#stella's horoscope
plutobutartsy · 11 months
officially have david brainrot again he's just so :( he's all like "ah i'm the alpha of the most influential pack in dalhia. i'm very serious. no nonsense. no joking." but then he cares so much about his pack and he picks the sweetest sappiest pet name for his partner and plays video games with his friends and he worried about being too scary in his wolf form and he likes getting his ears scratched :( he's the perfect man unfortunately
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lynpheas · 8 months
fairy horoscope
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okay i'm not much of an astrology person besides indulging in it from time to time just because i think it's fun, but i've been living on the winx wiki lately for fic research and i noticed that winx club has its own fairy horoscope!! which, unlike irl astrology, has 16 signs with associated personality traits. put yours in the tags!!
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taffetastrology · 9 months
The signs as Istante Spring 1996 looks
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giantratbf · 2 years
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omg hiii >__< hello :3c
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the-clay-quarters · 4 months
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this feels like I'm entering my guys into the comunal dating sim lmao
I could ramble about so many bits of this but right off the bat:
the star signs are fairly arbitrary / not actually related to horoscopes
no clue what the auras are supposed to be, so those are just associated colours
if you can't read the text, the songs are: "Someone New" by Hozier, "Stella" by Cereus Bright, and "First Time" by Hozier. two Hozier songs was an accident but it works
flowers are: green dahlias, generic white flowers, and forget-me-nots
original template here
also, specific song lyrics ⬇️ (mostly the bridges/choruses, + the first verse of First Time)
Pembroke: Someone New - Hozier
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Silverstein: Stella - Cereus Bright
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Vincent: First Time - Hozier
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rivensdefenseattorney · 5 months
Flora Character Profile
Basic Information
Name: Flora
Race: Fairy | Halfling-Elf
Age: 20
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 5'6 (168 cm)
Unique Features
Pointed Ears
Background & History
Education: Alfea Interdimensional College of Fae
Year: 3
Concentrated Study: Potioncraft & Alchemical Arts
Minor Studies: Arcane Medical Applications | Advanced Healing Potions
Favorite Class: Enchanted Gardens and Sustainable Magic
Birthplace: Linphea
Mother: Alyssa
Father: Rhodos
Sister: Miele
Uncle: Palladium
Musa/Stella (Winx Best Friends)
Riven/Sky/Timmy (Specialist Best Friends)
Love Interests
Personality Traits
Nurturing: Whether it's her friends or her plants, she has an instinctive tendency to care for those in distress
Empathetic: She is emotionally attuned to the needs of both her friends and her plants, responding with care and empathy.
Soft-spoken: Her voice is gentle and quiet, reflecting her calm nature.
Shy and Genuine: She may be reserved or shy in social situations but she's authentic and true to herself.
Calm: She possesses a natural serenity and is rarely perturbed by external stressors. This helps her focus on her work with plants and potions.
Skills & Abilities
Can manipulate plants
Can communicate with plants
Proficient in the study and application of magical herbs
Extensive understanding of botany
Excels in creating a diverse range of potions and elixirs
Very Agile
Hobbies & Interests
Nature Horoscope Enthusiast
Going on hikes and strolls outside
Maintaining her garden
Tea Blending
Conducting Experiments
Aromatherapy Crafting
Collecting Seeds/Stems
Quirks & Habits
Follows a Vegan diet
Always smells like flowers
Often braids Flowers into her hair
Names all of her plants
Shares all of her and her friends' secrets with her plants
Winx Rewrite Master Post
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starry-night-rose · 10 months
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“That seems like a highly unachievable wish but.....As you wish”
Character Playlist / Character Inspirations
Full Name: Stella Andromeda Vega
Nicknames: Mademoiselle Étolie (Rook), Feather Star (Floyd), Miss Vega (Malleus) Little Star (Lilia), That Twinkle Lady (UiO belongs to @authoruio ) Starlight (Victoria belongs to @rosietrace )
V/A: Kana Hanazawa (JP) Kira Buckland (EN)
!Twisted from the Wishing Star from several Disney movies!
Age: ???
