#the curse of me rereading all of a.soiaf and immersing myself in it again is that I have a hard time watching video essays anymore
dcviline · 3 months
making a video about a character called "the real [character's name]" and then completely speaking out your ass about them and being wrong about even the most basic concepts of that character sure is A Choice
#᯽ ooc. ⊱ ── ❝ 𝘖𝘩 𝘯𝘰 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪. ❞#the curse of me rereading all of a.soiaf and immersing myself in it again is that I have a hard time watching video essays anymore#because I will hear someone say something that's just outright incorrect and my brain will automatically start citing contradictions#especially when it comes to certain popular 'theorists' that are treated like the fandom authorities and you HAVE to agree with them#and then they will say the most tinfoil hat shit and pass if off like it's fact#like even I will admit I am delulu about things that's the point of fandom but like#I still have a separation in my head of what real canon is and my own fanon wish-fulfillment version of canon#this is about general fandom behaviors as a whole I guess bc it's not *just* a.soiaf (but it is more noticeable in that one to me)#where fanon gets pushed over canon to the point where people can't tell which is which#and that fanon is actively pushed onto others. sometimes in spite of how much it goes against the actual material.#again there is nothing wrong with personal interpretations and that's the point of media literacy actually like what do YOU get from it#but also with media literacy you have to be able to support those opinions with the text / film / etc.#or else you're just pulling shit out of your ass#(and text can be purposefully misused out of context to support a point too but that's a whole other can of worms)#and also . . . authorial intent is NOT the end all be all when it comes to interpretation#one thing can have different meanings to different people and it doesn't automatically mean either are wrong OR right#as long as there is text or subtext to support it#if we discourage different interpretations of subtext and themes we will kill the entire purpose of art#it's the 'why are the curtains blue' question over and over again#the author just wanted them to be blue. a good faith reader makes their own interpretation based on context and themes.#a bad faith reader will bend the text to suit the interpretation they WANT to be there without considering the text itself#and in the end BOTH of them might just be reading too deep#but it's important to do that when consuming media and art. if you can derive no meaning from what you consume then what is the point?#just try to do it in good faith#anyway !!! that's my ramble for the week. back to my bullshit.
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