brooklynislandgirl · 24 days
★ for Jonathan, of course, (but also for Loki, if the thoughts are there, even though we haven't seen them in action :p)
Little Every Day Blessings || Accepting
Ku'u Kōheoheo || Jonathan Ionaka Crane
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I like you // I love you // You’re my only real friend // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // Your eyes are winter morning in Vostok Station {but cold can burn deeper than fire} // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologize to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better // I kind of want to stab you with a fork.
~*~ The Bound God || Loki Laufeyson
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I like // am sympathetic toward you // I love you // You’re one of my best friends // You’re like family // You are family // I dislike you // I hate you // I’d kill you if I got the chance // I want you to like me // I’m scared of you // I would adopt you // I’d date you // I’d sleep with you // I’d marry you // I’m worried about you // You confuse me // You’re annoying // I pity you // I respect you // I trust you // I feel protective of you // I’d invite you with me to parties // I’d lend you my money // I’d borrow your money // You’re beautiful // I’m suspicious of you // I’m hiding something from you // You’re fun // You’re boring // I’m upset with you // You’re nice // You’re mean // I’m envious of you // You’re smart // You’re stupid // I look up to you // I think you’re a better person than me // I think I’m a better person than you // I want to apologise to you // I wish I’d never met you // I never want to forget you // I want to get to know you better
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tarnishedhalo · 1 year
@griim​   {{xx}}
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“You fuckin’ preach, sis.” Three double Macallans deep, and he doesn’t realise he mutters that aloud. Without that vibranium shield, he’d like the so-called Captain to do even an eight of the things he had. He’d earned his rank with sweat, blood, and expended ammo. He’s rescued countless lives, given up a leg and some spine for God and Country, and the bitterest thing for him can be pinned between his former best friend now playing wing-man to someone else, or having to admit it was Stark tech that has him back on his feet again. “Worse, now every two-bit bleedin’ heart thinks they can put on pyjamas or some underoos and go out on Patrol. Which makes my job even fuckin’ harder, and yet we aren’t allowed to even really arrest them.” He catches himself mid-rant, and glances over the woman. Normally Riley isn’t fazed by a pretty face, but something about her is really striking. “Sorry, I’m being an asshole. What say as an apology I buy you another round?”
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lietwice · 1 year
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@jsbashirmd said: "i’m so happy to see you, but i take it something went terribly wrong if you’re here."
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JULIAN'S VOICE ALMOST SURPRISES HIM. It shouldn't --- he is in the doctor's quarters, after all. Different to his quarters on DS9, but very Julian all the same. He's stood by the wardrobe, rifling through it for something warm, when Julian wakes. He's left Essan nestled against a chair arm in the other room after feeding him using Julian's replicator, so Garak faces Julian alone when he turns towards the bed.
ONE COULD SAY SOMETHING WENT TERRIBLY WRONG. Lots of things, actually. For one, Garak has accidentally adopted a child at the least convenient time possible. "Hello, Doctor." He's holding one of the thicker items of clothing from Julian's wardrobe. "I do apologise for the intrusion." It's so good to see him again. To see him asleep had been lovely enough, but to see him wide-eyed and blinking up at him... oh, he's as beautiful as Garak remembers. His dear doctor. He'd like to reach out for him now, take one warm human hand in his own, but he's not here for his own benefit. "You are... correct."
AT LEAST, TO SOME EXTENT. Rather than explaining verbally, he turns and makes his way back to the sofa, where he left Essan. Two empty plates --- both scraped clean by Garak on behalf of himself and the hungry child --- sit nearby on the table. A small Cardassian boy, perhaps four years old, is curled half-asleep on Julian's sofa. Like Garak, he looks less than healthy, though he additionally sports a feverish glassiness to his eyes, and has his little legs drawn up to his chest in what could be fear, pain, or discomfort. Garak wraps him in the jumper he's holding and lifts him into his arms. As soon as he's moved, Essan makes a small, upset-sounding noise, and presses his face into Garak's shoulder. "I'm sorry," Garak tells him softly as he turns to see whether Julian has followed him. "Doctor? I have a patient for you."
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normaltothemax · 4 months
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“M’fine. Why do you ask?” He’s facedown on the floor; sort of the definition of not fine.
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leschanceux · 7 months
"We'll start small", Catherine had said. "We'll start with Henry, and work our way up to Bea and Pip. You'll see - they'll understand, darling." Arthur wasn't so sure, but he wanted to believe. The cancer had been supposed to be fatal. Irrevocable, the hospital had said. They'd advised bedrest, somewhere warm, and between Catherine and Mary, which looking back was never a good thing), they'd decided it was best for Arthur to disappear until they knew, one way or another. He hadn't, however, realised that disappear meant dead. That his children had been mourning him all this time, and that Catherine had been pretending to go on charity excursions. "It was as good as charity," she'd joked, and he'd frowned at her. He was angry and horrified. Insisted that he be reintroduced to their lives, demanded it, in fact, or he'd find a way to damn well get back. "It won't be easy," he'd been told, but he didn't care. So they'd started with Henry. The youngest, the softest, Catherine said (though Arthur privately disagreed), the one least likely to snap after realising that he'd been lied to half his life. Once more, Arthur wasn't certain he agreed, but they had to start somewhere. It took some planning, and he wasn't sure how Catherine was even going to tell Henry (surprise, your dad has been alive this whole time!) or the others, but he had to trust her. He didn't have much choice. Catherine had flown Henry and his partner in from America, and on the flight over she'd decided spur of the moment, it'd be better just to... wait. Henry wouldn't believe her if she told him, and their relationship was not great. It was better, she thought, if Henry saw, if he and Arthur had that wonderful moment she could almost imagine in her head, the two of them running toward each other, that beautiful family moment., then everything would make sense and be forgiven. It would be perfect.
