#the first person i got into this shit with fucking vaugeposted about me lmao
solitarydoomsday · 2 years
just a tip for any endo advocates, uh. maybe DON’T be a prick to random teenagers that were not taught proper critical thinking skills? and maybe don’t do it over fucking endo system discourse??????
like, yeah, i fucking get it. it gets pretty fucking infuritating after a while, listening to person after person recite the same shit over and over and pushing your words away and shit, but some of us! maybe!! got told by fellow traumagenic systems!! that endos were just kinda monsters who COMPLETELY DISREGAURD OUR TRAUMA!!!
i’m SO fucking sorry that some fucking teenager made you pissed because they’re a system against endos and i’m SO sorry it made you think that they’re such a goddamn bigot over it, but how about this? GROW UP AND ACTUALLY BE A DECENT PERSON ABOUT EDUCATING THIS SHIT IF YOU WANT YOUR FUCKING POINT ACROSS.
because, get this, people MAYBE aren’t gonna listen to you if you call them an abelist, fucked in the brain, bigot RIGHT off the bat, without having any prior fucking knowlegde on this person and saying they’re an asshole IMMEDIETLY without considering the other side’s argument and considering WHY they may be mad in the first place? especially when people on the other side of the argument (WHO ARE SYSTEMS) have expressed why they don’t like endos LOUD AND FUCKING CLEAR?? just a fucking thought.
i know i haven’t even gotten this much shit about it, but if others are saying this shit gets pretty bad, i’m just gonna delete the stupid autism creature post and remake it. i never wanted this shit to flare up on my blog like this over a stupid dni banner, i just really didn’t want someone calling the autism creatures in my post a fucking terf, and honestly im going to delete anything i said about stance against endos to the best of my ability. i don’t know what my stance is anymore and frankly i don’t wanna even get into it. i just wanna exist with my stupid homestuck blog in peace.
and to any of my followers: from this point foward, NO ONE ASK ME ABOUT ENDOS *OR* MY STANCE ON THEM. I WILL NOT EXPLAIN. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.  this will be going in my pinned post.
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