#steddie thots from lu
urhoneycombwitch · 4 months
eddie in the middle of Steve and reader sandwich
I need that boy to get pampered, loved on, and fucked until he's absolutely seeing stars
he's got big Stevie behind him in his hole and reader under him on his dick and there's so many hands and so many mouths and so much praise and there's just nowhere for him to go because when he pulls back, he's only pushing Steve in deeper and if he leans forward, he's sliding deep into reader and it's so overwhelmingly delicious that his head gets all fuzzy like when he smokes but he's perfectly sober
anon when I tell u this has been living in my mind rent-free for days on end...... have a blurb as a treat
+18 mdni
he's lost in it, you can tell.
Eddie gets this glassy, blissed-out look sometimes during sex- most often spotted when you and Steve team up to give Eddie your collective focus.
as luck, practice, and stamina would have it, you and Steve make a stellar team.
Eddie can't do much more than brace his arms against the mattress, the sharp snap of Steve's hips rocking them both forward as Eddie pants into your mouth.
"f-fuck, Steve, fuck me-" his voice is wrecked, partly from the strain of tamping down his orgasm, partly from the cock that was down his throat earlier.
"what do you think I'm doing," Steve quips, driving his hips forward again, golden torso on display from the little you can see around Eddie's shoulder. Steve catches your gaze and winks, cheekily, even through the haze of flush-pink crawling up his neck (a sure sign of his impending release).
Eddie's forearms frame your head, his nose nudging yours with the close proximity. you can hear every little moan that leaves his kiss-bitten lips, see every minute detail of his facial expressions as they shift and change.
it's why you and Steve make such a good team, when you're like this- Steve relies on you and sound alone to relay Eddie's reactions, and in turn, makes you both feel really good.
maybe, this time, a bit too good; Eddie's making these keening noises like he's been punched- not an unusual occurrence on its own, but his eyes are squeezed shut so tight under his dark brows that it kind of worries you.
"hey-" in a room of slick noises and jagged gasps, your voice is a soft, honeyed thing, and Eddie's eyes pop open- half-lidded but you'll take it- as you slide your hands up his sides to cradle his face. "you okay? want me to tell big mean Stevie to take it easy on you?"
the moment you'd spoken Steve had stilled his movements, loosening his grip on the pale, lithe hips in front of him to stroke a soft palm down Eddie's back instead. he scoffs above you both now at that comment, muttering something about Eddie liking it big and mean.
you ignore Steve for the time being, pretending like it's just you and Eddie, pushing his sweaty bangs off his forehead to give him some relief from the heat that seemed to roil off all of you. "take a deep breath for me, baby. y'wanna stop?"
Eddie obeys, drawing in a shuddering breath before pressing his sticky forehead to your bare collarbone, shaking his head against you as garbled words spill out- "no, please, no, wanna keep going, gonna be so good for you, please, honey..."
"sounds pretty when he begs," Steve comments, the tautness in his frame and voice betraying his feigned casualness.
you shoot him a look, one hand threaded in Eddie's hair as he muffles his whines into your skin- a look that means play nice or else. Steve heaves a dramatic sigh before leaning to cover Eddie's upper shoulders in kisses.
"c'mon, Eds," he murmurs, teeth snagging behind the shell of Eddie's ear, voice low and coaxing, "gotta show our girl a good time, right?"
you feel the effect Steve has on the dark-haired boy, Eddie's cock buried deep within you kicking up, which makes you moan, which in turn makes Eddie moan and clench around Steve...
there's a moment of stilted resettling; Steve slips a warm hand under your knee to push your leg up and out, giving you all a bit more breathing room, while Eddie pushes his upper half up again on shaky arms.
Steve eases himself forward, tongue poking out in concentration, grinning victorious when this new angle pulls a low groan from Eddie.
you're worried he's going to zone out again, but one of his hands leaves the mattress to snake between your bodies, thumb catching at your aching clit.
it's your turn to close your eyes, a mounting wave of pleasure thrumming between your legs; distantly, you hear Steve chuckle and instruct Eddie to do it again.
he obeys, like he always does- though this time when his thumb circles that bundle of nerves, he sucks your nipple into his mouth in a tandem move that has your back arching off the bed.
"jesus- fuck- fucking... don't stop, Eds, please..."
and in a tone far too smug for someone with a dick up his ass, Eddie releases your breast with a wet pop to tease, "now who's begging?"
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urhoneycombwitch · 2 months
i have a request for you, it’s very self indulgent!
it’s summer and you’ve just broken up with your boyfriend. eddie and steve both fancy the pants off you, they turn up the charm to 100, a war commencing between them as they both want you so badly, constantly trying to one up the other.
not a steddie, but who knows who she’ll end up with 👀✨
this is such a fun idea anon. so so fun. heavy on the steddie x reader soz
they start off CRAZY competitive. it gets subtly more and more contentious- Eddie and Steve are inches away from lightly brawling every time the lethal combo of the three of you is in a room together.
but something clicks in with Steve one night; he approaches Eddie outside a house party, asks to bum a cigarette.
“you ever thought about, maybe… tag-teaming?” Steve suggests, casually, smoking like he was born for it.
Eddie cocks an eyebrow- “didn’t think The King would be one for sharing his girls. you hittin’ on me, sweetheart?”
cheeks pink beyond deniability, Steve clears his throat around a mouthful of smoke. “no, that’s not- I’m sayin’, she gets flustered with attention when it’s just one of us. maybe we’d have an easier time, y’know…”
“sure. cool. I get it.” Eddie’s shrugging his jacket back on, tossing over his shoulder with a flourish- “Stevie boy wants a threesome. his wish is my command.”
they get a lot harder to laugh off, to ignore in any way, after that night. if you turned from Eddie’s luxurious attention, there was Steve across the counter, running a warm palm up your forearm to ask if you wanted another drink. if Steve was lovey with you (squeezing close to pass behind, thumbs stroking the exposed skin of your waist), Eddie was, twofold (arm slung around your shoulders, lips pressing to your forehead, rings cool at the thigh of your jeans).
the best part about this new set-up was that your boys were actually, finally getting along.
it was all so suddenly pleasant and fun and sexy, all this attention from the both of them, that you don’t know how you couldn’t have seen it before.
[threesome pending]
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urhoneycombwitch · 5 months
something something Eddie gets regular perms for his naturally stick-straight hair and Steve has monthly appointments to layer brunette dye over his naturally blonde hair
meet cute (meet horror??) when they realize they’ve booked at the same salon. slowly rotating around each other in the parking lot pointing like
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urhoneycombwitch · 3 months
steddie x reader fic except it’s just you and Eddie (morning haters) having to deal with Steve (a cheery sunny habitual morning person)
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