#the demo also barely scratches the surface on just how deranged ren can get if pushed far enough
14dayswithyou · 2 years
I can't help but feel like Ren is one of the softer yandere's out of the bunch X3 He doesn't seem all that scary with his cute boy appearance and he's so nice and soft with his darling.. but I could be wrong?
✦゜ANSWERED: cw: torture, (soft) depictions of gore, ren's introspection on being a yandere lol
Ren is only "nice and soft" when it comes to you ^^; He's vehemently against showing you any of his negative traits or bad sides, and doesn't like putting you in danger or harming you in any way. Your affection, validation, and opinion of him are the only things that matter to Ren, so he presents himself as an empathetic and "angelic" being who can do no wrong in order to hide his twisted and deranged ways.
But despite how harmless he appears to you, Ren is an extremely brutal and sadistic individual when it comes to everyone else. He doesn't care at all for others; and isn't above making someone's life a living hell through hacking their social media, getting messy and gruesome with a sledgehammer, or even taking his time torturing his victims by switching to a blade or another sharp object instead. He also isn't averse to harvesting their organs for the black market or live-streaming the entire process on the dark web, and hardly feels any remorse when it comes to seeing other people in pain.
Ren literally has no morals or apathy when it comes to murdering anyone — so long as you never find out about it.
And if his twisted ways aren't enough, Ren is also canonically self-aware of the fact that he can control certain game aspects around him; which means he can manipulate you, your narrative, and your surroundings to better suit his image. He can change descriptive factors, withhold information from you, recount certain events to his liking, prevent you from getting a certain ending, and even delude you into thinking everything is okay... When in reality, it's not. He'll lure you into a false sense of security and make you think he's the safest option, all while torturing and corrupting his victims behind the scenes. He'll eventually be able to do more once you get further into the game, but for the sake of spoilers, I'll stop here >.<
So yes!! Ren is nice to you, but he's a dreaded horror to everyone else.
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