#tenn twdg
spacedlexi · 7 months
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this is late but its ok they dont know what fuckin day it is either
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crocuspetals · 2 months
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twdg textposts two electric boogaloo
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emmieart · 10 months
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citrusflowerss · 2 months
i just realised that violet didn’t know that clementine and aj were given the twins old room… but tenn did. and then i started thinking that maybe he asked violet to go get the crayons for him and didn’t tell her they were in there on purpose because he noticed violet warming up to clementine and wanted them to talk a bit more
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raccoonir · 3 months
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violet and tennesse sleeping :D (obviously not ship art, that’s weird as hell)
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bourbonificould · 4 months
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Twdg tweets pt. 15 (my phone broke yall 😭😭)
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florashifting · 14 hours
AJ, Willy, and Tenn are my sons and if anything happens to any of them I don't think I can physically go on.
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#73 for S4 TWDG characters please and can you make the reader the older kids lover please? Thank you and sorry if my english is bad. Im still learning😅
(Hey! #73 is only platonic writing for them. Thank you for requesting though and your English is good! Anyways, Enjoy!)
Protecting AJ, Tenn & Willy
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AJ always knew that if Clem didn’t let him do something, always ask you
You let him but Clem would always shake her head and scold you
Didn’t mean you stopped
You and AJ always got into trouble with the other
Both little partners in crime
AJ also when he was scared, not that he would admit it, would go to you
AJ felt safe with you and the addition of Clem
You had always been there with him and for him
He didn’t know what it would be like without either of you
And he never wanted to find out what it was like
You and Clem were the only people he would ever need, except for Tenn
Tenn was his other friend who he also was best friends with the best
AJ could do whatever the heck even if it was bad and hide behind you
You seemed sweet but were scary when someone messed with him
AJ would just hide behind you and let you work your magic
If anyone was ever mean to him, oh god
They just see you standing behind them with a glare
AJ is never messed with by them again
You were also very protective
You had seen AJ grow up and still thought of him as a little kid
Which he was
But AJ liked protecting you and Clem
He claimed you didn’t need to worry about him but how can you not?!
Anyways, AJ does appreciate you a lot though
He can always rely on you!
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With the addition of you, Minnie and Sophie
Tenn basically had an entire bodyguard team
But things did change after he was told Sophie and Minnie “Died”
He always stuck to you
Always by your side at dinner, doing chores and whatever else
He didn’t like being away from your side
Plus, he felt safer around you
Tenn was picked on when younger when the school was still a school
With teachers and the headmaster and even other kids
Before the others and him were left to rot
But when he was picked on you found out
And had a word with the kids
Tenn never found out exactly what you did but he saw the kids come into class scraped up
They then apologized to him, surprisingly
Tenn knew it was your work and thanked you
You were also Tenn’s favorite since you taught him a lot and gave him color pencils and crayons
Whenever Tenn was in trouble he went to you
Because you would always help him with whatever he needed and he relief on you
For as long as he knew, at the school you were always the protector
He was grateful for that since he was smaller, quiet and often afraid to speak to other kids before
He learned that all he needed was you, Minnie and Sophie
He was all set for whatever he needed
As long as you were there
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Willy’s a little weirdo we all know this
You didn’t think so and neither did Mitch
You both protected the boy since he was younger and sent there for…his reasons
He stuck to you both like glue because he had no one else
Like AJ, when he got in trouble or messed with other kids he ran to you and Mitch
He often hid behind you guys as you dealt with it and he would sometimes stick his tongue out at the others
(He always did)
He was always smug he had too older friends who would protect him
Whenever he had trouble with school or practically anything he ran to you
You helped him always and all was always well!
When someone had the audacity to yell at him he was always smiling
Wanna know why?
Because he always knew you were standing right behind him with a glare hard enough even the badder kids would freeze from
Willy was never messed with and held his head high when walking with you and Mitch
He was well protected and he knew, and took advantage of it
When the world ended he remembered just being with you and Mitch
A Walker got in and tried to get him
All he remembered was you pushed him behind you as Mitch grabbed him
He just knew that you were gonna take care of it
And you did
That's why he always stuck by you and Mitch
Because you both always would be there
And you only eventually, because Mitch sadly died 
Even then Willy ran too you
You were the only one he really had left
And Willy knew that you would always be there for him
Whenever and wherever he needed you
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ozonegrrrl · 3 months
troubled youth!
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this is old but grhgrhgghhh my little guys ..
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heartsquigz · 1 month
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keychain idea :p
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spacedlexi · 23 days
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when your girlfriend isnt actually dead but she might as well be
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heartsquiggles · 7 months
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they r the cutest ever
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fernaldoishere · 1 month
How TWDG season 4 characters would react to you asking for pads 🫶
(saw raven post some in our discord server and i had to make another one of these lmao)
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Clem and AJ
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Louis and Violet
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Marlon and Brody
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Mitch and Willy
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Aasim and Ruby
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Omar and Tenn
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Minerva and James
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Lilly and Abel
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I love the fact that in the walking dead universe, everyone is infected because it means everyone has the capacity to become a walker, a monster. Y'know, a central theme to the series. It’s not just the bite. The outbreak happened and now it’s inside everyone; the rot and capacity to devour, to maim and kill, to infect others, to destroy, to only be focused on one’s sole interest; the hunger.
It festers within everyone's core with most working to keep hold of their humanity, even as they navigate a world where the living are just as dangerous as the dead. You prevent someone from turning by destroying the brain, a conscious effort to not become a monster.
With that in mind, I'm fascinated by the fact that if you don't trust AJ to make the right call, Louis and Violet will die on the bridge to save Tenn's life... but they don't become monsters because the walkers ate and ate until there was nothing left to come back.
Louis and Violet literally give everything to save Tenn, and by extent Clementine and AJ; their hearts, their minds, their bones, the air they breathed and every organ they had. They sacrificed a happy future with Clementine and AJ to save Tenn, all because Minerva was too far gone, given into the destructive and selfish nature of the walkers. She became the monster that decays and takes and takes and then takes some more.
Louis and Violet, despite their pasts as "troubled youth" and all the mistakes they made that hurt others, they were good at their cores. They were a symbol of humanity and hope for Clementine. Like everyone else, they had it in them to turn, but TFS shows us with this particular route and death that they were never going to become monstrous... they loved Clementine, AJ, and Tenn too much.
But given that we do see Tenn as a walker, I think that gives the idea that Minerva did that to him, made him a monster, rather than Tenn becoming one, y'know? He didn't choose it, it was forced upon him by a sister who wanted him to die with her and a friend who didn't want him to die at all, didn't want him to be a monster, but knew he had to make a choice... and that choice was to let Tenn go.
Everyone's infected, but you only turn unless you or someone else makes a conscious decision to not let you... Louis and Violet made their choices, but Tenn couldn't; others decided for him.
Just something to chew on.
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then1ghtw1llend · 5 months
the walking dead game the final season screenshots
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this is what BRAINROT does to a mf
spoilers beyond this point
I like this screenshot because it's just beautiful in my own opinion. the lighting is great and it captures that somber feeling.
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bourbonificould · 5 months
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Twdg tweets pt. 9 (insomniac fr
violet finally let tenn have twitter!
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