#that's the newscast from the avengers deleted scene of steve being unbearably sad
bedlamsbard · 2 years
For anyone who missed it earlier, I posted some concept writing today!  This is for the “HYDRA took over SHIELD before Steve came out of the ice” AU (which gets tagged as the “WS Steve AU concept” even though it’s not really a Winter Soldier AU) and we’ll see if it ever develops more.  I’ve got one other scene vaguely in mind for it, but it’s definitely on my list of “concepts that COULD develop into full stories, but I’ve got enough WIPs as it is.”  (Usually something stays as concept writing if it doesn’t have enough keystone scenes or doesn’t have keystones that are far apart enough in the narrative, and this one doesn’t right now.)
About 550 words written today -- was hoping to finish this chapter in draft today, but Sunday Zoom and general other stuff meant that that didn’t happen.  Sundays, you know.
Snippet from The Horizon Line chapter 7.
Steve put a hand to his forehead, fighting back nausea and disorientation.  He had gotten the shit kicked out of him more than a few times since he had gotten the serum eight or seventy-five years ago, but every time he woke up after he felt like he was five foot four and ninety pounds and had just gotten beat up in one back alley or another.
“War!  With the forces of darkness pressing in from the east, from the west, America heeds the call to fight for freedom.”
He went still at the sound, though he could tell immediately that it wasn’t a living person’s voice. It might have been years since he had heard news announcers with that particular cadence, but it would have been unmistakable even if he hadn’t recognized the broadcast immediately; no one today had any real style.  Flickers of light and movement passed across his closed eyelids before Steve pressed his hand over them.
“And at the front of the fight, shoulder to shoulder with our battling boys, is Captain America!”
The surface beneath him was hard and unyielding and he could tell from the pressure against his shoulder blades and hipbones that he wasn’t in his tactical gear.  When he let his hand trail down from his eyes across his face he felt clean-shaven skin beneath his fingers, a quick flash of pain from a shaving cut on his jaw, one he knew he hadn’t given himself, since he had been growing out his beard for a while now.
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