survivorarabia · 7 years
FINALE “#PerceptionIsReality” - Richie
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I had to change my vote to Emmott because he was all over the place, I adore him so much though and I hate that mine and Alex's plan got messed up because of my big mouth about Lena's idol, rip me. </3
I FELT THIS COMING.   I really hope Alex and Nicole win, I was so right about taking them to final 3.  PLEASE WIN YOU GUYS. <3 
when you create enough paranoia and drama.... people play idols for you :-) THAT WAS THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD LITERALLY LIKE 10 MINUTES BEFORE TRIBAL LENA AND RICHIE ARE LIKE "come vote ruthie" and SO RUTHIE IS LITERALLY MY MUM AND I GENUINELY LOVE HER! she is the sweetest human being to ever graced the planet!!!!! lena and richie have promised me f3, and i am sticking to that LIKE SUPER GLUE! BUT if they break it, the will hear from my laywer!!!!!!!!! THIS IS CRAZY I CAN'T BELIEVE IM HERE. i think the jury hates me a lot, but i think i can swing enough votes at the end against lena and richie to maybeeee have a shot? omg im so shook i cant even explain it
Honestly I am at a loss for words right now... I cannot believe Richie, myself, and Emmott blindsided Ruthie. Alex had immunity otherwise it would have been him. But we have to make sure Alex doesn't win this next challenge... We have to. I was just talking to Ruthie and Nicole about a final 3 earlier today but then I realized, to get Alex.. we have to get Ruthie out too. I thought Nicole and Ruthie were extremely close but they apparently weren't.. I wish I had known that, because I could have just approached Nicole and saved my idol for next time. I have a chance at winning this game now as long as Alex is next to go.. I can't believe I beat my Palawan placement, though. I am in a total state of shock over this.
This is so fucking ugly Lena, you can go and fuck yourself.
i did........ that http://68.media.tumblr.com/0cb56c37723d7349c4e2f9ee90ac112e/tumblr_of3p98IyeO1vzwwmeo2_250.gif it was like 30 minutes before the vote and ruthie said that she was on call with emmott earlier and something inside me just... light up... ruthie and alex were playing the jury so hard and i wasnt going to just sit there and let it happen.... so i went to lena and was destroyed alex and ruthie's game and just went for it i was like fuck it if this goes bad at least im making a move to try and better myself and i just told lena how ruthie was the glue bc of her relationship with nicole and her relationship with alex so if we went to final 5 with those 3 we would be fucked and i just kept emphasizing how crucial of a role ruthie has played in every relationship in this game and lena 15 minutes before the vote was in lena said "Hear me out, okay? I think we should vote for Ruthie...."  and i was like http://68.media.tumblr.com/f0127660609c51a34bdfa74033903285/tumblr_of3pd5e6Md1vzwwmeo7_250.gif so that was amazing but then lena followed that statement by saying  "I have a plan....... and an idol" and it was like the gates of heaven opened and i saw the light that this was actually going to happen i actually pulled this off and huge shout out to lena bc whew!!!!!!! this was super hard bc the family alliance was such a great thing personally and strategically and i loved every moment of working as a group but fuck it sucks that that was the move i felt had to be done..... now i have to deal with the clean up which is nahhhhhhhht gonna be pretty but whew it was exciting ;)
WHEW. OKAY. THIS HAS BEEN A CRAZY ROUND AND I HAVEN'T MADE A CONFESSIONAL IN FOREVER SO HERE IT GOES. Ruthie was my #1 in this game, she is so sweet and honestly one of my favorite people in this community! BUT, she did have a really good game and I can see why people would want her out. Anyway, I don't know where I stand all I know is the immunity being Maverick Bird literally stressed me tf out and I'm glad it was changed to endurance 
Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of Ruthie Motta, who was tragically voted out exactly one (1) round before I was planning on doing it, how dare you Lena, you stole my kill So.  Uh.  Last night was a time.  Good news, flushed the idol!  Bad news, Ruthie died.  So, uh, that really sucks.  And it's mostly because I wasn't around so now I feel like I'm on the bottom all of a sudden. I feel like I had so much I wanted to say about this and now I don't have any of it any more.  It sucks.  This sucks.  Ruthie and I have been together this whole game, 32 days.  And now she's gone, and I...I don't know who to lean on, who I can talk to, who I can even trust at this point.  Does Richie want me out next?  Does Lena?  Is Nicole really still with me or is she about to drive a bus over me? The Family's dead, and without Immunity, I don't know how to pick up the pieces.  I don't know how to talk to Lena without wanting to shout at her.  I just...I don't know.  I'm adrift, and I'm not giving up, but it's...it's gonna be a new game now.  And every round from here on in.  I'm much less confident about making the end than I was before.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen and variations thereupon, to Alex's last stand. I thought I would have had that Immunity, but obviously Lena and Richie wanted to make sure I didn't have it, and it worked.  Congrats to them. The only thing I can do now is throw myself on their mercy and point out what a jury threat Emmott is.  Do I believe it?  Not necessarily.  But I'm not wrong that he has a couple votes on lockdown, regardless of who else is there, in Issy and Aren.  The only thing I can do is sell that I just want to make 4, that Nicole and I aren't together, and that Emmott needs to go now. Will it work?  Maybe.  But Richie & Lena hold my life in their hands, and I hate that.  I hate not having any control at all.  In some ways it's my fault because I burned my bridges sufficiently with Emmott to the point that I'm not getting shit from him, but that's also on him too. I wish I had more to say here, but I don't.  It's not up to me anymore.  It's all on them.
its been like 2 days since the last tribal council where me and lena did THAT and i'm still not over how simultaneously iconic and heartbreaking of a move that was... ruthie is the epitome of genuine kindness and alex is someone i have enjoyed having a genuine connection with since day 1 so betraying them sucks but like also its a game and what i did and what me and lena pulled off.... whew!!!!!!!! i knew that alex was going to feel super betrayed and go HARD af in this immunity challenge and i am an endurance flop, i love sleep it's my #1 priority, but like i knew i wanted this win and my body hates me but i somehow pulled out a win so holy shit im going to final 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://68.media.tumblr.com/73479bdb2a4e827a39fa094ecc4d5759/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo4_250.gif but let's be real yeah i'm happy and all but of course it wouldnt be a richie confessional without a Meltdown™so lets just jump right into the spiraling :D i dont know what to do.... lmao... how many times have i said that in this game? but literally i don't know what to do britney_spears_"shocking".jpg.... voting out alex is the obvious thing to do right now because me/lena/emmott just formed a final 3, alex is capable of winning immunity if he stays around, and from the start of this game everyone has pegged alex as this huge threat whos in control of this game and since #PerceptionIsReality if thats what people on the jury have been saying if he gets to the end that perception could hand him the win even if theres some bitter jurors who dont like him.... buuuuuuut if he leaves there goes my meat shield like if he's in final 4 NO ONE is going to take him to final 3 so its like a guaranteed all eyes on him as the target and i can slip right into the finale.. if he's gone these of 3 might look at me and think i'm a threat and im fucked because i cant deflect but if i keep him around as a meat shield and he wins final 4 immunity im fucked too so its like..... UGHHHh http://68.media.tumblr.com/8fc26ad4738d3292b68f2e6cf5195ec7/tumblr_of3ougvqUC1vzwwmeo5_250.gif
I gave it my best go.  It just wasn't enough.  They've shut off the side of themselves that would respond to my emotional pleas.  It's cold, but I understand. It's the right move for them, strategically.  I can't fault them there.  I just can't pretend it doesn't hurt. We had this.  No, fuck that.  I had this.  I was so close I could taste it.  I've never been that close.  But I made one mistake and it all spiraled. I don't regret how I played.  I can't.  I don't know what I could have done better. I'm tearing up now, sorry.  I'll get over it, I know.  Eventually.
I cannot believe everything has gone off without a hitch. Ruthie went. Alex went. I actually believe I have a chance at winning this game. Even if I don't, I want it to be Richie and Nicole sitting with me at the end and they both have played wonderful games. I'm at a loss for words right now, I cannot believe I made it this far.
http://68.media.tumblr.com/a1c42de3eca8896fdcf68bd083a2a0b8/tumblr_ogtaabu79Y1vzwwmeo8_r1_250.gif so i voted out alex at the last tribal council which killed me as a person bc i was still not over voting out ruthie and then to vote out the other person in the alliance that i loved being a part of…. that sucked!!!!!!!!!!!! but i did it because i knew that letting alex get to the end was handing the jury someone that they had been talking up all game and i couldnt do it…. and he told me that he would throw the f4 immunity challenge if i didnt vote him out he just didnt want emmott to get to the end and i said that he was too much of a game player to mean that and i voted him out because i thought that i could take out emmott at f4 bc he has votes locked in but here we are in the final 4 and emmott has immunity and im just………. im fucked and it sucks because it means that there’s a good chance i’m getting voted out and if somehow i magically mist my way into staying this week theres an equally good chance that i won’t win this game with emmott having friends on the jury so its like…. fuck dude im an end justifies the means type of person and i played hard and i fucked over everyone in this game and its very very likely that it was all for nothing http://68.media.tumblr.com/d70acd9f7d12febd8c49717661e19834/tumblr_ogtaabu79Y1vzwwmeo6_r1_250.gif   
I FUCKING MADE IT TOO FTC AND I WON AN IMMUNITY CHALLENGE WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL IT TOOK WAS A NEW IDENTITY AND 4 SEASONS TO GET THERE THIS B*STON R*B TEAS AAAHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!! honestly this is the worst game i've ever played and i honestly don't think i'd have a shot at winning if i was up against another 4 people winning is such an amazing concept tho and my game is trash so i guess the rule is you don't put a bumper sticker on a bently sooooo i will probs lose BUT I THINK I HAVE A SHOT BECAUSE THESE 3 ARE ... ????!!! NOT great??!! nicole was a goat lena peaked really late and was innactive af. all she did was play the idol on me which could have been her stupidest move idk?????? richie i am worried tho. he was a kinda goat this entire game and people might vote for him if they were REALLLYYY SALTY AT ME and i have a feeling fawz might hate me i think i have ruthie, issy and aren's vote but the rest i'd really have to give it a shot and put myself out there. when alex left he said "the last time i vote for you. and that's a promise" lIKE DOES THAT MEAN HE WONT VOTE FOR ME AT FTC ??????? IM CONFUSED i think i can maybe get ci'eres vote or jay's IDK im realy fucking stressed coz i wanna win so bad but i think people are gonna be salty coz i flipped on that fawz bullshit but like ???????? its there own fucking faults! if they added me to their alliance  and ACTUALLY TRIED making an effort with me it might be different??? people management GOALS <3 <3 <3 <3 but then i can't say that in my Q&A with the jurors coz  I NEED THEM TO LIKE ME so i might try it in a real passive aggresive way coz like its there fault i flipped so dont be fuckwits to me i just really hope people are forgiving, COZ I THINK I HAVE A SHOT!!!
this is also the worst possible final 4 to go with because they're all almost always OFFLINE !!!!! 
https://67.media.tumblr.com/7c7f38cafbd329aeae09819c0b49f9e6/tumblr_o42c0mpv2F1uakpa5o1_400.gif https://media.giphy.com/media/HqtbJDp8FEivC/giphy.gif https://67.media.tumblr.com/69e723e7fe1a69cb63ba639039d34e63/tumblr_n0abginEZW1se8ddwo1_500.gif
i’m either literally voting myself out of the game tonight or making a move that will guarantee me a spot in the f3 and there’s no way of knowing which it’s going to be until the votes are read so http://68.media.tumblr.com/e23df711439b4fc6670037aadf007dea/tumblr_ogtaabu79Y1vzwwmeo5_r1_250.gif i’m really mad at nicole bc she’s in a great position right now and i’m not and i dont like when other people do well.. like ya i like her and good for her being in a powerful position in this game but its rude and i hate it because i want to be that person so its ugly!!!!! nicole came to me and told me that she went to lena saying to vote me out and i was like interesting….. because if lena wasn’t going to go along with that plan she would have come to me and ratted nicole out to ensure that i vote out nicole so i was like hmmm okay…. so the plan right now that i’m taking a gamble on is that emmott votes nicole, lena votes me, i vote lena, and nicole is the deciding force on who goes home and i hate it like all of this could be a lie from nicole to pit me and lena against each other so that we vote for the other one and she stays safe and gets to choose who she goes to the end with, frankly its genius and if this were a different situation i would this theory to lena and turn her against nicole so we would vote out nicole 3-1 however i feel like i have a better shot at getting more votes sitting next to nicole than i do sitting next to lena so its like i could come in 4th from trying and failing the 2-1-1 plan or come in 3rd by voting out nicole 3-1 so i’m hoping if the 2-1-1 plan succeeds and nicole doesnt vote me out i have a shot at trying to secure some votes in the jury and thats all i want…… THIS IS LITERALLY KILLING ME I HATE THIS SO MUCH!!! pretty much this entire game up until 24 hours ago i havent been in a position where i truly felt like i was even remotely in danger of being voted out and now that i’m here staring at my own mortality it……..isn’t fun? i’m hopeful that i’m staying tonight i’ve been working on nicole telling her how much i want to go to the end with her and also telling her i was going to vote for lena in the end (oops lmao) but im a realistic person so i’m not expecting to stay so if i leave tonight and become the final juror to my fellow players sorry i backstabbed and lied to yall for no reason lmao and to the 2 people cheering me on in the vl im sorry to have failed you http://68.media.tumblr.com/5a88f6553fb76a93d3627ae16a5fc278/tumblr_ogtaabu79Y1vzwwmeo7_r1_250.gif && with that… richie OUT! (?????????)
