uffdah-riley · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Around the World in 30 Days — Minnesota
While the climate isn't quite cold enough to have official Winter Hollows it is very common for groups of winter fairies to make their own communities within Minnesotan towns. These fairies associate heavily with Spring Hollows in their areas and travel Northward to reconnect with the Winter Hollows they originate from.
The anti-Magick laws aren't as strict as some places (see: Detroit) but that doesn't mean that there isn't a great deal of anti-Magick sentiment. The blue state still tries its best to bring more equality to the table, and Magick Rights are greatly pushed for in urban areas, but you'll find in the rural towns that Magicks aren't a large portion of the population still. At least openly.
Being the Land of 10,000 Lakes (it's really 11,842 but who's counting?) there are a lot of water sorcerers (aka hydromancers) who flock to this area. Given how much material there is to work with. Especially working with the Department of Natural Resources (DNR)!
While it is rare, sometimes groups of mercreatures do get so far in as Lake Superior where they will stop on land in places like Duluth, MN. Rumor has it that there is a decently large selkie population based there.
There are whole hockey leagues dedicated to Winter Fairies and elemental sorcerers duking it out together. Whole team rivalries have popped up between the two groups but, of course, there are some teams that mingle the two Magicks together.
Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver Trilogy (Shiver, Linger, Forever) is fictional but based on real Minnesotan werewolf packs that she interviewed. These groups are much more attuned to their wolf sides and spend the cold months of the year in wolf form more often than the warm ones.
ValleyFair in Minneapolis has an associated "FairyValle" which is a section of the park that has restaurants and attractions for fairy and borrower patrons in their true sizes.
People joked about Prince being a siren but he was actually a Bard Talent Sorcerer. He imbued every song with a magical property that brought in fortune and luck and a sense of belonging.
F. Scott Fitzgerald was a vampire. Part of the reason he kept going back and forth between Saint Paul and the east coast was because he was avoiding detection to the best of his ability.
Many of the men who joined up straight away as the first state to offer men to the Union in the Civil War were Magicks. They couldn't stand to stand aside when it came to anyone's rights!
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Short and Sweet One-Shot
Oftentimes a person's job defines them, especially considering how much of one's life is spent working. Some people, like Martin, focus on putting all of their energy into the tasks ahead. Others, like Tony, only put as much into the job as they think they will get back.
Tony's first job was working at the local diner, one long since closed by the year 2023. He cooked in the back, flipping burgers and pancakes. It was simple and he always came home smelling like syrup and onions (a combination that was hardly desirable but oddly nostalgic now). His paycheck was small by today's standards but that was hardly the point to a secondary student. What mattered more was the simple fact he was making money at all.
Riley's first job was also a local restaurant: Minnetonka Drive-In Restaurant. They and all of their friends had frequented this place for years before they ever put in an application. The manager recognized them before the interview began and asked only what Riley's availability was. They were already reliable as a customer, why not as a server too? They hadn't stayed long, moving on to being a barista, but it was a piece of Riley that they carried forward.
Martin's first job was being the Heir of Merlin. From the moment he was born Martin was expected to eat, sleep, and breathe his role as Merlin's descendant. He spent his entire life studying and never achieving the top marks his father so desired. He didn't have magic so how could he? The job was never his to properly inherit.
Tony misses his job at Chapter Three. It was a cozy spot that he was able to leave his mark on in subtle ways. Sure, Hades was never his biggest fan but Belle was always understanding. He could sit and read or do his homework while he played a record. He learned exactly how Belle's organizational system worked and was a whiz (is that term offensive to sorcerers?) at helping any customer find exactly what they needed. The biggest downside was the way his heart broke every year at those fond connections disappearing. He had to feign confusion, feign inefficiency. It all became too much.
Riley's heart yearns for Caribou. Not only was it the best regional coffee company but Riley really found their footing in those walls. They loved the smell of coffee wafting through the air and he sound of the grounds blending. Sure, some people were cranky but they heard worse horror stories from Starbucks! They would have stayed well through college if it weren't for the move.
