Bored of brioche practice? Why not knit lace for the first time ever on a real project
Because I'm ridiculous.
It's WIP wednesday, right? Good, here's a wip that has nothing to do with literally any of my other projects! To be fair to me, a LOT OF SHIT happened to me in December and that shit has continued to haunt me into January, so ADHD Stress WIPing is a thing.
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This is the beginning lace section of the Spearhead Stole, by Jenny Monteleone.
As you can see, the lace section is fiddly and wrinkly but my tension feels pretty even. With the help of mini Mew Mew Mjolnir down there, you can sort of see what it'll look like blocked.
I'm using a fingering weight color shifting yarn in an acrylic with a sparkle because this is a gift for a friend who wants no muss no fuss washing and had particular colors in mind. It is very soft and lovely but obviously not as elastic as wool.
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Yarn from Hobbi, universe type. Shipping went pretty fast!
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Knit a cardigan, I said. It'll be easy, I said
How much different from knitting a tank top could it possibly be?
Guess who just learned about lifelines in knitting? This bitch, that's who. Like hell am I redoing a tubular cast on and 4 inches of rib
But the stitch count was correct on the starter row of the lace pattern that was supposed to be pretty easy so at least I have that going on for me. Now I just have to NOT fuck up whatever I was fucking up to end up missing 2 stitches at some point
Sang a little song about how much this whole process sucked while picking stitches back up off a strand of really fuzzy acrylic scrap yarn, and my wife sang back to me how sorry she was that I was struggling, so that was cute
I swear I'm not gonna be able to pull this damned yarn out of here when I'm done and then there's gonna be some ugly crying
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Might as well knit a cardigan
My hand slipped during a Lion Brand Kit Sale and now we have a bunch of balls of this sparkly, soft 'date night' yarn and a cardigan pattern that I like, loosely swatched. Don't come after me. I'm sure it's gonna be fine.
For my records, here's a link to my ravelry project: https://www.ravelry.com/projects/imafrickinglion/the-arlo-cardi
We had to order a new Chiagoo wire because my Hiya Hiyas weren't playing nice with me (my gauge was super loose, always tends to be with those needles, but I love them). I do also love the Chiagoos especially the WIRES OMG but like the date night yarn does not slip well on them. However that's how gauge was achieved so like, whatever at this point.
Do I still have the 2 tank tops WIPS that you know about and about 90 other WIPS going? Ahahahah YEP welcome to AutDHD crafter life. But like it's fucking cold so hopefully this cardi actually gets done sooner than next fall.
The other half of the purple tank is in fact in progress for the record. Not that anyone on here is gonna slide into my DMs and shame me. The tank top itself is shaming me a little. It'll be fine.
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A new WIP enters
It's actually an old WIP. It's a WIP I've been working on since April, and I got one panel (out of two) nearly done one time!
So what happened? I'll tell you what happened. What happened is Steph doesn't really know how to knit! So when I got to the right side of the top part of this knit, which is also a tank top, to start knitting up the ... idk we'll call it a 'boob panel', I saw 'slip slip purl' on the armpit decrease and went OH MY GOD WHAT I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT PART COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY ALL THIS TIME and then I panicked, and- look I am not proud of me in that moment. We'll move on.
This WIP is the Streamline Tank by Alexa Tavel (Two of Wands) and it's... it's a well written pattern. Alexa takes a lot of time and care, actually, to make sure that plus sizes in her line always tailor correctly and the pdf's are always clear, concise, and very slick - professional looking. I dig her a lot. Also she gives me tons of fomo.
I decided to knit this thing in Truboo because I'd impulse bought a ton in Thistle for something else and then said 'oops what tank top can I make' and landed here, though it was designed for Coboo, so my drape will be different.
Anyway I had to start over on that but I started it over with a better edge and am now back on the part of the body with the cute neckline details so go me?
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Look at that edge. We're proud of that edge.
Not proud of my stockinette though. If someone browses the knitting tag and knows what's going on with those stitches 6 rows from the top that are tilted sideways please give me tips. I'm already knitting with the 'purl side' on a smaller needle so I don't 'row out'. But gosh my stockinette is heckin' uneven and it bothers me.
Here's another photo of the old nearly finished object before the unfortunate thing happened - this tank is going to be really cute. Someday.
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Let's get right to it then, shall we? Here we have a close up of an alternating cable cast on for a tank top I will likely never finish :D
The fun part so far is that now that I have 151 stitches on here in pattern, I am crying due to the fact that she never gave us a selvedge edge so I don't slip this first purl to start on a knit which is literally row 1 of the pattern. Am I supposed to knit the purls and purl the knits? I tried that already and I did not get that nice clean edge I was looking for.
I am about ready to cry and need a snack but LIKE HELL AM I UNDOING THIS AGAIN TO TRY TUBULAR CAST ON OKAY THAT CAST ON MADE ME WANT TO SCREAM so what are you gonna do idk yet maybe treat the cast on edge as row 1 and begin with p 1 k 1 like row 2.
I bet that's what a pro would say. Maybe.
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It is Une Brioche
Working with 2 balls of acrylic yarn from Big Twist because like... I just want a washable scarf when I'm done and wool isn't for practice except when it is. You do you. My adhd will do it. Thankfully autistic brain stepped in quickly enough to make me practice first this time
The last time I tried something with my good wool yarn directly I was crying and frogging a garter tab catastrophe for a week (the yarn is fine, it is also the yarn I will use for the shawl I want to do later)
Anyway it'll end up being 2 color and then a bunch of different designs, found something called 'The Lockdown Brioche Knitting School' on ravelry and it's a whole brioche scarf project with various types to learn, bets off on if I'll finish it. doing another strip of 'background color' before I start the two color part where I will undoubtedly start crying again
Also I do not recommend your first brioche project *actually* involving yarn too dark to see with a metallic thread that'll catch on your needles and an off color yarn of roving twist that's fuzzy as hell but AuDHD both agreed the yarn colors had to match and be pretty so here we are
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Here it is without flash so that the details on the neckline are better seen. Like, I am so hype. Do you have any idea how long this took. No, I don't even mean to knit it, that took about three weeksish, maybe two.
But I have made so many mistakes with this pattern that we actually just had to order another ball of this yarn to compensate for all the tangled awful overfrogged messes and the entire half of a top that had to be thrown after the cat gashed it and I thought I'd ruined it (spoiler I had not, it was a waste of yarn and time throwing it out like that, never throw it out, always take a deep breath and put it away to think for a little while. Even with adhd, just don't put it so out of sight you forget about it for 6 years).
Also have a link to my ravelry project. 50% progress, omg!
This is my first try at a garment, so I'm pretty excited. Now to cast on the second panel before the dopamine wears off and I remember I'm knitting the exact same thing again.
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Well, it's definitely looking like good rib stitch, if a bit uneven.
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