#the amount of gender envy he gives me is unmatched
bitfruity · 8 months
i have never been so obsessed and in love with a man before in my life
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like as a teenager i liked bands and thought some members were kinda cute but NOTHING has prepared me for the teenage girl in my 20’s level infatuation i have for this man
and then he had the AUDACITY to bring another one into the mix
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words cannot explain the amount of gender envy tommy gives me do i want him or do i want to be him?? i look at some pictures of him and go THATS ME THATS HOW I SEE MYSELF
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grimoire-of-seven · 4 years
a slow dance?
PROMPT :: Dance Me Into A Stupor
Rating: SFW || Barbatos’ Warning: Out-of-context spoiler for Belphie’s prompt
Words: 250-400 words per character
Characters: Demon brothers + MC / Gender-neutral Reader
Notes: This isn’t… my usual quality of writing but please be patient with me! I’m running late on a few school deadlines so I’ve crammed this a bit to keep up with the schedule. I hope everyone still liked this! And I’ll do my best on the next prompts (ಥ﹏ಥ)
“So…?�� You asked, eyes staring at Lucifer’s for inquiry. 
The two of you were on a firm waltz hold, the closed position led by the Avatar of Pride stood strong and proud in the middle of the ballroom. Diavolo’s lavish parties never get old in this part of Devildom.
You absolutely love attending such events, considering that a certain someone is always wearing those stylish high-class suits. So form-fitting and deliciously snug on the–
“Well,” Breaking character from his usual calm facade, the ravenet broke off eye contact with you, his voice laced with… guilt? “I suppose an apology is past overdue…?”
You blinked once.
“Apology for what?” 
He started at you for a few moments, bewildered at the nonchalant answer. 
“My behaviour from our first dance, during the third day of the retreat in Lord Diavolo’s castle.” He explained briefly, the following words were chosen carefully, “I was quite concerned for my brothers’ well-being that I threatened you.”
Oh, that…
“You weren’t threatened at all, were you?” Lucifer grinned at you with a seemingly concerned face. 
“I probably was,” You replied, but then sheepishly lowered your gaze in embarrassment, “But then I forgot about it.” 
The dark-haired demon shook his head in affection, “What am I going to do with you..?” 
Dances… aren’t really your thing. The first time you’ve danced with a demon here in Devildom, Lucifer was whisking you away with an unnaturally strong hold and whispering death threats above your head. 
It’s the kind of thing that makes you not want to participate in the waltz. Ever.
That is, until Mammon, all in his glorious demon-form, walked up to you with that adorable blushing face. For a moment, he stood still. Hesitation is visible in his face and it seemed that he was struggling in forming cohesive sentences.
Does he want to…?
“W-Well, if ya a-ain’t got a partner like the loser Levi is, the Great Mammon is still w-willing to spare his first dance with ya.” He said to you, forcing out the words from his mouth. 
As if you can say no to Mammon’s roundabout way of inquiry. “I’d love to dance with you, Mammon.”
“Y-Yeah, of course ya do.” The Avatar of Greed huffed, offering his hand, “U-Unlike last time when… when Lucifer’s got all buddy-buddy with ya as if his stinky ass’ got a pact with ya.”
“Oh…” So that’s what this is about… With a slight giggle, you positioned yourself infront of him at a standard waltz hold, “If it’s any consolation… I was hoping to have my first dance with you, back then.”
Processing your statement, he remained silent and eyes were as wide as the full moon seen from the hall. The white-haired demon’s expression changed from surprise to doubt to happiness within a split second. 
“Really?” He breathed out in disbelief, searching your visage for any trace of a lie.
“Are ya tellin’ the truth?” Mammon’s grip on your hands tightened, as if he doesn’t want to let go, “Like, really???”
He laughed, a genuine one in a long time, and waltzed you onto the dancefloor all night long. 
Hand in hand with Levi, the two of you shared a moment under the moonlight as Lucifer forced the two of you ‘loners’ into participating at the festivities. 
