#take what's nifty 🦝💚
liftys-favorite · 2 months
if you sleep with plushies/stuffed animals, imagine this:
you don't see your f/o for a few days for some reason or another (visiting family, work trip, etc), and when you come home, you find them asleep curled around one of your plushies.
when you ask them about it the next day (after taking pictures, of course :3), they bashfully admit that it was just because they missed you, and wanted to hold something that smelled like you <3
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liftys-favorite · 30 days
you 🫵 think about your f/o wearing something they wouldn't usually wear and getting all blushy and nervous and asking if you like it
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
comforting your f/o after a nightmare
yeah, of course all the scenarios where your f/o comforts you are great, but what if it was the other way around?
your f/o jolts awake, and you're immediately at their side, already up from them tossing and turning in their sleep.
maybe you offer them a hug that they sink gratefully into, secure in the knowledge that you're not going anywhere. maybe they don't want that much touch, so you just stay close and let them take what they need, and let your simple presence be enough.
you ask if they want to talk about it, reassuring them that you'll be here whether they do or don't.
or maybe, all it takes is seeing you to settle them down. you ask if they're alright, and they respond with "i'm okay, as long as you're here"
staying up until they fall asleep again, and a little while longer than that, to chase away any other bad dreams that might try to disturb them, and to make sure they sleep easy
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
selfshippers with non-human f/os imagine them purring. you're welcome.
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liftys-favorite · 17 days
self shippers in retail/customer service, imagine your f/o comforting you after a rough day at work. they sit with you and let you rant and vent about the customers, your boss, your coworkers, whatever had you at you wits end today. at the end of it they pull you into a nice tight hug and tell you they're sorry your day didn't go well. maybe afterwords they offer to cook you/buy you dinner, or maybe you just stay where you are and enjoy the closeness.
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
imagine swapping places with your f/o who's usually the big spoon.
maybe you got too hot as the little spoon, or maybe you wanted to bury your face in their hair, or maybe you guys just felt like mixing it up for once!
no matter the reason, they settle against you, maybe a bit unsure at the change, until they realize that oh, this is actually really nice.
they're cozy and warm in your embrace, and they feel protected by your arms around them. it's different than they're used to, but they find themself really enjoying it, much more than they thought they would.
whether you decide to switch it up like this more often, or whether it's just a one time thing, they're glad they tried it out at least once
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
imagine your f/o carrying you to bed after a long day <3
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liftys-favorite · 8 days
imagine your hand casually brushing against your f/o, just for them to frown about how cold it is and insist on taking both your hands in theirs to warm them up <3
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
does your f/o have a tail? imagine them wagging it happily when they're with you :3
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
imagine your f/o making you a playlist, full of songs that reminded them of you, or that they think you'd like <3
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liftys-favorite · 21 days
sending in another one (is that allowed?)
🫐 and 🍓
send in as many as you want!! i don't mind :3
🫐 - what's your sleeping arrangement with your f/o like? do you share a bed? do they cuddle you, or talk in their sleep?
we share a bed someeetimes when we're feeling snuggly but we both like our space + i get hot easy but still like to sleep with an ungodly amount of weighted blankets AND we both have wildly erratic sleep schedules so we both have our own rooms and beds to retreat to when we're not feeling up to dealing with the mismatched sleeping habits 😴
🍓 - what's a bad habit your f/o has?
this man leaves half empty water bottles Everywhere and he just keeps opening more and never finishing them
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liftys-favorite · 21 days
🍩 and 🥞 !! - @tothemoon-ships
🍩 - what are some irl things that remind you of your f/o?
i actually bought a set of lock picking tools specifically because they remind me of lifty (^ω^)
🥞 - who spoils the other more?
it's meeee haha as if there was ever any doubt!! that's not to say he doesn't try, but gift giving is just what i Do when i care about someone, so i'm hard to beat in that respect
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
trans self shippers, your F/O will do anything and everything to help support your transition.
if you need someone to come with you to appointments, they're right there by your side.
if you need lab work done, they're more than happy to go with you and reassure you the entire time.
clothes shopping? a joy for them. going to pick up prescriptions? they'll wait in line with you.
if you do injections, they'll gladly help you with them, or just be a comforting presence while you do them yourself. if you prefer gel, or patches, they'll help you out with those too. they're down to remind you to take them, if you're the forgetful type.
your F/O loves you, and wants to do whatever they can to support you <3
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liftys-favorite · 2 months
"um your f/o wouldn't like you, they don't like anyone" um actually my f/o would love me because i'm the specialist little guy on earth. rip to you i guess but i'm built different.
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liftys-favorite · 11 days
liftys favorite part of you?
my smile :) and my hands/arms 💪
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liftys-favorite · 21 days
augh thinking about him cooking something for me.... he catches me trying to just devour a bag of goldfish or something for breakfast and goes "wtf are you doing 🤨 that is not a meal" but he knows How I Am so he doesn't mean anything by it and he makes one of my safe foods for me..... aughhh
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