A MOTHERFUCKIIIINGGGGG TIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I caaaaaaaaan't go on like this FUCK I want to make it to final 3 so bad but this tie breaker is literally made for Lena to win I'm a literal ball of anxiety that cracks under pressure and she's a fucking speed typer who has found an idol from getting a clue and going to a page so like... I'm doomed but I'm trying to remain positive and not go in with a defeated mindset because then I'll definitely lose but fuck Ive tried so hard and got so far and in the end it doesn't even matter bc I can see my game ending because of emmott and being stupid and a slow typer and I HATE IT UGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH http://68.media.tumblr.com/3fd3702c9cdf15d2ac464436c8be0dbb/tumblr_oelryngZFq1vzwwmeo4_250.gif whewwwww okay positive thoughts :) I am going to kick ass in this tie breaker, I want to win, I want to win this game bc if i dont then I singlehandedly destroyed my alliance that I loved and made it so we all lost but if I win that means that I'm a cutthroat strategist that did what I had to do to win so that's what I'm going to do :) :) :) :) :) :)   ...........fucK
nicole is literally so irrelevant and she thinks she's made it to the end because she got game. she is literally the worlds biggest GOAT AHAHAHAH omg what a hoe im sick of her. anyone would have taken her shes dead weight! she's made zero impact on this game like she can't even get an idol play right !!!!! don't come for me nicole because you have nothing to support yourself fuck off i hate this game and coz of that hoe im probs gonna lose and i get this is completely emotional and i shouldn't be fighting her in the tribe chat but i hate when unintellegent, dumb, naive, idiotic people act like they smart and got nerve. its my pet peeve. hate dumb people wow. have fun coming SECOND AGAIN HAAHAHAHAHAH
LIKE I HATE THE SNARKINESS OF THESE IDIOTS that send memes and instigate fights and are sarcastic and ridiculous like they reckon they're all big online because they can send a shady meme WOW hope those shady memes get you thru life hun <3
this final 3 is a mess....
now im a fucking richole thirdwheel get me outta here
FUUUUUUCK!!!! AHHHH!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I JUST WON THE TIE BREAKER AND IM IN THE FINAL THREEE?!?!?! THAT WAS SO STRESSFUL FUCKKKK!!!!! http://68.media.tumblr.com/72c85b4a2d82c49580e83a8a74ce83a1/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo6_250.gif I hate everything I'm so overwhelmed i was bored and stressed out so I facilitated?? drama between Nicole and emmott in the main chat while I waited for Lena to come back so that was the most fun I've had in this game in a while lmao but somehow not as exciting as winning the tie breaker!!!! i  dont know why Nicole kept me because I was passionately trying to vote her out from like f8-f6 but okay cool im happy I didn't WHEW I can't believe this.... Now all that's left is the jury which scares me because I played a weird game like for a while it was intentionally UTR and trying to seem weak to the point where people may think I wasn't playing which could cost me but also looking back I played the middle and literally lied, back stabbed, and voted out every single person on the jury and I had a good social game but that could just make people feel more betrayed rather than being good jury management so I'm nervous and i dont know what approach to take with my speech should I be the unapologetic bitch or should I try to pretend to be likable lmao FUCK I love this game and hate everything about it at the same time it's truly wild richieWHEWWWWWWW these jury questions? fUCK... i wrote a long as jury opening bc hello youve seen my confessionals im obsessed with myself and cant stop talking and apparently that pissed people off bc of their own egos and i get that but also fuck you?????? like alex saying that i took credit for things i dont deserve when firstable BITCH a direct quote from my speech is "I felt grateful to be part of an alliance that worked so well together and functioned off of genuine teamwork I don’t want to take full credit bc it was truly a team effort for a good chunk of this game" and in how many of my confessionals did i talk about how much i loved being in the family and how its literally a team effort? i never once in this game genuinely took sole credit for anything HOWEVER... I'M the one thats here and i'm going to talk up my fucking game to get people to see that i played hard, yes i didnt make some of the moves alone but did i not still make those moves? the family is not trying to win this game I am so thats what i'm going to talk about me..... like i'm literally so annoyed i'm probably going to lose this game because going to come off as such a bitch in my answers but im pissed ofat alex and lena trying to bring me down just because of their own egos like yeah alex made moves and i didnt do the fucking ruthie vote alone but it happened because of ME, it wouldnt have happened without lena but it happened BECAUSE of me so i have those 2 saying that move isnt mine and then julia saying i was alex's sheep??? like fuck you?????? if i was alex's sheep he would be here still and he's not here because its called being in an alliance and working WITH someone and using their threat status as a shield and then cutting them so that youre the one thats at the end like literally i'm so annoyed i want to fight them ALLLLLLLLL... except ciere bc his question was actually really nice and it was the first time i felt validated and im emotional... like alex had 9 minutes of a video dedicated to dragging me and discrediting my game like F U C K  Y O U ! !! ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! (dear future players, i dont mean this personally but if you get a chance to vent so do i <3) UGHHHH I CANT BELIEVEEEEE i have to keep replaying this 9 minute video of me being dragged to filth which is 94% bullshit, yeah i may have talked myself up a little bit but its the fucking jury speech and im trying to win what the fuck do you want me to do be humble???? no! like if i went back in time and told 13 year old me that 10 years in the future i'd be broke, single, no job, living with my parents, and mentally ill i'd believe it because that part of my reality is realistic... if i went back in time and told 13 year old me that 10 years in the future that i was playing in an online version of the show survivor, yes that show that you watched like 5 years ago is somehow still on, in a CHAT ROOM with STRANGERS and in order to try and get these strangers to give you the NONEXISTENT prize you must watch a 9 minute video of someone from OHIO talk shit about you because of things you strategically said and did, 13 year old me would probably assassinate bill gates to make sure the internet DIED and that reality couldnt exist bceause FUCK!!!!!!!!! emI Deserved To Win: A New Musical ~ Coming Soon richiehttp://68.media.tumblr.com/f60a84f5748d15f8a1625f64c461082e/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo7_250.gif http://68.media.tumblr.com/72c85b4a2d82c49580e83a8a74ce83a1/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo6_250.gif http://68.media.tumblr.com/73479bdb2a4e827a39fa094ecc4d5759/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo4_250.gif
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survivorsweden · 7 years
Survivor: Sweden applications are now open!
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After two very successful seasons, Sequence is heading to Sweden!
Sequence is a cut-throat online platform of the reality TV show Survivor. This game is full of new and innovative twists that, in some cases, literally take over the game in ways never seen before requiring the perfect mix of outwit, outplay, and outlast. 
Think you have what it takes? Applications can be found here!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Connor or Christine. We look forward to receiving your application!
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TS: Secret Santa
Have you been involved in Tumblr Survivor and just want to get over the constant backstabbing, well then join the TS secret santa, just fill out your name, your season(s) and things about survivor or things in general that you like and we'll pair you up with someone who will surprise you on christmas day on our blog.  Tis the season
*You do not have to have mad graphic design to join, gifts can be arranged from anything (gifs, poems, fanfic, wallpapers, edits, videos, anything that will bring some joy into someones life)
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Apply for Tumblr Survivor: All-Stars!
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Apply for Tumblr Survivor: All-Stars! We are look for Tumblr Survivor veterans to come back for the ultimate showdown! What do we consider an All-Star? Someone who proves it to us. Being a great player can be many different things, so convince us that you are the version of an all-star that we want!
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survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 12 “Ruthie Is Literally My Mum” - Emmott
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Alex, you've got more than everyone else combined.  YOU CAN STOP ANSWERING ALL THE QUESTIONS NOW.  I LOVE YOU BUT GEEZ. <3 
Final 6, baby!  And actually, because I won, Final 5 baby! The plan for this round is to take out Emmott, simple.  Nobody trusts him, yadda yadda, fifth verse same as like the last four rounds.  But what I'm doing this round is setting in place the groundwork for Final 5. First of all, Lena's Idol.  That's a problem.  It could lead to 2/5 of the Final 5 being immune, and I have no guarantee that I'm gonna win Immunity next round, so I could be one of three vulnerable people that round.  If that's the case, that's not good for me. I also have to consider at this point that my strongest opponent at FTC is Ruthie, right?  So I have abandoned ALL MORALS, FOLKS, because guess who's coming for Ruthie next round, it's me, I'm a monster, here to slaughter your faves. I trust Richie enough at this point that he's not gonna vote me, and that I can talk him into a Ruthie vote should Nicole and/or Lena be immune next round. What I have to do is plant the seeds in Lena's head that a) she should play her Idol this round because b) Ruthie is coming for her...which is not entirely untrue! The argument I'm gonna use is simple: Ruthie is paranoid (true, backed up by her behavior during blind week) and is concerned about being vulnerable at 5 (true, even if I'm projecting my own feelings onto her), so she might try to assemble a blindside on Lena now (false, but she doesn't need to know that). Then, at 5, I can get a 3 or 4 person vote on Ruthie, bam pow, Alex slides to the end, beats Lena and whoever else is there, is a monster but still wins.
WHEW, Nicole woke up and started to play! Apparently she was all up in Richie's ear last night about the Lena/Ruthie/Me threesome and how she and Richie needed to grab Emmott and force one of us out of the game. Girl you do MIND It is MY JOB to tear apart this alliance!   Not yours!  Stay in your lane! Apparently she's backed off it, which is too bad, because really she should try it.  See what happens, girl. Luckily I have utilized this info to aid in the flushing of Lena's Idol so hopefully there will be at least one bright spot in all this.  I think it might just work, honestly.
IM FREAKING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M LITERALLY IN PSYCHOSIS... my mind is literally one of those kermit memes where its like me: shut up, you have your Family 4 alliance you've been with since week 2, you love them and you should vote out emmott because he's messy and erratic and theres no loyalty there then the kermit in the hoodie aka neurotic me: BITCH YOU HAVENT MADE ANY Big Moves™THIS GAME YET, ALEX IS THROWING YOU UNDER THE BUS TO EMMOTT, YOU CAN'T WIN AGAINST ANY OF THESE PEOPLE HERE START FUCKING SHIT UP!!!!! ughhhhhhh i feel such a close bond with the family alliance where i dont want to turn on them bc i like them but also bc it will be SUCH a betrayal that if i'm the one to turn on them and i make it to the end i don't have their jury vote... and nicoles my girl i dont want to vote her out either she's been coming to me trying to make moves and i want to because its her but then im like i want to vote out the person in her position but i dont think its the smartest to vote HER.... i hatee last night nicole came to me and was like "lena/ruthie/alex are going to steamroll us in f5 lets vote out either lena and ruthie" and i was like hmm.... i thought nicole and ruthie were super close thats sketchy also this whole game i've been trying to play up my distance from the khiana people so i can maintain connection with the fawz people to get information so i can keep myself and the people im with in the loop and safe so its cool that i'm not seen as really a part of that 3some when this whole time its been us 4..... but still so i was going to rat nicole out and use that to turn the family against her but then i was like.......1) nicole gave me a receipt of ruthie saying something about a group chat which i deduced was a group chat between lena/ruthie/nicole, this is a total assumption and wild guess based on minimal information, but still if thats true and this is just nicole trying to get me to say something to get them to turn on me that would suck so i'm nervous to go to lena/ruthie with this and 2) i dont think going to the end with ruthie and alex is smart so maybe im keeping my options open with nicole for selfish reasons bc i dont want to close that door just yet then today emmott came to me with receipts of alex telling emmott that i was aware of the fact that ruthie/alex were lying to emmott/issy about voting me out last vote and that i was just playing emmott (TRUE) and alex straight up told emmott about our alliance in a CLEARLYYYYYY transparent attempt of getting on emmotts good side for a jury vote by being honest and putting the blame on other people... AND I DIDNT LIKE THAT @ALEX!!!!!! if i just shut up and vote out emmott i'm guaranteed 4th place and from there i have to rely on my social game to take me to the end and get me a win because i've been playing this game but in a way that isn't easy to see on the surface and in a way that ORG juries dont want to hear about.. people want BIG MOVES but thats not smart everytime someone in this game tried to make a big move they were voted out.....I HATEEEEE THIS.... if i do try to make a move tonight i either get caught and get voted out 6th place or succeed at that move but piss everyone off and make a target of myself/lose jury votes.... but if i dont make a move tonight people will think im just this floater that helped hand ruthie or alex the game..... https://images.sobadsogood.com/21-gifs-proving-russia-is-the-most-bizarre-place-on-earth/3.jpg
okay so i thought i had no hope this tribal! i was excited becuase i had this awesome speech prepared to drag everyone to hELL! but instead Saint Ruthie came to me <3 I actually love ruthie so much, we had a call and shes so precious and amazing and sweet and nice and caring and oMG!!!! I LOVE HER!!! AND SHE HAS AN AMAZING ACCENT! But she told me she is voting Lena, and she's gonna get other people to as well because Lena has an idol!! oooooooo honestly, lena is no threat to me, and i would probably usually go tell Lena that people are coming for her and to play her idol. but instead, im just gonna leave it this time, because it backfires 50% of the time. im just gonna leave the vote as lena, and let ruthie work her magic! another thing when issy left, i went on bit of a dramatic rant AHAHAH in the tribe chat AHAHAHHA saying she was robbed. and N*cole and L*na made snarky comments at me!!!! ew im perturbed! i hope this works tho wow imagine alex is also spilling all info and tea to me and putting blame on other people, so that he can vote me off and have my jury vote :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) silly smart guy! if he didnt have immunity i think i could have got him out but yoloswag he has immunity and it's these people's fault who are going to get voted out by him and have to vote for him at f2/3 that are at fault. they never flipped with me earlier so I HOPE THAT THE DOOR HITS THEM ON THE WAY OUT (im lookin at u richie especially) okay bye
