#teresa jimenez
ilikeit-art · 1 year
Everything is beautiful in this clip.. She is beautiful, the music is classy, ​​the background is the most amazing..😍
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cristinabcn · 1 month
"Los bailes robados" de David Coria
“The Stolen Dances” by David Coria TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista, Escritora, Directora Gral. de Cultura Flamenca. Prensa Especializada Nos dejaste sin palabras, David, en esa noche del 3 de marzo en el teatro Villamarta de Jerez de la Frontera, con esta última producción tuya, Los Bailes Robados. Es más que un paso delante de “Anónimo”, “Fandango!” e “Imperfecto”. Es la obra de un…
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El Defensor del Pueblo expresa su preocupación sobre la sustración de menores, demoras en los juzgados, situación de equipos psicosociales y la falta de especialización de juzgados en temas de familia
El Defensor del Pueblo expresa su preocupación sobre la sustración de menores, demoras en los juzgados, situación de equipos psicosociales y la falta de especialización de juzgados en temas de familia
En la ultima carta recibida por nuestro presidente Jesus Ayala Carcedo el defensor de el pueblo expresa su preocupación por: las demoras en los juzgados la situación de los equipos psicosociales la falta de especialización de la Justicia en asuntos tan delicados para los ciudadanos como las custodias de niños la sustracción de menores E incluso en año en el año 2020, se encargó a la…
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drjohndisco · 10 months
( Bug's Blorbo Tournament: Round 1 - Poll 3 || Vote for whomever you vibe with the most! )
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Similarities: both of them can and will kill you, and they both have queer nonbinary swag (as well as family/parental issues.)
Note: Trubel isn't canonically queer.
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dear-indies · 1 year
hello!! i’m looking for an indigenous latina fc, as in, she is an Indigenous person from latin america (besides the great Yalitza Aparicio). i’m having trouble finding someone i like - preferably over 30, not too young looking. thank you so much!!!!
Maria Telon (1958) Kaqchikel,
Julieta Venegas (1970) Yaqui, French, Basque.
Mayra Sérbulo (1970) Zapotec and Nahua.
Daniella Alonso (1978) Quechua, Japanese / Puerto Rican.
Marilyn Sanabria (1980) Taino, possibly other
Jessica Pimentel (1982) Dominican [Taino, Malian, Iberian, Irish, Italian].
Nathalie Kelley (1985) Quechua and Argentinian.
Danielle Keaton (1986) Quechua and Ashkenazi Jewish.
Cherie Jimenez (1987) Taino, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Italian, Spanish.
Teresa Ruiz (1988) Zapotec / Unspecified Mestizo.
Mabel Cadena (1990) Nahua.
Michelle Paress (?) Taino, Arawak, and European.
Hey anon! Please note that I'm only listing those who have specified their tribes!
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calliopecalling · 2 years
QOTS Rewatch - 3x12 - Justicia
Oof, where do I begin with this episode. This one and the next almost feel like parts I and II of the same arc and they are both (in my opinion) really well-written, tight, satisfying episodes. Bringing Camila back to her OG squad is a big part of that (*god* she's just suddenly sooo much more interesting when she's sharing scenes with Teresa, James, even Pote!!! WHY they wasted her on Cortez and Isabela this season is waaaaay beyond me); Teresa's business acumen is on full display; Castel always adds a little something; and there's lots of quality Jeresa angst while they both still manage to stuff down all the fEeeLIngS and show off how synchronized they are anyway. Not to mention the whole new attitude Javier brings to the table. To me, no scene feels misplaced or extraneous except in this episode for one of the Cortez scenes at the beginning (but I really dislike his entire plot, so that's no surprise).
AND YET. Listen, these metas have really become an opportunity for me to pick apart the entire Jeresa relationship, sorry not sorry, but so even though this is story-wise and character-wise such a strong episode, I...... can't handle it 😭😭😭😭
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My format for these rewatches has continued to deteriorate over time such that last time I didn't even recap anything, I just ranted about the James mole situation. This time the events do warrant at least limited revisiting. I always forget how many little *shocking plot twists* the writers tried to throw in multiple times a season and tbh I find a lot of the side plots and relationships fairly confusing, even when it's my like, 4th full rewatch of this season!
