#the cooler qaa
commaclear 1 year
"Quackity mentally shook himself. He was a professional. He could be professional about this. So what if Wilbur鈥檚 face was angelic?"
back when chapter 4 first came out I though it was just hilarious dramatic irony that quackity decided to describe the attractive demon's face as "angelic", but now it's just fucking SWEET. it's like Quackity could see Wil for who he truly was from the very beginning 馃ズ
- cqaa
God I'm so glad you guys are just as mentally ill about this stuff as I am
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bluekazzoo 1 year
You're so screwed u fuc
- cooler qaa
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crying-in-a-club 6 years
Which one direction boy would you marry?
Probably Harry but i was thinking about Louis lately
Whats your 2nd name? (if you have one)
My 2nd name is Camilla.
Whats the name you want?
Ariana or Lottie
Who is your woman celebrity crush?
Perrie Edwards and Lou Teasdale and Lottie Tomlinson
Who would you rather "sleep" with? Zayn or Louis?
Mrs. Styles or Mrs. Payne?
Mrs. Payne.
Have a child with Zayn or Niall?
Write a song with Niall or Zayn?
Smoking or drinking?
Smoking, i think it looks cooler but i don't drink or smoke.
Hot bath or cold bath? (in summer)
Whats your aesthetic?
Black and white and baby pink/blue
Books or movies?
You cant have kids when you lost the baby?
I can have kids, i don't know what happened to the baby.
The baby you lost was supposed to be a girl or a boy? Sooo sorry for you.
It was supposed to be a girl and we wanted to name her Indiana or Olivia.
How do you do your make up?
I will post my everyday make up routine, tomorow. Okay?
Whats your favs One direction solo songs?
Slow hands, Kiwi, Get low, Just hold on, She.
All the questions are from my old instagram, there are sooo much questions. I dont have the insta anymore but i wrote down all the questions (toke me 2 hours). Byestagram! 馃槝
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commaclear 1 year
fight me
THIS is a babygirl
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(ps don't actually I am abt to go uncosbscious)
That's a pretty strong argument for babygirl.........
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commaclear 1 year
I reread the last chapter of breakup algebra where u said that the answer would be and this is what I noticed
on Christmas eve, when Sally tried looking for the earbuds that Fundy couldn't find, she found the brochures for the boarding schools that Jared left behind. She cringes, and puts them back in a junk drawer where she found them.
she doesn't end up finding the earbuds and tells fundy maybe he left them at dream's.
so what I can theorize is that, Christmas morning, fundy wakes up before Sally. and since he can't open presents without her, he decides to hang on his phone while he waits for his mom to wake up, he wants her to sleep in. But he can't exactly play videos or music on his phone's speakers, so he goes off to look for the earbuds again, trying to be more thorough. In the process, he finds the boarding school brochures.
sally left him once. Wilbur was going to leave him. Sally told him this and fought like he'll to get him back, but maybe it was only to spite her ex husband. maybe that's why she wanted him to have lunch with Wilbur, because she doesn't actually want him. 馃
so yea, it sounds like fundy ran away. but I can't figure out why comma was remorseful about what they have planned for Fundy in that one ask with the cute htid! fundy and dream headcanons 馃槵 maybe it's just the severe emotional trauma of feeling like not even his own parents can love him, so he struggles to trust and maintain his friendship with Dream? maybe... hopefully.
fundy might do something way more drastic than simply running away if he's anything like his parents
- cqaa
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commaclear 1 year
"Phil rubbed his temple. 'This is for the best in the long run.' He said in a quiet voice, almost like he was trying to convince himself. 'Wilbur will see that eventually.'"
wilbur will be so fucked up if they do end up killing q for the sake of their mission im SO SERIOUS IM SO NOT OK ABT THIS. "wilbur will see that eventually" as in wilbur will see that hurting people for his own wellbeing and being low and dirty for his own wellbeing as the only way to survive. at this point Quackity was the one to show him that love shouldn't hurt.
clearly phil and techno love /p wilbur so much and tommy is clearly on his way to becoming a special part of wil's life, but they all come from similar roots and struggles so it's easy for Wil to just see their bonds as alliances and kinship against schlatt instead of just genuine care for him no matter the circumstances.
but quackity comes from a completely different background, is puritan looking as fuck and has no benefit to being so kind to wilbur outside of working with him for his investigation against schlatt but he still cares so much and is the only positive romantic adjacent experience wilbur has EVER had.