Today has been utter and complete CHAOS of the best kind.  I began the day with a message from Nicole asking if Emmott was okay, and I agreed, and Lena of course agreed too. And then in our The Family alliance chat the others seemed to want Emmott also.  So we were all agreed and it was all good, but then Alex privately brought up a good thought... Lena's idol.  We want it to be flushed so we could have a chance to play one next week but we didn't know how to go about flushing it.   Little did I know, Nicole decided to play the game and start throwing my name around.  (I STILL LOVE YOU NICOLE <3) and she told Richie- who in turn told Alex that Lena, Alex and myself were in an alliance together, which I'm not sure how she found that out, I'm guessing that Lena maybe told her.  Nicole had already warned us that we might be hearing things and I figured this kind of thing was what we might start hearing.   So, Alex told Lena (SO MUCH TELLING GOING ON, GOD.) some things to make her maybe want to use her idol tonight and we had this conversation: [11/29/16, 1:29:03 PM] Alex (Xalxe): and I have no time for it frankly, do you mind, we’ve been playing all game over here [11/29/16, 1:36:25 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Wait holy shit I just realize we can use this. I can give this to Lena instead of giving her your name and she might play the idol [11/29/16, 2:54:03 PM] Ruthie ❤: YES!!! That would be amazing!!! That's good thinking! [11/29/16, 2:54:34 PM] Ruthie ❤: How did Nicole know that you, me and Lena were together I wonder. [11/29/16, 2:55:18 PM] Alex (Xalxe): It is a mystery to me [11/29/16, 2:55:28 PM] Alex (Xalxe): who knows, she might just be grasping at straws [11/29/16, 2:56:40 PM] Alex (Xalxe): even a broken clock is right twice a day [11/29/16, 3:39:19 PM] Ruthie ❤: Omg, that's going to be my new favorite quote. <3 [11/29/16, 3:39:39 PM] Ruthie ❤: You're right though. [11/29/16, 3:39:58 PM] Ruthie ❤: In a way I'm excited she finally started playing but UGH [11/29/16, 4:05:10 PM] Ruthie ❤: LOL. Lena just messaged me to ask "hey, are we okay?" [11/29/16, 4:05:20 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Oh she got my mega-message then, good [11/29/16, 4:08:21 PM] Ruthie ❤: Yes good! Operation: Flush Idol is in action. [11/29/16, 4:08:49 PM] Alex (Xalxe): :) Then..... the chaos that led to my phone call with Emmott happened... [11/29/16, 4:09:30 PM] Ruthie ❤: She's writing me a mega message now. [11/29/16, 4:09:44 PM] Alex (Xalxe): okay if she sells me out she’s dead to me [11/29/16, 4:10:31 PM] Ruthie ❤: I can't wait to see what she says tbh [11/29/16, 4:10:50 PM] Ruthie ❤: I AM SO GLAD WE TRUST EACH OTHER. [11/29/16, 4:11:35 PM] Alex (Xalxe): This would be way harder if we didn't [11/29/16, 4:15:52 PM] Ruthie ❤: It would! [11/29/16, 4:16:09 PM] Ruthie ❤: And oh god, I have a lot of receipts for you. [11/29/16, 4:16:15 PM] Alex (Xalxe): oh boy oh boy [11/29/16, 4:17:01 PM] Ruthie ❤: I FEEL SO BAD SHOWING YOU BECAUSE I LOVE LENA SO MUCH, but you're my Alex so So of course I showed him all the receipts...  SORRY LENA.   :( [11/29/16, 4:08:18 PM] Lena McKenzie: I heard that you're worried about my loyalty :( [11/29/16, 4:08:29 PM] Lena McKenzie: But I have an idea... and I want to know what you think. [11/29/16, 4:10:39 PM] Lena McKenzie: I want to go to the final 3 with you and Nicole. I love Alex but none of us have ANY shot against him if he gets there, and that's not to say you or I or Nicole haven't played great games. He just has survived this entire game after being a target the entire time, came back, etc. I want one of the three of us to win. It would be great for Alex to win but I want one of us girls to win.. I know that sounds horrible but Alex really is calling all of the shots in our alliance and has been doing so the entire game. I really hope you don't say anything to him about this but I wanted to let you know that is what I'm thinking. I am loyal to the Old Farts and I am loyal to our alliance with Nicole, but Alex wins no matter who he is against at the end.. [11/29/16, 4:12:17 PM] Lena McKenzie: I honestly think you could win this if we go with Nicole. I want to win and I would happy with Nicole winning.. But I'm 98% sure you would win if we go to the end, and I would love to see you win. So after I told Alex we kind of came up with a brilliant idea. :)... [11/29/16, 4:29:16 PM] Ruthie ❤: Okay! Who should we tell Emmott to vote or is he voting me? -.- [11/29/16, 4:29:21 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I dunno man [11/29/16, 4:29:30 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I haven’t talked to him since this morning [11/29/16, 4:29:34 PM] Alex (Xalxe): tell him whatever [11/29/16, 4:31:41 PM] Ruthie ❤: I just messaged him and he replied quick but I don't even know what to tell him, lol. [11/29/16, 4:31:56 PM] Alex (Xalxe): shrug [11/29/16, 4:32:27 PM] Ruthie ❤: I'm just asking if he's voting me. [11/29/16, 4:42:53 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Can you get him to vote Lena?  Then she sees that people really are/were targeting her? [11/29/16, 4:44:36 PM] Ruthie ❤: Yeah, I could do that. I'm almost thinking I should vote with him, she wouldn't expect me to do it. Is that a crazy idea? [11/29/16, 4:44:46 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I was thinking the same thing don’t take my thing [11/29/16, 4:45:21 PM] Ruthie ❤: BRAIN TWINS. [11/29/16, 4:45:46 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Anyway yeah sure you go ahead and do that, we don’t want 3 votes on her accidentally [11/29/16, 4:45:51 PM] Alex (Xalxe): I’ll vote Emmott [11/29/16, 4:46:14 PM] Alex (Xalxe): Unless she starts talking about moving the vote away from Emmott in which case we can’t risk a split I AM SUCH A BAD PERSON, I do feel really guilty for this and I don't want Lena to go, and at this point I still wanted Emmott to go.  My next worry was how I could work a bit of magic on Emmott.  I love the boy dearly but he is SUCH a loose cannon, which has worked for him this far but I really didn't want anything I said to get out to him, and knowing him it probably would have... oops. I saw that he messaged me, and I finally answered... [11/29/16, 4:35:16 PM] emmott young: Well everyones saying my name so [11/29/16, 4:35:57 PM] emmott young: Im not even gonna try [11/29/16, 4:41:41 PM] Ruthie ❤: :( :( :( [11/29/16, 4:42:27 PM] emmott young: You just must feel very comfortable getting to the end with alex still in the game :/ [11/29/16, 4:42:40 PM] emmott young: Because I asked him, and he felt pretty comfortable having you around. [11/29/16, 4:50:35 PM] Ruthie ❤: If I vote with you for someone can you for once not say anything about it? BECAUSE I heard you told people we voted with you last time. :( [11/29/16, 4:52:13 PM] emmott young: Of course omg!! It's not like you exactly stuck to your word either, though. Last time, I only didnt vote Richie because once Richie went it was definitely going to be me and issy next. Alex told me you had no intention on voting richie! But ill do anything at this point, i swear! [11/29/16, 4:54:27 PM] Ruthie ❤: Okay, whew! Who do you want to vote if you could vote for anyone? (Besides Alex since he's immune.) [11/29/16, 4:55:11 PM] emmott young: Anyone!! Whoever you wanted! ...before pondering over what to do for almost an hour before I finally had the brilliant idea of calling him!  If we talked on the phone I could sound more sincere about it all and more importantly he couldn't show the receipts to anyone else.  And also, I figured that MAYBE it could get me a vote from him in the jury... I must admit.  I'm such a bad person, I can't even, I feel more and more like a villain each day, oh well.   [11/29/16, 5:19:05 PM] emmott young: Do you have any one in mind? [11/29/16, 5:28:11 PM] Ruthie ❤: Can I call you?  I don’t want to type it out because somehow what I tell you always seems to find it’s way around the house.  :O :O <3 [11/29/16, 5:28:41 PM] emmott young: Of course ahahah! I promise I wont snitch! [11/29/16, 5:29:10 PM] Ruthie ❤: Whew, okay!  Hang on! [11/29/16, 5:29:20 PM] emmott young: Hanging! So I called Emmott and OH MY GOSH Y'ALL.  HE is so adorable, I can't even with him, HIS ACCENT IS SO CUTE!  And he liked mine too!  And I'm literally always so awkward with people on the phone, SO awkward but talking to Emmott was easy and I admit it, I probably told him WAY TOO MUCH.  First I made him promise not to tell anyone that I told him to do this but to vote Lena and I gave him my word that I would vote her too.  And I made him promise not to freak out and go around telling people that I was voting for her and that he needed another vote or two, to just let me handle it, and he promised.  He is literally so sweet, he told me he was going to ignore everyone on messenger and I feel like such a bitch right now for doing ALL of this.  Lena trusted me with ALL of that and I ran to Alex.  Then I went to Emmott and told him I was going to try to keep him when obviously I'm just spending all this time writing my confessional, whoops. Oh... and on call I also might have let it slip that Lena had an idol.  Which is also another dumb move on my part because Emmott can't keep a secret to save his life.  Anyway, that's where I am today.  I'm personally sitting in a good spot and I can't wait for a bit of chaos to ensue when Lena learns that TWO people voted for her...  tonight's tribal is going to be so much fun! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH LENA AND EMMOTT, I'm so sorry when you guys read this.  <3 ALSO I'M SORRY FOR ALL THE DENYING I'M GOING TO DO WHEN YOU SEE THAT SOMEONE ELSE VOTED FOR YOU QUEEN LENA.  
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Applications come out Friday!
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xalxe · 8 years
Let’s have a chat about the first vote on Khiana, because it’s honestly exhausting dealing with the fact that people have dragged my name through the mud over it.
I was placed in the middle of two groups of four people, both of which wanted me to vote with them.  So right there, I was in a shitty position where either way I’m gonna piss off four people, right.  And this was not something I organized, it just happened that way, it should have been an easy vote, but it wasn’t.
Now, between these two groups, I had to make a call and decide which way to vote.  Between the two groups, one of them had explicitly said that I was the fifth person on the totem pole.  The other hadn’t.  I voted with the second group.
I understand that people have decided that because of this, I am a snake who enjoys playing both sides.  I am not, and I do not.  That’s how things like this happen.
Now, if you happen to be looking for snakes, I have a few sssssssuggestions....
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survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 11 “I’m Royally Fucked” - Issy
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Well the 'awogkgogkaka' is not an issue anymore, so that's good Fuck me though, I honestly don't know what to do from here
What is our tribe right now besides freaking HILARIOUS.  Bahah.  Okay,  so Aren left, which is good for my game, I love Aren, but there was NO way I was getting to Final 3 with him, Emmott and Issy.  Since he's left Emmott has been blowing up my messages, pissed but trying to keep his cool and I just find it so hilarious, I can't even.  First there was this, which I of course shared with The Family alliance.   [11/25/16, 9:18:34 PM] emmott young: duuuuuuude [11/25/16, 9:18:43 PM] Ruthie ❤: Sorryyyy :( :( :( [11/25/16, 9:18:59 PM] emmott young: DUUUUUUDE [11/25/16, 9:19:18 PM] Ruthie ❤: SORRYYYY :( [11/25/16, 9:23:09 PM] emmott young: at least it wasnt me! BAHAHAHAH. And then, there is this gem; [11/25/16, 9:29:26 PM] emmott young: its just, the one vote i didnt try lead myself i get foooooooked ahahahah!! [11/25/16, 9:29:29 PM] emmott young: its fun tho [11/25/16, 9:29:42 PM] emmott young: it better not be me then issy tho coz we flipped this entire game for yall TWICE Like, okay, if I'm remembering correctly it was YOU that wanted Shay out, Emmott.  So you came to Alex and I and we went along with it because we SURE didn't want to be the ones to leave.  The second time, I don't even know, was it the Jay vote?  Who knows, who even cares but this is Survivor and it is every person for themselves although I am DEFINITELY looking out for Alex and Nicole and even Lena and Richie.   All this and I'm still talking to Emmott and trying to give him a pep talk and just still, this is the kind of response I get out of him; [11/25/16, 9:36:09 PM] Ruthie ❤: I have noooo idea, try to win individual immunity though. <3 [11/25/16, 9:37:29 PM] emmott young: i dont do immunity ahahahah [11/25/16, 9:37:53 PM] emmott young: fuck it im givin up! i tried playing this game hard for the people who flipped on me, but life aint fair SORRY EMMOTT, I have my own game to play I'm not going to hang around and be your personal cheerleader for the comp. Also, let me rewind for a minute, can we talk about this that was in the tribe chat? [11/25/16, 9:17:57 PM] emmott young: WOAH WHAT HAPPENED [11/25/16, 9:19:19 PM] emmott young: that was psycho what omg [11/25/16, 9:19:37 PM] emmott young: congrats alex and ruthie <3 [11/25/16, 9:19:56 PM] emmott young: the rest of yall.........yeah [11/25/16, 9:20:12 PM] Ruthie ❤: Why am I getting congratulated, I’ve won nothing, rip (u) [11/25/16, 9:20:48 PM] emmott young: ya gonna win! Like, HOW am I going to win?  Why does he group me up there with Alex, not that I mind all because obviously Alex is my Survivor soulmate but WHY.  Is it because we were on the same tribe as him for awhile or am I missing something?  Either way, way to make friends and keep yourself around longer Emmott!  Calling us out like that, yay!  And apparently Richie is salty about people always putting Alex and I as the brains for everything because:   [11/25/16, 9:19:58 PM] Lena McKenzie: I'm amazed at this!! But why is Emmott congratulationg you guys [11/25/16, 9:20:13 PM] Lena McKenzie: Like Alex I understand because he almost got voted out but lol? [11/25/16, 9:20:16 PM] Richie: bc me and you are their puppets and we're handing them the game [11/25/16, 9:20:20 PM] Richie: DUH LENA This backs up the reason that he is going to have to go sooner or later, because when we get to the end he is going to come up with this epic speech and end up winning it over Alex and I.  And don't get me wrong, I would LOVE Richie to win, if Emmott and Issy go next I'll be happy with ANYONE that wins but still, awkward much? Also, to end this on a happy note, can we talk about how much I love Nicole again?  She is my absolute queen lol, I love her so much.   [11/25/16, 9:21:05 PM] nicole gilmore: People are getting mad like I'm actually ever filled in on anything and like my fat ass wasn't eating thanksgiving leftovers all day????? [11/25/16, 9:21:07 PM] nicole gilmore: Okay [11/25/16, 9:21:25 PM] nicole gilmore: Sorry Alex didn't leave way to be transparent Well, until... later, I suppose! <3 
I've been thinking about this game and I thought I might as well summarise it with a list of mistakes I've made so far, in order of shittiness 1) Making an alliance with my favourite dumb cunts literally-a-12-yo Aren and the totally unpredictable, emotional Emot 2) Allowing those fuckers to vote out Jay 3) Trusting Aren to be able to sort shit out for that last vote 4) Being stupid enough to convince myself (& Emmott) that blindsiding Shay was a great idea 5) Finding the solution to Pandora's box & sending it to literally everyone but ny host chat (and then 3 minutes later, because I decided I needed to fucking check again, someone else got in first) 6) Not taking out Alex or Ruthie when we had the chance 7) Not doing more to save Ci'ere & leaving it to the last minute 8) Not working my arse off to find an idol which would be real fucking useful right about now 9) Inviting Alex into that alliance at the beginning 10) Signing up to play in the first place and not turning down the last minute offer to be in this godforsaken season
At this point in the game I really need to start winning things or I will be viewed as a MEGA floater and I just don't want that to happen.  Tonight's comp is basically luck related though so... yeah, we'll see.  