Martin didn't get paid for any job until well into university when he started picking up shifts at Ice Queen. Elsa was always kind to him and he gave it his all. It wasn't glamorous but it didn't need to be. If he was clumsy and awkward at the beginning it seemed Elsa hadn't minded. It was a relief to know that not everyone had such high standards for perfection.
Tony splits his time between The Court of Miracles as a server and part-time non-performing musician and DevTech as a personal assistant to Winston Deavor (he really bluffed his way into this role, shoutout to Winston for forgiving that). Both jobs he enjoys; the Court holds his passions and DevTech broadens his horizons. He keeps busy, especially now that he is in university, but he doesn't mind.
Riley works at Hatter's in town, their barista roots thriving. It's a nice pace and their coworkers are always entertaining. Between Pip's playlists and Laurette's chatting (they do miss rooming with her when the late shift comes around) Riley hardly has time to be bored. Plus Hatter being dumbfounded by Riley's distinct lack of skill in the kitchen is always amusing. Hatter's, in its own way, has become a little piece of comfort all its own.
Martin has many jobs now, not only a student and a teaching assistant but a business owner all in his own right. The Swynlake Rock Shoppe is doing well! Business is booming and he rather enjoys working with his sister and Zero. He's learned a lot (and unlearned a lot thanks to Zero's help and no thanks to his horribly anti-fairy upbringing). He tries not only to be a patient boss but an understanding one. Why put all that pressure on their shoulders? It isn't rocket science, after all. It's just rocks.
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geehosaphat · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Background NPC
TW: Abuse Mention
There Martin is again, sitting with the owlets and telling them grand stories of Merlin. It isn't an unusual sight, especially between lessons when there was no real work to be done but I can see the way he's favoring his left shoulder as his arms lift dramatically to demonstrate the great size of the dragon Merlin supposedly tamed.
It's all stories, of course, though the Coven of Owls takes the tales as history and the fables as fact. It's what we have to do, after all, to keep Merlin's legacy alive and prepare for King Arthur's eventual return. It's our duty as good and noble sorcerers.
And his most of all as the Heir of Merlin like all his forefathers.
"Martin," I call, hesitant to disrupt. It's not really my place to interrupt his actions but I do want some time alone with him before the solstice festivities tonight. No doubt he'll be too focused on getting Miriam to stand still to pay me any mind then. He's always like that, parental and focused on the wrong things.
He looks up with those big brown eyes that I love. Or, rather, that I'm supposed to love; I don't really know that I know what true love looks like. Our parents have been paving the way for our eventual partnership down the line since we weren't even able to hold our own heads up. It's an honor, of course, but an honor that I didn't even take part in aside from being born.
"Emmelina!" He chirps, extracting himself from their clingy little fingers and crossing the room to me. I think I'm supposed to feel butterflies in my stomach, that's what all the books and movies tell you, but I don't feel anything but perhaps a stone dropping and anchoring me to this spot.
"A word, if I may?" I reach out to gingerly take his hand in mine and he grips it like a lifeboat. At least one of us seems certain of the touch. We cross through the house that serves as the gathering place for the Coven of Owls and out into the small garden. Fenella's hung string lights above the terrace. I wish it was as romantic as it should be.
We sit on the bench together, hands intertwined still, and the silence drags on just a little too long. As I place my hand on his shoulder he winces and pulls away. "Did you get a healing salve yet?" I whisper, glancing toward the door to be sure no one is eavesdropping. "I know Fenella—"
"My father wants me to go without." His interruption is short, unlike how he usually speaks, and I immediately close my mouth so as not to speak out of turn. This clearly makes him feel guilty. I'm glad it does, even if I shouldn't. "I was 'snooping' through his study and he reminded me why I'm not to be left unsupervised in there. I'll be alright, I've already dressed the burn."
It's hard to be sixteen and not be allowed to speak out against what's going on. Martin still has years before Marvin will step down and, even then, neither of us will be free of their oversight for many more years after.
"Well then let me at least make sure you get some food in you before we begin." It's my job to care for Martin, even when he doesn't wish to be cared for. It's obvious by his hesitation he wants to say no but he simply nods and kisses the crown of my head. My skin crawls.
We're only friends now, of course, but we have to get used to physical touch eventually.
