#the 'first impressions' part of this was written ages ago in a headachey haze
ophclos · 4 years
SEND ✵ FOR MY MUSE TO ANSWER          —   REVANELAN   |   @irsalladin   |   ACCEPTING
FIRST IMPRESSION: This gets three parts. Ophelia’s very first impression of Inquisitor Revan came in the form of second-hand accounts. Overheard between other gossip in village squares or used to bolster a hunting or battle story in taverns -- she knew there was some truth to every tale, but taking the time to sift through it all for those common threads at that stage, when she was gradually making her own way to the Inquisition’s base in the Frostbacks to meet the Inquisitor for herself? She just tried to treat most of it the way she treated stories of herself: amusing, but nothing to be taken seriously. Varric’s letters held a bit more weight, but she knew he could spin a tale as good as any, and if his letters being read by others could pose any risk of compromising the Inquisition or Inquisitor themself, he’d probably padded his own accounts with exaggerations and omissions too. So why she knew the Inquisitor was real, all those overheard stories left the impression of a figure somehow larger than life.
The second first impression was of a beautiful figure at Skyhold. Enchanting eyes, she’d carried herself in a way that left no doubt: she knew what she wanted. Everyone else fell away for a while after that. It being Ophelia’s last night of relative anonymity in Skyhold, getting to touch and be touched, for once not having to lead or be in control was intoxicating. Though she never caught a name, Ophelia had never offered her own either, and each seemed content with that arrangement. The look and feel of the one silk glove the other wore made Ophelia think perhaps she was of the nobility, or was covering some sort of distinctive scar or tattoo (that this could be the Inquisitor covering up that glowing Fade-touched mark never quite occurred to her, but she forgives herself the slip: they had both been putting in the effort to keep each other’s minds -- and arms, and mouths -- in other places). It was an encounter that had left her satisfied and content, enough so that her sleep after the fact was almost peaceful, for once.
And then came the following morning. Her first real, knowing encounter with the Inquisitor. In those moments, the fear of Varric somehow figuring it out surpassed everything, even the threat of Corypheus and the possible end of Thedas. But now she knew. Not everything, but enough. She knew the far-fetched stories and the embittered Chantry criticism, and she knew the Inquisitor was flesh and blood and bone and breath, and she knew Varric had enough trust in Revanelan to invite Hawke to the table to share her side of events leading up to this point. She didn’t know her deeply, or personally, but it didn’t matter. With Skyhold’s grounds sprawling beneath their gaze, she recognized a familiar weight on the Lady Inquisitor’s shoulders, a change in her face as she sought information from Hawke, and that was all she needed to see, to know, she would commit to the Inquisition. 
CURRENT IMPRESSION: She’s absolutely fascinated by the way Revan seems to balance the overwhelming power and pressure and responsibilities of the Inquisition, the unknowns of the Mark and of Corypheus and every snaking tendril of his influence, and just... being Normal? Maintaining a sense of humour, finding time to pursue smaller interests and help resolve “smaller” issues. The weight of the world is on her shoulders, and at times, you can see it, and Ophelia never likes the idea of feeling or expressing pity for anyone, but Maker there’s something in her that wishes she could ease that burden, though she’d never want to be the one in Revan’s place. [side-eyes Ophelia’s Inquisitor verse...] But then she’ll crack a joke, or pick up some piece of ‘junk’ on the road and remember overhearing a widow from three towns back mentioning some family heirloom matching this item and turn around to return it, or cover up the mark and slip into the crowd at the Herald’s Rest and Ophelia wonders why she ever came close to that pitying feeling, because the Inquisitor sure seems to be handling and balancing life much better than she ever could’ve imagined. She’s just not sure if she buys it, yet, but she’s in awe of Revan for doing as well as they have been so far. Mostly, though, she just appreciates being one of the privileged few to actually know who the Inquisitor is, not only by name and title and legend, and that she’s been so welcoming to Varric even with his stash of secrets, and that, as far as Ophelia can see, Revanelan is doing the best she can to save as many people as possible, and keep the world not only intact but maintain some of the compassion and integrity that many throw aside during times of crisis.
ATTRACTION: Uh, yeah, duh.
SOMETHING FRIGHTENING: The amount of damage Revan can take in a fight is, like, inhuman, and if Ophelia were fighting against her she would be terrified by that fact. Being on the same side, though, she’s more concerned about the emotional toll that comes with being named Inquisitor, as well as the physical and psychic damage the mark could be doing to Revan. Oh, and on the flipside of the first point, when she’s made aware of the fact that the damage isn’t negated completely, just postponed, THAT scares the hell out of her because 1) What the hell, how and why?! but 2) What if one day it’s Too Much? Oh, and there’s that weird Spirit that just seems to hang out near Revan’s presence in the Fade constantly... Ophelia’s not sure what it’s about (yet), and it’s not exactly frightening but she’s a little unsure of it all.
WOULD MY MUSE SACRIFICE THEMSELF FOR YOURS: Yeah. That’s Ophelia’s whole vibe as an Inqusition companion, Warden-adjacent contact, or Hawke cameo. Honestly, if Revan DOESN’T leave her in the Fade so everyone else can escape, she will be pissed (unless Loghain is also there, I guess.) But even in less extraodinary circumstances and fights, yes. In part because she knows how important Revan is as Inquisitor, and as the one possessing the mark, but it does become more personal in time.
WOULD THEY GO ON A (ROMANTIC/PLATONIC) DATE: Ophelia calls all party outings “group dates” (like The Bachelor), so yes.
ONE-WORD DESCRIPTION: Power/Potential [specific word to be updated here later, if I ever come up with it -- this is why I was asking for that word on d.scrd!]
WOULD MY MUSE SLAP YOURS: No. I guess... Spank, maybe? If Revan’s into it...? It’s not Ophelia’s first choice, though lmao.
HUGGING AND/OR KISSING: I feel like there’d be more kissing than hugging for starters, just because you can kinda get away with kissing as just another part of “just sex” as opposed to hugs and cuddling and spooning. But slow-burn to friendly hugs, then maybe to romantically holding each other, to kisses for the sake of kisses, tender and sweet and passionate and rushed and desperate and joyous and... They could build to it, for sure.
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