#thanks eri for rbing the art
calamity-unlocked · 1 year
Sometimes your zip line park isn't doing well and you have a shift of 4 hours without any people so instead you sit in a tree and write fanfiction on your phone.
Anyways this little thing is based on @manitapaleta 's GORGEOUS art piece, link here if you haven't been graced with it yet.
841 words - Nark
CWs: mentions of boldily harm, blood, injury
The touch of Lark’s hand was cold on Nick’s face, methodical in the way it moved, but lingering every so often, causing Nick’s breath to catch in his throat.
They were quiet, Lark focused on his task, Nick focused on trying not to wince.
Were the circumstances different, they’d probably be screaming at each other until their throats were torn raw. But Lark was apparently concussed – how he’d managed to achieve that he had refused to disclose – and Nick’s sympathetic nervous system still hadn’t completely calmed down after a full minute of believing his son was dead and then reliving multiple traumas at the same time.
Neither of them were at their best right now, and wanted to prevent getting into a fight that was sure to dredge up painful memories they’d both rather leave locked away alongside the skeletons in their closets. There was plenty of time for fighting later. Right now, the soft, tentative silence between them was being held in place with a mixture of bone-aching tiredness, the desire to keep their children safe, and an all-consuming hatred for Willy Stampler which made their personal feuds pale in comparison.
Willy was still out there. In their fight, Nick had wounded the bastard enough that afterward his semi-light-hearted ‘you should see the other guy’ hadn’t fallen flat. Lark, bleeding from his face and about as talkative as a gravestone, got stuck on demon-sitting duty while the others were chasing Willy, trying to make sure he didn’t get away.
Lark had gruffly asked if Nick was okay with him treating the wounds Willy’s magic knife had caused, seeing how Nick wouldn’t do a great job at it in his armless state. Why he’d offered, Nick couldn’t fathom. Why Nick had accepted was even more of a mystery.
Now, after his arm had been reattached and he’d regained a bit of agency, Nick’s gaze trailed over Lark’s toned arms which were so steadily tending to his face, to the look in his eyes that was too concentrated to be tender, but nevertheless devoid of the burning tenacity that used to always be present there.
Okay. So maybe it wasn’t that much of a mystery.
Nick was holding a bloodied cloth rag he’d previously used to keep pressure on the cut, gripping it tight like a stress ball, betraying how tense he was. He was shirtless and vulnerable, and he shouldn’t trust the man who’d loved him and betrayed him, but for some reason, he did.
Lark had cleaned the long cut running diagonally over Nick’s left cheek, and was now gently applying a layer of antiseptic cream that smelled vaguely like cranberries.
“‘S probably gonna scar,” Lark mumbled, sounding as tired as Nick felt.
“Figures,” Nick said, trying to make his tone light. “Fate’s really trying to turn me into a full-on action hero.”
“Fate’s a bitch.”
Lark pulled his shoulders back a bit when he seemed done with the scream, but not his hand. His fingers lingered on the line of Nick’s jaw and he applied a tiny bit of pressure, like a barber moving his head to see the final result. His thumb brushed over Nick’s lips – accidentally? On purpose?
Whatever the intention, Nick’s breath went shallow. Every inch of his bare skin felt hyper-exposed.
Lark’s focus was still on the lower side of Nick’s face, specifically on his lips, as though those also needed his soft-touched care– nope. Cut that thought, Nicky, bad idea. Don’t go there.
The thing was, Nick was pretty sure he could.
He could lean in. He could lean in and close his eyes and pretend that they had both forgotten the past ten years, ignoring how those lonely years had fundamentally changed them as people. He could throw caution and sensibility to the wind, just to feel that spark again.
He wouldn’t. But he could.
He wanted to.
Lark looked up at him, finally. Hesitance and regret swirled in those dark-brown pools, or maybe that was just Nick’s hopeful imagination. He didn’t remove his hand. His thumb stilled on the corner of Nick’s mouth, while his other fingers had trailed down to his neck. His heartbeat pulsed against Lark’s pinkie, betraying the way his body was reacting to their closeness much in the same way as how Lark had seemed to stop breathing altogether.
“Nicky, I…” Lark started.
The door of the med bay slammed open, startling both of them.
“He fucking got away,” Grant sighed, the others coming in behind him, looking bruised but not too worse for wear.
“Shit,” Lark cursed, the hand that had been on Nick’s face a few seconds ago clenching into a fist. The familiar ice-cold determination that left no space for warmth returned to the look in his eyes, and he abruptly stood up and joined the others, muttering in hushed tones about their next course of action.
Nick remained seated on the bench, trying frantically to get his heartbeat under control again, biting the inside of his cheek so hard he tasted iron.
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artsyaprilmr · 2 years
Heeey, two announcements
1. I can see that the interactions with my Armenia related posts went down, so I assume anyone who wanted to support us and reblog them already did that. Frankly, I'm also getting overwhelmed with how my art blog looks like, so I will be rbing them once a week. I will still be posting here news and new action items. Also, thank you to those who kept the word going by sharing the posts. It was more than I expected but less than I would like lol... But still really thank you. Unfortunately, the az*eri invasion is still ongoing and I'm asking you to keep an eye on Armenia and continue supporting Armenians, donating and sharing petitions and letters.
2. I am planning to open commissions soon, when exactly I will tell in a separate post. A part of the price will go towards armenian charities, so if you would like to support me and my people - stay tuned.
That's all, everyone, have a good day! 💕
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