stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Stiles has been crushing on Derek for years, pining away while Derek doesn't seem to notice he even exists. And Stiles knew he should have never told his dad who his crush was when he was feeling especially sorry for himself, but he can't take it back now, and of course it all comes back to bite him in the ass when his dad accidentally tells the guy he's totally in love with that he has a crush on him. Stiles is completely mortified, but then he finds out he might not have been the only one pining away all this time...
Merry Christmas, @bloody-bee-tea!
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suburbanmotel · 5 years
Summary: It was once believed that children born on Christmas Day were able to see spirits.
My contribution to the 2018 Sterek Secret Santa Fest.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @lostwithnointernet!
Happy Holidays, lostwithnointernet! I hope you have a great time and that you enjoy this little sterek-y gift :)
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @crazylunaimaginationkai!
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @mesolotea!
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @bibliophile246!
I hope you like your present! I tried combining  powerful spark/emissary!Stiles and semi-feral! derek (?) <3, i wish you a very merry Christmas and happy new year!
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @colourfulwizardpolice!
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @beerwolves!
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @Jennoasis!
Read on AO3
Tattoo My Heart
Stiles was born with the phases of the moon tattooed down his spine. Most of the earliest pictures of his existence were of him laying on his stomach with his back on display. Sometimes he was on his father, sometimes on his mother, sometimes sleeping, sometimes not. As he grew older, he would wonder what it meant.
He would wonder whether his soulmate would be whimsical and free-spirited. Whether it meant his soulmate would be prone to pessimism and hopeless thoughts and contemplations about the vastness of the universe. Whether they would know all the constellations and prefer the darkness to light. Whether they would be brilliant in a soft, muted way, or ever-changing, or have the ability to make slow but constant impact on vast things, the way the moon affected the ocean.
Stiles would lay awake at night wondering.
Why the moon?
And when Scott got bitten, he laughed until he cried. And then laughed some more.
Derek grew up knowing his soulmate had an insatiable curiosity and an extremely short attention span.
Images flitted over his skin constantly.
Peter teased him about having a soulmate so entirely different from him. Someone capricious, that tended to lean toward dangerous things.
He howled with laughter when a wolf settled onto Derek’s skin, only to replaced by a panther the very next day.
Even if Derek were at all inclined to tell his uncle secrets the man hadn’t already figured out for himself, he still would never have explained that the wolf had simply moved from his bicep to curl up with its head on its paws just underneath his collar bone.
Peter found out anyway, because it was impossible for two wolves in the same pack to never see each other shirtless at the very least. Peter waited for the wolf to really disappear so he could tease, but had to content himself with mocking the way the wolf shrunk until it was just a small little thing in the pocket of Derek’s shoulder.
But his scathing comments barely registered to Derek, because it was what let him know that when his soulmate truly loved something they never let it go.
A cello appeared on Stiles. At first, it was a lovely instrument. The burnished teak color contrasted beautifully with his pale skin. The bow leaned gracefully against the cello, and one could almost hear the soft strains of soothing music.
And then one day, not that long after its first appearance, the instrument had snapped strings and warped wood. The hair of the bow lost its sheen and was cut in half to hang loosely. There were deep gouges.
Stiles didn’t realize they were claw marks until much, much later.
Derek had a sand castle on his skin. It looked like a child’s drawing of a sand castle mostly.
Did his soulmate love the beach? Did it represent a cherished memory?
Derek had the sense it had to be something specific. He felt that if it was about his soulmate loving the beach, he would be marked with something representing the ocean.
They seemed like that to him. Tempestuous and wild. Ever-changing. A chaotic surface and boundless depths. Peter said making assumptions about his soulmate would only lead to disappointment.
Still, Derek wondered if ocean waves ever appeared on his soulmate’s skin.
Siles had a basketball on him. He wondered whether his soulmate was on a team or whether they just liked the game. Did they play for their school? Was it something for fun, just to let loose?
What if they were more athletic than him? It wouldn't exactly be hard after all. Stiles could already tell he was going to grow up scrawny with barely any muscle at all. He wondered if his soulmate would laugh at how different they were.
“Your soulmate is so weird,” Laura murmured. Her eyes were on the picture of a brain scan that colored Derek’s skin.
Derek shrugged. He thought the same thing, though with much more fondness than Laura did.
Peter stared for a while, but didn’t say anything. Not even the slightest teasing comment.
Laura and Derek shared a glance.
“What is it?” Derek asked.
“Nothing,” Peter said with a casual shrug. “It’s probably not their brain.”
Laura’s spine went straight. She placed a hand on Derek’s shoulder. “What if it was?” she demanded to know.
Peter shook his head. “All I know is the colors are in the wrong places.”
Derek tried to convince himself that his soulmate was just learning something new, had found some new obsession to explore with their boundless curiosity. But the days passed by and the scan didn’t move or shrink or fade.
Derek was torn about how to feel.
Because if the scan didn’t belong to his soulmate, it certainly belonged to someone they loved dearly.
There was a necklace on a bed of purple flowers.
After research, Stiles figured out it was aconite.
He didn’t really understand the necklace. But the wolfsbane made him wonder. Was his soulmate into mythical lore? Or was this some kind of oblique reference to being poisoned?
The way the necklace was settled into the petals, the subtle twist of the chain. It seemed intimate. Stiles thought of poison and how love could hurt. He thought of his obsession with wolves in the fifth grade. He wondered.
Stiles knew a lot about werewolves long before his best friend became one. And he wasn’t that surprised they existed. Not really.
There was a star on his skin. It appeared not long after the brain scan faded. It wasn't gone, but the colors had lost their luster in a way that made Derek think whoever it represented was gone forever.
The star was big, five pointed, and gold. It looked like a sheriff star from old western movies. Unlike most other things that appeared the star never grew smaller. It was in a strange minority with the brain scan and the sandcastle. In fact, sometimes the star would even grow bigger.
But it lost some of its brilliance over the years. It was difficult to explain how the image had its own overall vibrancy that stayed the same, and even grew at times, but the star itself got a bit dull. A bit scuffed, the points not as sharp.
Derek wondered if the star represented a person. If it was that person that was deteriorating. Or if his soulmate’s perception of them was becoming disillusioned.
