#thank you nox
sparkedblaze · 1 year
wh—what if you talked more about the delanceys in your modern au 👉🏻👈🏻
I guess I'm answering Nox's first anon, sorry. My phone is literally deleting half my post every time I try to save or post it :)
Idk what I'm gonna put in here, so I'm gonna have the usual Delanceys t/w on here and come back if I need more: Violence, fighting, cursing
I've given the overall look for the Delanceys, so here are just little things that I think about with them + modern au:
They both would hate fast food. It's greasy and disguting.
Oscar's the one who cooks the food for them. Morris can if he really tries, but Oscar's just better at it.
They have a joint twitter account, it's just easier that way. Morris is absolute trash at remembering passwords (look at me projecting) so it's easier when Oscar also knows the log in info, and uses it regularly so he doesn't also forget.
Oscar is aro/ace, and is hella confused and frustrated when Morris gets crushes because they're supposed to be in this together
Morris doesn't understand why Oscar is so upset that he mentioned how pretty York had been that day. It was just an observation.
That's how all his crushes start. An observation. "Did you see York's hair was in a ponytail instead of a bun today?" "Did Graves finally have the surgery he'd been planning?" "Jack Kelly has a boyfriend now. His eyes are blue like the sky." It's the little differences he notices that always catch his attention.
Oscar doesn't make Morris eat things he doesn't like. This might not seem like a big deal, but their Uncle Wies had always made them finish what was on their plate, even if Morris was sobbing and pleading and begging not to.
Oscar, on the other hand, will clear a plate no matter the contents. He's grateful just to have food at all (though he doesn't cook anything he doesn't like, so this is mostly for get togethers)
Their job is more than just them liking fighting. It's about quenching a bloodthirst that sits deep in their bellies. It makes them feel whole, whereas someone like York does it because he's good at it and makes decent money. He isn't completely dependent on the actions in the ring to live a complete life.
Morris isn't good with words. Putting them together is hard. Remembering them is even harder. And trying to string along enough to make sense to someone that isn't Oscar is next to impossible.
That being said, he's incredibly good with numbers. Birthdays, holidays, counting. Once he learns how to do number things, he remembers is. Once he learns long division, he can do that shit in his head.
I feel like I need to put a list of the stims and quirks I think Morris has, so here: Chirping when excited, flappy hands (both when excited and when trying to get off the bad sensories), crab claws when thinking, hopping over the last step in a staircase, clacking his teeth together when he's anxious, snapping when he needs to/is trying to remember something, rocking back and forth, tapping his fingers, cracking knuckles.
Oscar collects vinyl records. And Morris likes to go to the vinyl section of every store that has them to find something for Oscar.
Morris likes rock music. Oscar does too, but prefers quieter music. He probably really likes something lame like jazz, but uses rock or metal to get pumped before a fight.
Morris is still wearing most of the same clothes he wore in high school (why fix what ain't broke?)
Oscar dresses nicely. They grew up with practically nothing. He allows himself to have nice clothes, to remind him of where they came from and what all their hard work has achieved.
They avoid Wiesel. They avoid the Refuge. They're always traveling, and don't have a house. They don't have roots set down. They feel like they don't belong anywhere because of this. Because they're always staying in different hotel rooms and going to different states for different fights.
I hope this tickles your fancy. These are thoughts making it through my frustrated haze, so I'm sorry if this sucks :)
Ily <3!!!
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isjasz · 9 months
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[Day 69]
“I’m not going to kill you.”
Kinda from @mochiwrites and @hitheeprithee 's fic ties of string and sand i hate you guys happy day 69 mfs <3
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ruushes · 2 months
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goofy fun pranking times ahead
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monkiinart · 5 months
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"It all ends the same way.. with me observing."