The main one that still confuses me is all the elements of deceit involved in the Camila/Cortez story, including now, in this episode, Castel getting involved. She meets with Cortez and it sounds like she's prepared to team up with him against Camila and her uncle... but then next episode she's asking Teresa to take him out. I don't get it?
Anyway: the episode opens with Teresa meeting up with Oleg to ask him to supply her, which he refuses given the mess she made in Malta. He'll be singing a different tune in s5! I appreciate that he remained a recurring character to the end. That was nice continuity.
Then of course there's James meeting Camila at a motel (and bringing her a red dress and accoutrements so that... she's back enough to her old self to try and metaphorically top Teresa again? why James? so on-brand for him to pay his former boss that respect but at the same time Camila has literally been responsible for MUCH of Teresa's--and hence his own--pain and grief this season...) and facilitating her meet and greet with Teresa.
Other non-Jeresa stuff includes Camila introducing Teresa to Reynaldo and vouching for her so that Reynaldo agrees to supply Teresa (obviously none of them aware that Castel is plotting behind Reynaldo's back).
We meet Javier Jimenez (that approach on the motorcycle with sunglasses and the bandana is so great) who comes to help James rescue George from Cortez's mental institution. Boaz is willing to send men to help too but only on condition that Teresa will let him work for her afterwards. She agrees 😩 Oh, Teresa. Surrounding yourself with all these traditional cartel people is not going to make it any easier for you to do things your 'different way.'
Unfortunately George isn't at the hospital so they have to come up with a different way to get him. Teresa and her brilliantly strategic mind comes up with the plan to swap Camila for George, and send Camila in with a tracking device so that they'll know her location (and thus, Cortez's). It's poetic justice (for both Camila and Guero) that it's Guero's necklace with its tracker that she puts on Camila.
Before I get into the Jeresa stuff I just want to talk about how this episode reminds us in both explicit and implicit ways how embattled Teresa is going into the end of this season. In an unusual move for a show that tends to move past traumas fairly quickly so as to make room for the next one, she still has the visible scrapes and bruises from the blast that nearly killed her in Bolivia two episodes ago. Almost every (non-James) scene involves her looking wearily bored, as if she's just starting to check out; all the problems piling up to form a thick callous. She faces off with Camila finally (which BTW, I cannot BELIEVE that scene was not giffed; okay I can believe it because this fandom kinda stopped caring about the Teresa x Camila relationship this season, mostly bc Jeresa ramped up and also because Teresa and Camila shared virtually no scenes so any investment we had in them just kinda faded I guess) and Camila keeps making jibes (both to her face and not) about how she's basically become "what she hated the most"--the violence, the threats, the deal-making and -breaking. As viewers I feel like we're kind of left with the uncomfortable question: has she become like Camila?
But to me the answer is a resounding no; not only because, unlike Camila, she doesn't break deals (Camila, talking to Reynaldo, assumes Teresa will hurt her, showing just how much Camila is seeing herself in Teresa only because she wants to and because she's narcissistic, rather than because it's true), but also because, at the same time as we're seeing a cooler, less affected Teresa (in some ways evoking the queenpin), she's also this episode--with James--showing a crack in her veneer that goes deeper than we've ever seen with her. Like, ever. She feels deeply how mistaken she was about the possibility of James being a mole and at the same time she feels a little helpless to make it right. She can't make empty promises to him (as someone who has such a history of trauma and who knows trust comes hard to her, she knows she can't promise she will never mistrust him again) and, knowing it's that form of unconditional trust that he most wants and needs from her, she won't disrespect him by begging him to forgive her or to stay. But she can try to at least tell him what she wants. And she can make every effort to show how much she does actually trust him, both with the signs of responsibility and support she gives him business-wise and by doing her utter level best not to hide from him emotionally. The anguish she displays in their fence conversation... oooff.
But like everything with the two of them, the personal is polluted by the business and she can't quite fully separate the two, which makes this so painful. James can't work for someone who keeps questioning his loyalty, so he won't be there for the rest. Teresa wants him to stay to run Phoenix. James finally asks, is that just a business offer? And she gives the smallest, saddest shake of her head (NO IT'S NOT JAMES!) while still unable to directly answer the question. I don't wanna lose you. Sure, she's answering it as a question about whether it's just business, so it feels obvious she's talking about their personal relationship. But it's not enough. Obviously I 100% believe James already knew he had to leave with Devon by that point, so I don't think anything she could've said would've changed the outcome of the season, but I think they could've had a little bit more catharsis between them before the season end if Teresa had been able to actually figure out what it meant for her to love him as a person, separate from the business.