"Love you, Lina."
"Love you too, Martin."
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scampcomehome · 2 years
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taranthewanderer · 2 years
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“It’s time to BeReal”: Post five BeReals from a random time of day in your character’s life; give us a front-facing pic and a pic of what they’re doing.
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dev-morey · 3 years
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22 — Call Me Maybe: Devyn Morey’s Phone
Anna Sommers — Anna💜🌻
Elsa Sommers — Elsa🍨
Dian Morey — Dian🩺
Madsen Morey — Mads💌
Isaac Morey — Izzy🌈
Elliot Morey — Elli😴
Sebastian Morey — Seb🤧
Gem Morey — Gem🧨
Edward Andalasia — Edward👑
Ariel Triton — Ari✒️
Henry Charming — Henry🎼
Dodger Jones — Dodger🏃
Oliver Saluki — Ollie🤫
Last Five Messages:
To Seb🤧:  I didn’t know if I should tell you about this since everything is Weird about Dian but I figured you should see the weird message he sent me. I didn’t respond but… I was kinda petty and turned on Read Receipts for that…. Was that too mean? I’m really mad at him. [Attached is a screenshot of Dian’s text to Devyn]
To Edward👑: OMG why did they have to ruin the theme with GNOMES?! GNOMES ARE NOT JEWISH! IN FACT THIS IS SOMEWHAT ANTI-SEMITIC TBH..... but the rest of them are cute... damn... Guess I’m not getting new Chanukah decorations this year 🥺 [Attached is a photo of a few Chanukah-themed pillows]
To Ari✒️: Have you tried the new cherry pie shake at Chippamunka’s yet? It looks really good and I wanna try it! Go with me on a study date??
To Anna💜🌻: Hello, love! Hope your shift is going FANTASTIC and that you don’t work too hard! I know how much you put into everything you do but remember to take care of you! 🤟
To Henry🎼: No, I think your choreography for SDG looks really good, Henry! I think they were laughing at their own conversation, I’m sure they weren’t laughing at you!
Four Apps:
Live Transcribe
Parking Jam
Lockscreen: An aesthetic photo of someone holding a sunflower with a phone pop-up reading: Reminder You’re gonna be alright. 
Homescreen: A photo of the sun setting over the ocean that Devyn took while on Spring Break 2021
@sommer-girl @vvinter-queen @dian-morey @mads-morey @isaac-morey @elliot-morey @sebastian-morey @gem-morey @edward-andalasia @streetsavoir-faire @oliversaluki @ariel-the-curious @charmed-henry​
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: SWYNRP Character Wishlist
Disclaimer 1: As always I will not be including fcs because I certainly do not have any skill with fcs! I leave that to the PROFESSIONALS (like Mak)! Disclaimer 2: These haven't changed much over the years so I'm sorry! lol
Characters I Wanna See People Write Because I Wanna Interact With Them So Bad Pretty Pretty Please:
Barley Lightfoot: Listen, usually I'd put him in the list of characters I want to play because I've been tempted to pick up Barley for literal years but I feel like I probably shouldn't pick up Barley with Tony and Ian being solidified as soulmates so I'm begging pleading on my KNEES for one of you to get him so I can throw your future brother-in-law at them and Ian's mentor who I've been headcanoning treats BARLEY like a psuedo-mentor in the Magick History Department AND Riley, your psuedo-cousin! C'moooon!
Bingham “Bing” Boggs: Inside Out Characters FTW!! Listen, this idea is so bright and fun and I want to throw Martin at him and absolutely obviously Riley! It's just so fun please bring me Bing Bong 😭
Wade Ripple: Wade's energy really captivates me. I don't think I'd be able to do him justice but I have been obsessed with this sobbing mess since my first watch through of Elemental. I can see Riley or Martin (depending on age) also being drawn to his energy. Might drive Tony nuts depending but.
Keaton “Buster” Palmerteri: Listen, we ALL know I'm a Sequels Bitch and Buster has always been one of those characters I hate to love and love to hate. Just the Big Bully energy mixed with him also being a werewolf? The power that that could bring? Very fun!