Stiles woke up with a symbol on his chest one day. It was a triskele, he found. It seemed different than his other marks somehow. More vivid. A deep red in the center that faded to black. He would get caught up staring at it in the mirror.
He would think of the broken cello, the intimate poison, and this symbol pulsing blood red in the center like a weeping wound.
He knew his soulmate had been hurt. Was still hurting.
His dad caught sight of his chest one day and paused with wide eyes.
“There is something different about it!” Stiles exclaimed.
John checked his expression, but it was too late.
“Your soulmate got a tattoo,” he said.
Stiles blinked at him. “Tattoos show up?”
“Not always,” John said, “Not usually.”
Stiles stared at his father, trying to beam the full force of his curiosity out of his eyes.
John sighed. “Stiles, I told you to stop doing that. You look demented.”
Stiles shrugged. It worked to get him the information he wanted more often than not, so it was all good as far as he was concerned.
John studied his son. Stiles would only go look it up himself if John didn’t tell him. “Tattoos don't usually show up unless the bond is particularly strong.”
Stiles began to smile. It faded when he took a closer look at his dad’s expression.
“Isn’t that good?” he asked uncertainly.
John shook his head. “Intensity isn’t always a good thing when it comes to soulmate relationships.”
Stiles thought of the case descriptions that had trickled through to him over the years. Vicious abuse cycles. Codependency. Murders because of jealousy. Suicides because someone’s soulmate died.
He nodded at his dad to show he understood.
Intensity wasn’t always a good thing.
“Will it be on the same place on them?” he asked.
“Not necessarily,” John said. “It might not even be that color.”
Stiles rolled his eyes. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy.
Over time, he found out the triskele absolutely would not be the same color, since the outer edges seemed to change according to his soulmate’s most prevalent and constant mood.
The center always stayed that fresh-cut red.
Derek didn't like Stiles when they first met. He knew his own inability to protect people. He didn't want someone like Stiles involved in what was going on. Someone so pretty and fragile, with such wide innocent eyes.
He soon learned Stiles was beautiful like the ocean, and even less likely to be tamed.He had a steel spine, an iron will, and those innocent eyes sparked with fiery passion at the slightest provocation.
Derek knew the dangers of fire by now, knew how easy it was to get burned. And yet there he still was, drawn like a moth, fluttering at the edges of a light he knew he was not allowed to have. A light that would only deepen the darkness around him, in him, if it were ever to go out.
The most he would allow himself was a slight suspicion and a resolute indifference to confirmation.
Stiles suspected Derek Hale was his soulmate from that first time in the woods. Even though Derek clearly didn’t like him, everything about the man made Stiles hum. From his cheekbones to his hostile glare, his leather jacket to his surprisingly soft voice.
And then he thought Derek was a murderer and he was still pretty sure, but he was hoping he was wrong because he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life hiding bodies.He would do it, and more, for his soulmate but he didn't actually want to.
Stiles would always be surprised at his own reaction when he found out for sure.
He saw the triskele first, right in the center of Derek’s back.
Stiles had the fleeting thought of how they would match up and maybe Derek preferred being the little spoon, before the wolf turned around.
Stiles caught sight of his mom’s brain scan and mentally noped the fuck out. He stayed mostly silent through the following interaction, as blank as he could possibly be out of sheer self-preservation.
He didn’t have a panic attack until he got home.
It was hours later when Scott called him to assure him that just because they both had triskeles didn’t mean Derek was Stiles’s soulmate. They weren’t even the same color or in the same place.
In the end it was Boyd who spilled the beans, though Jackson was the trigger.
“Shut the hell up, Stilinski. Who wants to listen to you? You can't even get your soulmate to look twice at you. You really think he doesn't know it's you? That he's not ignoring you on purpose because he would rather have anyone but you?”
Stiles went white. He stared at Jackson for a moment and then promptly left, pointedly not looking at anyone else in the room. Derek slowly turned to stare at Jackson with crimson eyes until the young wolf left also.
After a drawn out moment of silence, Boyd said, “You're the reason he can throw shit like that in Stiles’s face.”
Derek looked at him with wide eyes, the confirmation he hadn't wanted suddenly given to him.
But he had a different perspective of his reticence as selfishness now, and he couldn't bear the hurt he could clearly see he had caused his soulmate. The sense of embarrassment and shame lingered where Stiles had been standing.
Stiles made it home only to find Derek in his room waiting to command him to take his shirt off.
“Fuck off, Derek Hale. Get out of my room.”
“Stiles,” Derek said standing from where he was leaning against the window sill. He stared intently at the human boy. “Take off your shirt.”
Stiles wanted to argue. He wanted to demand an explanation for why Derek had come here, now, to order him to do this. He wanted to yell some more, tell Derek to get out and to not expect to see him for at least two weeks. But he was tired of knowing who he belonged to and knowing that person didn't want him back without getting to say anything at all about it. If Derek wanted to have it all out right here, right now, then that's what they would do.
So he took off his shirt. And he watched as Derek took in his own life and love and hurts on Stiles's skin. He could practically see Derek thinking, “It's true.” But he wasn't prepared for the wolf to just whip his own shirt off. He’d seen Derek shirtless before, but it was different now.
Now it was to prove that they were made for each other. That they'd been marked by what made each other.
“Why didn't you say anything?” Derek asked.
“What was I supposed to say?” Stiles scoffed, “You didn't even like me when we first met.”
Derek looked away. Of course Stiles knew that.
“Plus, I thought you were a murderer,” Stiles added.
Derek raised an eyebrow. They both knew that point didn’t matter nearly as much as it probably should have.
“I love you,” Derek said.
Stiles scoffed at him again. He shook his head and looked up at the ceiling with pursed lips like he was trying to hold back laughter. Or tears. When he looked at Derek again, he was smirking, but his eyes were bleak.
“Because I’m your soulmate?”
“Because I love you.”
Stiles closed his eyes. This was too much.
“Derek,” he murmured brokenly. He opened his eyes and his soulmate was right there in front of him, close enough to touch.
Derek reached up and cupped his cheek.
“I love you, Stiles,” he said.
Stiles gave up fighting, and fell into his other half.
They found each other, and all their questions were answered.
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stereksecretsanta · 6 years
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HO HO HO The Original Sterek Secret Santa is back!!
