#stupid children keeping secrets from each other until it culminates into a fucking nuclear meltdown
jmeldog · 5 months
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The way Kira and Bolts change places in the opening after episode 34 kinda drives me insane btw. Kira and his mother take over the antagonist shots, while Bolts takes over the supportive best friend role.
Because Bolts is a genuine friendship that Joe has built throughout this season. He was first presented as a “bad” guy, but he and Joe managed to work out their misunderstandings, and come to respect each other. Bolts literally had an arc where he thought Joe murdered his friend’s entire village, but they were able to get through it because he interacted with Joe and had moments of weakness around Joe.
While Kira is revealed to have been hiding almost every single aspect of his life from Joe to keep up the act of being Joe’s perfect friend. He smiles and runs away when he even falters just a Little in front of Joe. He thinks he can manage everything and that everything is perfectly under his control.
Like Joe is genuinely just a good person (*except the occasional times he’s a bastard but he’s literally 10 so it’s fine. 10 year olds are like that). Joe wanted to help Bolts even when he was literally telling him to fuck off. He’s an earnest little guy. He wants to be honest with Kira—he wanted to tell Kira that he’s involved with creatures the second Kira came back to the country, and the only reason he couldn’t is cuz Deckie wouldn’t let him. Joe trusts Kira so much it’s insane. But Kira won’t let him in at all, and it culminates in Joe accidentally spotting Kira at his literal worst—killing an innocent old man that Joe knew just wanted to make people happy. And all their secrets and perfect little friendship falls apart from there.
Now that Joe’s aware of what Kira’s doing, he has to fight to get his feelings and frustrations through to him. And since Kira’s aware that Joe’s involved in the creature wars, his seigi dictates that he and Joe are enemies. (Well, at least before he realizes and accepts that Joe is his actual seigi, the real thing he fights to protect. Even after the secret’s out and they’re enemies, he protects Joe. Aha.)
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Anyway and the opening change that drives me the most insane is the shot of Kira walking towards Joe.
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“You have one shot at life”
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