#strokes his hair
Mike Rory is so pretty him and Leonard should like kiss on the mouth and and then like and and and and then and then
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blairpfaff · 4 months
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ALL OF US STRANGERS (2023) dir. Andrew Haigh
"It’s a very tactile film, I think. There’s so much touching […] The sex was really important. But what I think is radical about it is how tender these two men are with each other." | Andrew Scott
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Azriel running back to tell Rhys that Bryce stole Truth Teller
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ryllen · 6 months
I wanted to reblog that one text post that said imagine waking up to sebek and his hair is down and he is looking so handsome just like his newest appearance on book 7
and i just bumped to this video and was like "Ffshds what if he SURPrisINGLY wa kes up EXA CT LY like thi s fsjdsd? ? "
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sweepingboy · 5 months
little girl: are you a prince?
xie lian: yes, i am
little girl: please don't marry mu qing
xie lian: //////eh????
little girl: mum says that mu qing is so pretty someone from the palace is going to take him soon and he promised me he'll marry me when i grow up :(
feng xin: hahaha imagine wanting to marry mu qing hahahhahaha
feng xin 800 years later: ... well
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dirtyeddietini · 2 months
im in my spencer reid is a disney princess that i need to protect at all costs era
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also maomao: don't worry and just marry consort lishu, jinshi-sama. i am even ignoring that basen and lishu were giving heart eyes to each other. just go ahead and marry her it's cool :)
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saccadesoup · 5 months
random tim thoughts. i have been thinking about him a lot lately
- gets flustered SO easily,,, tease him even slightly and that’s it. he’s bright red. stuttering. thinking ab it for the rest of the day.
- speaking of stuttering: had a really bad stutter as a kid. got put in speech therapy and now it’s mostly gone but it does come back slightly when he’s upset/stressed
- either has the most horrific, realistic, fear-inducing nightmares or unhinged fever dreams. like it’s either “i just watched faceless shadow figures tear into jay and hang his guts on the wall then i had to run but i couldn’t so they did it to me next” or “i had to rescue lady gaga who was also the queen of norway from an evil piece of toast then we made out”
- secretly enjoys ABBA (would rather die than admit it)
- COLLECTS VINYLS you cannot tell me this man isn’t a vinyl elitist. keeps them neatly organised and will pitch a fit if you even breathe on them wrong
- writes a shit ton of lyrics that’ll never see the light of day. it’s basically his version of writing poetry
- went to college for music composition but never put out any of the stuff he wrote (he thought people wouldn’t like it), it’s all kept on usb sticks in the attic tho cause he couldn’t bring himself to get rid of all the songs he poured his young little heart and soul into
- can fall asleep anywhere anytime during the day, but the MOMENT he gets into bed at night. he’s awake. cant sleep. not happening.
- generalised anxiety disorder i’m not elaborating
- overthinks every interaction he ever has
- however. he’s also a stubborn bastard. communicates in sarcasm and affectionate insults
- has the most beautiful, deep, rich singing voice... such a warm baritone. think david le'aupepe from Gang of Youths
- snores like an old man he literally sounds like a freight train
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thetimecrystal · 11 months
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this photoshoot lives in my head rentfree
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taihua · 5 months
Thinking about Feng Xin again (relapsed) (relapsed again) and his self-destructive loyalty in the sense that when he meets Jian Lan again, he doesn't really like her and he certainly doesn't like Cuocuo, but he still offers to be with her because that's what he's supposed to do. And I think this gets misinterpreted sometimes as "Feng Xin still loves her after all this time!" but it's sadder than that because he doesn't. She's sort of off-putting and crass and her monster baby is violent and Feng Xin hates it, and despite all that he still believes it's his responsibility to take care of them
and because we love parallels, he'd also kind of reached that point with Xie Lian. Xie Lian tried to murder a guy in front of him and he was still forcing himself to stay even though they obviously weren't on the same page anymore
Anyway. Feng Xin is not the emotionally stable one in Xianle trio (there is no such thing) and I will once again protest fanon's fixation on making him into a shallow himbo when he's actually all kinds of messed up the more you look at him
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blairpfaff · 2 months
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adam + harry's hair
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harpyface · 5 months
THE HANGED MAN - We should do this more often. Be close like this, I mean.
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YOU - I've seen you before...
BLOATED CORPSE OF A DRUNK - No, Harry. You were just talking to yourself. That's all you ever do.
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mrs-march-ahs · 2 years
eddie munson is the type of boyfriend who says, "i'm sad, can i lay on your boobs" because it geniunely makes him feel better
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 17 hours
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semblance of normalcy.
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chenlopez · 1 year
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#prayer circle that carlos gets some sleep this season
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underwittingly · 9 months
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to the throat
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