#srs tho go read all the fics by Goblinofthewords
chillychive · 1 year
Greetings friend.
What piece of non canon Trek lore do you forget is not canon?
also, can I steal your metatarsals?
Well for one, everything u created about terran culmets. I was watching the end of S1 today and I was soo confused when Paul shows up and then is confused and doesn't recognize HUGH. Like... what?? It was weird.
I also saw the part where they run out of spores and have to use their entire crop to escape the Mirror universe and I kept expecting Paul to have a necklace with a sample of the spores just in case around his neck and he didn't and then I remembered that's also something from a fanfic.
Also Tracy & Paul being friends...
I often forget that Q & Picard weren't supposed to be this homoerotic relationship that somehow manages to have a ton of tension AND seems like an old married couple at the same time?? Idk.
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