#still feeling tingly over Michael and Ian McKellen vibing the other night
ingravinoveritas · 4 months
fluffyfurbies replied to your post "Just noticing how Michael's body language shifts…"
the fact that in this episode, instead of david tennant being "a british celeb" or just "david tennant" like the british icon actor that he is, he is called specifically "your mate, David Tennant" Michaels 'mate'. now i know this is a synonym for friend but theres just something about them starting to be recognised as a collective unit that... well, people sure are catching on, it feels like am i overreacting to this @ingravinoveritas ?
@fluffyfurbies No, I don't think you are overreacting at all. This actually speaks to something I mentioned on another post just the other day, about how, when it comes to Michael, it seems like David is "his" David now. It also ties into something @cloud-based-and-rainpilled said about "mate" being used very commonly in the UK, yet it has a distinct and specific feeling to it when applied to Michael and David (also as mentioned, Georgia on the Blank Podcast last year is another example). And I think it's because of what you said, of them being recognized as a collective unit in a way they haven't been before.
What's interesting to me is that David has been a very widely recognized actor and public figure in Britain for almost twenty years. (Michael I would argue has less public recognition, but a tremendous amount of industry recognition.) So there is no need for either of them to be so connected to each other for career or professional purposes, which means that what is being recognized by people--inside the industry mostly, but now the public as well--isn't just them as coworkers. It's something else entirely.
David in particular has had much longer personal/professional associations with other actors--Billie Piper, Nina Sosanya, Catherine Tate, among others--but none have really fallen into the realm of seeing them as a collective unit. Nor has it ever felt like something is missing when he doesn't do an interview with one of them. But that is noticeably the case with Michael. And it's hard not to think that that is for a reason...
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