If Emmott or Issy DID win tonight, I wouldn't be in danger, who ever didn't get immunity out of the two of them would be the one to go home.  I would love for one of them to win, especially Emmott because I love his passion so much, and he makes me laugh.  But I still want The Family to remain solid and that might cause other things to happen. :/ Speaking of The Family though...
Last thing I wanted to cover before finding out the results for tonight... THE JURY!  And seriously, I am sorry for all the noise, I'm not sure what possessed me to make video confessionals in the Cosco parking lot with my little sister and my 2 year old nephew in the car.  
Right now I just feel like they all hate me, I'm not sure if they hate myself or Alex more at this point but whatever happens I still want to go to the end with him! 
blind week is a joke coz me and issy are fucked and no one is gonna wanna make moves when they dont know what the fuck is going on
note that
now that im on the bottom im just trying to be OTT shady and lowkey mean so people keep me, even over issy or anyone? because taking someone with a bad attitude further into the game is good for them, so im just trying to seem like a mean person
Aren's blindside went perfectly, and the fact that he actually had people writing my name down means that it was even justified!  Fantastic!  Nicole's random vote for Issy is weird and mildly concerning, but not too much so. The hosts have asked me to rank the players, so I am going to rank them in order of How Likely I Am To Give My Jury Vote To This Person. 6 – Emmot: This paranoid, flip-floppy motherfuck right here.  Fuck you, dude.  Pick a side.  Don't try and play both.  I can't see a world where I vote for you. 5 – Nicole: Don't get me wrong, being able to mostly count on your vote is great.  But at the end of the day, we haven't talked game.  You've been Ruthie's appendage and that's it. 4 – Lena: If our Family has a weak link, strategically speaking, it's Lena.  I love her, but she's mostly just a vote at this point – a vote who holds an Idol, maybe.  Definitely the fourth wheel, definitely not getting my vote unless I have to. 3 – Issy: I respect her iron will to eliminate me.  I don't respect her complete lack of ability to make it happen, or lack of flexibility.  Survivor is a game of adaptation, and she's banging her head against the brick wall. Richie and Ruthie are obviously the top two, and my vote between them really would depend on how I went out of the game, and how they got themselves to the end.  It would be a tough choice between the for me, and I can't make that call now. Before I get to talking about blind week, I once again want to wax philosophical about the game.  Specifically, I'm sure that a lot of people will be looking at my play in retrospect and saying “dude, what the fuck?”  Because from a purely strategic standpoint, my insistence on keeping the Family intact and, specifically, keeping both Richie and Ruthie in, is strategic suicide.  I'm aware of this. I've said before that I take these games really seriously, and I play with everything I've got.  I genuinely, regardless of what happens, like the people I'm aligned with.  And I want to see them do well, even at my own expense.  So I have a tough choice ahead of me, now, at this moment. Strategically, I should start looking to cut Richie and/or Ruthie soon here, because they kick my ass at the end.  But I don't know if I have a cold enough heart to do it, is the thing.  What I have to settle within myself is: how far will I go to win?  Will I cut them down to do it?  Because I could, I really could.  But will I feel good about it later?  And if I lose even after doing so, will I regret it?  Probably. Also, FUCK BLIND WEEK That's all, just fuck this shit.
Funny I should send in a post about how solid The Family is then do what I did last night.  I am such an unloyal snakey bitch and I really hate myself this week.  I hate myself a lot.  I remember asking the other day in The Family alliance if our alliance was seen more as 'Heroes' or 'Villains' and I really HOPE I'm not seen as a villain after tonight, although if I am, I hope to be lovingly greeted by the dark side.  Can I get some cupcakes with black and red sprinkles, please? So, the new Takeover was posted and just FUCK.  Literally anyone could be going home this week and in short I panicked.  I suggested to Alex that I talk to Issy and Emmott about bringing back our old chat and talking them into voting Richie out.  I suggested that one of us could vote with them and the other vote with Lena, Richie and Nicole. He was of course down but hesitant and kind of sat back a bit with it, and I really don't blame him.   This is SUCH a bitch move on my part and I'm feeling awful already but I WANT ALEX AND I TO GET TO THE END.  I WANT HIM TO STAY SAFE.   Anyway, we talked this morning and for now I think that The Family and Nicole are going to vote together and that Emmott/Issy are going to vote for Richie, thinking that we are too.  At this rate I'm not going to have any jury votes, RIP ME.  
Blind Week is so ugly. This is so simple, guys.  Each person has a 1/7 shot at having Immunity, the odds are in our favor if we just pile onto one person. But no, Ruthie has to PANIC and go to Issy and Emmott to get them to vote Richie instead of me, just in case. First of all, that's not gonna work.  They're not buying it. Second of all, they're not buying it. THIRD of all, they are IMMEDIATELY going to run to Richie and tell him what you're doing because that is literally their only course of action!  What the shit!  Their best play is to break us up and you've just created the bullets, loaded the gun and handed it to them!  The fuck do you expect them to do, NOT shoot it? Christ. I am trying to keep things under control, and part of my method is making sure nobody notices that should there be a tie, we go to rocks.  Because let's be real, I'm the most likely to end up in a tie, and then I'd be safe. And if this fails, and I go home for it?  Fine.  Guess who has the moral high ground, kids?! But if I don't go home, my Legacy Advantage will let me see all...and that's useful info.
Fuck me, this game is just one twist after another! A blind round? I'm already stumbling around lost and confused, there was no need for this & 'there will be no questions this round' What are you doing hosts? I know I talked shit about your weird-ass irrelevant questions but you can't just keep taking them from us like this! Questions are the highlight of my week! Seriously! I'm gonna get voted out next tribal and you aren't even letting me write a passive aggressive tribal answer! 'Aren't' like all I can see is the 'Aren' can we talk about Aren for a second? issy, 11:25 am he was strategic? he had a great social game? i must have missed that completely wow Ruthie ❤, 11:25 am WAIT, so your fight was for real? I keep accidentally throwing him under the bus, I'm just pissed off because being voted out is 102% his own bloody fault. Fawz could have still had a god damn majority if someone didn't think it was a great idea to tell Mr. Paranoid that Jay was out to get him & at this point I'm totally convinced Richie/Ruthie/Alex/Lena are gonna be the final four and I'm going to be a real fucking bitter juror. Anyway, I'm considering my options right now and it's looking like I'm going to have to whore myself out and try and get someone, anyone, to vote with me. I'll vote for Emmott if I think it's gonna keep me in another round but honestly if they want me gone, I'm gone, and that's a real shitty situation to be in. Nicole and Lena seem like the obvious targets because from what I can see, they're on the outs of the group, but I think I'm royally fucked anyway and I've been busy just praying that I somehow nailed that immunity challenge...
so...... this takeover is ugly..... i was going to try and take out nicole this week but with the uncertainty of not knowing who won immunity and blah blah blah its just not smart so its either issy or emmott tonight... and ive been lying hard core to emmott bc the votes not being revealed so im like being a real fake binch????? theres been so much messiness happening, ruthie threw me under the bus which wasnt fun to find out even if it wasnt necessarily true??? altho it could be true and i could be leaving tonight that would be wild???? also nicole gave me tea which made me trust her again which was nice so im happy i didnt try to vote her out this round i was just being paranoid about her relationship with ruthie which is still concerning but i feel better now as long as theyre telling the truth of course..... honestly idk wtf is going to happen bc with the immunity being a guessing game and not knowing who could have won ANYONE can be going home tonight especially with the no revote straight to rocks... like this is the ugliest round bc theres so little control over whats going to happen and i hate it i really hate it.... i just voted for issy but i would have rather voted for emmott bc ive had a better game history with issy (kinda?) so i would have prefferred to keep her around to try and make a move with later like there was tea she had an idol so she may play it tonight and i was lowkey hoping she would maybe play it at 5 and idol alex  but idk i wanted to vote emmott bc of the fear of her having the idol is strong....... and i havent talked to her..... i should talk to her...... make her feel safer so she doesnt play her hypothetical idol but lbr if you didnt know who had immunity and you heard your name going around youd play that mf idol no matter what..... thats why im scared to vote her UGH this is ugly its literally like picking a target and throwing a dart at it with your eyes closed and i hate it and i hate you goodbye !!!!!!1!!!
0 notes
survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 10 “Cleaning Up The Threats” - Aren
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Kay, well this round is gonna be ze big cleanup round!!! *dresses up as a janitor* today, we're cleaning up... THE THREATS!!! AKA, Ruthie & Alex -- the two biggest contenders to take the title of Sole Survivor in this game (other than your's truly, of course!). So, there are really two things I need to severely think about here -- who I want to go for out of Alex & Ruthie, and -- in proper janitor fashion -- how I can do this in the cleanest way without fucking up my long-term game. So, I've determined that I wanna go for Alex, as he's way stronger in challenges than Ruthie and he therefor scares the piss out of me. And I also wanna make a F4 group consisting of me, Richie, Emmott & Issy, just so that once Alex fucks off and we're at the F7 I have a sweet-ass group to just safely steamroll it to the final few with. I've kinda just promised Richie the world right now. I told him that when we hit F4 -- Issy's ass will be goin' bye-bye. Then, we can thrash Emmott's ass in FIC, and send him home. And we can be the F2 together. It's funny, because Issy thinks I'm lying to Richie when I tell him this, but y'know... I don't think I actually want to go to the end with Issy. I want to go to the end with Emmott or Richie -- some punching-bag that I can literally demolish in the Final-Tribal. 
Despite my very best last minute scramble efforts, unfortunately Ci'ere went home yesterday, which is super shitty for me because I very much feel that Alex will want me or Emmott out next I'm gonna work my backside off to try and flip the vote on Alex or Ruthie but honestly I'm not convinced there's anything I can do right now If worst comes to worst I'm gonna have to go all out, try and convince Alex that Ruthie is a huge threat that needs to go home as soon as possible, and pray that someone, anyone, wants to take the opportunity to go for a blindside
I'm really wishing I tried harder at Immunity this round.  It's getting down to the end and I haven't won any immunity challenges yet!  I think my social game is super on point but if I even want to THINK about winning I am going to have to work on actually winning comps, haha.   On the bright side, at least I'm still safe this week! 
Richie asked to be dragged in confessionals so I thought I'd make this confessional to drag him only who is he again? What has he done? Where has he been? There's a person in this cast called Richie? Oops, I didn't notice Anyway, I believe the go at the moment is to blindside Alex, which is great and all except I really didn't want to be working with RUTHIE!! ❤❤❤ and Nicole. Haven't talked to either of them basically at all since merge, and so I'm super nervous about having to put all my trust in Emmott and Aren's abilities to convince them to do this Aren is annoying as always & Emmott has been awol for the past couple days so my top-tier alliance building skills are clearly benefitting me right now, we're extremely solid going into this next vote & I have total confidence everything will go to plan (not) I want Nicole gone next and then Ruthie (should this Alex vote work out) and then at some point I'd love to axe Aren because I'd rather not be sitting at the end with him
I cannot believe how well last round went, first of all.  I feel....really good now. But this is the part of the game where Survivor gets really interesting. Theoretically, this should be easy.  We have a tight alliance of four in myself, Ruthie, Richie and Lena, all of whom genuinely like and respect each other.  We've voted together every round and as far as I know, most of us want all four of us to make Final 5. We've also got Nicole, who played an Idol for Ruthie at the first merge vote and has stuck with us every round.  That makes five votes, out of eight, so we should be able to do anything we want this vote – and we probably will. But, people other than me are starting to look at the end and say “how do I get there with the best options?” Richie has come to me to talk about how and when to cut Nicole. Ruthie & Lena don't trust Richie and would probably like to cut him before 5 or 4. And I'm just here, floating along, wondering why, despite being Target #1 since before the merge....nobody has done anything about it? I mean, Issy has been out for my blood from the word go. Emmott is a paranoid, flip-floppy motherfuck who's thrown my name out before. And Aren's getting blindsided this round because he just cannot keep my name out of his mouth! Why has nobody done anything about this yet?  It is a mystery to me. I mean, don't get me wrong: I do love my alliance, I really do.  But I look at the game with a strategic eye and just say.....do all of you really think I don't have arguments prepped for you? Cause I do, kids.  And I know I'm an asshole for it, but I've been eyeing the endgame since the merge, if not before.  I've got the opening speeches written: Ruthie did everything I told her to, Richie was wishy-washy and lied to every juror, Lena doesn't exist, and Nicole doesn't talk to anybody.  Aren's a spastic motherfucker, Issy gave up, and Emmott is, well, Emmott. At this point I'm trying to figure out the best endgame, the best final 3, final 4, final 5 for my game, and I really wish I knew if it was a Final 2 or Final 3 for sure, because that would really inform my decision. I don't want Ruthie at the end.  Ruthie kicks my ass. Richie, I can beat, but I don't know if it'd be easy. My idea is a Lena/Nicole Final 3, because I think I win that.  But there's the missing issue, the apocalypse scenario, that one of them wins Immunity and takes the other to a Final 2, and we have to vote for Lena or Nicole to win. And again, I have nothing against them as people!  But I don't think either of their gameplay to this point has been worthy of my jury vote. So as we whittle down our options, I have to look forward.  Aren, Issy and Emmott, probably in that order, are dead meat.  And if it gets down to five with the Family and Nicole........I don't know what I'll do. Will I vote out Nicole, trusting that at 4 at least one other person will have my back? Will I make a move against Richie or Ruthie, in a bid to get myself a more favorable Final Tribal? Or will I be completely blindsided and booted unceremoniously at five, to the joy of the jury? I truly don't know.  But this is where it gets interesting, folks.  Buckle up and see who outwits who, because we're gonna be choosing the winner here very, very soon.
