#the anti-ecto-laws where signed less than a year ago
ilovereading5252 · 9 months
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Danny knows he can get a bit hyper focused. Especially if it concerns him personally. So maybe he didn’t notice that other places also had ghost problems. So what? He fixed it didn’t he. He even said sorry, all right. He will pay more attention from now on.
The Justice League, probably: It’s alright, we forgive you, but what did you do with them?
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samgirl98 · 1 year
Cain and Abel Wept 9/?
Hey guys, sorry for not updating sooner. I'm applying for new jobs, and depression has hit me like a wrecking ball. So, in order to not experience burnout, I have decided to just update once or twice a week. Thanks for understanding
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The US Looking to Start an Interdimensional War
Metahuman Rights Under Attack
By: Lois Lane
METROPOLIS, June 20, 20XX—the United States passed a law two years ago that could start an interdimensional war and violate the rights of metahumans and aliens.
During Alexander (Lex) Luthor’s presidency, many laws were passed that endangered people, metahumans, and aliens and threatened their lives. Now, a new revelation has come to light about another danger that Lex Luthor has put humanity through, the risks of an interdimensional war.
During his presidency, Luthor signed a supposedly good bill for the environment. However, the Anti-Ecto Acts Laws were passed in that law, stating that any ectoplasmic being is not considered sapient or sentient. Among other horrors, these acts allow government-sanctioned kidnappings and experimentation of these beings.
“No one thought to ask or even observe us. We call ourselves ghosts; they call us post-human consciousness scum,” said Phantom, the young hero of Amity Park. “I have tried to keep both humans and ghosts safe, but it’s come to the point where ghosts are more in danger of the GIW—the Ghost Investigation Ward, who are Government sanctioned ghost hunters—so I decided to contact the Justice League.”
The young ghostly hero was able to contact Batman on June 18th, 20XX.
“It wasn’t easy,” Phantom continues to say, “Amity is a black zone due to the GIW, and getting information out or in is hard. That’s why I had to leave. The United States Government is declaring war on the inhabitants of the Infinite Realms—where ghosts reside—and if we don’t intervene, we can have a full-scale war where both sides will lose millions, if not more. I doubt the rest of the world wants a war because of the stupidity of one country.”
The Anti-Ecto Acts also begs the question: if we can declare a whole species of beings as non-sentient or sapient, what’s stopping the United States Government from repealing and turning against metahumans and aliens?
Danny felt nervous as he read the article. It had to be done for the good of the Realms and the human world.
Now if he could only be as decisive toward how he would handle his relationship with Damian.
Danny sighed. He never felt as overwhelmed as he did then, not even when a floating eyeball appeared in his room and declared him the new King of the Infinite Realm on his 16th birthday.
Ancients, why were feelings so hard?
He should talk to Jazz again. Danny frowned at the clock that read 3:15 am.
Well, maybe when she woke up.  
Danny was grateful that Bruce had called his parents instead of talking to him directly. After Batman met with the rest of the Justice League, a plan was formed.
First, they would publish an article in the Daily Planet about the Anti-Ecto Acts (thankfully, they had allowed Danny to keep out that he was also the Ghost King). They would put pressure on the UN to condemn the United States’ actions after, hopefully, getting public support. Then, Danny would show up, announce he was the Ghost King, and be a bridge between the Infinite Realms and the human world.
It was a simple plan, but so much could go wrong.
The GIW could find him and eliminate him before he could go in front of the UN. The GIW could let the more feral ghosts out and have them attack cities; the GIW could…Danny felt tears on his cheeks.
He was too young for this, too inexperienced.
Danny had been raised to be the heir to the Demon’s Head, but this was on a whole other level. Leading a cult was less terrifying than leading and protecting an entire realm with billions upon billions of inhabitants.
He wished he could talk to someone who would understand what it felt like to have the weight of leadership on their shoulder he wanted…he wanted his brother. He wanted Dami…
“Screw it,” Danny picked up the phone and texted his baby brother. He was allowed to be selfish.
Damian woke up to the chime of his phone. He glared at it blearily.
Then he saw it was from Danny.
He immediately woke up and got changed.
Come over. Bring Jason with you. It’s time we talked.
Jason had just gotten out of the shower after a long night out on patrol when he heard a knock.
He took out a gun and opened the door only to find his youngest brother. He put away the gun.
“What do you want, baby bat? This better be important, I was just about to go to sleep.
“Danny wants to meet with me, but wants you to come, too.”
Jason blinked in surprise, “Why? It’s not like we talked much.”
Jason ignored the fact that he had felt a connection with the teenager.
He’s the King of the Ghosts. Does that make him my king?
Jason ignored that question for the time being and shoved it deep in his mind.
“I don’t know, Jason, but please, can you just, please come with me?”
Damian looked at Jason with big, pleading, wet eyes, and he knew what he was going to say before he said it.
“Let me just get my helmet.”
An hour after sending the text, Danny heard a motorcycle coming down the road.
He took a deep breath (ignore the feel of steel in your chest, Danny.) and got up to meet his baby brother.
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