#taku's milestone raffle
takuyakistall · 2 years
Dear my sweet wonderful hardworking amazing cutie Norton,
Did you think about my proposal? I will give you all the time in the world! You may not think much of it, and it is fine, but in the end, my wish is for you to be happy. May you one day wake up feeling well rested, may you sleep in a nice dream. No matter what you do, I love you! Now I hope you have a nice day today, sending you much love!
Gogo đź’–
Norton wasn't used to receiving love letters, much less proposals from someone. He's someone that would always think of his partner first and foremost before making any rash decisions and by far, Gogo was the one he thought he could spend the rest of his life with if it weren't for one tiny problem — he needed money. He didn't want them to be shackled to someone who was unable to support them for life even if it meant their happiness.
He felt far too guilty. And far too angry on how his problems come from money once more. His hands were clean from soot as he tucked away the letter and looked outside the window where the cold breeze tickled his cheek. "Maybe one day."
He hoped the day came sooner.
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takuyakistall · 4 years
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Milestone Raffle!
Hello everyone! While my requests were open earlier, it seems like we recently hit a milestone! Thank you guys so much for visiting my blog and liking my stuff enough to hit that 'Follow' button, it means a lot to me! Since I already did character interactions at some point, I thought that maybe I should liven things up with a raffle! Please read the guide above to see how you can join and what I'm offering as prizes. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me about them. I don't bite <3
The deadline for joining this raffle is on December 4, 2020 GMT+8. I will be announcing the winners the following day, so stay tuned for that. Again, thank you guys so much!
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takuyakistall · 3 years
selcouth | leech twins
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Synopsis: An unexpected encounter with a certain pair of twins by the beach.
Tags: Leech twins/Yuu, fluff
Tagging: @myuminn
Notes: Your raffle prize! Thank you so much for joining and for letting me write your Yuu. This was enjoyable to write, I hope you like it!
The gentle, warm breeze caressed Yuu's cheeks as they sat crossed-legged on a huge rock by the shore. The occasional squawking of the seagulls, the sound of the waves crashing against the sand was enough to give them some sense of serenity. Throughout the whole day they were sitting here, they had their pen and sketchbook resting on their lap as they tried to take in the view and replicate fragments of it on their sketchbook.
It was a bit amusing to think about how accustomed they already are in this foreign world. Everything was unusual, they didn't know anything when they were suddenly thrown into this bizarre world. It was terrifying at first, anyone in their place would feel the same—or so they liked to think. Although with the help of certain friends they made along the way, they learned how to love the current reality they faced despite how wrong it may seem.
They let out a tired sigh, setting down the sketchbook and the pen and placed it beside them. They stretched out their arms, eliciting a small groan when they heard a bone make a popping noise. The sunset was beautiful today. Various shades of red and orange-tinted the whole scene—even in a different world, it was nice to know that some things never change. It was oddly comforting for them.
"Oya, Yuu-san?" A sudden voice sliced through the serene silence, making Yuu jolt up from their place and frantically looked at the owner of the voice.
"Eh~? Shrimpy is here?" Two of them. Any other student would've tensed up, sudden nervousness clawing at the pits of their stomach as they catch a glimpse of a certain pair of twins going toward their direction. Oddly enough, Yuu is part of the minority that felt nothing of the sorts, or rather, they felt more relaxed around them.
The tension faded from their shoulders as they let out a curious gasp, "Floyd-senpai? Jade-senpai?" It was a blessing in disguise—they would've never expected the twins to wind up here at the beach of all places, don't they have other things to attend to? Of course, the first thing to ask them was—!
"What are you doing here?" It was a question out of pure curiosity. The only reason why Yuu winded up here was because of the built-up stress over the past week, they barely got enough sleep, tossing and turning whenever they attempted to. Overworking theirself was another thing too. Despite being a student under special circumstances, they were not exempt from the expectations teachers had for the students in a prestigious school. Being magic-less was already big enough of a disadvantage, they have to work twice as hard as a normal student.
Of course, Floyd didn't even bother answering the question as he made his way from his brother's side to Yuu's side. Sitting down beside you on the giant rock with a lollipop candy inside his mouth, holding the stick as he removed it from his mouth to speak, "We should be asking you the same thing, no one usually goes out this far."
Yuu opened their mouth to respond but before they could do, Jade suddenly made his way towards them too—sitting on the opposite end of Yuu as he let out a small hum. "Floyd is correct. It's indeed usual to see someone like you stray this far from the school grounds." Jade mused.
Yuu squinted, wanting to avoid answering the question as they didn't know the answer theirself. That was a lie, of course; they knew why and how they ended up here but, would it be any fun if they just answered their question seeing as how the twins themselves didn't answer theirs? "I don't know either." They acted out, scratching their cheek lightly as if to feign cluelessness.