For the SIXTH year running, this upcoming Holiday season there will be a Sterek Secret Santa gift exchange, to make Christmas a little extra special for us all, and it of course results in more wonderful Sterek creations!!! Win/win for everyone, am I right? The show may have ended, but Sterek is Eternal!
How it works
You MUST have a Tumblr
Sign up with what you want to make ( e.g. fic or fanmix)
Also list what you’d like to receive (e.g. gifsets, drawings)
Sign ups are done via a form
»» Sign Up here! ««
After that assignments will be send out to everyone by email on October 20th and 21st, and then you’ll have eight weeks to make gifts for the person assigned to you :)
Gift Giving Guidelines
Just in case it isn’t clear to anyone, all the gifts have to be STEREK-related!
>> Read the full guidelines here <<
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: SATURDAY DECEMBER 15TH (no specific time, just submit on the Saturday or any day prior to that!)
On Christmas Eve/Day all the gifts will be posted for everyone! On Boxing Day it will be revealed who made gifts for whom, then after that you're of course free to post the gifts you made to your own Tumblr :)
If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
So what are you waiting for? Sign up now! Don’t miss out on the most festively fandom fun time of the year!
And feel free to signal boost this post, I'd appreciate it <3
|| Sign Up || Guidelines || Follow || Ask ||
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @inatshej!
Read on AO3
Beautiful Surprise
Hale Corporations was perfect the way it was. Derek loved the way there were tons of employees working for them, but not so much that they weren’t able to afford to be able to get each worker a holiday gift of some sort. He loved the way that he could learn everyone's name in HC headquarters but still had to make an effort to do so. He loved the fact that even though he was the CEO of the company, everyone still talked to him like another employee.
What he absolutely did not like was the fact that some California native who would probably come to work in some fucking swim trunks instead of the proper three-piece suit was going to be co-CEO with him, all because of some bullshit clause his grandfather put in his will and nobody bothered to tell him about.
Now, don't get Derek wrong. There was absolutely nothing wrong with sharing, but that didn’t mean Derek was okay with sharing the business he had to fight tooth-and-nail for with some stranger. His parents kept telling him that it was someone who he used to be very close with and that he would “just love him!”, but he doubted it and he would not be swayed because his family thought that this newbie was his type.
It was fucking annoying.
Add that to the fact that they said that this guy was out into the will as a requirement because they felt like Derek was working himself too hard, but they just didn’t understand. This was how it had to be if they wanted to continue to have their lavish lifestyles and buy expensive cars on a whim, then give them away to total strangers. Personally, Derek just felt like they were doing this because they felt like he couldn’t handle the task and fill the shoes Emery Hale had left for him, which he took extreme offense to.
He felt like he was more than competent enough to run the family business. After all, he made this into what it was today and for this bullshit to just come up and ruin his master plan of turning his company into a near-monopoly and obliterating Argent Technologies sucked ass. To Derek, he felt as though the rug was being completely pulled from under his feet and he hated that feeling when he was younger, and he hated it now.
Trying to explain all of this to his family felt like he was talking to a child with a high IQ: they were very smart, but they were still children and didn’t understand everything because they hadn’t experienced everything. Trying to explain this to them was just too mentally taxing, so Derek didn’t try after the one time, but at least he had one person who understood, and that was just enough for him.
Stiles Stilinski-Hale, also known as Derek’s husband of three years, understood why he was feeling this way. Stiles let Derek rant to him about anything and everything, never making him feel stupid about his thinking, but also helped Derek see other’s viewpoints on any given topic, which was a real bitch to deal with when they got into arguments and Stiles tricked Derek into agreeing with him. Still, Stiles was one-hundred percent the only reason that he wasn't currently pitching a hissy fit in the middle of the conference room while waiting for this new CEO.
Stiles was supposed to meet Derek right before the conference that would be the first meeting and the formal introduction of the new co-CEO, but he apparently got some emergency and told him that he would arrive a bit later. All in all, this meant Derek was basically angrily hyperventilating about the entire situation with about two-and-a-half minutes before he had to look completely presentable.
Shaking himself out from his internal crisis, Derek straightened up from his slumped position in the elevator, straightened his tie, and took a deep breath. He could do this. He was an amazing boss and felt like he was a decent guy. If this guy turned out to completely suck, he could at least fake it until he makes it.
Nodding to himself, Derek stepped out of the elevator as soon as it pinged and the doors open, with entirely feigned confidence, but a true this-shit-is-going-to-end-terribly feeling.
Damning to all to hell, he gave a small nod to the floor's receptionist and headed to Conference Room B, where he could make out a thick hair of full brown hair waiting for him along with a seemingly familiar set of broad shoulders through the glass walls of the room.
Confusion painting his face, Derek stepped in the room and immediately stopped dead in his tracks when the owner of the aformentioned hair and broad shoulders turned to face him.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @gswritings!
Read on AO3
Stilinski’s Supernatural Rehabilitation Center
Stiles crossed the small living room to the front door of the cabin. The soft pine scent from the trees outside almost reminded him of the Christmas tree his dad would get every year. A smile twisted his lips as he opened the door.
The preserve looked plain. Just pine trees, dirt paths, a bit of bramble here and there. But it was so much more than that.
Wind rustled the branches, carrying with it a low growl.
“I know you’re hungry!” Stiles called, stepping onto the porch. A feed shed sat just before the tree line. He ambled toward it.
Whenever he thought back to his dad’s face the day he told him he was going to run a magical creature rehabilitation center, he cringed. His dad had laughed at him. Assumed Stiles was joking. Then he got concerned when Stiles didn’t start laughing with him.
Stiles entered the shed, immediately going to the oversized freezer. Most of his patients ate meat. He pulled pounds of frozen veal, venison, and boar out, stuffing them into buckets that were labeled and kept neatly on the wall.
His dad’s first concern was that Stiles would need to live outside of town and if something happened, no one would know where he was.
Stiles had countered that that was what cell phones were for.
The second thing he brought up was the soulmark on Stiles’s left wrist. How will you find them if you’re ankle deep in mud in the woods?
Stiles had rolled his eyes and replied, I guess they’ll just have to find me.
Stiles heaved the buckets up, tottering for a second as his balance was thrown off. Once his feet were steady under him, he headed out.
His boots crunched over the cold earth, breath fogging the air in front of his face. Thankfully, the first patient, an imp with a missing eye, wasn’t far away.
