#teenage me was hyperfixated on her and lassiter but it was 98% because i wanted him to have nice things
boltlightning · 1 year
Do you have a favorite minor Psych character?
declan rand :)
it's been long enough that i can admit he was an incredible parallel to shawn and woefully underutilized. he was a delight. i would've loved for him to become a part-timer at psych who drops in to give hints and such; it'd be a humbling experience for both him and shawn, shawn gets to learn to work with an enemy who isn't a powder keg like carlton lassiter, and gus can have someone sane who listens to his ideas in the office for once. but whatever. it's fine.
in a similar way i think abigail gets an unfair amount of flack, but i think her presence on the show revealed a lot about shawn and juliet's relationship that kind of gets swept under the rug, both by fans and the text: shawn can be flippant and hard to pin down, juliet has unrealistic expectations when she cares passionately about something, and both of them can get really really stubborn when either of those things are challenged. a lot of their conflict while shawn was dating abigail was about that, not necessarily jealousy. abigail was only the catalyst.
abigail is such a good look at who shawn used to be when he was young and brash and how he squares it with the man he is now, and she, too, deserved better from us.
beyond that i think the dog lassiter has in the alternate universe episode of s7 should have become a permanent cast member x
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