#tell me why i accidentally gave hyunjin a size kink?????
sadienita · 2 years
Dumb shit skz would do with a tall s/o
Saw @gamerwoo talking about Chan and uppies and it gave me a dumb idea so here bb this one’s for you <3
Asks you to pick him up in the cringiest way possible. Literally hands up asking for “uppies” in a baby voice. Absolutely takes everything in you not to deck him. Whether he wants to be held or wants help getting something off the top shelf he does it in the worst way possible. What an ick i love him.
Weirdly obsessed with the top of your head. Like sometimes its cute and he will give the top of your head a kiss when you’re sitting on the couch and he can actually reach it. But also just throws shit at you to see if he can get it to land on the top of your head and stay there. Has thrown all manner of things at you and he thinks its hilarious.
Tries to pick you up. Mans it strong and he knows it but he also lacks an understanding of physics. He will try to pick you up by wrapping his arms around your legs and lifting straight up. This bitch (affectionate) always forgets that the center of gravity and balance is about to shift every goddamn time. You have both fallen numerous times. One of these days you’re both gonna get concussions i swear.
Bbgirl jinnie activated. He’s so in awe of your height and very into it. Will look at you like you’re a deity. Loves when you wear heels or platform shoes maybe a little too much. Wants you to carry him. Wants you to be the big spoon. Begs you to carry him around bridal style and will pout if you say no. Probably draws you as the tall vampire lady from resident evil.
Tell me why this man sees your height as a fucking challenge? He will jump just to reach the door frame and smack his hand against it and then stare you down to see if you can do it (of course you fucking can). Gets a ridiculous pair of platform shoes to wear when you’re around and he just smirks at you while you’re laughing, clearly so very proud of himself. 
Asks you to do so many things. He likes to feel helpful and therefore he wants to make sure you always feel helpful too. Will ask for shit on the top shelf of course. But he will also ask for stuff very much within his reach? Shhhh he just wants you to feel like you’re helping and that you and your height are very special to him. Also asks you to lift him up sometimes so he can reach the top shelf which is totally a practical thing and not at all cause he finds it kinda hot
At first it seems like it does not phase him at all. It’s like he doesn't even notice, it doesn’t matter to him and he never mentions it. But then you notice how when you take pics together he always positions himself to look taller nevermind the fact that all of his friends have seen you and your height isn't a secret. Maybe he wants to look tall, maybe he just likes the fuck with people. You’ll never truly know.
Just the dumbest jokes imaginable. Get ready for the “Hey how’s the weather up there?” jokes literally every day. Just teases you for being tall but will not stand for someone else doing it. He can call you a giant (affectionate) because it's with love but if anyone else does it he’s throwing hands.
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