#tbh the character choice is on point cause if I had to invite a bishop to my birthday party it WOULD be heket
alllgator-blood · 1 month
Boo! Birthday Heket be upon ye
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I’m either too early or too late but either way I crashed back into your inbox like the kool aid man to say I hope you had a nice birthday!:D and that your are enjoying or have enjoyed your trip!
Didn’t have much energy to do a digital drawing so markers to the rescue to make it look a little nicer-
Really wanted to make something a little special just because your shamura drawing literally gave me sanity I swear- things just kept getting worse so I would just pull out the drawing and stare at it and I would feel a little better and judging by how things are going I’ll be doing that a lot more for as weird as that sounds-
Okay I not only missed out on the previous heket drawing but A SECOND HEKET DRAWING AS WELL?? I heavily regret not checking my inbox sooner cause I was missing OUT dude omg. My birthday is on may 2nd so you're not too late, I used up like alllllllllll my money on that cali trip so I was fully expecting the celebration to be over already, but the party was in my inbox the whole time????
Thank you sincerely for the b-day art, I get real fuckin moody on like ALL my birthdays because I spend em alone and am always broke so I usually just sit with my own thoughts every may 2nd. I'm honestly tempted to just start asking y'all if I can print your drawings and put them on my wall or something because it's like the highlight of my day when someone draws me something. Even if it's a mutual interest I'm still like THIS VIDEO GAME FROG DRAWING...WAS FOR ME SPECIFICALLY...AND THAT MAKES ME WANT TO LOOK AT IT FOREVER.
I'm very glad the shamura drawing helped you feel better despite everything, this one definitely perked me up so I'm just happy the feeling is mutual!! Dw about sounding weird cause I'm just glad my mura blessing art could do you some good. I'm sorry things kept getting worse on your end, I know I can't really do anything besides offer my support through text but I'm like manifesting good things happening to you with my limited powers. I'm telepathically beaming good vibes into your mind >:)
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