Floyd didn't want to let this slide, he knew better than to believe the white lies that came from their lips. Although one glance at their expression after saying that lie, so peaceful with an underlying tone of heartache reflected in their eyes, he couldn't help but change his mind. Surely, they must have a reason why they held such a painstakingly heartbreaking look in their face?
"Is that so?" It was a question that came from Jade's lips but oddly enough, he wasn't looking for an answer. "Shrimpy~, you need to be more careful next time. Who knows what might happen and you might get lost." Floyd decided to play along after all, sticking out his tongue as if to make fun of Yuu. They just chuckled in response, a hand going to their neck.
"My, don't tease Yuu-san that much. I'm sure they have a decent sense of direction, am I right?" Even though his words were defending Yuu, the tone of his voice implied otherwise. It was situations like these that made Yuu think that the twins really were alike in some aspects. They couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.
"Don't worry, Senpai. I won't get lost that easily." They said in response to both of the twins, it was hard to tell whether or not they were kidding about that. Silence took over the atmosphere once again and yet, oddly enough, it wasn't that awkward. Perhaps it was the presence of the Leech twins? Yuu found their presence as a source of comfort.
It was weird, yes, they'll admit it. Though in their defense, feelings are hard to control—and it's harder when they're stuck in an unfamiliar yet fascinating world. It couldn't be helped, Yuu was also a growing teen like any other student in the school. Save for maybe a few exceptions like Leona or Lilia.
Floyd fumbled a bit in his seat, saying something incoherent under his breath. He looked at Yuu at the corner of his eye and he felt something tug at him with the strings of his heart. His lips formed a thin line, the almost unnoticeable hue of pink tinting his cheeks.
Jade was as calm as ever, admiring the view of the beautiful sunset along with the other two. He kept quiet, the graceful poise he always retained during normal days still present until now—it was astounding. He didn't like being uncertain at all. When he glanced at Yuu, a certain kind of uncertainty loomed over his mind as something unreadable flashes over his expression. Yet, he retained his mask—smoothing over the cracks he may have caused as he let out a quiet sigh.
Yuu let out a yawn, eyes droopy and their whole body felt heavy. "I'm sleepy…" they let out, trying their best to stay awake. Yet the urge was too strong for them to simply ignore so they found theirself resting their head against someone's shoulder. Floyd, in particular.
His body stiffened up slightly, surprised at how much Yuu lets down their guard around them—it was unusual. Although he told himself he should've expected this, they weren't exactly normal after all. Coming from another world and all of that jazz. He didn't dare move his head to glance at them and just stayed perfectly still as if to not bother them.
Jade saw that from the corner of his eye, hands twitching slightly when he saw it. "Oya, it seems like someone is sleepy." He chuckled, lifting a hand to place it on their head—giving it a soft ruffle before retracting it back to his side. A warm gaze falling into his indifferent eyes. Floyd suddenly complained, "Eh? Why is shrimpy leaning on me?" One look at him and it was enough to know that he said those words just to cover up his face which was tinted light pink.
"Now, now, Floyd. You mustn't wake them up." Jade told his brother in a hushed tone, bringing a finger up to his lips—an indicator for him to seal his lips shut or to lower his voice.
Floyd may have been grumbling about this under his breath but in truth, he personally didn't mind it. In fact, he may even go to the extent of thinking that he liked it!
"Tch, what a pain." He clicked his tongue, the annoyed tone in his voice betraying the blush that spread on his lovely, lovely cheeks. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what he felt like, multiple emotions playing out inside his head and his head—Shrimpy was confusing him too much! Though the usual response he would show was to click his tongue and move on, feigning annoyance. Or perhaps he wasn't really feigning that feeling, who knows?
Yuu stirred a little, knocking over their pen off the ledge of the rock. Thankfully, it didn't go to the water but it was a close call. Jade stood up and excused himself from the two, on his way to pick up the pen near the shore.
Alone for a brief moment.
Floyd glanced ever so slightly at the person leaning on him, dozing off without another care in the world. 'They must be tired.' He thought. Floyd didn't really think about his next actions, he usually went with the flow—it's how he kept a free and unhinged lifestyle up until now.
Slowly, he turned his head around while wrapping his arm around their shoulders—his actions were slightly filled with hesitation. Afraid that they might wake up and question what he was about to do. In the end, he went along with it anyway.
He placed a chaste kiss on their head, his surprisingly soft yet rough lips making contact with their head. The action was light enough so it wouldn't wake them up. When he pulled away, his face was redder than before. Cursing at himself underneath his breath.
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"Is this it?"
"It seems so."
