his hand away. Jimmy let out a giggly whine, moving his hand to hide his face instead. It was a shame that he didn't see the absolutely loving look she gave him then.
She raked her nails down his sides, making him jump at the touch. He burst into giggles, squirming beneath her. She started out light and fluttery, knowing the longer she kept this up the more sensitive and giggly he would become. That's when the real fun started.
"Are you gonna keep hiding?" she asked. Without moving his hands, he nodded. "Aw but I wanna see your cute giggly face!" she teased, drawing shapes on his stomach. He sucked in, trying to get as far away from her fingers as he could, but she just followed his movements.
"You're sohoho mean!" he cried out. Her jaw dropped in shock.
"Oh I'm mean? I'll show you mean," she growled in his ear. His hand came flying down, his eyes wide and a large grin was spread across his face.
"Nohohohoooo I'm sorry!" he tried pleading.
"Too late babe." She began tapping her nails against the skin. "Guess what shape I'm drawing," she smirked, knowing how much this drove him crazy.
"Noooo you know I hahahate thihis," his words were swallowed by his giggles as she started tracing. Sabrina chuckled evilly.
"You have to guess," she coaxed.
"Hehehexagon!" he cried out. She sucked in a breath through her teeth.
"Ooo sorry. It was a trapezoid." Jimmy threw his head back in defeat, knowing what was to come.
"Please let me try again."
"You know the rules Jimmy." She didn't sound sorry in the slightest.
"Yeah I know the rules but can't you just bend them a little?" he tried to bargain.
"Aw but that's no fun! But you know what is fun?" She didn't wait for him to answer before she exclaimed, "This!" And with that she dug into the muscle on his stomach, kneading and scribbling everywhere she could reach. Jimmy immediately fell into hysterics. He was always terrible at holding back his laughter, one thing Sabrina absolutely adored about him. His hands came flying down and latched onto her wrists, though he didn't push her away. Simply held on as he was lost to his laughter. That didn't last long either, as the sensation was too much to bear and he tried to get away, desperately pushing against the loose fabric of the hammock to get away. This proved harder than he thought. Being suspended in the air meant there was nothing for him to use to adjust his position, thus causing him to sink farther in the hammock.
"Aw what's the matter Jimmy? You're not trying to get away are you?" she asked. She pinched up and down his sides, squeezing at his hips and making him snort loudly.
"Nohoho!" Jimmy answered, going back to hide his face in the crook of his arm.
"You better not be, you know what I'll do once I catch you again," she warned, skittering her nails up his sides and crawling up his ribs before resting right as they reached his pits. He twitched, about to bring his arms down, but Sabrina stopped him.
"Try and keep your arms up," she said. He let out a mix between a whine and a laugh.
"Ihihi cahan't!"
Sabrina rose a brow, "You can try. Here, I'll go slow." She began circling his hallows with a feather light touch. Jimmy's bubbly giggles spilled forth from his lips, squeezing his eyes shut. Sabrina grinned to herself, adding a few more fingers to the tracing. His laughter grew stronger and he gripped the sides of the hammock to keep from slamming his arms down.
Suddenly without warning, she drilled her thumbs in the center of each underarm. He let out a loud shrill scream of laughter, glueing his arms to his sides. He tried to curl in a ball, thrashing from side to side. His legs kicked out behind Sabrina, and she struggled to keep her balance.
"I'll stop if you lift your arms up. My hands are kinda trapped," she emphasized her point by wiggling her hands where they were stuck underneath his arms, making him snort between giggles.
"Nohoho, you'll juhust keep tickling mehehe." Well, he wasn't wrong...
"Look, I'm not doing it anymore." She stilled her wicked fingers to earn back his trust. He was skeptical, he had fallen victim to her deception many times before. Regardless, he tested it. Only for her to go right back to tickling. Jimmy's thrashing coupled with the floppy and tipsy nature of hammocks finally caused Sabrina to lose her balance, falling forward onto Jimmy. But that still didn't stop her.
"Plehehease hahahave mehercy!" he begged.
"Not yet. One last thing, then I'm done. Promise." Using her new position to her advantage, she latched her lips onto the side of his neck, blowing a loud raspberry. Jimmy practically screamed in laughter before falling into silent hysterics as she continued to blow smaller raspberries all over his neck. As she backed off, he regained his voice as his titters trailed off. Just because she felt like it, she ran her tongue along his neck drawing out one final squeal. She looked up at him with dreamy eyes, snuggling deeper into his chest and nestling in beside him.
"I love you," she said.
Jimmy smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I love you too."