She's a long way from being able to do that, though. Actually, in many ways, it's their working relationship that feels safest and most comforting to her. It's the stable thing between them. It's the thing that clicked into place immediately when they met. Like from the moment she stared across the table at him in Camila's warehouse swallowing down the baggies of coke and he stared unblinking back at her, there was an understanding between them, something that was so automatic and unintentional in their relationship, like it existed in their relationship a priori, that they didn't realize it was there and had to go on respective journeys of dawning awareness about what that "thing" was that lived in the space between them and what it meant. It was a quicker realization for James but for Teresa I think she's only just realized that all the things she'd grown to know about James (as she put in 3x02, "how you shoot and how you fight") were actually profoundly important things about him, things that could be taken out of the world they were in and that mattered to her personally, too: his loyalty, and competence, and intelligence; his respectfulness but willingness to challenge; his physical strength and stamina; his bravery. Look, she met James in a brutal and unforgiving context and he is a dangerous person, so how is she supposed to think about him outside of that? How is she supposed to make sense of the fact she's falling (fallen) in love with someone who was inextricable from the world she felt so trapped by?
This duality of the personal and the professional relationship is also why, I think, I can so easily forgive her for the way she mistrusted James in 3x10-3x11. If they were just lovers, that mistrust would feel so much more misplaced and unfair. With a lover, there's a reasonable expectation that you need to communicate about things. That if you doubt them, you talk about it. If you feel hurt, you talk about it. If you think they're betraying you, you talk about it. But they aren't just lovers. And also, they're barely lovers. We don't really have any idea how much time passes between 3x05 and 3x10, but basically, they hooked up once and then Guero died, and then presumably some time passes, they dance around each other, stumble at various communication attempts, and then take over Phoenix finally at which point they hook up again. Then she gets called to Bolivia. All of this could be a week or two, or a few months. But since George goes missing in 3x08 and they don't get him back again until this episode, I don't really think that there's THAT much time between 3x09 and 3x10; otherwise, they would've certainly been trying to get George back. (Or idk, who knows about TV show timeline issues.) Anyway the point is by the time she goes to Bolivia, they're probably in some undefined state, lovers but only under the cover of darkness, so to speak, and otherwise: business.
And as her employee, she'd be completely insane not to consider him a major candidate for the mole. Sure, she should've looked around and considered the other possibilities. But James is by far the most dangerous of those possibilities. She knows that it must've been someone in her inner circle to get the tracker in that necklace. She knows it needs to be someone with cunning and intelligence to be so duplicitous as to be around her for god knows how long and act trustworthy. If James was the mole, she was fucked. (Sorry, no pun intended, lol.) And she needed to figure out a plan immediately. So it was the mix of personal and business that made everything so murky for her with respect to him.
ANYWAY, that's it from me on that subject, I'm really not trying to be judge and jury on this front anymore. It's just that the tragedy of their relationship to me -- and really the tragedy of this entire season and her entire attempt to be in this business -- is that it seems like love cannot survive in this business, and in order to have the power she's begun to grasp for because slowly and surely she's realized that enemies won't stop coming for her, she has to stuff down her emotions in favor of survival. She won't run off with James at the end of this season because, even though I believe deep down she is a romantic at heart, her softening to James over the course of this season has also been simultaneous with her hardening from the lessons of this business. And James--being inextricable from the business--can't represent an exit from the business for her yet. So she just has to swallow down the pain of their relationship. Yet another layer to add to her callous.
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vavalladolid · 8 months
Fallece trágicamente María Jiménez a los 73 años, solo un día después que María Teresa Campos
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tarditardi · 1 year
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Dance Andalucía a Milano per il Tetro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro 29 & 30 marzo 2023
Il 29 e 30 marzo il "Il Teatro Nudo" di Teresa Pomodoro presso Noh'ma Milano va in scena  Dance Andalucía. Da anni la città di Milano ha un rapporto speciale con il flamenco. Festival, teatri, locali e scuole di danza: il pubblico appassionato può contare su una serie di eventi e location meneghini in cui vivere l'emozione dei tablao andalusi. Lo Spazio Teatro No'hma intercetta questa passione tutta milanese e la interpreta come sempre nel suo stile, ospitando a Milano dall'Andalusia un ensemble di artisti di grande valore, tra cui il pianista e compositore Manolo Carrasco, in occasione dell'ottavo appuntamento del Premio Internazionale.
