#tbl 8x04
codewordpumpkin · 3 years
The Blacklist 8x04 Thoughts
i’m gonna begin with the NEGATIVES first because i like to end things on a high note:
- having to watch Liz reach a new low (shocking, i know) by manipulating and using Ressler, tarnishing a genuine friendship/partnership/sibling-ship through sex
- having to watch the most awkward sex scene in the world... what makes it awkward, you ask? well, the use of body doubles was way too obvious + liz’s dead eyes (lmaoooooo the bitch was ice cold) i mean cmon, i know the lights were off but at least try and be more convincing, girl
- liz impersonating a cartoon villain + liz trying to steal red’s associates literally made me laugh... ah what a joke :’) + i still genuinely don’t understand why liz is THIS fired up on getting “revenge” and killing red... like yes she has a right to be upset for red killing her bio mom in front of her but like... she knew kat for all of two seconds and liz has somehow forgotten all about kat using her and putting her daughter at risk and also conveniently forgetting about all the times RED WAS THERE FOR HER AND PROTECTED HER AND SAVED HER AND LOVED HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i really can’t get over this “character development”... like at least give us a believable explanation for this stupid stupid stupid arc????
- tptb dumbing red down to allow liz to outsmart him... ughhhhhh cmon guys:
1. it’s MARVIN FFS! MARVIN!!!!
2. even if marvin was a traitor, no way red would hand power over to Skip or Chip or whatever the fuck his name is JUST LIKE THAT ugh
3. red (the one we know and love) would NEVER fall for the dumb ass ruse - airline tickets to switzerland with marvin’s real name on it lmaoooooo my god even liz admitted how lame that scheme was
3. cringed when liz got all giddy on the jet... taunting red on the phone as if she’s some mastermind.... bitch please
*now, finally, for the POSITIVES*:
- i actually love the fact that liz and ress slept together bc
1. she was using sex to manipulate ressler 
2. her dead eyes say more than anything i could
3. lol it’s like when samar and ress slept together... did anything come out of that? nope, nothing except Saram... aka ressler is just a tool the girl must use to find her way to her actual soulmate/endgame
3. tbh i see this as tptb killing keenler. i have literally zero worries about keenler being endgame. even aram thinks it’s a terrible idea lol “tell me it wasn’t at your apartment”
4. also park calling ress out for wanting to protect liz + park calling ress hot last ep = me thinking park has more of an actual chance with ress than liz does... which is fine by me
- *UNICORN* SOCKS!!!!!! (agnes saying they’re good luck + ress asking liz if she thinks unicorn socks will protect her from red) y’all remember the unicorn references in that one ep back in s6 (seriously can’t remember which ep it was but i think it was in s6) where i think brimley (possibly?) had some sort of UNICORN speech and at the end of the ep (possibly?) red and liz sit on a bench and watch agnes riding the carousel on not just a regular horse but a UNICORN??? ALSO THE SOCKS WERE R E D!!! coincidence?? I THINK NOT 
- liz taking her and tom’s engagement ring + thinking fondly of tom + talking to agnes about tom aka her agnes’ “father” = BAIT!!!! tom is dead (DEAD, dead) and not going to return except through flashbacks. I swear to god, tptb are using all this tom reminiscing to set up for some sort of revelation later on (a revelation regarding red and liz ofc... #agnesgate)
- liz looking gorg tho
- red looking gorg too
- shoutout to red’s associates who are loyal AF + liz talking to marvin in the restaurant as if she’s some italian gangster lmao... “you write your ticket... 50/50... i could make you riDICulOUsly RicH” lol also liz telling him red’s not loyal lol says the girl who betrayed literally everyone in her life lollllll please bitch go to your room)
- is it just me or is agnes getting blonder (yes i know it’s a diff child actress, but tptb chose this actress for a reason... #agnesgate)
- red’s very... interesting facial expressions (annoyed? mad? upset? JEALOUS?) when aram and ressler barged into cooper’s office to say liz called + red goading/pissing on Donald bc he fucking knows they slept together lmaoooo loved when red did his squinty face + his tone/face when he says “i believe you do... that’s what worries me” when ress said he believes liz was telling the truth about marvin turning +++ i also think red was more hardcore with marvin bc he was coming right from cooper’s office aka after his little butt-in with ressler aka after he found out liz and ress slept together AND HE’S PISSED (even marvin says “you’re so puffed up with anger, you don’t see it”
- this whole Sick Red arc being pushed in front of our faces and screamed into our ears (red repeatedly talking about his numbered days, repeatedly referencing his will (and leaving everything to liz), showing us red coughing blood + his many pills) just reinforces my belief that Red WILL NOT DIE... this is just bait + set up for next arc or endgame aka red and liz and agnes eventually living happily ever after
- Dembe telling red and us what we all already know aka RED LOVES LIZ!!!! + red admitting he “didn’t have a plan” in a heartbroken voice/face bc he’s a fool in love
- as much as i hate liz antagonizing red, i do like that this evens their playing field a bit, making liz more... worthy? capable? of being a partner to red
- love how murderous red’s face was when he warned the russian dude he better fucking NOT hurt liz keen 
- i hope marvin stays loyal to red even after all the goat torture... you’re the GOAT, marvin
- i wish we could’ve seen red’s reaction to liz escaping with agnes (bc he must know that puts agnes *cough-hisdaughter-cough* in even more danger)
- i can’t wait to watch red kill Skip lol 
- im sorta ignoring the whole red being N13 thing bc i give zero fucks to who red was (and the entire mythology of the show at this point)... i care about WHO HE IS... and that is a man who just LOVES ELIZABETH KEEN... literally nothing else matters to me
- i know pretty much everyone HATED this ep, but overall, i actually enjoyed it
this took me forever and a half to write + is not edited (clearly) so please ignore any spelling/grammar/disorganization/whatever 
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soupofmushrooms · 2 years
List of books mentioned by Raymond Reddington in The Blacklist
Note: Initially, I wanted to make a long masterlist, but I also don't know when will I rewatch TBL so here's what I picked up from my bibliophile boyf Red!