The imp had wandered into the preserve on his own.
Stiles wasn’t sure how exactly the injury had happened, but he’d tended the bloody wound and found a vacant part of the forest for him to stay. “Are you feeling better?” Stiles stepped lightly into the clearing.
A bush rustled half a second before a big, brown eye appeared through the branches. It blinked up at him sleepily.
Stiles crouched; he was still a ways away from the imp but had learned early on that it was best to let it come to him.
He set the bucket down and pulled out a handful of ribs.
The imp’s head jerked up in interest. Twigs snapped and remaining dead foliage fluttered to the ground as it crawled toward him.
Stiles frowned. The wound on the imp’s face was still red and raw. He leaned forward half an inch.
It froze.
“It’s alright,” Stiles soothed, nudging the rib closer to it. “I just need to look closer.”
The imp cautiously approached.
Black crust made a ring around the injury, smelling of decay.
Stiles’s frown deepened. His magic was supposed to prevent infection. Sparks flicked around his fingertips as he called his magic to the surface.
The imp watched him warily, chewing on the rib with small, pointed teeth.
Stiles touched the skin around the wound.
The black decay fell to the ground, the scent fading.
The imp blinked.
“There you go,” Stiles said. “Hopefully there’ll be more progress tomorrow, yeah?”
Charlie, a gnome with the flu, also appeared worse.
“What happened, guys?” Stiles asked, listening as Charlie hacked a cough.
Stiles placed a hand on her rough back. He felt the mucus in her lungs gurgle with each breath. That definitely wasn’t good.
He pulled herbs from his bag and mixed together a tea in a thermos. “Here, drink this.”
Charlie took it, shaking her hands irritably at the too-hot container.
“It’ll make you feel better,” Stiles said.
Charlie glared but tentatively took a sip, sticking her tongue out in disgust.
The water creatures were last. They were furthest from the cabin, located in a large pond that tied into a creek.
The pond came into view quickly; it was grey in the early light, a thin fog hovering just above the surface.
Ripples broke the water, a flash of a fin cresting the surface.
“Good morning,” Stiles greeted, squatting by the edge of the water.
A thin purple-tinged face stared back at him from the depths, sea-weed green hair billowing around her face.
The mermaid hadn’t given him a name to call her. Which was fine, only Charlie and Loti, the water nymph, had given him names.
Stiles looked up, first out over the water, then toward the trees, looking for her.
A low growl reverberated through the woods. More ripples broke the surface, turning into small waves as they hit land.
Stiles rose to his feet. The growl didn’t sound threatening, but it was clearly a warning.
The mermaid twisted around, dark tail glinting in the water.
Stiles watched her swim into the deeper area before vanishing entirely through a film of sediment.
“Loti?” he called.
There was no answer. Not even a chirp of birds in the trees behind him.
The mermaid’s head popped above the surface several yards away. She looked at Stiles, then down at something in the water, then toward the shore. Whatever she was carrying appeared to be heavy; she struggled a couple times to roll what looked like mud onto the land. It took Stiles a moment to realize it was Loti covered in a thick black rot. His mouth fell open in a silent gasp. The smell was horrendous, but as he approached, he could see her breathing. He could save her.
The mermaid swam backwards again, out into the deeper water.
Stiles dropped to his knees next to Loti, magic already flying across his fingers.
In the corner of his vision, the mermaid hunkered lower into the water. He’d have to figure out what was wrong with her in a moment.
Stiles’s head jerked forward, vision blurring as pain exploded behind his eyes.
Loti growled, multiple rows of sharp teeth flashing, and Stiles pitched sideways onto the ground.
Dark…pain…heavy….Everything hurt. He heard a groan. Was someone else with him? Cracking his eyes open hurt, but he managed. He saw Loti’s arm, still charred black. He lifted his head; it bobbed unsteadily as he looked around the darkening trees. He was definitely alone. The groan must have been from him.
He looked back at Loti. He couldn’t tell from the view of her forearm and shoulder if she was still breathing or not. Someone was trying to kill his patients. Pain lanced through his head and down his neck. Someone had tried to kill him.
Water sloshed somewhere close by. Stiles tensed. His attacker had returned.
Purple-tinged skin cut across his vision.
He blinked up at the mermaid. She held something out to him, fingers curled around a dark object. His phone. It was wet, like whoever had attacked him had thrown it in the water.
He rolled onto his side, gasping in pain when it seared down his arm. He gingerly reached out, taking the device. From within its case, it turned on. He’d have to thank his dad for the “life-proof” case he’d once insisted wasn’t “Stiles-proof”.
The mermaid shifted and Stiles looked back at her, realizing for the first time that she’d crawled onto land to reach him. “Thank you.”
She slid back into the water.
Stiles hit the emergency call.
Hands were moving him.
His left wrist felt like it was on fire. Had he fallen on his wrist? He’d have to ask later.
There was a bed beneath him. His bed.
Stiles woke up gradually. His head throbbed and overall, he felt like he’d been mauled by a hellhound. By the time he felt alright enough to open his eyes, he was sure an hour had gone by. Voices floated through the cabin from the kitchen. The bastard was back!
Stiles threw his legs off the side of the bed, snatching up the baseball bat he kept next to the nightstand. He’d beat their head in for touching his patients. He crossed the room, wobbling and distantly noticing that he was in the same pants and socks he’d been in but was now shirtless. He’d deal with that later. He flew down the hall, bat raised as he skidded around the corner into the kitchen.
He swung.
A large hand caught the bat with a solid smack. “It’s alright!” a man said quickly, holding the bat mid-swing. “We’re here to help.”
Stiles’s glare slowly faded, taking in the paramedic uniforms on two men, and the medical kit on the table.
The man holding the bat loosened his grip, slowly pulling his hand back in case Stiles took another swing at him. “I’m Derek. My partner here,” he gestured to the man at the table, “is Jordan.”
Jordan lifted his hand.
“We’re EMTs with-��
“Beacon Hills,” Stiles interrupted, seeing the name on his uniform. “I, uh, can read.” The room spun.
Derek and Jordan were clearly not a threat. Which was nice. Stiles was done with getting into fights…for hopefully the rest of the year.
“Sit down.” Derek put a hand on Stiles’s arm, applying just enough pressure to guide him.
Stiles’s skin grew warm where he touched.