Birthday: July 7th
Horoscope: Cancer
Species: Wish-Granting Faerie
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Height: 172 cm (or 5’8)
Hair color: Dark Purple
Eye color: Lavender
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Homeland: Briar Valley
Family: Unnamed Father, Unnamed Mother
Dominant Hand: Left
Dormitory: Pomfiore
School Year: 3rd year
Class: 3-E (No. 7)
Best Class(es): Ancient Curses, Astrology
Worst Class(es): Flying, Animal Languages
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Favorite Food(s): Plums, Candied Apples
Least Favorite Food: Sardines
Hobbies: Fencing, Stargazing, Waltzing
Dislike(s): Confined Spaces, War, Sleeping-in late
Talent(s): Wish-granting, Astronomy, Listening to others
Sexuality: Bisexual
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Personality: The ever so helpful fairy, Stella is an ever present help to the dorm! Stella makes it her goal to help as many people as she can! She just wants people to feel and be their best! Always seen with a serene look on her face, Stella is a calming presence to the dorm! Described as “soft-hearted” by her dormmates, Stella is always kind to others and treats those with compassion! Stella truly does care for others and always goes out of her way to help them! Though there are times where Stella seems aloof or disconnected, she’ll always snap right back! With wish-granting, Stella gets much more serious with it as it’s very important to her! Although she’s hesitant at times to grant certain wishes, she’ll still grant them in the end with a small “As you wish.” At times, Stella can seem like a bit of a pushover but when the time calls for it, she knows exactly how to stand up for herself and to put others in their places!
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Backstory: Stella was born to a highly ranked family in the Briar Valley many years ago. Her parents were personal “wish-granters” to the royal court and would preside over christenings, birthdays, and other such important events. Due to her parent’s high ranking position, Stella was able to grow up alongside the royal family and even grow attached to them! Stella’s life took a turn for a worse one day when she was out taking a walk in the forest. An unprompted battle suddenly began just where Stella was walking and thus she got stuck in the crossfire. Stella was then knocked out due to a spell directed at her head and was sent into a deep slumber. Not knowing what to do with her seemingly lifeless body, those in the battle decided to leave her in a cave for the time being. Many years passed before Stella finally woke up one day. Waking up in this small cave caused Stella to panic which thankfully caught the attention of a passerby who got her out of the cave. Deciding to return to her parents, she learned that many years had in fact passed, Stella was unsure what to do with her time. In the end, Stella decided to attend NRC of which she was planning of going to before her little “accident.” At NRC, she was sorted into the dorm Pomfiore. At NRC, she built up a reputation of wish-granting and seemingly being able to grant any wish.
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The stars in Stella’s hair are genetic! They’re also soft to the touch!
Stella once had a boyfriend who was in the Briar Valley army, she unfortunately hasn’t heard from him since her disappearance
Her hair accessory was actually a gift from the Queen herself!
Stella has an odd habit of hanging out in trees! Often staying in them for hours at a time
Although she’s a natural at waltzing, Stella likes other types of dances such as ballet and swing!
Stella keeps a notebook of everyone’s wishes so she can keep track of them!
Azul isn’t too fond of Stella due to her seemingly “stealing his customers”
Stella is oddly fond of wind chimes for some odd reason!
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pqrachel · 9 months
Fucking Amazing Game Alert
So Goodbye Volcano High just came out today, and I played it all in one sitting. (6.9 hours, nice) And like holy fucking god. It was so good. I mean it was buggy in places and some of the minigames weren't fully polished but whatever. The storyline, and the characters, and the music, and the story!!
Heads up. Minor spoilers but I wanna talk about it so here I go. HUGE REVIEW / INFODUMP BELOW (There's also a bunch of screenshots from my playthrough mostly of the last couple episodes.)
Fang's VA sounded like Chloe from Before the Storm (not Ashly Burch but Rhianna DeVries) and it was so cool, and speaking of Life is Strange, there's so much Life is Strange vibes throughout the whole thing. Apocalypse, queer teens, great music!
Oh my gosh great music! The music minigame didn't work 100% but when they did it felt so great and I loved all of the songs actually all of them.
The main cast was great Fang was relatable and flawed and well written. And I loved them so much. Trish was an amazing backup to Fang and drove the story so well. Reed was amazing especially as GM, and his L&L character Sydd was hot as fuck. Sage and Stella were great and reminded me so much of my friends @hearthurian and @spookyscarynik it was amazing. While not everything matched up them, Sage being a femme presenting trans boy was handled well and remind a lot of Arthur. Especially him talking about horoscopes and being so invested in Stella but still being so strong on his own, and Stella crushing on fictional characters was so Nik lol. And they just kept being so great as a duo even if they weren't dating in game. I ship it. Rosa was nice but I definitely missed some scenes with her and after seeing the name of the achievement "Surprise Friendship" I do wish I knew what her story was like. Naser was so fun, was a well written older brother character, and did great in the L&L session.