Dance Andalucía è in scena presso gli spazi di Via A. Orcagna mercoledì 29 e giovedì 30 marzo alle ore 21. Sul palco con Carrasco ci saranno il chitarrista Adriano Lozano, la cantante flamenca Mesalla e quattro ballerini del Victoria Granado Ballet. Non è la prima volta a No'hma per questi artisti: già nel 2020, anche se in streaming per via dell'emergenza pandemica, il gruppo aveva interpretato con grande successo la pièce Pianissimo Flamenco.
Dance Andalucía è uno spettacolo che incarna l'essenza del Sud della Spagna, la sua spiritualità ed energia. L'ensemble eseguirà alcuni dei più famosi pezzi composti da Carrasco, per concludere con un omaggio alla musica italiana e al Il ragazzo della via Gluck di Celentano.
Manolo Carrasco, nato a Cadice, è uno dei compositori più prolifici della Spagna contemporanea. Pianista e direttore d'orchestra, ha studiato in vari conservatori spagnoli e stranieri ottenendo sempre i massimi voti. Per la sua tecnica ed esecuzioni impeccabili, il suo dinamismo ed il modo in cui suona il piano è considerato dalla critica musicale "Il Super Pianista".
Ogni anno il Premio Internazionale dedicato a Teresa Pomodoro, fondatrice di No'hma, ospita a Milano quattordici compagnie da tutto il mondo, valutate dalla Giuria degli Spettatori e dalla Giuria Internazionale degli Esperti. Nel corso delle sue quattordici edizioni, a partire dal 2009, il Premio Internazionale è progressivamente cresciuto in termini di risonanza, raggiungendo numeri sempre più considerevoli: ad oggi si contano oltre 60 Paesi partecipanti e 142 spettacoli per un totale di 80.000 spettatori, che grazie allo streaming e all'Onlife sono sparsi in tutto il mondo. 
Spettacoli mercoledì 29 e giovedì 30 marzo, ore 21.
L'ingresso sarà come sempre gratuito e lo spettacolo verrà trasmesso in diretta streaming sui canali del teatro.
La prenotazione è obbligatoria ed effettuabile tramite il sito Eventbrite, oppure mandando una mail a [email protected] o chiamando il numero 02/
Dance Andalucía
Manolo Carrasco
Adriano Lozano
Maria Victoria Blanco Granado
Benjamin Jimenez Leiva
Diana Anthea Peña Sciarretta
Vincent Sage Roux
Assistente al guardaroba, truccatrice e parrucchiera: Kristina Bazhkova
Produzione Eagle Records S.L.
Musiche di Manolo Carrasco
Manager Guadalupe Carrasco Tubio
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cristinabcn · 2 months
José Maya: Bailando con Mark Rothko
José Maya: Dancing with Mark Rothko TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA. Periodista, Escritora. Directora Gral. de Cultura Flamenca. Prensa Especializada Los grandes bailaores flamencos, creadores de sus propios espectáculos, llevan tiempo rivalizando en escenografías que pongan la nota vanguardista a sus espectáculos. Pero el gran bailaor José Maya con su espectáculo Color sin nombre ha roto todos los…
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
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VIRGINIA MAESTRO.. yo tambien FLIPO con tus FOTOS de ADOLESCENCIA como esta en VERONA (ROMEO Y JULIETA.. en cuyo ARENA estreno KYLIE MINOGUE "ALL THE LOVERS" del cd APHRODITE q compre en CANCUN cuando salio en JULIO 2010 y estrenando el disco en el dia del ORGULLO GAY de MADRID dandola planton los FOTOGRAFOS x llegar tarde a la reunion con la Ministra de IGUALDAD bibiana AIDO q no pudo llegar a TIEMPO desde BARCELONA y la sustituyo la nombrada MINISTRA de SANIDAD TRINIDAD JIMENEZ q fue nombrada para la crisis del VIRUS H1N1 O GRIPE A.. y luego hizo una presentacion mundial en el club AMANTE de IBIZA con una rueda de prensa actuando luego en PACHA dentro del club SWEDISH HOUSE MAFIA mientras brasileño JESUS LUZ entonces NOVIO-HIJO de MADONNA=VIRGEN.. se estrenaba como DJ en la disco SPACE donde DANNII MINOGUE conocio al padre de su hijo KRIS SMITH tras ser grabada con camaras ocultas en un TABLE DANCE O PUTI-CLUB haciendola un NUMERITO una CHICA O PUTA)..