A sense of calm overpowered the nerves and made the spinning stop. He allowed Derek to lead him to a chair. Technically, his chair. They hadn’t taken him to a hospital, and they hadn’t run off screaming at the sight of Loti. Or maybe they had. He’d been unconscious. He didn’t know.
He propped his elbows on the table and set his head in his hands. They had to be supernaturals of some kind. He looked at the medical kit on the table. A decoy.
“Was Loti—the nymph—alright?” Stiles knew she was far from “alright”, but he couldn’t bring himself to ask if she was alive. Whatever had effected the imp and Charlie had also gotten her.
Derek and Jordan exchanged a glance. Jordan gave a one-shouldered shrug and looked at Stiles seriously. “How hard did you hit your head?”
Stiles’s face reddened with fury. “Don’t bullshit me right now. I know she was next to me, by the lake. I know you two didn’t drag me to the hospital because if what happened is supernatural related, you don’t want to scare the humans.” His left wrist tingled painfully. He flicked it in irritation, involuntary sparks shooting from his hand. “You,” he pointed at Derek, “stopped a bat mid swing without even flinching. And your,” he pointed at Jordan, “medical kit is out of date.”
Jordan blinked, stunned.
Derek laughed. “New kits are on the way,” he explained, taking a seat next to Stiles. “Good eye, these technically expire next week.” He placed his hand on Stiles’s arm again, and the pounding in his head faded. “I’m a werewolf, and Jordan’s a hellhound. Care to tell us what happened?”
Stiles buried his face in his hands. “I rehabilitate supernatural creatures and they’re taking sick with black rot. It wasn’t there yesterday. It’s progressing fast. Loti was the worst.”
Derek hummed understandingly. “She’s alive.”
Stiles’s had shot up. “What?”
“It’s wolfsbane,” Jordan said. “We were able to slow down the effects, but we won’t be able to cure them unless we find the same wolfsbane that poisoned them.” Jordan placed his hands on his lap, eyes flicking over Stiles’s face. “Druid?”
“Spark,” he muttered. So, he had to find whoever hit him, find out where they keep their poison, heal his patients, and, he glanced at the clock, feed them a very late dinner.
His left wrist burned.
“What’s going on?” he demanded. He dropped his wrist on the table and twisted, expecting to see a bruise or swelling. Anything to indicate where the pain was coming from. The soulmark that had sat for years just below his palm had changed. Once a simple circle, it now held three connected spirals. “Please tell me one of you is my soulmate, and not the crazy asshole who knocked me over the head.” He looked up, first to Jordan, who looked at Derek.
Without prompting, Derek flipped his own wrist over, exposing the same mark.
“Huh.” Stiles nodded. “You did have to come find me, I guess.”
A concerned frown wrinkled Derek’s face. “You need to get some rest.”
Stiles opened his mouth, halfway to agreeing when a tree snapped in the woods. He paused. If the room hadn’t been so quiet, he was sure he would have missed it. None of his patients ventured this close to the house. The bastard, Stiles thought, jumping to his feet. That bastard. The chair he’d been sitting in toppled over as he bolted toward the door. He could hear Jordan and Derek protesting, but he didn’t care; he had his bat and magic pulsing through his veins.
He didn’t know how he moved so fast, but he flew across the yard, racing for the figure he could see crouched and frozen.
She spotted him and straightened up. “Well, this is awkward,” she said, and leveled a gun at him.
Stiles was not normally an idiot, but no one messed with his patients. He barreled right into the crazy lady with the gun. He flinched when it went off, nearly deafening him, as they hit the ground in a tangle. He wrestled it from her hands and threw it off to the left, into the woods.
She reared back and punched him in the face, dazing him.
He came back swinging, managing to clip her jaw with her fist. He swore when she rolled them over, pinning him into the dirt with her knees on his arms. “Don’t! Touch! My! Patients!” He twisted his wrists under her legs and grabbed her calves, jolting electricity through her like a homemade Taser.
She screamed and fell off of him, trembling.
Stiles, panting, sat back.
There was a pouch on her belt, purple dust spilling out.
“What is that?”
“Death,” she spat.
“So the wolfsbane.” He lunged at her; her nails raked across his cheek, but he didn’t care, fumbling the pouch from her belt.
She kneed him in the jaw, knocking him sprawling.
He held up the pouch, triumphant. “I win—fuck!”
She tackled him, her knees plowing into his gut and winding him.
He clenched his fingers tight around the opening of the pouch, keeping it from spilling, and rolled. When she wouldn’t release her grip on him, he went with instinct and slammed his head forward, right into her nose.
She shouted in pain, putting her hands over her bleeding nose.
Stiles bolted to his feet and ran. He tripped over a root three yards in, cursing and holding the pouch close to his chest.
“Ha,” the woman said softly.
Stiles looked over her shoulder and swallowed audibly.
She’d found her gun, it looked like. She was aiming at him again.
He flexed his ankle and wondered if he would make it if he bolted to the left. He braced.
A shadow rose up behind the woman. “Kate, long time no see,” Derek said, reaching out and snapping her neck.
Stiles watched her body topple to the ground. He blinked. Looked at Derek. “Remind me to thank you later,” he said weakly. He turned and got sick in the dirt.
Jordan and Derek took Stiles to where they’d laid Loti on some brush, partially blocked from view by a tree.
From the water, the mermaid watched as Derek walked Stiles through the steps of curing wolfsbane poisoning. First heating the powder, then applying it like a lotion.
Loti immediately started squirming, becoming more aware of her surroundings and more aware of how much she didn’t want to be this close to Derek and Jordan.
She grumbled at them as she slunk back into the water.
Charlie was next, then the imp.
By the time they got back into the house, Stiles was exhausted.
“I’m going back to the hospital,” Jordan announced when they got to the porch.
Derek nodded. “Have fun. I’m sure Erica will try to rope you into going to the Christmas party.” He wrinkled his nose.
Jordan gave a shuddering sigh. “Probably.” He looked at Stiles, then back at Derek, one brow quirked. “Standard time off when you meet your soulmate is three days. Should I tell them you’ll be back then?”
Derek turned to Stiles, who was leaning against the side of his house.
Stiles shrugged. “You can stay here if you want.” The recent events made his typically loose brain-to-mouth-filter basically non-existent. “I’d like you to stay. So we can get to know each other.”