And Naomi. <3 Lovely Naomi, her reveal as the secret admirer was done so well. Like even though I was thinking maybe it was her the reveal that I was right in the end of the 3 episode had me screaming, I loved it so much!!! And their short time together was great and I really want the best for them even if their world's story is almost definitely ended.
The game aspect of it wasn't great, like honestly this could have been a short miniseries kind of thing, like Looking for Alaska and it could have been so much better. Because as medium all the game aspect let me do was play along to the music (which I did like though), and miss some scenes because I didn't choose the right dialogue options. I guess there were the unlockable flashback but those could have been added as like little cut between episodes or commercials. (Maybe like the Sk8 the Infinity stingers idk) I did like getting multiple dialogue options but if choosing ones that felt right to me means missing out on scenes, it's not worth it. Like I really wanna see all the story has to offer and it's a shame I couldn't see the full story just because they wanted the story choices to feel important. According to the achievements I missed scenes with Rosa, Stella, Trish, and Reed.
Rosa's story felt the most lacking. Stella's story felt fine as a side character but maybe I just don't know what I'm missing. I kept wanted to see more of Reed's story but it never happened. Trish's story felt whole as I got it but apparently I still missed something, possibly connected to Rosa's story but maybe it was just more with her. Maybe I'll go back if there's a guide on which dialogue options result in getting to see every scene in the last act (the achievements say it's possible to get all of them in one playthrough), but that depends on how restrictive it is and how much that would take me out of the game. I might do it like how I did the Life is Strange Ultimate playthrough a few years ago, where I looked at the wiki to get every scene I wanted. Cuz yeah I could just play the game over and over again but seeing a story like this over and over again can make it lose its magic. I know the last time I played Life is Strange definitely wasn't anywhere near as impactful as it was the first couple of times I played it. I couldn't even finish True Colors on my second attempt going for 100% because it just felt like I wasn't in the story like I was the first time I played it, and I don't want this game to be the same. It deserves better, so I'm just gonna leave it at one playthrough for a while and MAYBE I'll come back to it at some point.
And now for the storyline. Holy feels dude. So much worm drama! The story is so deep and emotional and tackled a bunch of rough issues really well, all with an amazing friend group. Dealing with the apocalypse felt so real after the pandemic, and that brought a lot of emotions back up which felt almost nice? now that I'm in a better place and have had to sit with them. And having dealt with my dad's death last year, some of the family scenes did hit me more than I was expecting even if I wasn't too close with him or my family. Fang being non-binary was handled so well and all the scenes with their parents deadnaming and misgendering them also hit me really hard, Naser was being supportive the whole time and that meant a lot. And even though the scene at the end with Fang's parents correctly calling them Fang and them saying they love you back felt a little undeserved, it's the end of the world and there's some love there even if they don't fully understand Fang. Which doesn't always happen with trans people and their parents so I guess I'm happy for them if their happy.
The Battle of the Bands plot was fun, after reading Steph's story (the Life is Strange book) [SPOILERS FOR THAT], I wasn't actually expecting Worm Drama to win. But I guess even more amazingly they did and it didn't matter; and they had to find their own meaning in their music and with their friends. And they did, and it was great.
The dino characters were great. It was like lowkey furry energy (I mean that in a good way) but it wasn't just thrown it. They thought about it the emojis faces and hands were dinos. All the character's clothing made sense with their dino features. (I loved Fang's horn choker thingy.) It just brought me into the world way more than took me out of it.
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solarstellarstar · 11 months
Stella Rock!
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// Decided to do a clothing study with Solar hehehe 🤭 I have this Saki 4* and when I saw the stars on the costume. I just knew. Anyways, this might serve as some inspiration for a Solar ver of the Sadistic Horoscope merchline 🤔
Left: my art
Right: Official Saki Tenma card art from Project Sekai/Colourfall Stage
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janfraiser · 2 years
Laughing On A Park Bench
Chicago Med. A chance encounter for Sarah and Ava makes a bad day better.