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reksigh · 24 days
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abyssal-glory · 7 months
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vector portrait for digital imaging class of RGB!! hey go read The Property of Hate if you haven’t already btw it’s an amazing comic by @modmad that i’ve been hotglued to since my junior year of high school.
big thank you to mod for giving their permission/blessing to wrestle with this horrible tv bastard in adobe illustrator for the express purpose of shilling him and this comic to my unsuspecting class <3
(edit: god okay pls click for fullscreen. hogy shit)
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extreme-neutral · 3 months
If your Sidestep was a worm, who would they trust to take care of them?
Oh no! I got the ask worm!!
Oh well
That's a nobrainer:
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The Girls!
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. 𝔑𝔶𝔵 .
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anatheyma · 10 days
bf's package came today i'm LOSING MY MIND
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lilakennedy · 8 months
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Encountered the Songsorrow on the trail ride and it decided to abduct me :0
It's not a bug, it's just a feature at this point! Yes, I do not own this horse.
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abyssalmermaiden · 6 months
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updated Aryaille's recovery look thanks to @wrenanigans / @caerbannogs for the torso bandage!!!!
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sparkedblaze · 11 months
(modern au) morris and oscar having briefly attended manhattan’s high school during all their moving around before they both left mainstream school, so the manhattan boys would sometimes find evidence of them around the school.
race noses through behaviour ledgers while in trouble himself and finds a file on oscar, the biggest and most detailed he’s ever seen and including several police reports on the brothers’ many guardians and carers. crutchie sees morris in the back of a class photograph, scrawny and skinny and covered in bruises, hunched into himself like he’s trying not to exist. one of the boys is in a SEN (special educational needs) class and sees morris’ name on a drawer of work, wonders… what was wrong with him. if he’s over it now. trying to connect these glimpses of these boys with the ruthless monsters jack talks about.
Toni chewed on the pencil in his hand, watching the teacher move around with the other kids. Stupid common core math making them all have to learn one specific way. Toni looked down at his paper, over the thirty or so problems he had to solve by the end of class.
He was surprised she was making them do it the 'correct' way. Eight or ten kids with mild learning disabilities trying to conform to society's thinking? It'd be a feat if they even finished the page.
He read through the first one, a paragraph of words he had to sift through. He scribbled down the numbers in the problem, labeling what each of them was, huffing as he wrote down what he was solving for.
That was as far as he got before he started doodling in the margins of the paper. The drawings were crude and messy, of simple things like sports balls or flowers. He looked up at the clock, thinking it had to have been at least ten minutes.
No more than three had passed.
For fucks sake.
He chewed at the end of his pencil again, knee bouncing in an attempt to focus.
Put your energy somewhere else. Find somewhere to channel it.
He shifted the binder he was wearing, the fabric rough and uncomfortable against his skin.
His leg bounced faster as he scrawled the formula across the page. He could do this. He could do this. He could do this.
If he couldn't, ma would be disappointed. If ma got disappointed, he'd have to sit through another one of her lectures, and he wasn't sure he could handle that.
He glanced toward the window, and his hand shot up, looking up at the teacher. "Ma'am? Can we finish class outside?"
Miss Tawri looked outside as well, then at the few other kids in with them, who were all looking up at her, beaming with excitement.
She sighed, nodding. "Fine, fine, alright. Everyone get your things! We're going to sit under the oak."
The announcement earned cheers from the group, and they all scrambled to get their stuff.
They followed her outside, Toni walking arm in arm with Jonathan, bags slung over their shoulders.
"Y'know, Johnny," Toni started with a smirk. "You'd probably do better at reading if you had a pair o' glasses. I could get you Julian's, if you want. Their folks can get 'em another pair."
Jonathan laughed, shaking their head. "Absolutely not. You think I'm gonna be able to see through those coke bottles?"
Toni laughed with them, rolling his eyes. "Whatever you say, Johnny Boy."
They laid their blankets out on the ground, sitting on them, in a circle around the teacher. Toni patted his pockets, checked behind his ears, and checked his mouth.
His hand shot up again. "Miss Tawri, I don't have my pencil!"
"I don't have one either, Antonio. Go and get yours from inside."
He sighed dramatically, dropping his books onto the blanket next to Jonathan. “I’ll be back, I guess.”
