#thanks a bunch!! I'll be going back to speedrunning this lmao
abel-draws · 1 year
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I'm an industrial design and product development engineer and I'm in my last year of university, working on my dissertation.
For said dissertation I'm working on a desk designed from the very beginning to focus on making the struggles of people with ADHD a bit easier, keping the price as affortable as possible.
Before developing the product further, I would like to gather information from adults (16+) with ADHD (it can be self-diagnosed) related to desk preferences, ADHD struggles and what tactics each person uses to make their life easier.
If you would like to help, please fill in the survey in the next link! It will only take around 5 minutes. Thanks a lot!
If you can't take the survey, sharing it is enormously appreciated!
The survey will be availeable for a week, from the 8th of April to the 15th of April, 2023.
As an update to this:
First of all, I would like to thank everyone who participated. It was incredibly heartlifting and motivating to see how many people were willing to helpout and provide information. It helped me a lot BUT
Uni sucks ass :) my teacher, who didn't warn me about this beforehand, said that I could not use the survey at all in the dissertation due to it not being done officially with the uni :) so..... I wrote 30 pages of survey analysis for nothing woo :)
She also made me change the whole core concept of it (making something affordable that'd fit the needs and preferences of people with ADHD, turning it into an expensive as hell, techy thing) so that she'd let me pass :)
That is to say, university is the worst but I am free and I still learnt a lot from this. I'd love to do a desk for myself one day at least using this, maybe publish the blueprints or something, but doing custom furniture is not cheap sajlkfsajlkf it'd still be quite nice tho
University is a lie but I am Free from it at last so I can thrive. Life beyond the walls of uni is more beautiful lmao
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