As he caught his breath, they just laid there and watched the clouds.
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elena-reina · 5 years
I’m Not Hungry- Draco Malfoy x Reader
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Request:  Could you do a draco malfoy one-shot where the reader has anorexia and gained weight. She gets a panic attack and he comforts her. Maybe it could end in soft smut or fluff (whatever you want). If this is to specific or my grammar is bad I'm sorry - Anon
Warnings: Anorexia, mature themes
Pushing your hair behind your ears, you stared at the mirror. You ran your hand over your flat stomach grimacing at the sight before you. Your eyes roam from your slim face, to your collar bone, all the way to your skinny legs. You shake your head in disappointment staring at your body.
You hated it.
Initially you went out with your friends prior and they ordered a lot of food without telling you. You thought you all were just hanging for drinks or something, but that wasn’t the case. There was a mini contest going on in the restaurant they brought you to and whoever finished the food under an hour got free food for one year around. 
You remember the exact moment when you decided you needed to lose weight. You were bullied a lot in your first, second, and third years by little boys thinking it was fun to make fun of your weight. You weren’t even overweight, but boys will be boys. Being called fat and ugly numerously, you eventually began to believe it, so it was in that moment you decided to lose weight. 
Miraculously, one day you stared dating Draco Malfoy. No one dared insult you around him and if he ever found out, he would immediately be on their asses. He would tell you how beautiful you were everyday and how much he loved you. You were very thankful for him.
But the damage had already been done. You made it your mission to lose weight.
At first, it was going to be a small diet as simple as cutting out sugary foods. And then it let to cutting out foods with fat in them. This then led to cutting out foods with too much sodium. And this continued until you basically stopped eating anything and eventually, you were living off of one carrot a day. 
You became so incredibly skinny that you couldn’t fit into most of your clothes. They were too loose on you. It brought a smile to your face, but you still wanted to lose more weight. 
No one really noticed since you were AWOL most of the time, and you were thankful for that. You hadn’t wanted anybody to know and you especially wanted to make sure that Draco never found out.
Shaking your head, you turned away from the mirror and grabbed your robe. You put it on and made your way to the Grand Hall. It was breakfast time and although you never really ate, you still sat by your boyfriend for reassurance.
You stood in the doorway looking over the tables until your eyes landed on that familiar head of platinum blonde hair. You slowly walked towards his direction. You felt as though everyone’s eyes were burning holes in your body. Becoming more insecure with each step, you stood behind Draco.
You placed your bony fingers on his shoulders and gave him a light squeeze. He looked up, meeting your gaze, and smiled. You leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. He scooted over making room for you as you slid in.
“Good Morning, gorgeous,” he whispered into your ear, wrapping his free arm around your waist and pulling you to his side. 
Draco knew something was wrong, but he didn’t want to bring anything up just yet. You were too tiny and it seemed to continue to decrease as the weeks went by. You smiled leaning into him, and rested your head on his shoulder.
Your eyes scanned all the food in front of you and it made your stomach growl. Draco felt it and chuckled a bit.
“Hungry, babe? What would you like?” he asked and you lifted your head from his shoulder. You sat up straighter, slightly distancing yourself and his grip on your waist loosened. 
You shook your head. “I’m not hungry.”
He rolled his eyes, not believe a word you said. He grabbed onto a few pieces of jammed toast and sausages and placed them onto the plate in front of you. You didn’t move, instead just stared at the food.
Draco eyed you suspiciously. “Y/N, eat. What’s wrong with you?” 
You shakily looked back at him. “I’m not feeling well,” you replied. He lifted his hand and placed it on your forehead, feeling your temperature. He shook his head.
“You feel fine. Just eat the food already,” he scoffed. By now the other Slytherin’s around you were focused on you. Crabbe, Goyle, Blaise, Pansy, and others were all watching you with interest. Draco, uninterested, continued to eat his food.
You lifted your hand and grabbed onto a piece of toast. You held it in your hand, but didn’t move. All you could do was stare at it.
Draco looked once more at you and this time kept his gaze fixed on you. You lifted the piece of toast to your mouth and took a small bite, slowly chewing it. Draco nodded, content, and went back to eating. Swallowing the food felt like swallowing rocks.
Your heart started to pound hard against your rib cage as you started to hyperventilate. You could hear the ringing of it beat and your chest was shaking because of it. Your breathing started to speed up faster as each second went by.
Crabbe, who was sitting across from you, sat up straighter silently trying to catch Draco’s attention. He forced a cough and Draco looked up at him. Crabbe silently motioned towards your direction with his head and Draco turned to look at you.