A/N: a lil idea I had that I wanted to write for @erinlindsayy bc she deserves soft content of all her favs. even tho she keeps writing painful angst 😜
Sarah sits on a bench outside the hospital with a carry-out container of pho from her favorite vietnamese place a block over, a comfort meal for her during a miserably hectic day of work. She winces as she chews, rubbing her jaw where a combative patient had caught her with a flailing fist as they'd struggled to transfer him from the paramedics' gurney to the ED bed.
There's a milling crowd about the food trucks across the way, but that's par for the course during a lunch break, so Sarah doesn't think much of it, not even looking up until a woman who had been waiting for the sandwich truck wanders over her way. "Mind if I sit with you?"
When she looks up, Sarah vaguely recognizes her as a surgeon she's met before, but the long coat she's wearing obscures where her name must be embroidered on her scrubs. "Sure," she says anyway. "I'm Sarah."
"Oh, that's right, you work in psychiatry, don't you?" The blonde nods. "I'm Ava, I'm almost always up on the CT floor."
That's why Sarah recognizes her; she now remembers seeing Ava in the ED from time to time, usually trying to drag Connor away from some trauma surgery to fix someone's heart. It's hard to compare the two fields, of course; both are incredibly important.
"Nice to officially meet you," she says, not offering a handshake as Ava is clearly busy with her loaded grilled cheese. "I know we're seen each other around."
Ava nods. "Apologies if I'm not the best conversationalist this afternoon," she sighs. "To put it frankly, I'm having a shit day."
"Ugh, me to," Sarah agrees immediately. "Must be because Mercury's in retrograde. Struggles with communication, all-around frustration."
That earns her a raised eyebrow from the surgeon. "A psychiatrist who follows astrology? Do you diagnose your patients based on their zodiac signs?"
"I diagnose my patients with the DSM-5, just like med school taught me," Sarah says, shaking her head.
Ava snorts. "Zodiac signs might work better."
"Oh, yeah?" Sarah laughs a little. Astrology is little more than a hobby for her, a self-care tactic that reminds her to look at the stars once in a while and gives her an external power to blame bad luck on. Still, this is fun. "Like, the reason I second-guess every decision I make and struggle daily with perfection is because I'm a virgo?"
"Or the reason I tend to come across as a wildly different person to friends versus strangers is because I'm a gemini," Ava offers, smirking.
"Ooh, a gemini," Sarah says, feigning shock. "No wonder you're a surgeon."
"You've lost me there," Ava responds, inclining her head. "I only understand enough to read a horoscope, and not much more."
"I was generalizing," Sarah says with a shrug. "'Cause surgeons and self-confidence go hand in hand."
Ava laughs aloud at that, and Sarah cocks her head to read her facial expression, but decides not to dig into that. Legitimate psychoanalysis does not seem like a good way to make friends.
"Surgeons," Ava says, after taking another bite of sandwich, "are assholes."
Sarah shrugs. "I don't know... you seem nice."
"Thank you," Ava says quietly, though she does give her a smile.
Even though she hasn't finished her pho, Sarah is pulled away from the conversation by an alarm pinging on her phone. "I have to get back to work if I want to have any hope of finishing my charts," she sighs.
"Been there," Ava says with a sympathetic wince. "Well, I'll most likely be at Molly's Bar tonight, alone, complaining to my friend about my terrible taste in men... do you know Stella Kidd?"
"I don't think so," Sarah replies. She knows the bar, though. "Is she a firefighter?"
Ava nods. "With House 51, so she tends bar at Molly's. You should come, she's a far better conversationalist than me."
"Why not," Sarah agrees, shrugging. "I'll see you later, then."
Ava waves as she rolls up the foil that had covered her sandwich. "Good luck with charting."
Sarah grins and crosses her fingers as she heads back to the hospital. With any luck, a lunch break with a new friend bodes well for the rest of her day.
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plutobutartsy · 1 year
petition for erik to replace the silence that's used to represent the listener's answers with the animal crossing voices
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abookishdreamer · 6 months
Character Intro: Arktos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nickname- Mama by her son
Age- 49 (immortal)
Location- New Olympus, Olympius (The Royal Palace)
Personality- She's a confident woman with a deep sense of independence & a thirst for challenging adventures. She's currently single.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As goddess of the night sky & constellations her other powers/abilities include limited lunakinesis, umbrakinesis, limited aerokinesis, and summoning & controlling stars and constellations. She's innately stronger at night, even more on a clear night, when all the stars are out.
Arktos is the oldest member of The Horae. Per her responsibilities, she often takes the evening shifts at the palace's gift shop, also closing too.