X cierto.. con pantalones ROJOS y pintada de TERESA.. xq tu eres la q ME INTERESA y no SANTA TERESAS DE JESUS ni la PUTA ROJA DE LA PASIONARIA O DOLORES IBARRURI jaja
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tonycasanovaposts · 2 years
Guitarra Flamenca tem seu som todo especial e peculiar. Confira esta execução da musicista espanhola Teresa Jimenez.
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realmadridnews · 2 years
Valencia CF Femenino - Real Madrid Femenino 0:0
Real Madrid Femenino: Misa; Teresa, Peter, Olga, Oroz (66′ Nahikari), Asllani, Esther, Lucia, Rocio, Zornoza, Athenea (84′ Moller)
Valencia CF Femenino: Enith, Pujadas, Beltran, Jimenez, Carro (87′ Villegas), Salmi (66′ Bakker), Candela (87′ Altuve), Asun (80′ Jansen), Esther, Torroda, Bibi (80′ Ainhoa)
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qotsgifs · 2 years
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Queen of the South | 5x06 - Plata O Plomo
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jerepars · 3 years
My QOTS 5x09 live reactions:
Oscar is in the “previously on”. Oscar x Jeresa team up?
SO MUCH Kote in the “previously on”. Whyyyyyy? We already had to sit through their episodes once, isn’t that enough?
James taking off that ski mask was somehow really hot
Is it bad if I want to skip through this suburbia Kote stuff and just get to the Jeresa team up lol
“Like the devil himself he lives in the shadows” uhhhhh that was a little…YA fiction-esque. Lol who wrote that line and are they serious.
If there were two very attractive people sitting across from me, dressed like yin and yang, promising me protection like that…I think I’d be very confused LOL
Konstantin Federov? Is Kostya like, a Russian hockey player? Did he play in Detroit with the Russian Five? I am howling.
again Devon leaves the room without being a blatantly obvious Jeresa shipper. Boooooooo.
suburbia suburbia why can’t we do away with ya?
what happened to don’t come out until I tell you to?! Do you understand the consequences of death or not?
oh good job just show the neighbors you guys have a fucking arsenal in your kitchen that’s not gonna be suspicious at all
“I am a soldado, I will never put my guard down” really REALLY we all know that’s not true this is how you guys got banished to Little Rock in the first place
“it was a big raccoon” Raccoons are adorable they look like little bandits leave them alone
Jeresa are sitting ~very close~!!!!
“in the DR” As in, in the Dominican Republic? Do people really say that? Sounds like I’m watching Big Brother and they’re talking about the Diary Room LOL
Wait what Teresa is doing coke right as James leaves the room? What if he forgot something and comes back??? Does he know? Has this just been accepted by him? This is never going to be addressed, is it?
Ooh, theory time. Is the coke...not coke? Is it something else and Teresa has been building up a tolerance to it so she can appear dead?
“I know you want things to go back to normal” BACK to normal? When were things normal? Why does half the episode have to be spent on these two?
“I don’t want to live like this anymore” You…you...WHAT? Why did you join a drug cartel? You BEGGED back in with them. Proved yourself. Worked too hard, isn’t that what you said? What did you think it was going to be like?
Do we, the audience, have to suffer through the garage sale, too?
Yeah snoop through your neighbor’s mail when the whole neighborhood is around THAT’S NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL
oh it’s his little girl’s team now we have to suffer through Pote’s redemption for his misogynist sexist comments from earlier in the season
Yo, why are we only meeting Domingo now? I like this guy. He’s fun. Plus he’s got cool piercings.
aaaaand he’s dead.
Oh, okay, not dead. But injured.
omg is KA going to tell Pote to go back to Teresa where he’s happy because she doesn’t want his spirit to die? If so, I think I might want to die.
I don’t need another tender Kote moment JFC MAKE IT STOP
“You wouldn’t let me do it, so why should I let you?” Dead. Dead. DEAAAADDDDD. 😭😭😭
I love you. SAME. (I still wish T had said it first)
So no conversation. Just straight to the sex? Okay. I guess we’ll roll with it.