You jolted up, causing the table to thud with the sounds of the silverware and plates. You got out of your seat and sped-walked out of the Grand Hall all the way to your dorm. 
You felt your chest tighten and became lightheaded. Draco followed not too far behind you and stood in front of your door. You covered your face with your hands as you leaned onto your bed. 
Draco opened the door and immediately ran to your side. He knelt down by your side, concerned. He placed his hand on your shoulders and tried to turn you to face him, but you wouldn’t budge.
"Babe? Baby, look at me,” he spoke, concerned. You were still unresponsive.
Your fingers began to freeze up and soon enough your whole body felt numb. You closed your eyes shut, feeling your lungs start to jam. You were swaying from side to side, about to lose consciousness. 
Draco understood what was happening. He was panicking on the inside, but he needed to pull himself together for you. He stood up and sat on you bed. He lifted your small frame and pulled you onto his lap. He pulled your shoulders gently, asking you to sit up straight so you could control your breathing. He took off your robe and sweater, making it easier for you.
“Y/N. I need you to sit up, baby. Control your breathing, you can do this,” he soothed, “Open your eyes and look at me.”
You faintly opened your eyes and met his silver ones. 
“That’s it... that’s it, you’re doing great babe. Now slow, deep breathes okay? You’re okay, I am right here. You’re just scared, try to calm down and breathe.” he spoke gently. 
He moved some of your hair off of your neck to give you more room to breathe as your rapid wheezes began to settle down. He leaned down and pressed his lips to your neck, slowly. He left peppering kisses to bring you back into consciousness until your breathing pattern began to match his. Silent tears slowly began to flow down your face.
You felt so embarrassed. The sight shattered Draco’s heart, he hated to see you like this. Your heart eventually calmed down and you were just listening to his silent breathing.
He craned his neck to get a look at your face and was relieved to see you no longer panicking. 
You sat up, avoiding eye contact with him. He gripped your chin, forcing you to look at him.
“What’s going on. I’m not an idiot, I know you’re not eating,” he spoke, his tone slightly agitated. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as he let go of your chin. “Dr-Draco, I... I don’t... I’m not... I can’t! I’m too fat!”
You threw your hands to your face and began to sob. He didn’t know what to say. Instead, he lightly grabbed onto your tiny waist and gently pushed you down on your bed. Removing your hands from your face, his face was inches above yours.
His hot breathe fanned over yours as he lightly grabbed your cheek, wiping away the stray tears with his thumb.
“You are not fat and I never want to hear you talk about yourself like that ever again,” he said, “You are beautiful. You are perfect to me and that’s all that matters-”
“But Draco, my body-”
He interrupted you. “What about your body? It would say it is perfect, but it’s not. Not like this. This isn’t you, this isn’t my Y/N. The Y/N I know has luscious curves, not protruding bones.”
You frowned, look to the side. You couldn’t bare to look at him, he was right. He gripped your chin once more to look at him.
“But I still love you nonetheless, okay? Every single indent, curve, crease, and piece of fat on your body.”  
He lowered his head and pressed his lips to your chest, then your collar bone, and then to your neck. He trailed all the way up to your lips. He was able to taste the salt on your lips from your crying session. 
“Every single part of you,” he whispered, crawling above you, leaning on one of his hands so he didn't crush you under his weight. He pressed his lips once more to yours and engaged in the heat of the moment.
While kissing you, his hand slowly reached up groping and squeezing your breast. You lightly moaned against his touch and tugged on the hem of his shirt. You lifted it over his head and threw it to the side, exposing his beautifully toned chest. Your hands grazed down his abs, feeling his stomach.
He lowered his head and began sucking on your neck having you suck in a breath. His warm lips against your cold skin felt so good. He nibbled on your neck, making you wince a bit. 
It did sting a little. 
But he moved up again and lightly bit your lip. You gripped his back and lightly clawed at it. Wrapping your legs around his torso, he sat up, not once breaking the kiss. He grabbed the hem of your shirt and lifted it over your head throwing it to the side. He gave you a quick kiss before going down to your breast. His hands trailed up your back and to your bra. He undid your bra in one swift moment and tossed it to the side, same as your shirt.
He sat up gazing down on you with hungry eyes as your cheeks turned red hot. You lifted one arm to cover your breasts and the other to cover your face, embarrassed under his gaze. He chuckled and grabbed onto both your hands.
"Don't cover yourself from me, you're absolutely beautiful," he said kissing your knuckles, “Never think otherwise.”
You nodded, and pulled him towards you, one more time, enjoying the moment.
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