One notable feature is her height. She's one of the shortest goddesses in the pantheon, standing a bit over 5 feet tall!
Arktos resides in an apartment suite at the royal palace on Mt. Olympus. Inside, most of the walls are built out of amethyst geode (the ceiling is moonstone) while the doors are made out of scolecite. Instead of traditional lighting there's projection lighting (her favorite being "starry sky mode") in addition to having string lights. Outside on her terrace stands her most prized possession- a highly sophisticated telescope made from materials from a meteorite, inlayed with tektite & Imperial Gold.
She has recently become an empty nester when her only child and son Urso (god of bears) moved out. They've always had a close bond, so she's been finding it difficult to give him his space while he focuses on being on his own for a while. They keep in contact through text & video chat. She has yet to be invited to his new place.
Arktos has an animal companion- a pegasus (a boy) named Sirius. He's her usual mode of transportation and a common pasttime od hers has been late night flights on Sirius when she can't find sleep.
Even though she values her friendships with all the other members of The Horae - she's a lot closer to Mesembria (Bria) (goddess of the afternoon), Auge (goddess of first daylight), and Gymnasia (goddess of exercise & gymnastics).
Because she normally sleeps in during mornings, Arktos will have a late breakfast. Go-tos for her include a steaming bowl of maple brown sugar oatmeal (topped with honey & dark chocolate chips) as well as the hash browns (made extra crispy) from The Hearthside Diner.
Another notable physical feature are the tattoos of all the constellations on both her arms & back. In her godly form, the tattoos glow white hot!
A go-to drink for her is a blueberry martini. She also likes cola, gin & tonics, lavender tea, water, ginger ale, rum & cokes, and the cocoa overload milkshakes from The Frozen Spoon (a dark chocolate milkshake topped two full sized chocolate brownies, chocolate fudge sauce, chocolate sprinkles, & chocolate whipped cream). Her usual from The Roasted Bean is a large dark chocolate mocha.
Arktos loves getting the dark barbeque rib sandwich (topped with extra coleslaw and feta cheese) from The Bread Box.
She loves the Olmorfia nail polish in "Graphite Sparkle," (a sparkly black) & "Midnight Mantra," (a dark navy blue).
For other means of income Arktos writes the horoscopes for The Oracle newspaper. She also models for/endorses Heavenly Spark, Stella Ferrea (The Hyades' jewelry brand), and ýfasma óneiro- the fashion brand of Rhapso (goddess of sewing)
In the pantheon she's also friends with Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Asteria (Titaness of falling stars, astrology, magic, necromancy, & nocturnal oracles and prophecies), Hysminai (goddess of fighting & combat), Lycana (Titaness of lycanthropy), Selene (Titaness of the moon), and Eváeros (goddess of air & the zodiacs). Arktos admires Nyx (goddess of the night), despite never meeting her. Arktos was the official mentor towards Urania (one of The Muses).
She's also grown fond of her son's girlfriend Lykos (goddess of wolves).
Her all time favorite dessert are the cinnamon brownies from Hollyhock's Bakery.
She hasn't been in a real relationship in nearly a century- her primary focus being her son & responsibilities. Arktos would partake in the occassional one night stand. She briefly dated Helios (Titan god of the sun). Lately she's been hanging out with Oreios (one of The Ourea). So far, she's been enjoying their friendship.
Her all time favorite meal is stifado along with roasted potatoes.
In her free time Arktos enjoys reading, binge watching TV (true crime, historical documentaries, & trashy reality shows being her faves), archery, basketball, astrology, football (soccer), listening to music, jogging, baking, and writing in her journal.
"The constellations are like a celestial canvas, painting a picture of the universe."
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taffetastrology · 2 years
The signs as The Runaways costumes
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icharchivist · 9 months
god Lodi's mic is actually hinted to be a Horoscope. they have a magic mic in the event featuring Saito Soma, Wataru Komada and Ai Fairouz. they have a magic mic in the event featuring Gentaro, Jyuuto and Honobono from Hypnosis Mic. They have a magic mic in the sequel to an event where the main island was called Stella. they have a magic mic held by a Vkei looking dude.
why are they doing this to me.
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mycharacterdump · 11 months
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MAISIE WOZNIAK-JENSEN + character profile.
FULL NAME: margaret elaine wozniak-jensen.
NICKNAME(S): maisie, maze. 