Wow bitches I'm fucking running this vote, aren't I? Alex thinks I'm his little bitch-boy who's gonna do whatever he wants, BUT, what he doesn't know is that I'm actually blindsiding his ass this round! I've been doing my fair-share of talking, and I've got Emmott, Issy, Ruthie & Nicole and I'm working on Richie now. I've lied to Alex that I'm voting for mah boi Emmott, but hell nah is that happening! Tonight, we're gonna just straight-up see Alex 6 times. And it'll be truly beautiful. MARVELOUS MASTERPIECE BY AREN WILLIAMS, EVERYONE!!! BRINGS A TEAR TO MY EYE!
Whew, it's been a busy few days with Thanksgiving!  Aren thinks that me, Richie and Nicole are going to vote Alex out with him and I'm just thinking "ARE YOU FREAKING CRAZY?" Richie came to me asking what the whole thing was about and I'm pretty sure we just recently talked about it in the Family alliance chat that Aren could be saying this kind of stuff, but Alex apparently worries him a bit, but he wants The Family to be final 4.  I do too but I also want Nicole to be Final 3 with Alex and myself and it's just like uhhhh how do we get out Richie and Lena without ticking them off or Alex off?  ME, NICOLE AND ALEX would be a perfect Final 3, like I can't even.  I don't even really care if I win, face it, I probably WOULDN'T win next to Alex, to be honest.  I just really want to get to the end with him since we became a solid thing either day one or day two, I want to say day one! I think Lena is down with having me, her and Alex as Final 3 though, I definitely wouldn't win next to her though either, I have ZERO INDIVIDUAL IMMUNITY WINS. :( I really need to get with this lajsdfj.  ANYWAY, this is all what's up, it's been a quiet few days and I'm nervous that Aren is going to sway someone to vote Alex with him, UGH.
Everyone is low key annoying me right now, honestly can we please just nuke the whole game If I have to see another 'awokoksoaoaw' or 'BAHAHAHAHAHA' I'm gonna have to quit
Wooowooowooooo I got immunity!!!!!! I feel like I've got myself in a nice position where I didn't need it this week but it's nice to have something to add to my bleak on the surface looking resume... Normally when I get immunity it's like my free pass to play messy and hard because no matter what I do I can't get voted out so its the time to make #bigmoves but I won it 1 week too early With issy/emmott as a duo and aren being just THE messiest that trio needs to be trimmed down so they don't gain any traction so it looks like aren is going this week because he just doesn't shut his mouth he's always giving away too much information and stirring up trouble and he's making deals and throwing people under the bus it's just too much to try and keep him here because even tho he trusts me and isn't voting me out I can't trust that whatever I say to him won't be spread around and I try to keep things lowkey although he is great for getting information from we have this "honesty policy" that im trying my hardest to not actually break bc i want that jury vote so he just keeps giving me information and i never actually AGREE with any plans or confirm that im with him im just like https://68.media.tumblr.com/8d192f985c289a55c30423b83859fa0a/tumblr_oh87xllQpA1vzwwmeo1_250.gif and take notes on what he says asdjfhaksdjfhakdfj god thats not any better than lying but im doing my best lmao I dont know you've got Alex who I trust to a certain degree because I feel like we have the most genuine connection but also people in this game perceive him as a threat which #perceptionisreality so that helps because he's always going to be targeted before me so why would I vote out a meat shield I trust???? but also if he gets to end people think he's this great player that's not good... Then issy/emmott I haven't really worked with and after I vote out aren that should be the last straw they shouldn't trust me at all anymore lmao I never explicitly told them I was voting out Alex this week I purposefully ended my conversation with issy saying that I was hesitant to vote for Alex because "I don't trust Ruthie to not make it a tie" and I want to tell them I'm voting out aren so that I can have leverage with them to try and make the move to get out Nicole next week like I want to make but lena found a clue and we all looked for the idol and no one found it so that means someone else must have it so I'm scared to be HONEST with issy because I don't need any idols fucking up the plan this round so I guess I'll have to deal with that in the future Then there's Lena and Ruthie who are in the family alliance and I feel like we're all good with us 4 but ruthies closeness with Nicole scares the shit out of me because like that's a powerful relationship and as the numbers get smaller that scares me.... And Nicole hasn't talked game with me in dayyyyyys and we have history where I've fucked up with her so I went to Alex to try and plant the seed of voting her out next round but i dont know what's going to happen for now I'm just going to enjoy my last moments of immunity and pray things go the way I'm expecting them to and then clean up whatever messes I've made once they resurface
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survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 9 “"Welcome to Survivor: Arabia Where Everyone's Super Paranoid" - Ruthie
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“Lord. Jesus. Hallelujah. So, Jay and I were blindsided last tribal council and for a second there I thought I was actually being voted out. It ended up tying between us and everyone was telling me that I wasn’t the target. Aren, Emmott and Issy decided to flip because Jay was too much of a threat to them apparently. No one informed me about this plan and I even told Aren earlier that I would have done it, but it was too soon to make that move. All it did was give the other side power and puts us 4 in the minority, that is unless they already made deals with old Khiana. I may be at the bottom but I still have a lot of fight left in me and I’m going to do everything in my power to make it through this round. I told them all that I’m playing as a free agent now because obviously no one has my back.”
IM NEVER LISTENING TO MY SUPEREGO AGAIN!!!!! the plan was that issy/emmott/aren were voting for jay and then alex/lena/ruthie wanted to vote for ciere just in case one of them were lying and the inner me was like GO ROGUE VOTE FOR JAY BE A MESSY BITCH TAKE THIS SHOT AT JAY!!!!!!!! but then i was like hm.... maybe i should be a good alliance member bc even if my gut is right i dont want my alliance to realize how crazy i am because they might want to take me out for being unreliable (which would be smart bc im fucking CRACKED but i dont want them to know how cracked just yet) so i was like fiiiiiine i'll vote ciere BUT THEN JAY GETS RID OF ALEX'S VOTE AND ITS A 3-3 TIE AND IF I HAD JUST VOTED FOR JAY LIKE MY INNER BITCH WANTED TO I WOULDNT HAVE TO BACKTRACK AND EXPLAIN TO ISSY/EMMOTT/AREN WHY I DIDNT VOTE FOR JAY LIKE I SAID I WOULD AND JAY WOULD BE GONE WITHOUT THE REVOTE UGHHHHHHH.......... literally when will the world realize that im always right and stop making me doubt my true powers???? 
I'm fucked.
“Oh and if you’re reading this Lena, I’m sorry about what I said for your vote asdfghjkl; I honestly don’t think you’re of use to my game though and that is the reason why I was okay with voting you out. Plus, I’m kind of jelly you got Kelley Wentworth as your icon. :<”
That plan worked....perfectly.  And yes, Richie gets to “I told you so!” me forever, but, like, fine.  I'll take that!  Because Jay's gonna be the second juror, and for the first time in this game, I feel comfortable in my position oh gods I'm going out next aren't I
“I feel absolutely alone, as if it’s truly Ci’ere against the world right now. I have tried talking to everyone, but they’re not giving me anything to work with and I feel like I’m still the target. I flopped very hard in the challenge and I’m basically just a sitting duck at this point. I’m not really sure what to say anymore because whenever I try speaking they subtly shut me down. Why wouldn’t you use me, someone with no allies, to make a big move? Alex lost the challenge so why isn’t he being targeted? I’m going to try to get them to make a move. They’re all having a holly jolly time and I’m a snake ready to slither my way through the cracks. I’m not going to give up.”
MWAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA! PISS OFF JAY!!! AND THE BEAUTY OF THAT TRIBAL? I WAS THE PERSON THAT ORCHESTRATED THAT WHOLE BOOT! IT WAS ALL ME! THE REASON JAY'S ASS IS SITTING IN PONDY AND MY BOOTY IS STILL IN THIS GAME IS BECAUSE I'M A SMART-BOOTY AND HE'S A DUMB-ASS. LOL K, so, the world's my oyster now -- I'm in the majority, we're gonna send Ci'ere ass home next, then I'm gonna try to make a move on big boi Alex from there. I'm really enjoying this game that I'm playing. I'm going completely CHAOTIC, and I'm lovin' it. I'm just doing whatever the fuck I want, no matter how self-destructive my moves might appear. I'm not here to play the best game (although I am doing that too), I'm just here to reek havoc on these sons-of-bitches that I'm playing with and to shake this bitch of a game up to a whole new level, like a milkshake! Now it's time to dominate immunity and get this done with. 
So, today was an interesting day.  It started the same way most days do out here on the Island, and okay, just let me get to everything.  Alex and I talk everyday, we get each other and I trust him as much as I can trust anyone and I really think he trusts me that way too.  In Survivor World we're pretty much married, his thoughts are my thoughts and visa versa.  This morning I didn't start out with a "Hey, Good morning!" Or anything even remotely polite, instead I started out with... "This is going to sound super bitchy and may not be the best move with Richie/Lena but I definitely want to take you if I win [the step immunity challenge] and my second will be Nicole since she used an idol on me. I have no idea how many we get to take though.  Is that completely dumb?"   Then Alex stated in reply.  "I was actually gonna suggest exactly the opposite, I would rather you NOT take me and vice versa. If I get the clue I'll tell you & vice versa so I'd rather we try & win points with the people we trust a bit less, personally. Nicole is a fine choice though, I agree with that." That sparked a little something in my brain.  I really want to get to the end with Nicole and Alex but I'm not sure how much they actually trust one another, so then my brain had an excellent thought and of course, I told Alex.  "THAT IS PERFECT! I may try to take Nicole/Lena and tell them one on one I want an all girls alliance or something." I could tell that he thought this was a good idea.  It distanced us and would keep us both safe for weeks to come.  His exact reply was, "Fuckin' do it girl."  He also had some eggs to cook today in the form of Richie and whoever else, I honestly have no idea who he's going to talk to or form something with but I know he has me and I got him!   As the day went on I went about my business but then decided, hey, maybe I should go ahead and try to get something cooking BEFORE we get the results in the event that I win, then I can take Nicole and Lena if I get to take 2 or more people with me on reward.  So I decided to send a message to Lena, probably the sweetest person on the entire tribe.  "Leeeeena, I kind of have an idea and please tell me if it's dumb or whatever, I've been thinking about it and I want your opinion on it." Lena replied a few moments later saying, "Hey! What's going on?" Then I launched into my story about wanting to start a side alliance with her and Nicole and maybe Issy and I admit, I felt nervous that she was going to go back to Richie and Alex and tell them something but THANKFULLY she did not.  She was totally down because she thought that Nicole seemed super loyal.  I asked if she wanted to include Issy and she wasn't sure, so I agreed that it probably wasn't our best move right now and that I trusted the two of them way more than I did Issy... which I do.   Then I went to Nicole and she was so up for it so fast and agreed although I think she was in the middle of her Immunity Challenge, so whew, I feel so accomplished today.  Anyway, I told Alex about my new alliance and I think that this is a GREAT move for the two of us as we try to dwindle down everyone else. <3 He also told Aren that he doesn't want to go to the end with me, so we'll see when or if Aren tells me anything... dun dun dunnnnnn.  I once again LOVE where I'm sitting! 
“I literally ask the OG Fawz alliance if we can stick together for this vote because there have been glimmers of hope throughout the day and maybe we can pull something off. Apparently Richie was on the verge of wanting to flip, Alex and Ruthie want each other out, and Emmott mentions Nicole doesn’t hate me lol. Issy was the only person to actually talk to me today and she disagreed with the Jay move that Aren and Emmott pulled. She kept it real with me and said that it seemed like no one wanted to make a move and I definitely respect her for telling me this. Ruthie and Nicole tell me they’re gonna vote for Issy and while I don’t think they’re telling the truth, I don’t have very many options so I’m just gonna go with that.”
so.... i got the idol..... I'm shaking. I cannot believe this. I haven't told anyone yet and I'm REALLY nervous to. I want to tell my alliance of Ruthie, Richie, and Alex but.. I'm really nervous to do that. That's like half of the people who are still in the game. I'm not going against them any time soon but.. I just don't know right now. I'm really glad I found it though. and obviously I'm really glad I got immunity and reward this time too
Y'know what I'm really, really bloody enjoying? The view. The picturesque, almost artistic viewpoint from the top of my palace as I watch all of my pathetic tribemates battle it out like peasants after the aftermath of my big move on Jay last vote... It's quite wonderful, really. It just proves how much these people are maggots whilst I'm sitting here like total royalty.
This vote can really go one of two ways. It can either go the easy, obvious way -- and Ci'ere can be sent home. Or, we can take a more unconventional route to this tribal-council and make an effort to blindside Alex instead. It's ultimately looking like Ci'ere, but... Mmm, I truly am craving that Alex blindside like he's a big, fat, tasty, tender slice of thick medium-rare steak. (I'm hungry right now, alright?)
I may deeply regret these when the episodes come out... bahahah.  Especially filming these with no make up and my hair looking like I'm really living on an Island.  Things are seeming quiet on and off for Arabia, I kind of wonder what's going on with everyone.  I know we have some people sleeping but still, I don't like when I don't know what is happening!  