Since his father had died, Henry felt like the colours of the world around him and the gilded cage he was trapped in had faded to a dull grey. He'd lost most of his family in one fell swoop; Dad was dead and buried, Mum was absent both physically and emotionally, Philip had apparently decided to follow Gran's views on pretty much everything, and Bea had gone completely off the rails as she searched for her next high.
In short, life had been pretty shit - would've been unbearable if it wasn't for David, Pez and now Alex.
He'd been curled up in bed with Alex and David when Mum had called out of the blue, asked them to come back to England as soon as they could. Of course he'd agreed; Mum had called to ask, and that in itself was something to sit up and take notice of. She wouldn't say what was happening, though, and neither Bea nor Philip knew what was going on - they hadn't received a call, though Bea was threatening to just show up anyway ( for moral support, she'd said, though Henry thinks that she might just be nosy ).
That's how he'd ended up here, stood in the gardens of Kensington Palace with Alex's hand clasped tightly in his own as they waited for Catherine to meet them, politely admiring the rose bushes with quiet murmurs.
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aregebidan · 10 months
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i might have missed another usage of "schism" in the podcast but they're rare enough that these are the only ones i've spotted so far. if the word "schism" in TSV specifically refers to a literal splitting of the nature of a god between groups of believers, it would be. very interesting to say the least to see how a potential schism interacts with the trawler-man's already dual nature (and possibly be relevant to his erratic behavior with carpenter + the disciples who were eaten along with the sacrifices?)
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tartt9 · 3 months
Jesus fucking Christ, if she isn't tired of Roy fucking Kent. It's just a loan, she's only here until June, but she doesn't know if she can hold out for that long. She's admired Kent for ages, so she thought playing with her would be fucking fun, fucking exciting, they'd take the WSL by storm. Kent to Tartt to the back of the fucking net, again and again and again. Of course it didn't work out like that. Why would it? Why would Jamie expect Kent to like her? Fucking stupid. Never put your hopes on a footballer. You'll always be let down.
Jamie all but shoves past Kent on the way to her locker, jaw set. It's like they can't win a fucking match. Tenth is a fine spot to be in - in the Prem. In the WSL, tenth is two spots from relegation, and Jamie won't let that happen on her watch. Another fucking loss, to fucking United, of all clubs, 1-fucking-6. Might've been 1-5, if there'd been VAR to help them out on that last one, but there's not, so it isn't. Jamie likes to think that they could've put up a fight if Kent passed to her, but she didn't, so they didn't. It's fucking embarrassing. She turns to Kent, unafraid to start a spat about this. "Why the fuck won't you pass t'me? I'm your best option up front and we both know it."
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sxmnus · 2 years
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • · ROMY &. CAELUM ( it’s sexy sunday )
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      ❝ what the fuck is this...? ❞ eyes narrowed at the sight of a banging body on his phone screen, hand coming up to cover his face that started to glisten with excitement. the number was unfamiliar to him but it didn’t matter, didn’t change the effects it had on him. huffing a laugh, he started to wander around his bedroom, pacing as fingers hovered over the keyboard to think about what the hell to text back, finally settling for something simple enough. wondered if this was on purpose or a mistake.
[sms] caelum: nice tits. is that all for me? [sms] caelum: trying to get me hard this late at night?
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
@thrall-of-the-hill  {{xx}}
For a man so large, his voice is small. His fingers coiled around her wrist overlap in their comparative excess; she is bird-boned and his hands are as big as the rest of him. It was only by Gaia’s grace she was able to keep him upright and moving to get him indoors. He towered over her even while sitting, and when he turns his head away, she sighs.  The scalp laceration might need stitches. Sure, she has her suturing kit, she always keeps a modest assortment of supplies wherever she might go, but none of that will do any good if he chooses to fight her on it. But before she could do anything to actually treat him, she first needs to see how bad the wound is. And to do that, she needs to clean it. She will also need to conduct a neurological exam, cognitive testing, and short of being able to do imaging tests, she’s got to work with his blood and observation to rule out a concussion. First things first though. Her voice is soft, full of compassion. “You don’ need t’ be ‘fraid of me, yeah? I’m a nurse, an’ I won’ let any harm come t’ ya. If ya wan, we can take a minute, an’ I can get ya somet’ing warm t’ drink an’ mebbe ya tell me wha’ happen t’ ya.”