Levi kept his eyes down, seemingly more interested in the floor than dancing with you. 
You can’t really fault him. Lucifer had dragged the whole house with him to this ball, and it was evident that the Avatar of Envy did not like the plan one bit. 
You opened your mouth to break the ice but was cut short by the purple-haired demon, “Man, Asmo took the time to dress you up but your clothes are still all super long.” 
“It can’t be helped.” You shook your head with a smile. 
At least Levi is also trying to make conversation, rather than completely sulking at the situation you’re both in. 
“We didn’t have the time to have it altered.”
“You know, in one of my favourite shoujo anime, ‘I’m a Cafe Maid But It’s A Top Secret Because I Am The Emperor’s Daughter Who Ran Away From My Responsibilities Because My Dad Is Forcing Me To Marry’,” He started rambling, a slight blush peppered his pale skin, “There’s a part where the princess slips on her dress and one of her suitors, a NEET gaming-addict who is also a shut in and doesn’t have any friends except for his pet fish, caught her and it’s so romantic–”
He stopped mid-sentence, foot slipping at the excessive amount of cloth on your fur coat. 
“Woah, careful, Levi!” You caught him, one hand cradling him by the shoulders and the other stabilizing him from the small of his back to avoid a sudden fall. Levi held on to you for support, momentarily paralyzed.
“.…!” He met your worried gaze, his face heating up at your closeness and the warmth of your arms surrounding him. 
“Are you okay?” You asked, holding him tight liken of a fragile porcelain vase that will shatter if you let him fall, “Did you hurt yourself?”
“I-I-I-I’m fine…” 
Little did you know, his mind was already racing at the possibilities of him being in a shoujo anime with him as the princess and you as his knight and shining armour. 
Liken of a true gentleman that he is, Satan offered you his hand at the waltz the moment Lord Diavolo ended his speech. He brought you to the middle of the dance floor, leading you with graceful movements - with a fiery spark in his eyes. It’s as if the blonde is showing off his skills to everyone in Devildom. 
From the corner of your eyes, you saw Lucifer dancing, almost as gracefully, with a rather alluring witch. 
Ah, Satan’s as competitive as usual, you thought to yourself, forcing yourself to not roll your eyes at the realization. That would be rude.
With his usual grin, he spoke, “You look amazing. The clothes Asmo picked for you fits you perfectly.”
E-Excuse me, what?
“T-Thank you.” You nodded politely at his words, feeling the rush of your blood on your cheeks.
Satan held you closer, whispering sensually by your right ear, “Your scent is different tonight, too. Something… mysterious.”
Woah–! “Aren’t you…”
The Avatar of Wrath dropped his tone, the type that sent chills down your spine, “You smell delicious–”
“Okay, what gives, Satan?” You pouted at his mischief, shoving him ever so slightly to regain what was left of your personal space. “What’s with all the super specific comments?”
He laughed with great amusement, surprised that you caught on to his jeers quite fast, “I get to see your pretty blushing face.”
“Not fair!”
“I’m not lying, though.” Satan’s expression changed, his visage now conveying a much more genuine smile, “I wanted to show you off to everyone, all in your blushing glory.”
Ever since the party started, Asmo hasn’t left your side. Much to Mammon’s absolute horror, the Avatar of Lust has kept his arms around your own all throughout the ceremonies. 
He has been flirting with you the whole night with his usual string of compliments. 
‘Your eyes gleam whenever you see him, as if there’s a galaxy bursting within them.’ 
‘Your lips were absolutely alluring, he’d spend hours kissing you and appreciating them as much as he could.’ 
‘The way your clothes fit your frame so delicately that he wants to ravish you while you–’ 
It was embarrassing to hear, given that there’s eight of you on the table and the peach-haired demon did not consider lowering his tone. Everyone in the table most definitely heard his soft yet aggressive comments. 
It never stopped even until the two of you were dancing together in the waltz. Asmodeus held you in a firm hold, his natural beauty has always struck you whenever he’s this close, “Aren’t our clothes absolutely stunning?”