Shouldn't Emmott know by now that Alex and I are solid and we tell one another everything? Maybe it's a good thing that he doesn't know and that we are trying to distance ourselves a bit, who knows. Anyway, Emmott showed me a screenshot of Alex agreeing with him that I was good at this game and just, how is that going to make me want Alex out?  Alex warned me what he was telling Emmott before hand, and it doesn't surprise me that Emmott is weaseling around, playing every side.  I've told him before I think he plays a good game that way and I really do, but everyone is cautious of him.  
I just don't get good vibes from Aren, I don't at ALL.  I think he's a little sneak that is going to win this entire game if he gets far enough.  I do like him as a person but I just don't trust him at all but if Alex thinks they are solid then...  whatever.  I think our best bet is going to be pulling Ci'ere in and maybe putting up Emmott/Issy tonight but literally no one has been on and who even KNOWS what's going to happen tonight. I just hope that Alex, Nicole and I are safe so I can somehow manage to make it to final 3 if the other two don't try to take one another out of the game first! 
LENA AND NICOLE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS SO YOU CAN AGREE TO VOTE ISSY WITH ME? If they don't show up for some reason we will probably all vote for Emmott real quick instead because who would play an idol on him?  LOL.  Watch someone play the idol on him now and me be voted out, but yeah.  I'm nervous tonight, not for myself so much, but for Alex. I'm going to work on my speech again. <3 
WHEW, so much has happened since we last spoke, where to begin Lena won Immunity, so that's great.  She took Nicole and Ruthie, just as planned, and we got the Idol clue – no Idol, anywhere.  We tried, nothing.  Ugh.  So we have to assume Issy or Ci'ere has it. So then, the vote discussion has to happen.  Initially Aren is the only one to throw a name out, saying we should take out Ci'ere.  I suspect this is because he has something going with Issy & Emmott, but whatever, I'll humor him, we'll see what people are doing. THEN I get word that Emmott, spastic little shit, is throwing MY name around, so we're gonna need to fix that.  But.......nobody's biting.  Weirdly so.  Odd, but okay.  If I can't get him out this time, at least I know where he stands. Plus, we engage in my favorite game of “bait people into giving up incriminating information,” using my usual mouthpiece, Ruthie.  She plays along with Emmott, then goes to Aren and has a realtalk about if it's the right move for now.  Luckily, Aren agrees it's not the right move THIS round without her even having to prompt him, so that's good.  Of course, he's also not told me Ruthie “is after me,” so, hmm.  But still, I trust him for this vote. Eventually we decide to split the votes 4-3, guys on Ci'ere, girls on Issy, so if she plays the Idol on Ci'ere, Issy goes home and we lol at two reward items taking out two players consecutively. But this is really the round where seeds of doubt are starting to take hold.  Lena is agreed that Richie can't be trusted; Richie is starting to show signs of wavering against Ruthie, which is exactly what I want!  I don't want this Family to be the final 4, but I also don't want to be the first one to make the move.  So this is perfect for me.  I'm taking out people I'm not close to, I'm starting to fracture the alliance without overtly being the one to do it, it's flawless. And, on top of that, Lena has the Idol after all!  That's fantastic, so we're maneuvering the vote to land on Ci'ere anyway.  Unless there's two Idols, we should be in the clear tonight, and then the sailing gets way smoother for Alex. Anyway I'm about to get voted out cause I just said all that, EL OH ELL!
I decided to tell Ruthie and Alex about the idol. I decided to not include Richie in on the news so far because he seems to be slipping away from us.. The old farts (myself, Ruthie, and Alex) are even tighter than before. But I also have this alliance going with Ruthie and Nicole and I'm really liking it with them too. So I have options. Alex is very threatening and could prevent me from winning though.. So we have to see
“Right before tribal council, Alex of all people tells me that Aren had told him I was an immunity threat and I probably had an idol. He also says that if I actually have an idol that I should play it, WELL I DON’T HAVE ONE. Aren had brought up my past gameplay from an entirely different org and brought it to this one which is seriously upsetting when I’m trying to start fresh here. I confront Aren and he unsurprisingly ignores me. This kid is faker than my tits. I have been nothing but loyal to him this entire game and we’ve worked together on three tribes and then he decides to destroy the games of everyone he’s working with… I have no words.”
i feel so weird??? i feel like im playing such a different game than i expected myself to play???? my only real survivor org experience was kauai where i won the first 3 immunities in a row post merge and i always was in the know and plotting and being messy and playing hard and the target that i felt on me made me play even harder and messier and try and play proactive and be in control at all times........ but this time its not like that????? i'm not any more safe... i merged with minority numbers on my side so its not like im complacent and safe in a majority??? its just like i dont care??? okay its not that i dont care because i care a lot... but its just like i dont CARE about whats going on as long as i know i'm safe... its a lot more reactionary game and trying to play UTR, just forming social relationships with everyone in this game regardless of side (but not TOO strong bc i dont want people to feel like super betrayed when i vote them out or see me as this fake bitch (which i am lbr))  idk i just feel like i should be doing more for a resume at the end and bc i find joy out of PLAYING this game but for now the less i get involved the less mess is attached to my baggage with people in this game and thats what i'm hoping for right now..... i dont really know whats going on with this vote, my alliance is saying either vote out issy or ciere or split the votes and theres drama where alex told aren about the plan and aren told emmott so theres a mess of distrust so i guess i do know whats going on... i'd like to vote for ciere because thats what i told aren and issy i was doing and if he goes i want to not have a history of lying with them bc so far i've been playing the weak innocent middle man card with that side so i dont want to fuck that image up EVEN THO RUTHIEEEEEEEE TOLD ISSY THAT SHE WAS AFRIAD THE "KHIANA BOYS" WERE AFTER HER... SMH @RUTHIE I LOVE YOU BUT I HATE YOU FOR THAT!!!!! im trying to make it seem like im so beyond the khiana vs fawz lines and be like we're all one race, the human race <3  ynadfhajkdhfks anywayyyyyyys idk what i'm going to do tonight ill prob just vote ciere and hope for the best.... anyone but me right? 
Welp... It's pretty fucking obvious at this point. I'm officially the unlucky dumbass that the Survivor Gods have elected as victim for tonight's tribal! The virgin sacrifice! It's a shame because for the whole day, it was just - Alex, Ci'ere, Alex, Ci'ere, Alex, Ci'ere. My name was still just a fart in the wind at that point... And THEN, all of a sudden in the last hour or so, BOOM! My name popped out like a surprise erection! It was crazy!!! But, YE lol I think I'm fucked lololloloollollololo its da aren is fukked parteh nd evry1 iz invytid!!!1111 lollolloollo
“As far as I know, I’m unfortunately being voted out tonight and this will be my last confessional. :,( I didn’t want myself or my allies to go out in vain though so I made a cute little speech that will hopefully inspire people to make moves after I’m eliminated! Anyways, it’s been real Arabia~ This experience has been amazing and I’m so glad that I was able to meet all of you! Note: I just want you all to know that I did everything I could and even when it was 8 vs. 1 I didn’t give up. Bye <3”
0 notes
survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 8 “Pissy Omg That Is Me” - Issy
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“Recap: Nicole went rogue, two idols were played and one was flushed (thanks to yours truly), Alex is a cat with 9 lives, I lost an extremely loyal ally, and now both sides are evenly split 5-5. Ruthie and Nicole are way closer than I thought, a little too close for my liking. I’m pretty sure Nicole would never play an idol on me, she voted with the other side, and she tried to use the fake information I gave her to play an idol on someone she thought I was voting out. Hell to the naw.”
I'm honestly just really, really sick of being viewed as a goat in this game. Ya'know, returning after that damn Catastrosicily (Catastrophe + Sicily ya dumb schmuck), all I wanted to do in this damn game was redeem myself -- play a game to be proud of. But... But... *begins tearing up; sad Survivor music begins playing* nobody likes me!! AND NOBODY RESPECTS MY GAME! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! WAH WAH WAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! 
so i put all 500 on the sealed envelope because yeah. anyway so ruthie just said this in my alliance chat w/ herself myself and richie and alex: "I wonder if he is really 14, he could be a Survivor vet in disguise." about aren..... and i'm shook. I'M a survivor vet in disguise but how am i a vet when i got 6th and then got FIRST BOOT like honestly im a mess but somehow i made it to the jury?????? somehow. anyway its so hard to not tell anyone this but i'm literally going to the finale pre-party and after-parties of the s33 finale in los angeles last month and i just found out today?????? LIKE???????? LOOKS LIKE LENA IS GOING ON ANOTHER CAMPING TRIP HUH................................. jk i'm going to be going to a family reunion in another state. which state?IDK YET. but i'll get there.
It's beginning to seem like I've made alliances with a bunch of fucking idiots here Aren wants to flip, Emmott wants to flip, nobody seems fucking concerned that Khiana is only growing in strength & numbers at every passing tribal FUCK ME Aren just said he's going to flip & I fucking BET Emmott will too I think it's come time to break my alliance with them already, fuck If I flip, I'm absolutely on the bottom of a Khiana alliance, like fuck I know this game is changing and Jay is a threat but NOT RIGHT FUCKING NOW I JUST WANT ONE OF THEM GONE! ONE OF THEM! So they don't have fucking twice the numbers we do because we've been picking each other off! 
“Alex’s arrogance is seeping wet in a ball of moistness since he just idol’d out Roxy and he is not trying to hide it at all. I wanna see him suffer in this game and for all of his allies to get voted out because he is being handed the win on a silver platter. I will avenge Roxy and her elimination will not be in vain if I have any say in it. I’m trying to keep my mouth shut though because I know that these people don’t like problematic.”
OKay that last confessional was a bit much but I'm so fucking done with this Aren, 10:12 pm Sorry, are you angry at me? askakskksa YES yes I am fucking angry, god damn it issy, 10:15 pm no lol it's fine Fuck me, fuck this, I want Alex and Ruthie out pronto or Alex is going to win this whole bloody thing, I'm calling it now I should never have voted out Shay, I should never have voted Roxy, I fucked up and I don't know how to fix this because it's starting to feel like I've very much already lost But POSITIVITY!! Am I right? <3 <3 <3 Fuck I'm so bitter today oops
wheee videos
I'm feeling really good about this stick I just spent $480, I HOPE THAT IT HAS MY NAME ON IT!  Also I'm hoping everyone else skips over the Mac and Cheese and I mean, I have no idea but I'm guessing everyone will be going for the covered items and the mystery stuff but hey look at that stick it looks like there might be a secret hole at the end.  I just really hope that Nicole, Alex, Lena, Richie and myself get by another week. <3 
“I have an issue with Nicole’s comment about being lied to. I did lie to her and say that my side was planning to vote out Ruthie, but you weren’t voting with us so you shouldn’t be surprised that you were lied to. If someone tells you who they’re voting out and you idol that same person, do you really think you should be let in on the plan? Get it together gurl… This is why I don’t really see her as an ally to me anymore. I guess if anything went right last tribal council, it would be that Nicole’s idol was flushed and Alex played his which means there are less idols to worry about!”
Call me crazy. Call me wild. Call me stupid. Call me CHAOTIC AS ALL FUCK!!! But my name is Aren, and I'm here to flip this game on it's fat ass and create chaos and make huge fucking moves. That is why Jay is hopefully going to be going home at this next tribal-council. :) IssyFuck me, this game is falling to pieces Touchy subjects! My all time favourite challenge! (not) I'm mentally preparing myself to win all of the shitty ones because I'm sure Alex, Ruthie, Lena & co are still going to be bitter It's certainly going to be interesting, always good to find out what people really think of you Ugh I still can't believe Aren actually seriously wants to flip here, he fucking brought it up again I was good to just pretend it never happened in the first place I'm being so pissy lately, like I just went off at him which is never good gameplay & I'm pretty sure Emmott hates me too 'pissy' omg that is me
“These people don’t know how to play Survivor and it’s really starting to frustrate me. Everyone is either too egotistical, conniving, or artificial and it’s just so blatant. The only person I would consider normal is Ruthie and I don’t even talk to her that much lmao. Note: Start talking to the other side and make sure you’re not their target.”
“I believe that Aren slipped up earlier today and he inferred that he, Emmott and Issy are a tight trio. Which is funny because that would mean they’re keeping me out the loop, hmm. Aren said that he’s worried about Jay because apparently he’s been making final 3 chats with different combinations of people and smoked everyone in Tetris which all implies that he wants Jay out. This is funny because I realized Jay has become a threat too, but it’s too soon to turn on each other because it’s 5-5 and OG Fawz needs to stick together. We can take out Jay at a later time when we have the numbers.”
Okay, lets get caught up again. Not sure what I covered in my last one so this may overlap a bit. On Hazima tribe, I made a #BigMove. Alex and Lena were assuring me that I am safe and that Issy was the target. Issy was allied with some of my original Fawz allies as well, so saving her would be better than letting the other side keep an extra number. I used my idol and the vote was a split 2 Issy - 2 Alex. Because I used my Idol, I was not eligible for drawing rocks, so only Lena would be in danger from another tie. After it was revealed, I told Lena that I am voting for Alex and if she does not as well, then her game is over. Of course, she voted Alex. I felt bad really, he's a nice guy. But luckily for Alex, he had a godamn Phoenix idol that brought him right back into the game. A bit anticlimactic, but at least I nullified his Phoenix Idol and prevented him from bringing back another number on their side. The tribes merge and Alex comes back, shit. After the merge, I started an alliance with most of the original Fawz members, Me, Aren, Ci'ere, Kat, Roxy $ Issy, only Emmott had to be excluded, because of Roxy's mistrust of him. I still thought he could be a good ally, so I kept him close, but outside the alliance. Meanwhile: I'm still a part of the mostly-Khiana alliance 'Unnamed Icons', which I only joined to gather more intel and keep my people safe. Members: Nicole, Richie, Lena & Me. First immunity challenge is Tetris! YEESSS! THIS IS MY GAME! I love Tetris with a passion and I still have my original Gameboy Cartridge for it. I played for a couple hours and got what I hoped would be a respectable score. But apparently everyone else sucks at Tetris because I scored nearly double what 2nd place submitted. Looking at the numbers, the OG Fawz alliance should have this vote easily, and we decided to target Alex, but to tell everyone that we are targeting Ruthie instead. (To draw out any possible Idols and maybe split the vote further) This plan worked well, too well. Two idols were played, one on Ruthie and one on Alex. Well shit. The votes came out 5-7, so everyone I told to vote Alex followed through, but the rest flipped on me, I guess my connection to the Unnamed Icons has been severed. Because of the double Idol play, we lost Roxy. Sad to see her go, but I still had Emmott waiting in the wings. Nobody objected so I added him to the group. I'm sure he's not happy about being the last added, but I hope he'll realize that it was only because of Roxy. (I honestly did want him in to begin with) Surprisingly, Richie and I had a conversation, apparently he feels very much on the outs with his original Khiana people. (It seems like Alex, Lena, Ruthie & Nicole are all very tight) I told him that I didn't intend to betray him, I was just doing what I had to do to stay alive in the game and that I had ties to Fawz people from the beginning, so I was honoring my promises to them. He said he respects that and that he still wants to work with me. Awesome! If Richie was being honest, then that means we can easily control the votes and boot the remaining Khiana people, one by one. I told him that I would let him know how we are voting when the time comes, and that if he votes our way then I'll do what I can to bring him in to the alliance. Auction time! My plan was to bid decently high on two items that I want a lot, and then a lot of little bids in the hopes that I get something nobody else put any cash on. This worked out well, as I expected several people bid everything on one item and there were a few instances of more than one person bidding a large amount on the same item. I managed to score 3 great items! 1 Vote Nullifier 1 Extra Vote & 2 Idol Clues. These will definitely be handy later on...