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indirecticn · 5 months
how it begins is purely accidental. at least, that's what he says to himself when recalling the heated moment outside that grimy excuse for a tavern in this spit of a midgardian city.
he didn't mean to follow the man, it just happened his path was also loki's path. he didn't mean to catch the man unawares when the man began to fumble in his jacket for what loki realizes is something of a knife.
a poor excuse for one, but sharp and winking in the moonlight, and a danger to midgardians at least.
but what loki did do, with all the intention to see it through poured into the action, was catch the man's wrist and twist it behind the man's back until the bones gave a most satisfying crack, paired with the man's hoarse holler.
and a woman's scream, there was that too, and he supposed she never had any intention of being mugged so two accidents and here loki was doing the right thing. sort of.
he had thought of it as a one time deal, a sort of, well.. i didn't MEAN to cross that path but since i DID, and since i needed a little action to work out this frustration on, why not save the day, just once?
but then it happened again... and again.... and again... and each time it became a little less accidental until loki was now watching for a foul midgardian to fuck up and deserve a bit of godly retribution. thor couldn't know, nor his friends, nor val (well maybe val would understand, he thought.) because they would put a stopper in this delicious new drought he was imbibing.
heroics in the shadows allowed for him to release the pent up energy, the pent up... something, gnawing at his bones like nidhoggr at the roots of the world tree. whatever it was he refused to name it and instead sated the sensation with blood and bone from those who deserved to have both spilled and broken.
it was a shame that his secret had a life of it's own and seemed to guide him to cross paths with yet another letch following some woman on purpose.
because the woman, in question, happened to be... " my lady, are you oh-oh fuck me with a norn stone."
loki had a foot on the man's back, the midgardian knocked clean out, and his hand had reached out to none other than doctor jane foster. of all the fucking people!
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leschanceux · 8 months
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@amillixnvoices asked ❝ be quiet and kiss me. ❞ -
"Is that an order, your highness?" Alex questions, eyebrows raised high as he gives Henry a look that speaks of complete innocence, like he's not deliberately being a brat, like he's not deliberately holding back from obliging, pressing their lips together hungrily like they both know he wants to.
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sinfuljackpot · 2 months
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+ @webxfshame / @webxfsin asked: ✋for the other cheek too
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+ And there it was . There was no turning back now . Certainly not when her other cheek had felt the same sharp treatment it's twin had . Tossing the finished round of laundry into the basket at her feet, Mary Jane slowly turned , teeth sucking her bottom lip under them for a moment as she found herself grinning at her husband . Oh, she was going to have fun with this . Leaning back against the dryer, she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her shorts, clearly intent on teasing him with showing just enough of herself .
" Either put me over your knee, Tiger, or rip these off of me. Either way, you are not getting out of here without making it up to me . "
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damnedrainbows · 3 months
Alastor wasn’t accustomed to just waiting, for any means. When he wanted something, he got it then and there, by force. Yet leaving himself without the rope he could yank upon at his whim, he found he had no choice but to wait. And he did, in the darkness of one of his oldest friends’ bar.
He sat, almost casually, and poured twin drinks as the evidence of Husk’s endeavors stayed by his side, filling him with more rage by the moment. But there’s no reason they couldn’t discuss this over a pleasant drink, now was there?
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After all, maybe he was simply misinterpreting things. Certainly the feline wouldn’t be stupid enough to give in to the temptations that had led him to the green chains, now destroyed somewhere in the nether—where he supposed all ‘unclipped leashes’ went.
Golden fangs glinted in the dark, and his dials threatened to shift manically, with the urge to grab the idiot by the throat and throw him into the bar cabinets. “…Husker!” he chirped, all disconcerting sweet smiles as he saw his form slink in. “Pleased to see you made it home in one piece! Did you have fun?” He hoped so, because it had ended.
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brooklynislandgirl · 1 year
@predatorymaniac​  {who liked for a little starter}
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“Betcha gonna say, ‘you should see da oddah guy’,” the girl in the bed next to him says. She looks as exhausted as he must feel, and the accent is a little odd, even for the City. Caribbean, perhaps? Or maybe Creole? Hard to say, especially since even in the colour-draining overhead lights she is some ambiguous shade of light brown. But even then, and even with naturally long, thick eyelashes, her green eyes sparkle with their own amusement. She’s wearing a faded, oversized Columbia University hoodie, purple crocks, and blue-jeans as she swings her legs to-and-fro over the side, trying to make pleasant conversation. Like the bruises and dried blood and swelling in his face don’t matter. Like this is the social event of the season. “Heard dere was some kine of fight. Overheard da cop dat brought you in talkin’ about pressin’ charges but you know. He change his mind.” She doesn’t give any indication as to why. Instead, she reaches out an arm. In its hand there’s a little blue bag of suspiciously shaped, too unnaturally orange crackers. “Wan’ some Goldfish? Could be a while. Trust me.”
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pu1itzer · 2 months
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not me thinking how much i want to rewrite mos . . . gdi !!!
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abandonededen · 1 month
@baby-royalty liked for a starter from astarion !
“ not that i can blame you, darling, but is there a reason you're staring ? ”
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