#the fact that there is only one fic on ao3 for Anax/Borbala makes me sad
owlbear33 · 9 months
I have now Finished Mass Effect: Andromeda - Annihilation by Catherine M. Valente
initially, all I will say is it's good, it's got a great plot and great characters, it's maybe a bit short, and I have the odd quibbling complaint here and there, little things, nowt important
It does a lot of work building on the worldbuilding of the games, particularly for Batarians, we get a good bit on Hannar and Drell as well
I will say it doesn't stand on its own, You need to know Mass Effect, not so much Mass Effect: Andromeda, but I'd say up to Mass Effect 2, its good but it's obviously not the first book in a series, that the other "books" in the series are video games is neither here nor there
all the characters are pretty fun to read, but I have a particular love for Anax Therion and Borbala Ferank, They were a fun pair to read
the minor quibble - an anarcho-communist seems unlikely to argue for the abolishment of personal property, private property yes, personal property no, but that's such a throwaway line it hardly matters
so yeah if you like mass effect, and gross disease stuff and xenophobic aliens aren't going to make you miserable, then strong recommend
I think I have the posts of @c-rowlesdraws for getting me to read this, so thank you for that
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