James P. Sullivan: Who doesn't love a demon? Especially one who wants to pass for human but has to use their monstrous side to survive? The nuance! The dichotomy! I wanna see him!!
Characters Sammy Wants To Play & You Should Take Away From Me Please Oh Please Save Me From Myself:
Stiles Sanders Experiment 626: I've only been staring at this skeleton since I joined in 2020. I feel like Stiles' story can go so many ways! He's definitely got some Super Shit going on after the experiments but ultimately he wants to just be a person! And the amnesia? I mean please!
William Conner: Similar vibes to the above but!! Human Robot!! Human ROBOT!!! He grew too much sentience after an upgrade and now he wants to be a Real Boy! Why would you not wanna be involved here?!!?
Princess Atta Flutterwing of Swynlake Hollow: Okay this is a very recent addition to the Box of Potentials but the potential is still there! The idea of finding a human apartment because the Queen has decreed you need to understand humans which means you're essentially On Your Own for the first time in your whole life? Yes, of course, you can visit home but it's a whole change in the dynamics if you're visiting rather than living there. A coming of age story! Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift ANYONE!??!
Eve Harper: My concept for Eve is very different than the skeleton, admittedly. I can see Eve walking through the world with her OCD first as an adversary then as a way to look at things from other angles. I always picture her as a sorcerer (Divination Specialty) with the gift of Prophecy that makes her obsessions and compulsions all that more complicated to navigate. Just knowing she can do good with these gifts but also knowing that it's not quite as reliable as people might think.
Pearl Beck: The idea of this bright and bubbly cecaelia is really fun! The other two are evil (love you Ursula and Morgana) and Pearl just desperately wants to be accepted. Nowhere that has claimed to be 'Magick Friendly' has ever truly allowed her to stay because of the stigma of her abilities but she doesn't let it get her down!
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: SwynRPVision
Greta Gerwig does it again! Having done copious amount of research and interviews with hollows around the globe she has brought a (theatrical) look into what pixie life looks like for the nature Fae! She even went and did the bare minimum of hiring actual pixie actresses Natalie Dormer, Mackenzie Foy, and Elle Fanning to star in this story!
The reviews have been mixed, of course. Criticism from both Mundus and pixies alike has led to the movie being reviewed bombed both positively and negatively. Rotten Tomatoes is a scam anyway.
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uffdah-riley · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: NPC Playlist!
You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift: Meg is the kind of person you cannot insult. Not because it's physically impossible but because her confidence soars. She always bounces back, always has a reply ready to go. The best person to have in your corner.
What Makes You Beautiful by One Direction: Hype Girl To The Max!!! Meg is the one who will dance until you are scream singing along to a song you've never heard before. Definitely always on your side.
FaceTime with my Mom (Tonight) by Bo Burnham: Riley and Meg still try to always keep up their Wednesday night calls via Zoom. They might not always make it and they might not always have the biggest news to share but the stability really helps them both.
White Woman's Instagram by Bo Burnham: Listen, she's a gorgeous ginger woman. She's got an impeccable white woman Instagram!
The Man by Taylor Swift: She's so strong and so independent and yet it's still fucking hard to be a woman in this world! She's doing her BEST!
Never Been In Love by Will Jay: Meg has been a lot of things but romantically inclined isn't really one of them. She's never come out with any specific label which Riley suspects but Riley's pretty sure she's on the ace spectrum. She's too focused on her goals to worry about it, though. That's not to say she hasn't dated but nothing that has lasted too long.
Karma by Taylor Swift: Honestly this is Meg's JAM! She's a big fan of the concept of Karma and what goes around comes around. Riley used to jokingly ask her if she was sure that she wasn't a sorcerer because she just seemed to will things into existence.
Vigilante Shit by Taylor Swift: A scary enemy to make! Meg is loyal to the bitter end and she will take anyone who threatens those she loves down swiftly and without remorse.
Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars: Alongside being the one person from back home Riley truly misses and tries to keep in contact with, Meg was always the person who just knew and understood Riley's yearning for the stars. Meg knows every fact and theory that Riley does.