quackity shows wilbur that he deserves to be validated, respected, seen as his own person and loved, and ALSO is the embodiment of a sign that not only does wilbur deserve that, but it's absolutely obtainable no matter how far he's been swallowed down this horrible hell of organized crime. it's absolutely obtainable because quackity is right there, offering to just listen to him talk about anything, offering intimacy that doesnt lead to anything else, and giving him safety. it's almost as if he really was this "damsel in distress" that q wanted to help. if he really did just help q take schlatt down... maybe he could just stay in this fantasy where he sleeps in on a sunday morning cuddled with q under the comforter for the rest of his life.
but if Quackity is killed for the sake of the mission, it only proves to Wilbur that he could have never actually obtained this reality where nothing has to traumatize him and he never has to feel dirty. it proves that quackity always had to be his enemy, because attempting anything else would get Wilbur killed. it's always either q or wil, one has to die, and so wilbur has to be the one holding the dagger because he's had enough of being the victim. it will seal his path with no more exits straight towards being a monster in an attempt to never feel helpless again.
in shambles,
I could not have encapsulated more why this is so fucked up :)
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commaclear 1 year
ok while qaa tries to fill the void that his da- i mean dadschlatt anon left in their heart, i will share an au idea
ok so the megamind plot is hero vs villain yadda yadda the hero wants to retire and fakes his death bc megamind in this case quackity is actually kind of a mild threat(maybe either slime or techno is metroman). Quackity has taken over the city and is probably in a silly goofy mood trying to make a new las vegas but feels empty inside and concocts a serum to create a new superhero to oppose him bc hes so lonely 馃挃 but then i always believed that if things didnt go to shit in the movie he would have ended up injecting the roxanne which would be wilbur w the serum bc he's obviously a real moral hero trying to make a good impact in the news networks from the position he can get (theyre probably anti wilbur bc he serves major cunt too well) and never took q's shit as a hostage.
q can be a bit of a ratty looking bird hybrid sort of avian w bird feet and feathered ears and actual wings that never developed to grant him flight and the super serum can be a little goofy and give wil his white streak 鉂わ笍 the plot would end up p different bc it would be tntduo being psycho-competitive just like they were when q was holding reporter wil hostage except this time wil has super powers and hes definitely not titan but maybe he goes a little power crazy wanting to punt this pathetic man into the atmosphere once he realizes how much more powerful he is 鉂わ笍 and ofc the roles could be swapped but now i realize that slime could be q's henchman 鉂わ笍 ohh or tommy could be wil's 馃憖
- cqaa
Put this one for size: Techno is Metro Man, Quackity is Megamind, Slime is Minion, Wilbur is Roxanne, and Fundy is Titan
Don't get any gross ideas, it's not a romantic thing between him and Wil, he just desperately wants Wilbur to be his father figure and Wilbur is not having it, and then Quackity acts like his father figure and he's like "FINALLY I HAVE A DAD" but then he sees Wilbur and Quackity together and goes "Oh, so you're gonna be his dad instead??" (not clear which of them he was talking to) and they're both like "clearly not" but Fundy's gonna destroy the city about it anyway
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commaclear 1 year
OH MY BAD I totally forgot I had to let u know that I survived. I thought I'd just do a regular ask that gave signs of life but I forgot to..!!! sorry abt that appa comma 馃憠馃憟
anyways, as much as I wish I could say they weren't, the blueberry pancakes were actually pretty good and I haven't even gotten regular food poisoning.
I was still nervous for the rest of the day tho, because 脝脝 anon did nothing but give me that creepy stalker smile of theirs when I gave their pancakes approval. after that dream they told me abt I'm beginning to wonder if they're actually obsessed with me 馃樁
also what are they doing with those cupcakes in an alleyway.
- cqaa
Yeah honestly I think they like like you
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commaclear 1 year
it's almost like ur unconscious mind knew that you'd be bored not updating as frequently and decided to whip up a rad side fic in ur sleep. manifestation? 馃え馃え馃え
- cqaa
If nobody else has got me, I know sleeping Comma's got me
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commaclear 1 year
wasnt me,
sus answer
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commaclear 1 year
OK initially when reading the first chapter of violets are blue I was like "omfg it's another mystery au" and "omfg it's another dread-wreaking au" and then obv I was like. well this could kinda be like. an au of btp. considering they're the same characters but ANYWAYS
so picture btp. now look at vab. btp quackity initially studied law and then wound up being an fbi agent Solving cases and losing faith in the values such a job should have. vab quackity probably also studied law, ended up applying those skills to become a police detective, and well. he's a much angrier person.