DATE OF BIRTH: december 3rd.
ETHNICITY: caucasian + ¼ filipino.
GENDER: cis woman.
PRONOUNS: she/her.
ORIENTATION: demiromantic, heterosexual.
RELIGION: learning buddhism.
LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: bilingual in asl + tagalog.
FACE CLAIM: millie bobby brown
HAIR COLOUR/STYLE: naturally dark brown; left medium length and curly.
EYE COLOUR: honey brown eyes that are often seen as golden. 
HEIGHT: five foot three.
WEIGHT: 111 lbs.
BUILD: skinny.
TATTOOS: none. 
PIERCINGS: both lobes, + a hidden septum piercing administered by a friend. 
CLOTHING STYLE: sports a lot of button-ups; ranging from plain shirt button-ups to plaids. wears baggy pants and custom canvas sneakers that she both paints herself. her great grandmother stella’s heart-shaped locket.
DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS: freckles that span across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose.
AESTHETICS: a collection of CDs, piles of books all over the place loud noise, loud laughter, a smile so wide and contagious, thrifting for home decor and clothes, papers all over their space, a pencil behind their ear, bedhead, a compassionate love for animals, sleeves under big t-shirts, constellations drawn in notebooks, space buns, the northern lights, wishing on every first star you see, stargazing on a lawn, having your head in space, believing in aliens, reading horoscopes. 
AILMENTS: completely deaf; wears a hearing aid; has autism spectrum disorder.
DRUG USE: none. 
ALCOHOL USE: only socially. 
LABEL: the bohemian.
POSITIVE TRAITS: dedicated, amicable, supportive, empathetic, experimental, inquisitive, whimsical. 
NEGATIVE TRAITS: awkward, pretentious, patronizing, feckless, anxious, feeble, judgmental, stubborn.
FEARS: being alone/forgotten. 
HOBBIES: starcharting, painting, crafting, upcycling clothes.
HABITS: fidgeting with her hearing aid, humming too loudly when in thought.
WEATHER: clear night skies.
COLOUR: all of them. 
MUSIC: alternative, indie folk.
MOVIES: space documentaries. 
SPORT: tennis. 
BEVERAGE: cornelian-cherry tea. 
FOOD: anything filipino that she can help cook.
FATHER: spencer jensen (alive.)
MOTHER: reina wozniak-jensen (alive.)
SIBLING(S): is in a pair of triplets, others include michaela ‘mim’ jensen + maxwell ‘max’ jensen; younger siblings include honey jensen, india jensen, harrison jensen + sebastian jensen.
PET(S): a ferret named flower.
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honeyleesblog · 11 months
Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 12 Birthdays
They are individuals with a cordial, very serene and respectful disposition. Close to home, delicate: they show dependability in their connections. They can adjust to life circumstances. They can accomplish huge advantages through associations with others. Genuine companions will help you particularly. They can resolve their lives in an agreeable manner. They are truly keen on singing and music. Because of these interests, they even become craftsmen, painters, or scholars. They show extraordinary adroitness in manual work, which permits them to acquire amazing outcomes in the applied expressions. They can likewise be astounding specialists. Your endeavors and difficult work will ultimately be delegated with progress. They have a fundamental energy in overabundance, and they have it in sports, love or work. A side interest that can hurt them is gastronomic, in light of the fact that it could cause liver or kidney illnesses. Likewise, they frequently show a propensity to put on weight. People brought into the world at sunrise are better and stronger. Imperfections: The lacking sort rapidly ejects out of resentment. He is eccentric, constrained by his interests. Albeit languid, he is fit for playing around. Imperious, excessively basic. Providing In-Depth Horoscope and Personality Analysis for May 12 Birthdays 
