#thalia bianca even silena for example.
fiovske · 2 years
man I really hope they review the writing in the pjo books and focus less on accurate book to screen adaptation and focus more on improving upon it. The books have so much to improve upon I really hope they have a writer's room good enough to handle that.
Annabeth Chase and Rachel Dare not having some dumb boy-related rivalry would be nice for a change. please write young girls and women better is what I'm saying. also don't have the characters of colour being the ones who primarily die in the narrative that would be nice. looking at Ethan Nakamura and Charles Beckendorf especially Charles Beckendorf y'all better do right by my boy Charles Beckendorf
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pelagaios-a · 7 years
Your character gets the opportunity to go back in time and change one decision they made in their past. Do they do it? If so, what do they change?
tbh for a solid ten minutes I was like “how dare” and then I went “oh no” and now I’m like “fuck what if” and this is disastrous I didn’t even know where to start… but here we go time to give it the old college try, right !!!
I think ( especially for Percy in some ways ) that this question is more then a bit convoluted. for starters I think there’s a lot out there he would love to change ??? like, honestly love to change. not small things either but big things that would impact a lot. things that haunt him at night, things he thinks about daily, the stuff that’s been piling up that he can’t get off his mind. I think a lot of it is, if he had made one different decision, would someone have lived? but there’s also things he could have done to help his mother, things he could have done to protect those he cares about, things he could have done to make his own life not suck as much. honestly ??? on this blog I touch a lot upon the idea of him joining Kronos and how if one thing went differently it’s not to far off that he would have, how close that really was. in the few short years of his life so far a lot has happened — he’s been a child of the prophecy twice over and survived two insane wars and he’s barely seventeen. there’s a laundry list of things he could ( would, possibly ) wish to change. for starters, all the deaths on his conscious. there’s a lot of people who end up dying that he blames on himself and the fact he wasn’t better so they wouldn’t have to. which is one of the things that gets me every time like, when people blame Percy for all this stuff and I’m like “you don’t think he blames himself already?” he’s a kid thrown into a mess he doesn’t understand and expected to preform to standards he can’t quite reach it’s all a lot and that’s all stuff I believe he would love to fix just because he has the power to do something if, at all, anything. the fates are cruel that way I guess.
thing is a lot of the people he would wish to save have, canonically, gone after rebirth to get their own try at a new life. so mentally Percy ??? would love to save them but why take away their opportunity at a better life ( Luke && Bianca for example ) or they have reached a state of happiness in the afterlife that they beyond deserved and bringing them back could break that ( Silena for example ). so that cuts out a lot of those options. maybe acting a bit faster ??? keeping Annabeth and himself from having to walk through Tartarus ??? but that’s part of how they are able to close the Doors of Death in a way — so what would be sacrificed if they didn’t? I think everyone gets where I’m going with this so…
in the end I want to say he’d use the opportunity, if he could, to do something for his mother. give her the life she really deserves because if nothing else Percy’s love and admiration for his mother is off the charts. he’d give up the world for her in a heartbeat. and he blames himself for the struggles she had to go through ( as a single mother raising a son who is nothing if not a problem and having to marry smelly Gabe on top of it — having to put off her life because of him ). he knows she loves him and he knows she doesn’t regret the choices she made but like ??? that doesn’t change that voice in his mind. I don’t know in what way he would try and fix this ( like we see Luke / Thalia / Annabeth run away because of their parents ) but there’s a lot of options. honestly I don’t think Percy would make it as long as either of those three just due to the fact even hidden he draws a lot of monster attention. without it? he’d have been dead pretty quickly unless there was some miracle. 
but gdi ya I guess in the end he’d do something anything to make his mothers life easier since let’s be honest Sally Jackson’s history is not the easiest. 
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