“Yeah, tell them I’ll be back Monday.” Derek stepped closer to the door, to Stiles.
The warmth and comfort radiating from his body had Stiles leaning toward him. Tentatively, he wrapped his arms around his middle.
Derek hugged him back automatically.
Stiles sighed and sagged into his embrace. “Thank you for your help,” he muttered into his chest. Exhaustion washed over him. “Let’s talk tomorrow.” He closed his eyes.
Derek chuckled quietly and brushed his lips against the back of Stiles’s head. “Deal.”
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
Merry Christmas, @withtheredlights!
I had a good time writing this, and I hope it’s enjoyed. Happy Holidays!
Summary:  Stiles’s magic has been restless under his skin all morning. Usually, that means something big is about to happen, but Stiles hopes it happens after the boring lawyer meeting he’s being forced to attend.
(or, Stiles meets Derek and it’s love at first sight)
Read on AO3
This Magic Moment
Stiles's magic has been restless under his skin all morning. Usually, that means something big is about to happen, but Stiles hopes it happens afterthe boring lawyer meeting he's being forced to attend.
Apparently, there's a mixup with his official emissary paperwork, and he needs an actual attorney to untangle it.
He would let Lydia handle it, but she swore up and down he had to do this one himself. He didn't quite understand the explanation, any more than he understands what's the problem itself, just that when he tried to apply for workman's comp two days ago, he was denied on the basis of being employed by the Hale pack — a pack he's barely heard of — and not the McCall pack, the one he's been filling in for since Deaton got sick a year ago.
So, okay, apparently Scott never filed the paperwork when Stiles started filling in for Deaton. He doesn't see what the big deal is. Why can't Scott just do it now? Why does it require Stiles to go down to the city and see some overpriced lawyer?
The firm's building is slick, all glass and chrome, impersonal and too shiny. Does he have the right place? He checks in at the desk and yes, he's supposed to be there. Mr. Lauden is running late, though, and Stiles should have a seat in the plush waiting room.
It's not until he sits down (accidentally banging his arm cast on the chair as he does) that he realizes he's feeling suddenly at ease. His magic is practically purring. He frowns to himself and looks around, his eyes falling on the man seated across from him.
The man looks like a model. He's scowling at his phone, which does nothing to take away from his overall gorgeousness, and Stiles wonders what about him has his heart beating suddenly twice as fast as normal. It's not like Stiles has never seen a beautiful man before.
As if he's wondering the same question, the man looks up, nostrils flaring, and pins Stiles with an intense stare.
Stiles waves nervously. His good hand needed something to do. He waved. That's not too bad, right?
Now the man just looks confused. The little furrow between his eyebrows is adorable and Stiles wants to maybe smooth it with his thumb. He tries smiling, instead.
The man isn't looking away. Did Stiles mention how intense his eyes are? He can't tell what color they are at this distance but — whoa! The man's eyes flash red.
Stiles is staring an alpha werewolf in the eye and doesn't know what to do. He gulps audibly. The werewolf smiles.
Oh. Oh. That smile is devastating. Stiles couldn't look away at this point if his life depended on it. And it might!
What the hell is going on, Stiles wonders, but his magic is moving beneath his skin like it knows exactly what's up. Well, Stiles wishes it would tell him because he's completely clueless.
The alpha werewolf gets up, walks over, and sits next to him. His nostrils flare again. He's sniffing Stiles, and Stiles is so grateful he took a shower before heading into the city.
"How'd you do that?" the gorgeous alpha asks him, gesturing to the cast on Stiles's arm.
Stiles flushes. He's still embarrassed. "Fell off a roof."
"What were you doing on a roof?" the alpha asks him. "That's dangerous. You could've been killed."
"Warding a friend's house," Stiles says defensively, wondering where the hell this guy gets off acting like he cares what happens to him. It's weird.
The gorgeous alpha frowns. "You're a witch?"
"A spark, actually," Stiles says. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" His magic has been purring since the alpha sat next to him.
"I'm Derek," the man says, looking at him intently. He leans in, nostrils flaring again.
Stiles isn't sure if he's creeped out or flattered. Maybe both. "Dude. Are you smelling me?"
Derek leans back, an abashed look on his face. "I'm sorry. You just… I've never…" Instead of finishing the thought, he trails off. He looks frustrated.
"I'm a wannabe emissary, I've been around plenty of werewolves. I'm assuming this is some wolfy thing," Stiles says dryly.
This close, Stiles can see the color of Derek's eyes. Or rather the colors. They're beautiful, like everything else about him.
"Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale?" someone calls, and the moment is broken. They stand and follow the young assistant to Mr. Lauden's office, and Stiles is only a little confused why they're going together. The day keeps getting weirder and weirder.
Hale, Stiles thinks as he's seated in front of Mr. Lauden's desk. That's the name Lydia said when she tried to explain this mess. Not that Stiles understood at the time. He doesn't understand now, either.
He manages to bump his cast again on the arm of the chair when he sits, and this time he winces as a throb starts up around the broken bone.
Mr. Lauden clears his throat but Derek doesn't seem to be paying attention. He reaches out and brushes Stiles's fingers, the ones that are poking out of the cast. Derek's veins go dark gray as he pulls Stiles's pain.
Stiles relaxes in his chair, blinking at the alpha he only just met. "Thank you," he says gratefully, though he's never had someone drain his pain without asking before, no one but Scott, and not often at that.
"So you do know each other?" Mr. Lauden asks.
"No," Stiles says, his words tripping over Derek's.
"He's my mate," Derek says softly. At least that's what it sounds like. Stiles blinks at him and drops his jaw.
"I thought this was a case of accidental bonding?" Mr. Lauden says with a frown.
But Stiles is still staring at Derek. "What did you say?" then to Lauden, "Wait, what?"
Stiles's magic is rushing under his skin. Purring. Urging Stiles to move closer to Derek Hale, the man he only just met, the alpha werewolf who just maybe said they were mates. How is that possible? What is going on?
"As far as I can tell, there was a paperwork mixup about two years ago, and the two of you were put into a legal alpha/emissary bond," Mr. Lauden is saying. Derek nods. Stiles thinks this sounds like a simplified version of what Lydia tried to explain to him. The attorney goes on with, "But now you're telling me it wasn't accidental? Are you wasting my time, here?"