Season 8
8x04 Elizabeth Keen (no. 1) - Passion's Promise by Danielle Steel in reference to Guinevere's 16 hardcovers of Danielle Steel romance books
8x05 The Fribourg Confidence (no. 140) - Under the Greenwood Tree by William Shakespeare, when at the park, the rare few times where we see him relax
8x07 Chemical Mary (no. 143) - Henry IV. Part 2. Act 4, Scene 2 "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."
8x09 The Cyranoid (no. 35) - Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand, in reference to Elizabeth Keen's hired lookalike
8x10 Dr. Laken Perillos (no. 70) Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood by William Wordsworth "Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears", which he quoted on a phone call with Neville Townsend
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piketrickfeet · 3 years
tbl 8x04 thoughts
just a casual reminder that i am team liz through and through lol
the peacock app is ass
her little smile when thinking of ressler
didn't he hurt his back??
wait why was she in a car but now she's also in his apartment
her hair looks great for having ~slept over~
oh she was still remembering her morning
got it
my brain is swiss cheese
oh tom's old apartment! fun!
oh that was not a face i expected to see on this show again
hellooooo ryan
i mean i would too because i love her but they are working together after knowing each other for like two months??
Elizabeth Keen (No. 1)
that's the hottest title theyve ever had
"are you cooling"
tadashi please
this show should throw in a twist where aram figures everything out and saves the day
are they going to tell us what he has or are we forced to endure him being sick all season
"elizabeth keen is not to be touched"
new agnes!!!
so cute!!!!!!!
rofl liz i love you please stop involving civilians in your revenge story
where did this skip come from???
i'm legitimately so confused
is there more than one skip??
is this a fake accent?
was the british a fake accent?
was that man not a skip??
do i not remember correctly?
i thought his name had been skip because i made a comment about it
but now i'm questioning everything lol
marvin lol what
red is such a dork lol i love him
i love red but one thing that i hate the most is that he always frames things like they're the other person's choice when they really really aren't
"my name is aram"
this show sucks lol
they've leaned heavily into the found family trope with the task force but agnes doesn't know who aram is????
none of this would have happened if samar were still around lol
"elizabeth has walked away from her"
wow you don't know her at all i guess
excuse me this is the cutest shit i've ever seen
elizabeth is smarter than to let agnes watch caillou
elizabeth would NEVER leave her kid again
she's done it once she KNOWS better
rofl why is it still the same picture of liz from like seven years ago lol
why is there literally no one else in the Post Office???
is it like a weekend or something?
federal holiday?
wait what
why wouldn't he believe marvin?
park never would have let her go lol
"you love her too"
yeah he does
this show
skip hadley is this man's name???
he can't be real
uh oh i think skip has a crush
i mean its easy because she's wonderful
he's very handsome lol
oh i LOVE her
"you should recuse yourselves from the case"
are they disbanding the task force???
god this was such a great episode lol
love to be in the minority of tbl fans
makes being in fandom spaces so much fun
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impossible-thief · 3 years
There I am minding my own business when suddenly Youtube suggests I watch the Promo for TBL 8x04, titled Elizabeth Keen. Having excited the fandom after Season 3 due to creative differences with the writers, I am feeling a little nostalgic for the good old times and decide to check the TBL tag on Tumblr.
The TBL tag on Tumblr:
Tumblr media
Me: *backtracks carefully into the relative safety of those other obsessions I’ve acquired since 2016*
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codewordpumpkin · 3 years
i said i was gonna post my tbl 8x04 thoughts yesterday but that clearly didn’t happen... and now i forget what half of those thoughts were 
so im gonna rewatch rn and if all goes well, i’ll post tonight?? tbd
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