Never Grow Up by Taylor Swift: Growing up is hard, especially when you have to say goodbye to your best friend. It definitely hurt when Riley got to their new bedroom in Swynlake and they couldn't just jump out their window and directly into Meg's.
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Everyone’s a Critic
Tony's Goodreads Re:Secondary School Reading List
1. The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
★ ★ ★ ★ I actually really liked this book. Points off for Holding being fcking annoying but whatever. I don't even really mind rereading this.
2. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne
★ ★ ★ Would be better if it was a true story and not fiction. Sick of reading it but understand why all the teachers assign it. Mid.
3. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ This is genuinely one of my favourite books. I would reread this in my spare time. Always good!
4. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
★ Boring. I don't think I've ever actually finished this one. Just never worth it.
5. Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” “Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it.” “There is something at work in my soul, which I do not understand.” I mean COME ON! The best book ever written!
6. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Oscar Wilde died thinking no one would ever love his books and that being gay was a crime punishable by death. This book is so poignant and strong. We're all damned, truly.
7. Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
8. 1984 by George Orwell
★ Boring. Not how 1984 went down. (I'm kidding but the book does fucking suck)
9. Lord of the Flies by William Golding
★ ★ If only, amiright??? No but like it's fine. Not good. Just fine.
10. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
★ 1984 but What If Happy & Horny instead of What If Sad/Scared & Horny.
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geehosaphat · 7 months
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Swynlake & The Olympians AU
The Plot:
The life of a demigod has never been an easy one. Nearly every mortal knows the stories of the Greeks. Heracles and the Labors, Achilles and his heel, Orion the hunter, etc. Used as stories of where the world began or why things came to pass.
Stories, yes, but not simple fiction. These are legends and history, true to those who can see past the Mist thanks to godly blood in their veins.
But for every hero there must be a monster to oppose them, a great deal even. More than any one demigod could possibly handle without proper training.
Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, summer (and year round) camp for Greek demigods! Here you will embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-preservation! Thanks to your godly parentage you are a target for monsters near and far and you must be ready for the attack at a moment's notice.
The camp's borders have been magically protected but you cannot remain here forever.
Come find your place, (hopefully) get claimed by your godly parent, and make friends while you learn crafting skills, archery, and swordsmanship (just to name a few things)!
Sure the gods aren't the best parents and sure they should probably claim their children more often but what can you do? Fight back? Try to take over Olympus and replace them? Absurd! You'd need great power to do that! Someone like Kronos, maybe? Impossible... Or is it?
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Name: Tony Rydinger Age: 19 Cabin/Godly Parent: Cabin 7: Apollo Magical Talents: Natural musician/singer, Charmspeak (through song only), advanced archery talent, can hear things at frequencies some can't, innately able to speak Italian (the language of music). Favorite Activity: Campfire Songs Biography: TW: Death Mention Leadership comes with sacrifice. Tony didn't understand that when he first arrived. Tony didn't start out as a Head Counselor in the Apollo cabin. No, he started his time at Camp Half-Blood in the Hermes cabin just like every other unclaimed demigod. He did his time there, months of it, before he finally got brave enough to lead the campfire song one night and Apollo's symbol finally hovered overhead to tell everyone there that Tony was his. Still, Tony didn't do exceptionally well helping tend to the injured campers and he was rather middle of the road when it came to his archery skills (compared to his siblings that is since being a son of Apollo certainly still had its perks). But there was one factor, grim as it was, that rose Tony to the tops of the ranks even with other campers appearing older than himself: Time was never on a demigod's side. Demigods didn't often live very long, being hunted from the age of typically 11 would do that to you, and so many of Tony's siblings never returned from their quests and Tony was soon the longest residing member of Cabin 7. That meant he had a responsibility to lead, whether that was in Capture the Flag or the Campfire Songs, or even addressing the wounded that did return even if he wasn't the best with healing. Leadership comes with sacrifice. Tony certainly knows a lot about that. Campers have been talking, as they so often do, but this time it has been different. It's not simple gossip or complaining, no. There's serious conversation on whether or not the gods' time ruling over Olympus is drawing to a close and who might be best suited to take their place. Leadership comes with sacrifice. The only things that the gods ever sacrifice are their children. Maybe it is time for some changes around here.
