#the jjax extended universe is so real okay
charlieconwayy · 3 years
map out chadam endgame pls!
OKAY GAYS HERE WE GOOOO basically adam has been in love w charlie since charlie pulled him aside at the north stars game and asked if they could be friends. adam is shy af so he was like “uh...ig” but it literally is so important to him that charlie noticed he was struggling and he’s just like obsessed w that moment forever. and they stayed besties until d3 when adam was put on varsity and charlie’s chaotic ass was angry. adam considers that the worst time in his life bc no matter what he always had charlie except for then and it haunts him and he constantly wondered what he was doing wrong. he was also hella struggling at that time bc maybe his feelings for charlie weren’t just platonic? and when he sees charlie with linda he realizes he’s in love. no one knows except julie bc they get drunk at a party one night and he cries and tells her and she just holds him and tells him it’s okay.
finally, senior year, adam decides to come out to the team. it’s 1999 so most people are homophobic, including some of the team, but charlie publicly stands up for him and adam’s heart just swells. then charlie starts to think ab gay people bc he’s had feelings for guys before and “weird” dreams but he’s never thought about it until now. he doesn’t know what he is but he thinks he likes adam. one night they get drunk and hook up. charlie is kind of ~promiscuous~ in hs so he’s kind of just like “it’s cool, we’ll hook up but we don’t need to label :)” and adam is just like. heartbroken. but he loves charlie sm that he sucks it up. until charlie gets a steady gf (drivers license by olivia rodrigo plays) and then adam calls him a coward and they have a big fight on the ice at practice. charlie realizes he actually cares ab adam and asks him to prom, but adam is sad bc charlie is going to take his gf and just like what? make out w him in the bathroom? he’s so heartbroken and done.
adam makes it to the nhl. charlie tries college for a minute but hates it. he becomes a peewee coach like bombay. he never misses one of adam’s games and hounds julie and connie (adam’s besties) for info on what he’s up to. if he’s found someone. eventually he does. obv it’s a lowkey thing bc adam doesn’t want to be the first openly gay nhl player but charlie knows and is sad.
jan dies. everyone comes home for the funeral. adam brings his bf. charlie publicly starts fights w the bf at literally any opportunity bc he just lost jan and he just wants adam to be his bf so bad. julie has basically had enough and locks charlie and adam in a room so they can talk ab their feelings. lISTEN THIS PART IS STRICTLY HC BUT THE JOSHUA JACKSON EXTENDED UNIVERSE IS CANON IMO!!!!! basically charlie tells adam all of these little memories he has of them. sharing a bunk bed during the goodwill games. the first time charlie got high and ate too much and threw up on adam’s shoes. and lastly, when he asked if they could be friends at the north stars game. it was so important to adam for so long and he can’t believe charlie remembers and he’s just like “you remember that?” and the ICONIC jjax “i remember everything” is said
they kiss
adam doesn’t want to break up w his bf bc he’s good to him. charlie finally breaks down and tells adam he loves him. adam just laughs and says “i’ve always loved you. i’ve always fucking loved you. but we’re adults now. we have to make grown up decisions.” they hug and cry into each other’s shoulders.
it turns out adam’s man is cheating on him. adam breaks up w him. the man outs him to the tabloids. adam goes into hiding. all of the ducks, even the previously homophobic ones, stay in hiding w him until he says it’s okay to make statements. they make a joint one: “adam is one of the most honest, kind, incredible people we’ve ever known and having him on our team was the best decision that coach bombay ever made. any team would be lucky to have him. we stand solely with adam and condemn any hateful remarks.” it’s like 2005 so it’s rly a big deal, but adam’s team decides not to fire him bc bombay threatens them w law suit.
charlie stays w adam throughout the whole thing. they cry together some more. they’re not officially together, but they’re not not together.  adam says “hockey was always the only thing that mattered. until you.” charlie tells adam he’s his favorite person in the whole world. they become official.
only julie knows at first. then connie (then, obviously guy.) then charlie works up the courage to tell fulton, who is the most outspokenly supportive of them. charlie tells his mom. she cries and tells him she’s proud of him. he tells bombay. he says he already knew. the bankses, who have disowned adam, threaten charlie. charlie and adam laugh, bc they were never good to adam. he’s always hated them, and now they can hate them together.
charlie and adam live together for about three years, happier than they’ve ever been. adam’s hardly ever home, but malewife charlie usually flies w him on his teams’ offseason. there’s a kid on charlie’s team, a ryan atwood type. an orphan who gets into a lot of trouble. charlie lets him sleep at his one night and the kid flips out when he realizes his coach is friends w THE adam banks likw wtf??? why did no one know. charlie and adam fall in love w this kid. he stays w them. they adopt him. he was previously homophobic, but charlie talked sense into him. he’s now proud to have a gay and bi dad!!!!!!!
gay marriage is legalized in 2015. charlie and adam get married in a quiet ceremony w only the ducks, casey and orion present (they lost contact w bombay at this point). their vows are super cheesy but connie and julie (and portman) all cry and their son is obsessed w the wedding being perfect and is a bridezilla ab it. except like obv not the bride, like the groom’s kid. 
adam retires and becomes a public defender. charlie takes a job coaching at the local public high school.
the reason charlie wasn’t at the ducks reunion was bc he was so angry at bombay. he told adam to go for him and relay everything back to him. adam comes home from the trip and tells charlie ab how the ducks are cake eaters now and he’s horrifed. charlie makes plans to do something ab that....
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