“They are, Asmo.” You smiled at him, only now do you ever feel the butterflies on your stomach at his words. “Your eye for beauty is unmatched.”
“Of course!” He swayed with you gracefully, his aura of sensuality piercing through the roof at the sight of him in his three piece suit, “This is a special night, I wouldn’t pass off the opportunity to show you off to the whole of Devildom!”
“That is so like you.”Giggling at his comment, you allowed yourself to finally relax and take in his praises. This intimacy is so much better than the earlier situation at the table. 
“Come on, honey, give me a graceful twirl~” Asmo beamed at you, leading you into a twirl step with much finesse. 
“And again!”
“And again!”
“No-!” Feeling dizzy and slightly nauseous at the repeated spin, you tripped on your own shoes and find Asmodeus holding you stable. Sighing at the charming demon’s whims, you shook your head with a smile, “Asmo, this is a slow dance not tango.”
The night is still young yet you sought refuge on the balcony, silently watching the moon from a nearby bench. Nights in the Devildom are often colder than the ones in the human world… 
But then again, after months of staying here, how do you compare when traces of the human world get lost in your grasp every moment you spend down here?
You imagine the contrast of the bright sun during summers above and the dim light everyday here in–
“You look like you’re lost in thought.” A voice pulled you from your own thoughts, your head moving ever so slightly to confirm the person who joined you on the balcony.
It’s Beel.
“Ah, well…” You shrugged, rubbing your arms to stave a bit of the chill in the air, “I’m just a bit exhausted from socializing. Formal parties aren’t my thing.”
“It isn’t my thing, too.” The red-haired demon peeled off his coat, gently putting it over your shoulders and sat beside you, “I can’t eat all the food on the table. Lucifer is glaring daggers every time I try. He’s telling me that we’re representing Lord Diavolo’s name so I have to behave.”
You chuckled at his words. Lucifer sounds so much like a father to his siblings. 
“We’ll get you some food at home. I’ll cook you some homemade–”
“Do you want to dance?” The Avatar of Gluttony asked you, the sounds of the orchestra from behind the two of you suddenly registering in your mind at the offer.
He wants to dance? 
“It’s just the two of us here…” He stated, holding out his hand towards you, “We can take it slow so you won’t get exhausted.”
You held his coat closer to you, the corners of your lips curling up at the saccharine proposal. “You’re too sweet, Beel.”
You took his hand.
Despite the rough beginnings of your relationship with him, he tried his best to mend and gain your trust - this time, genuinely. 
He’s always been so sweet yet there’s always a distance he’s kept whenever he’s with you. You can’t fault him. Perhaps the guilt of his past actions is always at the back of his mind… 
You wanted to help him get past this. And the solution to your questions is today’s dance. 
It’s your first dance with Belphegor. 
Everything has been laid out perfectly in your mind. You’ll talk to him about it, he’ll answer you honestly and your relationship with him will be a lot stronger than before. Quite Disney-esque but you had to try.
That is… until he declared something that slipped your mind. 
“I want to sleep.” He groggily announced, your dance slowing down much more sluggish than the actual tune of the waltz. 
“Belphie, come on.” You tried to alert his senses a bit, hoping that he won’t sleep on you, literally, while the music is playing. “It’s Lord Diavolo’s birthday, we have to participate.”
The ravenet yawned, his hands slipping from yours, “The orchestra is playing lullabies, how can I not…”
“Stay with me!” With all your might, you tried to support Belphie’s weight, looking around to see something that would wake him up.
“Look, even Mammon is hitting it up on the dance floor…” Is he fucking dancing dougie… on a damn waltz?! This isn’t a dance battle, Mammon!!!
Scandalized at his inappropriate dance to a waltz, you shrugged it off, “Okay, we’re not watching him.” 
“You’re as soft and warm as a pillow.” Belphie rubbed his head against yours, his body now shamelessly draped over yours while you struggled to lead him to the dance.
“D-Don’t you think this is a bit too close for a formal dance, Belphie?”
Very heavy!
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