So I'm waiting for the results COMPLETELY on edge because knowing Jay his lucky ass has also won individual immunity along with all his other goodies that he got at the auction.  If somehow Jay doesn't win I hope Alex does because I have a better chance at staying than he does, either way I'm terrified about the result and I hope Alex, Richie, Lena and myself figure out a way to pull out another win and keep the four of us solid.  I'm SO sad that Nicole exiled herself but I totally get why she did it, I just hate the entire situation, PLEASE Survivor Gods let one of us win individual immunity. <3 
“I have not gotten anything from a freaking reward and I’m jmhnbv mnjhnbgv”
LMAO my drunk as shit answers, I don't remember any of that. anyway im playing pokemon moon so this game is cancelled for the next 36 hours while i die playing this game
“Who would you trust with your life?
None of these snitches.”
Me @ the people that gave me really nawsty answers in Touchy Subjects: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. But fo' reals THESE FUCKERS don't know what the fUCK they're talking about because BOY am I giving them a fucking aSS SPANKING in this game rn like they need to beg their momma to save em at this point ArenSo, I might be sick as all fuck, but this does NOT mean that I've stopped playing the game. Hehehehe, I have a sneaky-sneaky plan! So, I still want Jay out, and I'm gonna make SURE he goes. Therefor... *rubs hands together* I'm gonna fabricate some friendly ole' conversations! FAKE CONVERSATION #1 - GOAL: MAKE ISSY VOTE FOR JAY. So, when Emmott and I have spoken enough, I'm gonna copy + paste our conversation to Issy but I'm gonna change our sentences to make it look like Emmott's now gunning for Jay. Issy, as she trusts me so damn much, is gonna believe me and is gonna get super paranoid and probably vote for Jay! That's already a 6-4 vote! But lets make this bad boy 7-3... FAKE CONVERSATION #2 - GOAL: MAKE EMMOTT ALSO VOTE FOR JAY. When Jay finally gets back to me and we get the opportunity to chat, I'm gonna also copy + paste our conversation to Emmott to make Emmott thing that Jay's gunning for him. Since Emmott's so fucking paranoid, he's gonna listen and want to vote Jay out with me. Splendid! Fucking splendid! A 7-3 blindside on Jay, MMM. 
“The Touchy Subject results are revealed and it turns out that I was only answered twice out of 140 possible times. I’m not sure if I’m playing a strong under the radar game or if I’m just irrelevant, but it means that I’m not on anyone’s radar lmao. I wasn’t even answered for any of the negative ones either, I’m here for this yas chile~”
[13:00:56] Jay: Yo [13:01:01] Aren: Sup man! [13:01:11] Jay: Hey, what's up? [13:01:19] Aren: Not much!! Just chilling, playing Counter-Strike haha. You? [13:01:24] Jay: I'm just relaxing, just finished eating takeaway and watching a movie with my wife. I've played that game too a few times it's pretty good [13:01:27] Aren: Yeah man lol definitely [13:02:04] Jay: So, this is what I wanted to message you about. I havent asked anyone about this yet so I just want to consult you before I try to actually make a big flip. I know that we're planning to gun for Lena, but I honestly want to flip the vote to Emott. I understand that you might be against this but he's a complete middle man and I feel like he could be playing both sides which is super dangerous. I just wanted to get your input honestly [13:02:12] Aren: Wowah [13:02:29] Aren: I dunno honestly, I think it might be a better idea just to stick with our original plan for now?? [13:02:37] Jay: I'd honestly just rather get Emmott out but I understand. [13:03:02] Aren: I mean I dunno dude I'm pretty sure he's with us [13:03:17] Jay: Alright, well, perhaps we could take Lena out now and do Emmott later?? I just don't want to let him make it further than, like, the final eight honestly. He's a very dangerous player. [13:03:26] Aren: Alright man, I understand. I'll think about it, okay? [13:03:17] Jay: (y) ... And this fake conversation built upon Aren's anvil of prickiness is going straight into Emmott's inbox! Oops! Time to switch this vote the fuck up and send Jay the fuck home!!!
“Kat, whom I forgot was still in the game, was medevac’d and no offense but I knew she would just be a waste of a spot for someone that would have actually played the game. It really sucks because she seems cool and she was a number for my side s m h.”
this game is a mess!!!!!!!  i've been talking to everyone on the fawz tribe like im a fucking IDIOT lmao i'm literally acting like i'm the most pathetic baby deer clueless to whats going on just looking for someone to trust bc im so alone and i just want to be given a chance to play this game :( :( :( :( and its working out for me now because i have the family alliance with alex/lena/ruthie but the fawz people see them a threesome and i keep playing it up that i'm on the outside of that group and i'm going to all the fawz ppl just putting my fragile little heart in their hands hoping for some sort of strain of trust and hope <3 in the long run this could be harmful because people might see me doing this and think that i was actually a useless floater but like i'm getting tea from everyone i'm just taking notes and making connections... also i have alex ruthie and lena who are going to get taken out before me like if i start trying to make BIG MOVES right now then my name gets moved to the top of that list so its just not smart for me to put myself out there yknooooooowwww?! but whatevz i can deal with all that later for now this vote is looking to be another "fun" one... jay told me to vote ruthie, aren told me that jay is lying to me and that he wants me to vote for ruthie while the rest of them vote lena so its a 5-3-1 with me as the 1, aren wants to blinside jay which IM ALL FOR THAT MF CAN GOOOOOO but he won three (3) things in the auction which fucking terrrrrrrifies me so im hesitant to try and blindside him right now but i'm not in a position where i can take the reins on this vote bc if i start causing chaos the original fawz alliance can decide to come together and vote me out 5-4 so for this vote i need to try my best to suppress my  need to be in control at all times, shut up, go with this plan, and hope for the best because if it works GREAT jay's gone and if it doesn't then lena or ruthie go WHICH SUCKS but im still in the game and the khiana numbers wouldnt be intimidating to the fawz people anymore so they would be more likely to want to make a move next week..... UGHHHHHHH I JUST WANT TO BE IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING I HATE THAT IM IN THIS POSITION WHERE I HAVE TO SHUT UP AND PRETEND IM WEAK AND STUPID I JUST WANT TO BE CHAOTIC EVILLLLLLLL :( :( :(
I WON IMMUNITY, SUCKERS, TAKE THAT I KNEW THAT MACARONI AND CHEESE WOULD PAY OFF! So this round has just been....a rollercoaster of emotions.  First, at the auction, Jay wins a whole bunch of shit, and Nicole pops off to Exile.  First of all, fuck you Nicole, we NEEDED you this round.  But second of all, that puts us down 6-4, and that blows.  Now my brilliant “lie to everybody” plan doesn't work and we're p. fucked. But then, Immunity comes around, and not only do I win (again: heck yes!) but Kat is bounced out of the game.  Presumably, she was DEVASTATED by the loss of her only ally, Julia, that she got sick and died.  So now, lucky us, the numbers are back on our side! Except of course they're not, because, as we must remember, Aren and Emmott are liars, proven liars.  Fuck them so hard. Anyway.  Theoretically, we have Aren's vote against Jay (which we do not), and equally theoretically, Aren's fake chatlog of Jay wanting to take Emmott out has convinced Emmott to vote for Jay as well (it did not).  And all this has theoretically made Issy realize that it's a done deal, and she's gonna vote Jay too (she will not). So, in theory, we have the votes to take out Jay, or to do my initial plan of removing Ci'ere while telling everyone to vote Jay (we do not, and we will not).  But the thing is that on top of all these liars supposedly telling us the truth (they are not), I've checked, and there's no way that the chatlogs Aren's sent me were anything but fake.  The timestamps don't come out like that in a real chatlog unless he's running Linux or something.  So, in short, we're pretty fucked this tribal. Do I need to tell the rest of the group this?  No, of course not.  They don't need to know how hopeless it is, and considering I have Immunity and thus am not on the chopping block, I'm tryna shut up and let them decide what plan they wanna run. But anyway, we're fucked this tribal, what fun.
“I mention that Ruthie was voted ‘Most Trustworthy & Most Heroic’ so she’s a threat and maybe we should target her. Everyone in my alliance immediately shoots down that idea and they’re seriously against it. They would rather go after Lena who was voted ‘Most Needs a Wake Up Call & Never Talk to Again’ like...WHAT?? Ruthie has made solid bonds and my own alliance proved that themselves. At this point, alliances are probably shifting and things are actually starting to get kind of blurred.”
So, tribal is in an hour and I'm not as nervous 
as I was last week and I'm coming to the terms that I'm going to be the one going home.  I'm so glad to have made it to jury, and I really hope that Alex, Lena and Richie work with Nicole next time and that they send one of the others to jury next!  Emmott and Aren are such snakes for doing what they are going to do, and I don't trust them AT ALL.  I would rather them go than Jay go at this point, everything is such a mess and I wonder who is telling the truth and who isn't and being on the bottom sure does suck.   If I am the one that goes I am excited about my speech, mayyyyybe that willl cause a bit of chaos and it'll get the others someone new to work with. 
I have NO IDEA what is about to happen here I think the craziest thing that could happen would be for our plan to go off without a hitch, really.
0 notes
survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 7 “Rocks for Roxy” Aren
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“Last tribal was soo wild and I didn’t even participate in it… The results had me shook though. I’m ecstatic that Jay, the only original Fawz member on that tribe, used his idol and survived because he’s someone that I trust and I would like to keep him close. Alex ended up going home and that was delicious news to receive because I definitely get mastermind vibes from him plus he was a Khiana. An idol was flushed out that ultimately protected Jay and forced Lena to vote out her own ally or herself. Issy proved that she really is on my side and I want to work with her moving forward.”
Well, SHIT. Jay (my cute lil overplaying BOT) just spilled some major tea or 'intel' in this new alliance chat.  So, this little fucker was recruited into this alliance which was mainly consisting of OG Khiana members, so Jay, just as his daddy taught him, started playing along for information from this alliance. Richie, Nicole & Lena are the co-ring-leaders of this alliance, and the little fuckers wanna vote-off everybody in our alliance other than Jay & Roxy. LITTLE BITCHES???? WANNA PICK A FIGHT WITH THE AREN MEISTER, EH? MEET ME IN THE PIT AND THROW FISTICUFFS WITH ME, YOU LITTLE PUSSY. Jay speculates that now that the merge is here they'll kick him out of the alliance and recruit Alex & Ruthie instead, but are we gonna let that happen? NUH-UHHHHHHH! As long as we get Emmott on our side, we can make this a 7-5 vote and I can still flush Alex, the turd, down the toilet! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
“WE OFFICIALLY MERGED! This is every survivor’s goal because no one wants to date somebody that doesn’t make the merge. :> We have a takeover and it turns out that someone is coming back with Pandora’s Box. I immediately guess Alex because out of all the eliminated contestants he knew what he was doing and he’s smart.”
“S h o c k e r, Alex returned and he’s acting super arrogant after being out of the game for about 5 minutes. -.- Issy tells me she’s highkey upset that he’s back, so maybe we can plot to send Alex right back out kind of like a revolving door! Apparently, he’s shocked Issy voted against him when he voted against her twice and almost got her voted out the second time. I reassure her that we’re on the same side and that I have her back.”
well arabia has been fun thanks so much for hosting but my time here is done now !!!!!!!!!!! http://68.media.tumblr.com/38817c3e9059c7603d59e2cd59b17f7b/tumblr_oelryngZFq1vzwwmeo8_250.gif this is a letter to nicole: Nicole, we go way back, like super long time to a couple months ago, youre a cool girl and i like you so im sorry that i even tried to lie to you by saying it was a typo... i know youre not dumb and i dont want you to think i was insulting your intelligence by suggesting that you would even believe me when i tried to tell you that me saying "i want that idol in my pocket before nicole can get it" was a spelling mistake, i wanted to just own up and be like yeah okay bye but i figured i should at least try to play it off... and your "i saw that"???? ripped my scalp off iconic... but yeah that was a message suppose to go to alex because he had just told me he had found an idol so i went to him with the clue that you just gave me to try and get his help to figure it out because im GREEEEEDDAYYYYYY ohhh you know that im greedy for love but yeah... sorry bout that Love, Richie http://68.media.tumblr.com/80148f3ba599fe2ce93d4324978b2a20/tumblr_of3ougvqUC1vzwwmeo3_250.gif anyway im pretty much dead lmao i cant believe i accidentally sent a message talking about nicole, using her name directly, to nicole herself... like how fucking DUMBBBBB am i!??!?!? and nicole is someone i genuinely trust too she just told me about a fricken idol clue why tf would i want to betray her right now??? bc im paranoid about her using our kauai past against me down the road?? probably!!! but still..... i'm a fucking IDIOT!!! in a minority alliance of 4 (with someone who was just voted out bc no one trusted him) on a tribe of 12 and i just fucked up the one relationship i have with someone outside of that 4 group.... like.. who do i think i am to fuck up my game this bad????