"Then I'll put them here."
"Make sure to be gentle-- Ah! You just dropped them like a sack. Nice going, Floyd."
"Shut it. See? They're still fast asleep. No biggie." Floyd waved his hand dismissively, already making his exit through the door, leaving Jade behind to clean up after his mess.
Jade could only let out a sigh, staring at his brother's back in disbelief before averting his gaze to Yuu on their bed. As an attempt, he tried to put them under the covers and actually succeeded. It was nice to see that despite the rough attempts, they were still fast asleep—'How cute.' He thought.
He stared at their face for a solid minute, incomprehensible thoughts running through his mind before lifting up his hand to remove the glasses from their face. Folding them and placing them on the bedside table, he wouldn't want them to break when they twist or turn now, wouldn't he?
He allowed himself another moment of weakness, a fond gaze replacing his once neutral expression. Of course, he wouldn't let anyone see him like this and the only reason why he is the way he is right now is because of the absence of his twin brother.
Gently, with enough courage mustered up, he cupped their face as his face inched closer and closer. Only centimeters away before speeding up and placing a quick kiss on their forehead. Pulling away before he gets caught, although a part of him—just a small part—wanted Yuu to stirr up awake.
He stood up, dusting his clothes a bit before walking away. Muttering a soft goodnight before closing the door shut, heading home towards his own dormitory along with Floyd.
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Yuu woke up, hair all tangled up and messy. "What happened yesterday…?" Memories were a blur and they couldn't really recall anything else after meeting the twins by the shore. It feels like they just woke up from a very very long, fleeting dream.
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takuyakistall · 3 years
a match-up for @twsted-caramel !
note: congrats on winning again! i hope you like this HAHAHAH i enjoyed writing Kalim
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I match you with… Kalim Al-Asim!
I don't think I would classify him as someone who's the opposite of you but rather, I think his energy would go well with yours! Kalim isn't that much taller than you he doesn't have to bend down much whenever he wants to kiss you—most of the time he would give you chaste forehead kisses at random times. Be it in the middle of the cafeteria or the hallway, you can't help but hide your face a little bit whenever you spot him in the same room as you. Of course, he'd still find you regardless and come walking towards you with a bounce in his every step.
You let him play with your hair from time to time. Sometimes, it'll be styled into something simple! Like a braid or a ponytail. Though on the other hand, there are times wherein he would put in a lot of extravagant accessories in your hair. You'd just be wondering at some point about why your head felt heavy while Kalim was styling it and then when he shows you a mirror, ta-da! It was a shimmering mess. You applauded him for the effort and creativity but you were already taking out the hairpieces one by one as you talked.
Compared to your studious personality, Kalim was more… loose than you are. He's a hard-working character, he tries really hard to get into your hobby of reading and writing but ultimately ends up with him giving up. He preferred to do other things but he finds it endearing how fond you are over your hobbies. At some point, he'll offhandedly mention how you reminded him of the elders back in his homeland. Which made you stop in your tracks for a moment as you tried to process what he just said, he didn't know what he did wrong so he tilted his head as he asked you in the most innocent tone—"Hm? Did I say something?" You couldn't bring yourself to tell him.
Your passion for art was something he admired about you. Although he wasn't exactly well-versed when it came to it. So when you suddenly started spouting out stuff relating to artists from who knows where, he could only look at you with a clueless expression before shaking his head and shooting you a smile. You probably know that he was just playing along for the sake of it and you were thankful for that, although you were waiting for the day he's going to ask you about it—giving you a chance to tell him about it.
You called yourself the shyest in the room. Well, I'd say that Kalim is completely the opposite of that. He's not afraid to put himself out there and mingle with other students, his friendly and cheerful nature attracts them. It was his appeal. One day he'll just spot you in one of his numerous parties, casting yourself out from the bustling crowd by sitting near a corner. With careful steps, he walked towards you with a gentle smile and an outstretched hand—"Do you trust me?"
It was up to you if you wanted to take that hand and change how the night will turn out.
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takuyakistall · 3 years
a match-up for @roseinbloom02 ! congrats again <3
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I match you with… Jamil Viper!
Your recklessness, or as you call it your adventurous nature, often collides with Jamil's careful personality. Often enough, you may find yourself in a pinch because of that and, of course, you always find yourself relying on a certain snake whenever it happens. Let's say, for example, you rushed headfirst into a dangerous situation just to protect your friend from getting hurt. You successfully managed to do it—but at the cost of your own safety.
With a few bruises here and there, you found yourself inside the school's infirmary, dreadfully waiting for Jamil to barge inside with his scolding. He would lightly pinch your ear or your cheek, ignoring your cries as he scolded you for being too reckless, asking you the same old line—"What were you thinking!?" Although you already knew that Jamil only did this because he cared about you, you couldn't help but tear up a bit given how riled up Jamil was getting.