"No, it was definitely some kind of bureaucratic mixup," Derek says. "But when we met just now, I recognized him immediately." He looks at Stiles, a little shy now. "My wolf did."
Stiles realizes Derek's still touching his fingers, and where their skin is touching, Stiles's magic is very happy. Could it be true? Could they be mates?
"But mates are so rare," Stiles blurts out without pulling his hand away.
Derek smiles. "So are sparks."
"And so is the kind of mixup we're looking at here," Lauden says. "Apparently a clerk in the Beacon County Supernatural Relations office spilled something, made the paperwork stick together, passed it on to someone else… I'm not sure. But in the end, you were legally bonded, and because of the length of time that's passed, if you want to dissolve the bond you're looking at hundreds of billable hours and at least two appearances before a judge."
"I don't have an emissary," Derek says slowly. "But I do need one."
Lauden gives a hopeful smile. "Because of your apparent mate status, it might just be easier to see if you want to keep the bond…"
Stiles's magic is doing somersaults. He looks at Derek, his heart in his throat. Mates. "I need some time to get my head wrapped around this, I think." That little furrow between Derek's brows shows up again and Stiles immediately wants to smooth it away. "There's a coffee shop next door, I saw."
The furrow disappears as Derek gives him a smile that looks like a sunrise. Stiles smiles back helplessly.
Lauden huffs. "I see I'm not actually needed here. I'll send the bill to…?"
Derek nods at him, then turns back to Stiles. "I'll take care of it."
"I have money," Stiles says. He may not get paid well for filling in for Deaton, but he takes enough side jobs that he's comfortable.
Derek shrugs. "Let me pay the attorney's fee and I'll let you buy me a cappuccino."
"That's hardly the same," Stiles says wryly, but he really doesn't care. He just wants to sit down with Derek and learn everything he can about him.
"Is your arm feeling better?" Derek asks, and Stiles looks down at the cast. For a long moment, he'd forgotten about it.
"Much. Thank you," Stiles says, and watches as Derek reluctantly draws his hand away. Stiles's magic sulks.
"What's wrong?" Derek asks.
Stiles shakes his head, then holds out his good hand. "Hi. I'm Stiles Stilinski. It's good to meet you."
Derek looks surprised, then takes Stiles's hand in his own. He doesn't so much shake it as squeeze and caress it. "I'm Derek Hale. I've been waiting to meet you all my life."
Stiles feels his cheeks heat. He squeezes back. "Yeah. Um, let's get out of here, yeah?"
Derek turns to the attorney and smiles. "Thank you."
Lauden smiles at them both. "My pleasure."
Derek and Stiles walk out of his office hand in hand. Stiles doesn't care if they're headed to coffee or wherever, just as long as he gets to spend more time with Derek.
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
The Sterek Secret Santa 2018 Big Reveal
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Ho Ho Ho!
Thus concludes the sixth edition of the Sterek Secret Santa!
I hope you all have had a fantastic Christmas and that you’ve enjoyed all the Sterek-y goodness created by all the lovely secret santas!
I’ll be honest, this year was the most difficult one to date in terms of organisation. I struggled balancing this event with RL, and on top of that there were a whopping 14 drop outs! But on a positive note, there were far more sign ups this year compared to last year’s! Sterek truly is eternal and still very much thriving, even if it gave me more stress and premature grey hairs in the meantime, whahaha.
I’d have been nowhere if it wasn’t for the following AMAZING Christmas Angels, whom all embraced the true Christmas spirit of giving, by merrily coming to my aid to make sure no one was left without a gift: @whispering-sumire755, @outtoshatter, @hyperlittlenori, @allourheroes, @theydraggedmein, @rebekahdarian93, @novkat21, @halehathnofury, @frogsandboxes, @everchanginginks and @callofthemoon. You guys saved my bum and this entire event, thank you so much!!! 
What’s even more humbling and overwhelming, was that I received more than enough aid offerings than I actually needed. Sterek Fandom remains one of the best fandoms out there,  thank you all for the support <333
If you’d like, you can still add your works to the AO3 Collection! You can also repost your gift(s) to your own Tumblrs now, of course! Just poke me and I’ll also add the link to the Tumblr gift post.
That’s it for all the service announcements! Pending Tumblr’s current purity shitfest, I’ll have to see if this event will still be hosted here next year, but that’s a worry for later. I’m gonna sleep for a week first xD
-x- Leonie (leetje)
Click below to find out who your secret santa was!!
