#the combination of her not asking her leaving crud in it and that I bought it for myself is just. grrrr
david-watts · 1 year
kinda mad that I bought myself something as a treat, hid it, and it’s been removed from the hiding spot twice and half used (without asking) and on top of that stuff was left in it
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kerwritesthings · 4 years
ok but imagine shawn braiding your hair when u don’t feel good 😭
Talk about timing on this - may be slightly self serving as I’m currently battling some awful nasty that’s taking residence in my system. 
What you thought started out as just being overly tired and a scratchy throat from talking too much in too many meetings, became a full-blown late winter mess despite all your efforts to keep the crud at bay. You hole yourself up in the guest room, not wanting to spread this more than possible. You could work from home, take sick days if you had to. The last thing you want is to give any of this to your man. However, he has other plans. All Shawn wants to do is take care of you, the way you take care of him when he’s sick. The difference is, you can deal with the fallout if you get sick. He has obligations that require him to not be.
Please let me come in. I know how you get when you’re feeling shitty, baby. Just for a few minutes to cuddle you. I’ll wear one of those stupid face masks you bought the last time you were sick if it would make you feel better, or make you laugh. Combo of both? ;) Maybe I can find those scrubs I wore that one Halloween too…
“This boy I swear,” you roll your eyes and say out loud to the empty room you’re in.
I should send you to your parents for the rest of the week. You’ve got London in like what, 10 days? You cannot be ill for that. Andrew will kill me. Then the label people. Then Andrew again. Maybe the studio folks too. Don’t make me text your Mom.
You hear him laugh from down the hall.
You realize I can sick her on you too you know, she’d be the first one telling you to let me take care of you. And they wouldn’t kill you, I wouldn’t allow that to happen you know that. Kind of love you too much
“This mush I swear,” you mutter under your breath. 
He knocks at the door, “Baby, I’m coming in.”
“I don’t wanna get you sick,” you whine, burying yourself further down in the stolen sweatshirt of his. “Go ‘way.”
“Come on sweetheart,” he says softly, lifting you up into his arms. “Shower’s running nice and warm, I’ve got the shower bomb set out, the eucalyptus wash and a new one of those sea sponges you only like to use when you’re sick. New pajamas, some of my stuff even that I know you’ll want to cozy down in. While you’re in there I’ll make some of that citrus defender tea with extra honey and lemon. Dig out the NyQuil. Change the sheets, even spray everything down with that new less toxic smelling Lysol you ordered off Amazon.”
“I can’t get you sick, you should go…” you begin before he cuts you off.
“None of that bullshit,” he replies, kissing your forehead. “You’d do this for me without a second thought, and you have, so many times. In sickness and in health remember? Oh yeah, you want us to have non-traditional vows, but same still applies, ok? Also, I’m taking your temp before you get in that water. Your forehead feels warmer than normal.”
You grumble as he places you down on the counter before rooting around for the thermometer. Once he’s found it, along with the rubbing alcohol and a cotton round, he sticks it in your ear while making funny faces at you waiting for the timer to beep off. You try your best to pout and frown at him but after one ridiculous face you didn’t expect, you can’t help but chuckle.
“There’s my girl,” he replies, kissing your forehead again as the thermometer chimes. “100.2, so a little one since I know you always run a little cooler than normal. NyQuil will help.”
He slides you off the counter and despite you trying to fight it, he pulls you into his chest. “I just want to help you feel better, that’s all, ok? Take your time in the shower, turn down the temp if it gets to be too warm and you start to feel foggy. I’ll leave the door open, so yell for me if you need.”
You nod against his sternum before pulling back. “‘M sorry I’m a cranky bitch when I’m sick,” you sigh.
“I’m probably twenty-eight times worse,” he quips, nudging you towards the shower.
After a good steam, soak and scrub, you’re starting to feel a bit more human, at least in the fact you can somewhat breathe better than you were before. Changing into the baseball tee and pajama pants he left you, you comb your hair out before spraying some product in and wrapping it up in a towel. He’s left you a purple post-it stuck to the bathroom mirror with a scribbled stick figures hugging, a smiley face and a heart. You can’t help but smile as you pull it down from the glass and slide it into the drawer with your makeup bag for safe keeping.
You wander back into the guest room where you find him in the last steps of remaking the bed. There’s a massive mug of steaming tea, a new box of tissues and a fresh bottle of water on the side table along with what looks to be a small, shallow bowl with pills and vitamins. At the foot of the bed is the soft cable-knit grey sweater he was wearing before, knowing you’d probably want to steal it from him.
“Hey, there she is. Color’s better. How are you feeling?” he asks, rounding to the doorway where you’re hovering.
“A step up from garbage maybe?” you reply, flopping cross-legged onto the bed.
“Tea, NyQuil, the plethora of vitamins, Emergen-C and herbal things you like to take when you’re not feeling you. Take all those, then let’s get you out of this towel and tucked in, ok?” he says, handing you the mug and the little bowl before sliding behind you on the bed.
Once you’ve drained a good deal of the tea and put the mug back down, he’s winding your hair our of the towel and tossing it around his shoulders.
“What are you up to there, Shawn?” you question, his hands winding through your damp strands.
“Lemme braid this for you?” he responds, massaging against the base of your skull lightly with his thumbs. “Your crazy pineapple bun is going to pull too much if your sinuses are driving you crazy, and I know you you’re still going to want it out of your face. Mum taught me one summer when Aaliyah was little, since she wouldn’t stop bouncing around me wanting to play hair salon or Barbies or Barbie hair salon maybe. But whatever, I still learned how. Nothing fancy, nothing more than a basic braid.”
You nod, sliding the hair tie off your wrist and placing it on his knee behind you. He was careful, combing out pieces with his fingers to make sure there weren’t any tangles before separating them into three sections. He takes his time, not pulling too hard but making sure there’s enough tension to keep the braid together. He hums something, it sounds familiar enough, but you can’t place it. It’s soothing, the combination of his hands in your hair and the warm reverb of his voice. Your eyes start to slip closed.
“Think this should do it,” he murmurs as he twists the end up with the black tie. “Come on pretty girl, time to get you settled in. Bet that NyQuil is just about to knock you out.”He shifts you so he can get you tucked under the fresh sheets. “There we go, snug as a bug in a rug. You just sleep, ok? Thank you for letting me help, sweetheart. I love you. I just want to make sure you’re taken care of. I don’t like not being able to help you.”
“No sleeping here for you. Too risky. Despite cuddles being good medicine. Go disinfect yourself,” you whisper, half asleep. “And thank you for being here, taking care of my cranky self. I love you too, Shawn. Lots and lots.”
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