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Daylist
Tony's daylist consists of a bunch of 60s Jazz due to listening to it on Sunday afternoons/evenings while he meal preps for the week. It's a nice backdrop while Ian is deep cleaning the flat and he's filling it with the smell of fresh food.
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Five Times Tony Told A Lie & One Time He Didn't
TW: Smoking & Fire It's also, like, way too long.
"Anthony Rydinger, you'll catch your death out there!" Harriet called out into the storm.
Her eight year old had been out in the pouring rain and ignoring all the thunder booming around him. Well, less ignoring and more waiting for the moment to strike. A child at school had claimed their sorcery specialty was storm and that the only way they would get their magic was getting struck by lightning.
Tony was determined to get struck it seemed.
"Not yet, Mum! I've almost got it!" He cried as lightning cracked in the distance. The thunder that followed was too close for comfort but Tony's face was hardened with focus. "I'm doing science!" The lie slid easily from his lips but his mother saw right through him.
What the young man hadn't expected was for his mother to go marching out into the rain and grab him by the scruff of his neck. His umbrella lay abandoned in the garden and Tony's protests could probably be heard down the block. Once they got inside he was told to "Stay" as his mother retrieved him towels and a change of clothes. All the while he dripped on the front mat.
"There's no sense in inviting death, darling," Hattie tutted as she helped dry him and change out of the fabric clinging to his clammy skin. "I know magic seems fun but you can't just gain magic from nothing. You're a Mundus just like your father and I. That's what you'll always be."
Harriet walked into her son's room to grab his laundry basket with no intention of snooping. She tried to give her son the privacy he was due, though this was 1952. Her son was in the early throws of being a teenager and, as such, Harriet had found he'd started to try to be a bit of a sneak. And Tony being a bit of a sneak included her finding his report card stashed behind the hamper. He hadn't thought that through, had he? "Anthony!" Harriet roared as she stomped out of his room and into the dining room where he was sat doing his maths homework. "What is the meaning of this!?" She shook the report card, the littering of Bs and Cs and even a D in Literature all blurring with the motion. "Mum! I can explai—" "Save it! You not only clearly didn't study but you deliberately hid this from your father and I! You know, I really thought I had raised my son to be more honest than this." Where did this boy get off thinking he could hide this from her? "Mum, I really didn't mean t—" "Buh buh buh! If the next words out of your mouth aren't 'I'm sorry' then I don't want to hear it. You're nearly grown, Tony. You can't lie your way through life forever. Your lies will always catch up to you." Hattie set the card down on the table and walked away. She'd talk to Roderick, they'd decide what to do with Tony's punishment when he got home, but for now she couldn't face her son.
Tony hid behind the firehouse with Walter and Robert, the trio of twelve year olds laughing at their conquest. Walter's father had left out a pack of cigarettes and they'd swiped it on their way out to the ice cream shop. They'd never made it to the shop, instead deciding to buy themselves a box of matches ("Don't worry, sir, we're scouts!" Robert had promised with a convincing salute) and head toward the firehouse to see what all the fuss was about.
They were soon to be men, after all, and men smoked!
"C'mon, Walter! Hand it over!" Robert huffed as the one holding the contraband hesitated. Tony leaned against the brick wall, watching his two friends bicker. They were fidgety, nervous, but Tony was exhilarated.
Taking the cigarettes and the matches from them both, ignoring their protests. He lit the match, raising a brow at Walter's gulp. He then lit the cigarette and brought it to his lips.
And the experience? Truthfully, it was awful. The flavor was bad, his lungs didn't like the smoke, and he wasn't even sure why this was seen as the pinnacle of cool.
He shrugged it off, passing the cigarette to Robert. Robert didn't say anything, just made a face that he seemed to share Tony's sentiment before passing it to Walter. Rather than following suit it seemed Walter had a different idea.
He threw the still lit cigarette in the dumpster. And the dumpster sizzled and erupted into flames. And they were directly behind the firehouse which meant there was nowhere to run. They were caught.
When each of their parents was brought to the scene the boys had their stories straight. Or, well, Tony and Robert had their version of the story and Walter had his. Each team blaming the other for the accidental fire.