GUESS WHOSE BACK BITCHES!!!! I have been feeling so down in this game, these Roblox kids got me SHOOK okay. I literally thought the only person I could trust was Richie, but now today he sent me some rude ass message about me that I think he meant to send to Alex, and I GAVE HIM THE IDOL CLUE. So, of course I was kind of annoyed. I knew I had to get the idol before him to ensure my safety. I FOUND IT because I read it over and decided to Google it since it was in quotes! Duh Brian said the idol clue!! I'm a flop, but I HAVE AN IDOL! Now I just have to decide whether I'm going to use it or not. My issue with Survivor is I am SO impulsive, I would hate to go out with an idol in my pocket so I rather use it like an idiot and then be able to find a new one, than go home. I am trying to see if I'm going to get any votes.
“I know how to get into people’s heads by pulling on their heart strings a little and controlling their emotions. :> I want people to feel like they can lean on me for anything, trust me with everything and ultimately strengthen my bond with them. I think I’ve been achieving this specifically with Emmott. If he feels like he’s being treated like an outcast, I definitely want him to stick up for himself and I will always be there to talk to him especially if no one else will. Note: If an opportunity falls in my lap, I’ll be the first take it especially if others don’t see any use for it.”
Shit is going down with this vote and I don't know which side I want to be on here There's Jay, Roxy, Aren, CI'ere, & Kat all (claiming) they want to vote for Alex Then there's Richie, Lena, Nicole, Alex & Ruthie voting for god knows who (Ruthie mentioned Roxy? Idk) And then there's Emmott who's totally reasonably pissed at the OG Fawz alliance because he's not in it, but Ruthie and Alex are trying to take advantage of this and it pisses me off that he's even considering flipping on Fawz because we need Alex gone NOW I want to work with Emmott, he's super nice, he's just unpredictable as FUCK and he keeps wanting to make big moves which I totally understand but this is not how you fucking win this game & I don't know what to do with him tbh Jay is a super huge threat and a sneaky bastard and I don't like how many alliances he's made (me/Emmott, OG Fawz, Ci'ere/Aren, fuck knows what else) & I'm not happy that Emmott is being excluded from the OG Fawz chat because not only is it a shitty game move to make him want to flip because he feels like he's on the bottom, but I don't like how sneaky Jay & Roxy & etc. have been about all these alliances
“Okay so now I’m going to do a brief merged tribe assessment! I will basically be expanding on the people that I already know or introducing players that I’ve just recently met or have gotten more info on along the way!
Alex: I’m not really happy that he’s back to be honest. He’s smart, he’s dictating the other side, and he does well in challenges. Alex will probably be a target for the rest of the game until he’s voted out or until he wins.
Aren: I still feel the same way about him since my previous assessment, but the fact that he questioned my loyalty kind of set off red flags in my mind. I think he just needs to chill out.
Emmott: He’s very positive and fun, definitely the life of the party. I mean, we did swap and he ended up voting out Blossom so I’m just very confused about that whole situation. We established that we’re gonna stay loyal to each other and I hope Emmott is being genuine about this. He seems concerned on a game level and it was actually quite relieving to know that he’s stressed and paranoid just as much as I am.
Issy: I was kind of iffy on Issy, but I think Shay really did mess up. She doesn’t have a problem with me and I’m not gonna let that affect my relationship with her. Issy proved that we were on the same side by voting out Alex. I definitely want to take her under my wing and I hope she flies through the rest of this game by my side.
Jay: I’m starting to see winner potential in this guy and he’s slowly becoming more threatening. He beautifully played an idol last tribal which would confirm Alex’s elimination. Then he puts together an alliance and starts taking initiative. I trust him and all, but I think Jay needs to be voted out a little before the end if you know what I mean.
Kat: Highkey irrelevant but we’re in an alliance apparently so I have to kind of work with her for now. If this alliance happens to be successful, I’m voting her out because I don’t want any goats at the end.
Lena: We were on good terms when Khiana 2.0 ended, but I feel like she was just doing whatever it took to make sure she was safe. Lena made a mistake of trying to save Alex, so she can go.
Nicole: I really like Nicole and I think I want to take her all the way to the end. She is the physical player, I am the social player, and we balance each other out in terms of strategy. She wasn’t included in this new Fawz alliance and I feel like telling her about it, but I think there might be a reason she wasn’t added.
Richie: Cool dude that I could see myself working well with and going far together, but if tribal lines continue then it probably won’t happen. :[
Roxy: I absolutely love this girl and I know she’ll be loyal to me. Roxy has truly had to survive to stay in this game and she kicked butt to get to the merge. I’m extremely proud of her! She’s still hyper af tho. xD
Ruthie: She had a very sweet and enjoyable presence while we were together on Fawz 3.0, so I hope we can work together here as well!
As for me, I’ve been in a great position this entire game. I’ve been carrying out moves behind the scenes and playing stealthily. I have pushed myself in each immunity challenge to help my tribe win. I’ve made social bonds with everyone and I don’t believe I’m anyone’s priority target. I have been able to get people to trust me and just relate to them. I think I also managed to get in the majority of this merged tribe and I’m ready to start taking people out. I was able to blindside someone and get everyone to flip in unanimous vote. I just need to strategically get myself to the end and start making big moves.”
 WOAH THIS IS A LOT SO BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA i get this message from jay the other day "wanna be a part of an OG fawz majority" i didn't reply i just ignored it couldnt give a fuck i look a little later to reply and he fucken deletes the message right. anyway, i seen this message.... so i say "oh btw, would love to do that alliance" then he was like "Oh dw, it fell through! No one is really wanting it" lol ok I get a message from my MAIN GURL BOO THANG #1 ISSY <3 <3 that there is an OG FAWZ ALLIANCE CHAT THAT I AINT IN AHAHAHAHAHAH ROXY'S FUCKING IMPACT omg im in love with these people there so fucking stupid im obsessed. dumb people actually bring me so much joy omg i hate them all so much. not even like as a group, as individuals they're all dried up grapes and so sad omg so issy's like telling me its okay we'll just go along with it. but i feel thats easier for her to say. 1) shes in the alliance 2) roxy doesn't hate her 3) people actually pm her juicy goss ^^^^ i dont have any of these things so the alarm bells are really going off for me right now, and i kinda wanna flip to the khiana people. i like alex and ruthie more anyway!!! fawz people (minus issy, aren and something ci'ere) makes me feel depressed and bring down my IQ being around them idk what the fuck is going on! all i know is im not in that alliance and that's there own stupid faults! THEY REPLACED ME WITH KAT KAT!!!! my boyf has been more active in this game and all his done is laugh at me when i told him "Some psycho woman (roxy) is yelling at me over the internet" on the topic of julia/roxy/crazy do you know how hard it is to talk to her! omg i talk to her so much and i know we're both bullshitting each other but i have to pretend like shes my favourite person in the world and oh my god, its like hurting my soul genuinely aw well remember shay...... ALSO IDK IF I'VE SAID THIS YET ROXY NEVER SPELLS MY NAME RIGHT - emot - emott - emmotte - emitte - emmot LIKE HOW CAN HARD IS MY CATFISH! i can't wait to tell her my name is actually nick she is gonna freak the fuck out omg
“Jay poured some piping hot tea on the OG Fawz alliance and now I’m glad I didn’t give Nicole any information. On Khiana 2.0, Richie and Lena linked up and formed a group that also included Jay and Nicole. They wanted to get out everyone in the alliance that Zak had made and exposed. The Fawz alliance needs Emmott on board with us so that we have majority. We currently have 6 votes which is enough to tie, but with Emmott we would have 7. I’m not really sure why he wasn’t included in Jay’s new alliance, but I’m guessing it was for voting Shay out.”
i literally dont remember anything that happened last night so like... who knows. anyway jay won immunity and i found out via ruthie herself that she is the target????? jay won't give me a name even though i know he's on the majority alliance which is totally BS because he told richie and i when we were on post-swap khiana that he was on the bottom of his alliance which we just found out (and knew previously tbh) was a lie. anyway so like... apparently we have emmott and issy on our side now? that will bring our numbers to 6, and their numbers are also 6
Aren has agreed to be the seventh vote, and has formed an alliance with Ruthie and I.  So, theoretically, if Issy and Emmott are with us, we should have seven against Roxy.  Theoretically.
I give it even odds at BEST.  I'm gonna tell Ruthie about the Idol, and because her neck is the one on the block, see what she wants to do, play it tonight versus keep it for the future.  I'll let her make the call either way, because I don't think I'm the one getting votes tonight.
TODAY HAS BEEN SO HILARIOUS, I have so much news and I really hope I pull off staying and I hope Alex, Lena, Richie and Nicole stay safe too. <3 SO I've definitely heard my name- that they are going to split a vote between Alex and I in case one of us has the idol, but then... GOOD NEWS.  Nicole spilled that she has the idol and will use it on me if she thinks I'm in danger and that just makes me feel SO good!  I really hope Julia goes because I want 'The Family' and Nicole super safe tonight.  I also have Aren and Emmott's votes... I hope.  Also Aren, Alex and I started an alliance together so that was new and exciting, it's nice to have backup, whew! Anyway, all this has been going on while I was at work and now I'm back home and on the computer and I'm happily trying to use my social game to my advantage.   Let me just add that Julia is HILARIOUS under pressure, she has me dying, I can't even bahaha.  And the thing is I REALLY LIKE HER!  Alex and I would have stayed aligned with her but she's just all over the place, I can't.
“I have been pushing on Alex to get voted out ever since he came back and right now we have 7 votes for him. I tell my alliance that we should tell the other side that we’re voting out Ruthie because Ruthie, Richie and Nicole have all came to me trying to figure out who my side wants out. On the other hand, I’m reassuring Ruthie that she’s gonna stay which is actually the truth lol. It’s pretty messy right now.”
FUCK YOU EMMOTT, YOU LITTLE FUCKING FLIPPING WEEDWACK. SO, since he flipped to the Richie/Ruthie/Alex/Lena/Nicole like a fucking dumbass and since he's incredibly paranoid and thinks Roxy's gunning for him and voted him this time for WHATEVER reason, it's gonna be a 6-6 tie on Roxy and Alex??? And all I have to say, is... FOR THOSE ABOUT TO PURPLE-ROCK, I SALUTEEE YOUUU!!!! (Can we get an episode-title on that one? No? Wow, fuck you guys.)
JULIA IS THE.MOST.ICONIC!!! PLAYER OF ALLL TIIIIIIME!!!!! EVERYTHING SHE SAYS IS AMAZING SHES SUCH A GLORIOUS MESS I LOVE IT SO MUCH THIS WHOLE DAY LEADING UP TO THE MERGE VOTE HAS BEEN SUCH A CLUSTERFUCK OF A MESSS AND I LOVE ITTTTTT!!!! my name hasnt been brought up once (at least to my knowledge but watch me get blindsided lmao) so i've just been talking to everyoneeeeee getting all the tea and taking notes and being a passive participant in all the mess watching like http://68.media.tumblr.com/05e3f3a1cccbad0a8494dbb4cede9e5d/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo5_250.gif i really dont want to vote out julia just because shes so entertaining im going to be so bored without her messiness and unique juliaism... or roxyisms the girl is so messy she cant even decide on one name for herself I LOVE HERRRRR.... but at the end of the day im not an audience member so voting her out is what i have to do as a player RIP :(  i cant even begin to describe the full mess of what went down because i spent the last 2 hours in a mix of confusion and awe but hopefully after this vote i'll be able to process it all and just soak it all in bc whew iconic... P.S. fuck all yall in the viewing lounge for not picking my merge tribe name i cant wait to vote you out in all stars
https://i.gyazo.com/1be8248e4edff1d7ed768134ec2db491.png https://i.gyazo.com/e19c0acb752ac521d8aecdbf1643cd27.png https://i.gyazo.com/f5940ddc231a3f713a48a98f16d26198.png https://i.gyazo.com/465a114fe61239ed6fb2338a7a8fd2f8.png https://i.gyazo.com/83f620477610f6c6d5236273d8db38eb.png https://i.gyazo.com/df05067f6e3b5d593654c9ea08236bb9.png I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE'S JUST HAVING A YANK AT MY COCK BUT HOLY FUCK IF I LEGIT JUST FLIPPED HIM BACK TO ALEX I WILL BE SO FUCKING HAPPY OH MY GOD AREN YOU ARE A FUCKING SURVIVOR COGNOSCENTI GENIUS BOW DOWN FUCKERS
Well, FUCKING SHIT. That just happened. Roxy, one of my closest allies and best friends, is now out of the game. I should have her Jury vote if I do make the end though, as she's constantly like 'oh good luck aren' 'oh aren youre great' 'oh i love you aren' and I mean -- she 'aint wrong, I'm pretty fucking brill. Meanwhile, I did actually manage to flip Emmott back, which is always nice. Next vote, Alex should be leaving. I clearly had to play double-agent this round between my alliance and the other alliance, and I had to persuade the opposing side that Ruthie was getting the votes, just so if they were in possession of an idol, it'd go on her. And, hey -- it did work! Nicole played an idol on Ruthie, under the guise that she'd be leaving. HOWEVER, Alex unfortunately had an idol too, and he used it on himself, thus fucking up our plans. Unfortunately for me, I played double-agent at the expense of any shot of receiving the respect of our rival alliance. Apparently they hate me now, and I can't blame 'em! I fucked them over, and honestly, it's just because I'm that fucking good at lying. Alex just told me that I'm the NatT of this season, and he should honestly just go and fuck off. I'm fucking INCREDIBLE at this game, you little shit! Who's the one that's already been voted-off? Suck my LOLLIPOP, BRUH.
0 notes