The way he pauses to tuck her hair away from her face and looks at her all starry-eyed when she’s on top of him. Dead. Dead. Dead dead dead.
And then they SMILE. Can you be more dead than dead? I think that’s where I’m at. 👻
Sidenote: I don’t think we’ve ever seen this much of J’s tattoos up close. This is glorious. Lol yeah because there’s sex happening and I’m looking at the details of the tattoos hahaha
The hand on the thigh to end it before the camera pans and then fade to black. That’s great. I will accept it.
She’s touching his arm in the morning after scene. There is SUNLIGHT. This is the best lit Jeresa scene of this show’s existence, lol. Holy shit.
When does she tell him she loves him? This is obviously setting us up for a goodbye.
LOLOLOLOL James is talking about weapons and making sure she’s well equipped and she’s giving him heart eyes instead sooo is she about to say it?
SHE SAID IT!!!!!!!!!
Jeresa making out. Jeresa getting it on. Jeresa kissing after a love confession. In one episode. ❤️ 🥰 🎊 💞 💓 😘 🎇 🔥 Bask in the glory. Savor it. Let’s all enjoy this and rewatch and reblog gifs etc etc etc because it’s all we’re ever going to get. 🎁
“She’s not going in without us.” “I’ll go.” OoOoOoOo this is all part of the plan isn’t it?
But when did you have time to plan this when you spent all night making out and having sex. You must have been spent. Did you multitask in bed? 😂
Scared Puppy James :( :( :(
Wait. WAIT. This is very plot holey. Kostya didn’t know anything about Teresa’s business? He’s apparently the biggest bad-ass there is and he didn’t even vet her? He just let Oksana handle it? WHATTTTTTT
The tequila isn’t poisoned. She put something on the shot glass, probably? That’s why they had Chicho talk about how Oksana was killed at the beginning. Right?
So Kostya has been elusive all season. Fucked everything up. And he dies as soon as he meets her? WHAT. Just like that. This is so deflating.
Uhhhh, listen, I get it, Teresa is obviously gonna make it out of here. But why have Kostya’s guys not shot her in the head yet? This is very unrealistic. They wouldn’t hesitate. She would be on the ground in a second.
I wish Pote had died. A final sacrifice for his family. That would have been his redemption. And I’m not apologizing for anything I just said. Full offense. Not sorry.
“You had enough on your plate.” Are you KIDDING ME? Yo WHO THE FUCK DOES CHICHO THINK HE IS? Making decisions for the boss? That’s not…that wouldn’t happen, helpful or not. Teresa would kill HIM. Know your place. Wow how nice of the writers to screw Chicho up.
“I’m only legit until Devon decides I’m not” So…okay. Jeresa have definitely talked about Devon and made the sniper plan now, right? If she’s saying this?
“Can you shut down operations in New Orleans and meet us when you’re done?” “Of course.” That’s the goodbye, isn’t it? We’re still on track for the sniper plan?
“When everything’s settled I’ll send for you.” Uh. Maybe KA is safer in Little Rock. But you’re gonna leave her out in the wind for an indefinite amount of time? OKAY.
“He may not be as nice” LOL
Omg this is like the most continuous dialogue James has had all season and it’s wasted on DEVON
Personally not a fan of this very predictable James-was-still-under-Devon’s-wing-the-whole-time because I think it’s lazy writing. Very lazy. BUT I bet in James’ mind, he’s for sure been pretending and this whole time whenever he’s been sitting boo-boo faced in the corner moping, he’s been planning out how to tell Teresa and going over the plan of how she’s going to “die” and they’re going to disappear. So he could tell her and they could execute it perfectly when the right time presented itself. Right? And that’s all going to be shoved into like the last few minutes of the finale, isn’t it?
Ah okay so sniper James is going to shoot Teresa through the window to make Devon think he followed orders. They WERE multitasking in bed. 😂😂
I knew it. I fucking knew it. It’s exactly the ending to this episode we all expected.
Finale preview: soooooooo Teresa is barely in it because she’s “dead” and we have to watch Pote carry out her “wishes” for most of it until it’s safe for her to come alive again? COME ON.
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Boaz: I'm a reverse necromancer. King George: Isn't that just killing people? Boaz: Ah, technicality.
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