He headed inside, taking his sweet ass time, wanting to get away from the worksheet for as long as possible.
He pushed open the door, flipping the lights, going to get his pencil off the desk, immediately bringing it to his lips again, chewing absentmindedly.
He turned slowly, looking at the filing cabinets behind the desk. His eyes went alright as he found the drawer labeled ‘Projects’.
That was where she kept all their old stuff. Toni had seen her thumbing through it when she thought they were all busy or distracted.
He went over, pulling the drawer open, thumbing through them. He grinned as he found his own file, reaching for it, but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw one labeled with only a last name, unlike the others which had a first and last.
They had been in this class?!
He sank to the floor, getting comfortable as he thumbed through the file. He saw worksheets that had been doodled on instead of filled out. There were coloring sheets that looked like they'd been colored by a toddler-outside the lines and colors all over the place. There were a few worksheets that were half-finished, written in Oscar's tiny, illegible handwriting.
He found some IEPs, eyes widening.
He shouldn't look at this. he shouldn't read through the teachers' notes on the brothers. His eyes shouldn't wander the red writing warning of violence and threats and tantrums and breakdowns and demanding something change. He shouldn't be skimming the worries about what was happening at home, the notes to CPS and principals about how the teachers worry about them showing with bruises and cuts and broken bones.
He shouldn't do that. He shouldn't do any of those things.
He set the IEPs aside, looking through drawings. They were clearly by Morris, of simple things like home and a family.
He found a drawing of someone who looked suspiciously like Medda, holding hands with someone who was almost definitely Morris, who was also holding hands with a grumpy boy who was absolutely his older brother.
He sucked in a breath, staring at the paper in his hand. He turned it over, Morris's name written across the back, Oscar's neat handwriting dating it beneath.
He did some quick math.
It was before she'd even fostered Jack.
It was the first time they'd stayed with her.
He looked through a few more, finding different drawings of different things Morris thought was important. They were all happy drawings.
How could the boy who drew all of these be the monster Jack wrote him out to be?
The kind to attack someone over something as simple as a blanket.
What happened to them?
He jumped as the door opened, ducking behind the teacher's desk, scrabbling for the papers, shoving most of them back in the folder, and putting it back where it belonged, silently pushing the drawer closed.
He held his breath, waiting, listening for footsteps.
"Toni?" he heard Jonathan's voice, and let out a sigh of relief.
He folded the paper and tucked it into his shirt pocket. He popped up with a smirk.
"Miss me already?"
Jonathan rolled his eyes. "No, Miss Tawri was wondering where you went."
They looked over him, raising a brow suspiciously. "What are you doing, Toni?"
He grinned. "Looking through my file."
They scoffed. "So, nothing interesting, then?"
Toni's eyes went wide. "Johnny! How could you?"
"Pretty easily, actually."
Toni stood, rolling his eyes, going to his bag, slipping the drawing into it, digging through it. "Johnny, do you know where I set my pencil?"
Jonathan laughed at him, moving over, yanking it from his mouth, making Toni whine. "What? You asked."
"Let's go, before she gets mad."
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wandanatsbaby · 4 months
Oh! I got my first tattoo back in January. The amazingly talented @yelenasdiary designed it for me! It's wonderful and I love it so much.
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ruushes · 23 days
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tagged by @ghostwise for wip wednesday!! it’s not wednesday anymore but it’s lae’zel appreciation hours at all times
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xnoctifers-eveningx · 2 months
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My adventure and haul from today, best Easter in a bit !! I found a very young deer, turtle, possible coyote, freshwater mussel shells, and some jasper/chert/chalcedony. I've never been into these woods before but I grabbed my hagstones and some companions and ventured out. I'm not keeping all the bones but I'm so thankful and happy to have come across them :)
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ruffled-serpent · 6 days
Did you see Accent: The Collector for F faes???
no i just woke up *frantically runs to flight rising dot com*
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BUGGGGGG <3 <3 <3 <3
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