#the one i made of wy was 1000 frames
maxsix · 8 months
How do you pick Thee Bias though. Is it the one who is most relatable to you? The one you are most attracted to? The one who sounds the best to your ears and looks the prettiest to your eyes? Is it magic or is it statistics? Like the one who you spend the most time editing and posting about. Or the one who you put the most effort into and go to the greatest lengths for. Or the one who you willingly work on 720p quality material for. Or is it maths. The one with the biggest gifset. Or the one with the most number of posts. Or. Is it Wooyoung with the 1000 frame gifset versus Hyunjin's 70 MB post versus a 12 layer San photoedit.
Or is it the one I would save from a burning building first. Because ok, without hesitation, that's Song Mingi.
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