Harriet wanted to believe her son and Roderick didn't. So they didn't. Dammit.
"I love you." Hannah Radcliffe was holding him close under the banners and twinkle lights of the Swynlake Secondary Snowflake Dance. They had been dating for approximately eight months and Tony didn't know why the dance had prompted this. Tony had told her a joke, something small and insignificant to this story, and then she'd dropped those three heavy words. Did Tony love Hannah? Tony knew he loved his family but that love was inserted deep into his skin, the sort of love that you were born with. Tony knew he loved his friends but that was a bond forged on the football field and on those long car rides in the wee hours of a summer morning. Hannah was different. She didn't like going to parties or out driving with the boys. Hannah barely even wanted to go to Tony's games. No, Hannah preferred sitting in the back corner of the library whispering about the future and walking through the falling snow snuggled up with some hot cocoa. Did Tony love Hannah? Tony loved music and playing sports and being the center of attention. He loved how many eyes were on him when he walked through the halls of Swynlake Secondary. Tony loved how everyone in Swynlake knew his name. "I.. I love you too.."
"Are you excited for your final year of secondary, love?" Hattie crooned as she packed Tony's lunch. First day of his final year! She wanted to make it special so she'd made him his favorite to bring with to school. How sweet, right?
Tony didn't have the heart to tell her that this was the eighth 'final year' in a row.
"Better get your Pride University application ready, son," Roderick chuckled. "There's plenty of work to be done so no slacking off, alright?"
Tony felt his heart stutter and stomach drop as he thought about having to go back to that place. Swynlake Secondary was a hell of his own making at this point. They were well past the anger and the bargaining, no, now they were in the bitter acceptance stage.
"Yeah! Gonna be great!" He chirped, trying to sound more cheerful than he felt. He ate the same breakfast his mother made every year for the first day.
Like most everything in his life, Tony was starting to hate it.
"I'm sorry your father didn't get you anything for your birthday this year, darling," Harriet murmured softly, smoothing Tony's hair while he sat at the dinner table. Tony had opened the handful of gifts that he'd been given throughout the day in relative silence, though there was little merriment in the day. "I really thought we raised him better than this," Roderick agreed gruffly. He adjusted the glasses on his face as he read from his latest book. "I always believed our son would be a leader, not a deadbeat." The anger was rising in his voice and Hattie scurried over to hold his hand. Tony had heard it all before, how their son Anton had dumped them with a child and left without another word. They were so disappointed. "That's enough!" Tony snapped, standing up from his seat. "You're all wrong! I don't have some deadbeat father who abandoned me with you! You are my mother and you are my father! This is insane! I'm cursed to relive this fucking year over and over and you keep forgetting!?!" It was 1983. Tony was FORTY years old for crying out loud! He just wanted someone, anyone to believe him! His parents looked confused and offended by Tony's outburst at first, turning to each other for support before a look of understanding crossed their faces. For a moment, a sliver of a moment, Tony's heart held hope. "Tony, honey, I'm... so glad that you see us as your parents because we did raise you. It's very important that you feel well taken care of... but, darling, it's not fair to Anton to discount him entirely. I'm sure he has his reasons for leaving and I'm sure he'll explain them to you someday. Just... have a little faith, won't you?" And just like that all hope was dashed once again. Tony didn't argue, didn't fight the immovable tide, just turned and went to his room once again. What was the point?
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foreverydinger · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: Community Flyer
A poster Tony helped distribute around town and especially Pride U's campus for a Neon Disco Night at the Court of Miracles this Saturday from 9pm to 2am. Cover price is £18/head.
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uffdah-riley · 7 months
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Sammy's Swynwrimo: A Villanelle Poem
The stars above are not your own Yet they call to you at night, Wandering through the streets alone. Finding yourself you can't postpone, You'll need to be strong and filled with might. The stars above are not your own. You must be careful of your tone, Do not seek out a fight, Wandering through the streets alone. A whirlwind of adventure gone fullblown, Let your emotions take flight. The stars above are not your own. Can't let your heart turn to stone, Even as it squeezes tight. The stars above are not your own Wandering through the streets alone.
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