One sight of your expression, he had to bite back his tongue and massage his temples—trying to calm himself down as he engulfs your figure in a wordless embrace.
Jamil's one wish was to travel the world freely without any restraints holding him back. Unfortunately, his upbringing didn't really allow him to just do whatever he wanted. With your fondness for travelling, there was nothing he wanted more than to travel the world with you by his side—exploring the unknowns with you. But, he could only look up at the stars during the night as he wished.
Having him as your lover can be summed up with "Like a doting mom friend" or something along the lines. Although there are some situations that the both of you may seem like a married couple to an outsider's eyes.
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You'd get along with Lilia Vanrouge!
One way to describe your dynamic is simply the word 'chaotic'. In contrast to Jamil, Lilia can get reckless sometimes due to his somewhat curious nature—although he knows how to handle himself half of the time due to his wisdom. At first, he'd be amused by your spunk and decided to approach you.
After a few more meetings, you became good friends. Lilia would sometimes convince you to do a terribly stupid idea that ends up with the two of you running away or he asks you to bake together! That, assuming that you weren't aware of his horrendous cooking skills, you happily accepted! Only to find out he wasn't… the brightest of the bunch when it came to matters in the kitchen, you learned it the hard way of course.
He liked traveling alone, and sometimes you would get insanely jealous whenever he would tell you stories about his trips. With a small pout, you'd ask him if he could take you with him the next time and he'll shoot you a gentle smile, petting your head as he cooed, "Hmm, let's decide when the time comes."
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takuyakistall · 4 years
milestone raffle winners!
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Thank you to everyone who participated! I used a randomizer to pick the winners and here they are. Congratulations to all of you! Please DM me ASAP or within 2 days so you can claim your prize, failure to do so will result in forfeit and I'll have to pull for another winner to take your place.
@sweet-yandere-dreamer @liliisacutieowo @myuminn @twsted-caramel @roseinbloom02 @luvielle
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takuyakistall · 4 years
raffle prize for: @luvielle
note: here it is! this is my first time doing something like this so I hope this match-up made sense. congrats on winning! 🎉
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I match you up with... Leona Kingscholar!
You always had your head up in the clouds, so much to the point where you occasionally get called absent-minded. Leona has to snap his fingers once, twice, in front of you just to catch your attention sometimes—although he finds the dreamy look in your eyes to be somewhat cute, he can't help but be irked at how much effort he makes just to catch your attention. He felt as if you should be more alert with your surroundings, alert with him around and yet you allow yourself to be so relaxed in his presence to the point where he finds that unusual. People often get intimidated by him after all!
He always has to bite his tongue down to stop himself from clicking his tongue whenever you make mistakes. If there was one word he would use to describe you—it would most definitely be clumsy. He didn't exactly hate it, per se. But he didn't find it cute either, or at least, not always. Sometimes he wanted to question you if you were doing it on purpose but decides to shut up when he saw the genuine horror in your eyes when you accidentally tripped over yourself—that's when he knew you were seriously just clumsy. Sometimes, you just awaken the urge inside him that wants to help you out. The helpless and clueless look in your eyes made him shut his eyes close and inhale deeply, trying to calm down that urge to keep his cool.
Though there were some times that you felt responsible to him. Often enough, you were labeled as the mom friend of the group. At first, Leona had no clue whatsoever about how you managed to snag that title for yourself until one fateful day, he caught a small cold that made him stay in bed the whole day—not that it was drastically different from his daily routine anyways. It was shocking for him to see you step up, scolding him gently as you grabbed a wet towel to wipe his face with. It was almost as if you're a completely different person from how you usually were and Leona can't help but be in slight shock.
You had to resist the urge to punch him lightly. Did he really think of you just like that? Of course, Leona would apologize. Apologize inside his head, that is. He wouldn't actually apologize right in front of you. Sometimes, you would bake him sweets! He isn't that fond of sweets, you knew that and yet you still continue to give him the pastries occasionally. What other choice does he have other than to accept it with a sigh? He's flattered and thankful for the thought, he'll only take one bite and eventually just give it to anyone he sees in Savanaclaw. Namely, Ruggie.
Naps are frequent between the two of you. With his ability to be able to fall asleep within seconds and your ability to sleep almost anywhere—absolute power napping couple. Some students are just absolutely horrified sometimes whenever they take a turn in the hallway and find two unconscious bodies next to each other, at first they thought you guys were dead but then recognized the both of you. Soon, NRC would just have to get used to the both of you napping… Anywhere.
"Oi, herbivore, wake up."
Other good matches: Trey and Rook
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