 Assuming your birthday is on May 12, your zodiac sign is Taurus May 12 - character and character character: immaculate, kind, determined, erratic, forceful, antagonistic; calling: humanist, nurture, writer; colors: purple, brown, white; stone: lapis lazuli; creature: snail; plant: nasturtium; fortunate numbers: 10,15,23,26,39,54 very fortunate number: 3 Occasions and observances - May 12 Worldwide Fibromyalgia Day. Worldwide Nursing Day. Worldwide Day of the Section of Beginning wine development. May 12 VIP Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Pedro Puig Adam, Spanish mathematician (f. 1960). 1900: Helene Weigel, German entertainer (d. 1971). 1907: Katharine Hepburn, American entertainer (d. 2003). 1910: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin, English scientific expert, 1964 Nobel Prize victor for science (d. 1994). 1910: Johan Ferrier, Surinamese president (d. 2010). 1910: Giulietta Simionato, Italian soprano (d. 2010). 1913: Jamelao, Brazilian samba player (f. 2008). 1914: Bertus Aafjes, Dutch author (d. 1993). 1918: Julius Rosenberg, American covert agent (d. 1953). 1918: Mary Kay Debris, organizer behind the beauty care products organization Mary Kay Beauty care products (d. 2001). 1920: Vilდ��m Flusser, Czech author (d. 1991). 1921: Joseph Beuys, German craftsman (d. 1986). 1922: Marco Denevi, Argentine author (f. 1998). 1924: Claribel Alegrდ­a, Nicaraguan author. 1925: Yogi Berra, American baseball player. 1926: Luis Molowny, Spanish footballer and mentor (d. 2010). 1928: Burt Bacharach, American arranger. 1929: Sam Nujoma, Namibian legislator. 1929: დ?gnes Heller, Hungarian logician. 1930: Jesდºs Franco, Spanish movie producer (d. 2013). 1930: Tirofijo (Manuel Marulanda Vდ©lez), Colombian guerrilla, commandant of the FARC (d. 2008). 1935: Felipe Alou, Dominican baseball player. 1936: Guillermo Endara Galimany, Panamanian legislator and attorney, president somewhere in the range of 1989 and 1994. 1936: Honest Stella, American painter. 1937: George Carlin, American comic (d. 2008). 1942: Michel Fugain, French vocalist. 1945: Alan Ball, English footballer. 1945: Claudia Sauce, Spanish entertainer brought into the world in Zaire. 1948: Guillermo Pდ©rez Villalta, Spanish painter. 1948: Richard Riehle, American entertainer. 1948: Steve Winwood, English performer, of the band Traffic. 1950: Gabriel Byrne, Irish entertainer. 1958: Eric Artist, American performer, of the groups Kiss and Alice Cooper. 1959: Ving Rhames, American entertainer. 1962: Emilio Estდ©vez, American entertainer. 1962: Brett Gurewitz, American guitarist. 1962: Einar Arnaldur Melax, Icelandic artist and writer, of the band The Elgar Sisters. 1963: Stefano Modena, Italian Equation 1 driver. 1963: Gavin Hood, South African producer. 1963: Beatriz Valdდ©s, Cuban-Venezuelan theater, film and TV entertainer. 1966: Stephen Baldwin, American entertainer. 1966: Bebel Gilberto, Brazilian artist. 1966: Deborah Kara Unger, Canadian entertainer. 1967: Paul D'Amour, American bassist, of the band Device. 1968: Tony Bird of prey, American skater. 1970: Samantha Mathis, American entertainer. 1971: Alejandro Irarragorri, Mexican money manager. 1972: Antonio Bosch Conde, Spanish author. 1972: Yadhira Carrillo, Mexican entertainer. 1975: Jonah Lomu, New Zealand rugby player. 1978: Sied van Riel, Dutch DJ and maker 1978: Jason Biggs, American entertainer. 1978: Malin Akerman, Swedish entertainer, model and vocalist. 1979: Joaquim Rodrდ­guez, Spanish cyclist. 1980: Keith Bogans, American b-ball player. 1980: Silvestre Dangond, Colombian vocalist lyricist of Vallenata music. 1980: Paula Woyzechowsky, Venezuelan entertainer and model. 1980: Alexandra de la Mora, Mexican entertainer. 1981: Rami Malek, American entertainer. 1981: Erica Campbell, American model. 1981: Andre Brown, American ball player. 1983: Alina Kabდ¡yeva, Russian athlete. 1983: Axel Hervelle, Belgian ball player. 1983: Domhnall Gleeson, Irish entertainer. 1984: Justin Williams, American ball player. 1985: Jaime Gavilდ¡n Martდ­nez, Spanish footballer. 1985: Paolo Goltz, Argentine footballer. 1986: Emily VanCamp, Canadian entertainer. 1986: Mouhamed Sene, Senegalese ball player. 1986: Victor Liz, Dominican ball player. 1988: Marcelo Vieira, Brazilian soccer player. 1991: Joe Dombrowski, American cyclist. 1992: Malcolm David Kelley, American entertainer. 1995: Luke Benward, American entertainer.
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