Most of you know the drill by now. The list is in alphabetical order. The easiest way to find whom your secret santa was, is by hitting Crl+F and then search for your own Tumblr name :D
agna333 was aussiebee's secret santa - gift(s) here
alcoholproblem was quaterdenarius' secret santa - gift(s) here
alicat54c was nevermoree-tr's secret santa - gift(s) here
allourheroes was agna333's secret santa - gift(s) here
allourheroes was Areiton's secret santa - gift(s) here
allourheroes was mute90's secret santa - gift(s) here
anchorsandadderall was Ravenclawinstarfleet's secret santa - gift(s) here
Anefan was suburbanmotel's secret santa - gift(s) here
aqua-ref was colourfulwizardpolice's secret santa - gift(s) here
aredblush was lostwithnointernet's secret santa - gift(s) here
Areiton was moretomhardy's secret santa - gift(s) here
argento-capitani was go-n-ef's secret santa - gift(s) here
backinteenwolfhell was zjofierose's secret santa - gift(s) here
backwiththemadness-champion was pseudoapollonian's secret santa - gift(s) here
beerwolves was comedicdrama's secret santa - gift(s) here
bewarethesmirk was frogsandboxes' secret santa - gift(s) here
bibliophile246 was Jennoasis' secret santa - gift(s) here
Blizsquees was anchorsandadderall's secret santa - gift(s) here
bloodgutsandstarbucks was vyxynheartssterek's secret santa - gift(s) here
bloody-bee-tea was ritarmandi's secret santa - gift(s) here
caffeine-in-an-iv was blizsquees' secret santa - gift(s) here
callmecracker was Klahey1400's secret santa - gift(s) here
Callofthemoon was damnfancyscotch's secret santa - gift(s) here
Callofthemoon was sourwolfandlionheart's secret santa - gift(s) here
crazylunaimaginationkai was nostalgiafan123's secret santa - gift(s) here
damnfancyscotch was drgrlfriend's secret santa - gift(s) here
deadicateddeath was everchanginginks' secret santa - gift(s) here
designertrashbag was oldestcharm's secret santa - gift(s) here
Do-what-the-knight-tells-you was hazelestelle's secret santa - gift(s) here
drgrlfriend was nerderek's secret santa - gift(s) here
everchanginginks was alicat54c's secret santa - gift(s) here
everchanginginks was theydraggedmein's secret santa - gift(s) here
FoolishSel was stacinadia's secret santa - gift(s) here
froggydarren was mysticrebelwerewolf's secret santa - gift(s) here
frogsandboxes was crazylunaimaginationkai's secret santa - gift(s) here
Frogsandboxes was mesolotea's secret santa - gift(s) here
Fuck-ya-chickn-strips was thatbadvibe's secret santa - gift(s) here
glorious-spoon was Fuck-ya-chickn-strips' secret santa - gift(s) here
Go-n-ef was kevaaronday's secret santa - gift(s) here
greenl3af was outtoshatter's secret santa - gift(s) here
gryvon was Rebekahdarian93's secret santa - gift(s) here
halehathnofury was thisnewjoe's secret santa - gift(s) here
halehathnofury was vanessawolfie's secret santa - gift(s) here
haletostilinski was bloody-bee-tea's secret santa - gift(s) here
hazelestelle was designertrashbag's secret santa - gift(s) here
Herewegohappiness was otpsfloat's secret santa - gift(s) here
hotaruyuki was justicebanana's secret santa - gift(s) here
HyperLittleNori was argento-capitani's secret santa - gift(s) here
HyperLittleNori was tabbytabbytabby's secret santa - gift(s) here
HyperLittleNori was welshwoman1988's secret santa - gift(s) here
inatshej was jadorehale's secret santa - gift(s) here
irrationalrage was michicant123's secret santa - gift(s) here
jadorehale was Superwhumper06's secret santa - gift(s) here
Jennoasis was theproblemwithstardust's secret santa - gift(s) here
Jmeelee was Princessabitchessa's secret santa - gift(s) here
Justicebanana was glorious-spoon's secret santa - gift(s) here
Kevaaronday was HyperLittleNori's secret santa - gift(s) here
Klahey1400 was Novkat21's secret santa - gift(s) here
lostwithnointernet was yogi-bogey-box' secret santa - gift(s) here
Mesolotea was NikoleStilinski24's secret santa - gift(s) here
moretomhardy was herewegohappiness' secret santa - gift(s) here
music-magic-mayhem was mechformers' secret santa - gift(s) here
mute90 was theonewiththeeyebrows' secret santa - gift(s) here
mysticrebelwerewolf was allourheroes' secret santa - gift(s) here
nerderek was sachandesu's secret santa - gift(s) here
nevermoree-tr was Aredblush's secret santa - gift(s) here
NikoleStilinski24 was alcoholproblem's secret santa - gift(s) here
nosetothewind94 was deadicateddeath's secret santa - gift(s) here
nostalgiafan123 was bewarethesmirk's secret santa - gift(s) here
novkat21 was irrationalrage's secret santa - gift(s) here
novkat21 was music-magic-mayhem's secret santa - gift(s) here
otpsfloat was missmamamikki's secret santa - gift(s) here
outtoshatter was bloodgutsandstarbucks' secret santa - gift(s) here
outtoshatter was gryvon's secret santa - gift(s) here
outtoshatter was thatbadvibe's secret santa - gift(s) here
Peanutbutter-jelly-fish was bibliophile246's secret santa - gift(s) here
PrincessaBitchessa was inatshej's secret santa - gift(s) here
prismacolourpencils was cosenangel's secret santa - gift(s) here
pseudoapollonian was rejuvenescencia's secret santa - gift(s) here
Ravenclawinstarfleet was hotaruyuki's secret santa - gift(s) here
Rebekahdarian93 was FroggyDarren's secret santa - gift(s) here
Rebekahdarian93 was gswritings' secret santa - gift(s) here
rejuvenescencia was simplyn2deep's secret santa - gift(s) here
ritarmandi was shinigami714's secret santa - gift(s) here
sachandesu was beerwolves' secret santa - gift(s) here
shinigami714 was jmeelee's secret santa - gift(s) here
simplyn2deep was bloodspeckledraphael's secret santa - gift(s) here
sourwolfandlionheart was caffeine-in-an-iv's secret santa - gift(s) here
stacinadia was prismacolourpencils' secret santa - gift(s) here
suburbanmotel was wolfspirals' secret santa - gift(s) here
Superwhumper06 was peanutbutter-jelly-fish's secret santa - gift(s) here
tabbytabbytabby was backinteenwolfhell's secret santa - gift(s) here
thedaughterofkings was lover95's secret santa - gift(s) here
theproblemwithstardust was foolishsel's secret santa - gift(s) here
theydraggedmein was do-what-the-knight-tells-you's secret santa - gift(s) here
theydraggedmein was nosetothewind94's secret santa - gift(s) here
thisnewjoe was thedaughterofkings' secret santa - gift(s) here
vanessawolfie was darkhawkflying's secret santa - gift(s) here
welshwoman1988 was backwiththemadness-champion's secret santa - gift(s) here
whispering-sumire755 was aqua-ref's secret santa - gift(s) here
whispering-sumire755 was callmecracker's secret santa - gift(s) here
whispering-sumire755 was haletostilinski's secret santa - gift(s) here
withtheredlight was greenl3af's secret santa - gift(s) here
wolfspirals was Anefan's secret santa - gift(s) here
yogi-bogey-box was withtheredlights' secret santa - gift(s) here
zjofierose was Whispering_Sumir's secret santa - gift(s) here
vyxynheartssterek was Callofthemoon's secret santa - gift(s) here
Let me know if I mucked up any names/html or if you’re missing entirely. As usual, I kind of zoned out a few times while coding this list 8-)
That’s it! Go and shower your no-longer-secret-santa with love and virtual tackle hugs!
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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Merry Christmas, @justicebanana!
Hi, happy holiday, I hope you like your gift :) May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year <3
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stereksecretsanta · 5 years
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It’s nearly Christmas!! Who’s ready for some gifts? :D
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