#tbh im really not an expert on colourign so sorry if i misunderstood your ask ^^'
spiderziege · 2 months
hi! I love your art, particularly your line art! I always get stuck focusing on perfecting my line art and it loses the fun traditional sketching feeling and yours keeps that which I love!! I noticed that you block colors out with warm and cool values before painting/ coloring the rest of your art. Is there a logic applied to how you select what gets warm vs cool colors and how it affects the final piece?
thank you so much!! im glad you like the lineart, its always my favorite part of the process :] a good trick ive found to keep that feeling for the lineart is to avoid using the 'undo' tool as much as possible, instead only use the eraser. at least for my latest drawings, my approach was basically to use a slightly bigger lineart brush than necessary and then clean up everything with the eraser - that way i have more control over the line thickness too
for the colors, im not really sure what you mean? i usually jump straight into coloring with the 'final' colors and just use the fill bucket and the color slider thingie to adjust (plus very minimal shading & grain texture etc at the end of course). i usually have a very rough plan for a colour scheme in mind (especially which parts i want to be darker, which lighter, where to put the focus etc) but ngl sometimes the end product looks completely different from that plan, with the colouring process i mostly just go with the flow haha
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