I'm not done tho. btp quackity has values, but he puts providing for his fiances and himself before quitting his important job and getting away from btp schlatt, a sexual abuser and his boss. and especially if u consider that he was basically completely isolated socially before meeting sapnap and Karl, you'd see that he became wary of the world. he already accepted things weren't ever going to be so easy from him. he was likely abused before he even met sapnap, but once he realized that there was no justice for schlatt, he just accepted the state of his life. but vab quackity as far as I know wasn't isolated socially. at least not in the same way bc he's sure as fuck never met the force to be reckoned with known as Wilbur soot. he never broke someone who was there for him all throughout his lonely youth's heart and then live on thinking he was being served the exact life he deserved. this quackity has still got the fight in him, and welll. it backfires, yeah. but fuck does he want respect. he wants to get things done. it's not easy at all in his job. he gets frustrated that he has all this energy he can put into his cases but nothing he can actually do to solve a case that he already practically knows the answer to. he needs a punching bag. but he's still here in the first place instead of being a fackin. idk. a teacher. whats up with u u little fuck? idk. it's interesting.
and then we have Wilbur. in btp he was an exceptional, well-recognized forensic scientist with a history of terrible relationships. he's very attractive, but as an orphaned child and a fucked first breakup, it doomed the way he would respect himself for all his future relationships, he harmed himself thru sexual acts. I'd find it very easy to believe vab Wilbur must have had a bad start in life too to get involved in what he has. I've seen the tags. he must have a lot of sexual trauma from within and outside of this job of his.
anyeay it's almost 3 am and I. don't know what his is. that's OK. I wanted to ask if you're trying to put together what to write thru sleepy comma's tags and if you've changed any of them. also I imagine this au will be worse than btp. but therefore must i ask. will it receive a dead dove tag at any point, do u imagine? dear author? goodbye
Kind of obsessed with the idea of vab being a btp au, I'm not gonna lie that's kinda sick. Like if they'd never met, here's an entirely different path these bitches could have taken cuz admittedly they are kinda similar in quite a few ways....
And idk if any of you have ever seen the movie Memento, but that's essentially the situation I'm in. Sleeping Comma left all these clues in the tags and the Google Doc, and I've been trying to piece together the story from the clues he left behind...
Also yeah, dead dove tag is a good idea, imma go do that rn
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commaclear 1 year
"He exiled his elder brother, ordered his wife to be executed, and locked his only son away in a cursed tower."
you wouldn't let us miss out on the ex Sally lore in one of ur aus.... would you? 馃ズ oh yeah oh right and I definitely care abt what's going on with fundy- not Techno though I'm sure he's living his best life as the Exiled True Heir To The Throne 鉁笍
I'm so fucking excited for whatever hijinks Wilbur puts Quackity thru. also I am Cherishing orm!Foolish and Need to know if his mission to befriend Quackity will cause complicated hijinks :O
- cqaa
Cqaa, cqaa my dear, I have So Many fucking hijinks planned for this one, so many hilarious japes, Quackity鈥檚 life is about to get so ludicrously complicated 鉁笍in song鉁笍
And never fear, Sally is still a sexy badass milf, even if she is only here in spirit to haunt the narrative
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commaclear 1 year
yesterday I JUST REALIZED that philza made his appearance in the mortal realm RIGHT before quaxkity was abt to attempt to make himself bleed to death omfg it was NOT a coincidence that's a whole ass angel that disappeared immediately after he finished making q cry he must've been watching over q beforehand and gone "OOOKAY, TIME FOR AN INTERVENTION" and popped in 馃挃馃挃馃挃
Idk if that means he's q's guardian angel and that's how he got to know Wilbur the cringefail Demon, or if he just knew to watch over quackity rn bc of angel time shenanigans tm
also shit HURTS seeing that quackity was "doing so well" with his hereditary depression for so long only to suddenly be on the verge of suicide after he finally got such a large, wonderful dose of actual joy and lost it ALL.
At least atwg!schlatt is dead 馃挅馃挅馃挅
- cqaa
Very astute!! Idk if anyone else noticed this, but you definitely get a gold star and an A+ on this one!!
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commaclear 1 year
I nominate bm! sapnap for cringefail. need I say more.
but I WILL say more because I also nominate bm! quackity, bm! Tommy (rooting for this guy in particular) and atwg!quackity for cringefail. if I were to choose which ranboo to keep in the cringefail nominations, it's between htid!ranboo and atwg!ranboo
As for badasses? I think atwg! Wilbur has a good chance of winning this since btp!q beat him so badly for the babygirl title 馃槍
- cqaa
Oooh, these are excellent nominations for cringefail
That said, there's a lot of comedy in just having a bunch of Technos in the badass poll
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commaclear 1 year
I am a proud guinea pig kinnie
Good for you, king
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commaclear 1 year
htid! wilbur didn't know he has the tism right? idk because im not sure if he knows that slime has it he was just like "oh yeah i was not a normal kid either".
yet another fact abt himself Quackity has to break to him but has been hesitantly holding back on
He still doesn't know, and Quackity hasn't figured out a good way to tell him yet
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