#the other characters’ mindsets are just so fucked and not at all agreeable lol
jasontoddenthusiastt · 9 months
Characterization: BFTC
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1. Yes, he called Gotham evil. That’s just a fact. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her like they’ve been married 64 years.
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2. ACAB Jason. He also dislikes how Batman became a brand symbol. “Cause & effect > vague ideas”.
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3. Child sidekicks recruited for the wrong reasons + Bruce’s fucked up mentality.
4. I’m not going to complain about them attempting to vilify Jason in the attempting to vilify Jason book. But even worded in this misleading way, the point is that he ultimately believed in solid consequences (which Batman could never deliver on).
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2 (2009)
5. Yeah, that was shitty. All that talk about how he’s “not a child” because he’s dangerous/“from the streets”.
6. Okay the first part obviously yeah but the second part’s not true lol. We all know it, he knows it. He always wanted to do more to protect Gotham than limit himself to a symbol and a set of hypocritical rules like Batman (refer to #2 & 4 lol).
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Batman: Battle for the Cowl #3 (2009)
7. He holds his ground. He doesn’t validate their shitty victim blaming by accepting their “help”. Since they found out Jason was SA’d, they keep using that against him to claim he’s just throwing a tantrum rather than actually trying to do his job. He shuts this down like ‘No, you’re wrong. My point has not changed since I came back to Gotham and I won't change my mind now either. Stop changing the topic.’ Lol
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Have you ever tried a colorful macaroon? Maybe you mean macarons? I’ve never seen a macaroon with food coloring before.
Do you say macaroon or macaron? It depends on what I’m referring to because they’re two different kinds of food.
Do you know what a macaroon is? Yes, they taste terrible.
Would you rather go to Paris or London? Both sound a bit too boring of a trip for me tbh, I’d rather go to other European cities.
Which national flag do you like the best? I’m not that into flags to have a favorite...I like how Nepal’s has a unique shape, though.
Name 3 celebrities people say you look like. Lucy Hale, Anna Akana, and a local celebrity you wouldn’t know about.
^Do you agree? I never saw myself looking like Anna but that’s actually the most common one I get, so I just might not know my face all that well. The only one that’s agreeable enough with me is the last celebrity I mentioned.
Do you know anyone who looks like Taylor Swift? No, especially not on this side of the planet.
Have you ever been betrayed by a best friend? Yes but that was like back in the fifth grade. I’ve been very selective of my friends ever since.
What color is the sweatshirt that you wear the most? Black.
Do you have a mirror in your room? No. I don’t really feel as if I need it.
What was the last thing you painted? I last painted on a paint-by-numbers kit, but it’s been a while since I took up the hobby. I want to get back around to it someday, but proably not any time soon as I find it a tad bit time-consuming.
Do you correct grammatical errors online? Not other people’s, but yeah I edit my posts whenever I catch a typo or grammar error. I also edit survey questions if they aren’t in proper grammar, just so other people who’d want to take the same survey won’t have to deal with it and point it out anymore.
What’s the last thing you made out of clay? I’ve only done pottery once, and that time I was taught how to make a vase. I wasn’t able to see the end result though since they still had to bake it and everything, and I was only staying in that town for a few days.
Do you go for days without washing your hair? No, I absolutely hate that feeling. My hair starts getting itchy after a day or so of not washing it and it feels irritating, so I feel the need to shower everyday.
When is the last time you had scrambled eggs and bacon? Maybe around a week ago? It’s something my parents make regularly for breakfast, alongside other local breakfast dishes.
Do you like bacon bits on your salad? I don’t really eat salad but sure, I’ll take some bacon in mine.
What is your favorite salad dressing? See above.
What is your favorite kind of soup? Not a big soup person either. I suppose I’m most enthusiastic about miso soup, if anything.
Do you eat a lot of soup? Not at all. I don’t think I ever purposely ordered it at a restaurant either; I only consume soup if it already comes as a freebie with my order.
Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? Nope, was never a hobby of mine. This reminds me that I have a mason jar filled with date receipts and love notes on tiny Post-Its from my last relationship, though...I literally can’t remember if I’ve since thrown it out, but I also haven’t seen it in a while...hm. I guess I’ll try looking for it later today and throw it away if I do find it still lying around in my room.
What’s a trend that you never caught on to? Remember when I said streetwear like, literally a month ago? Lmaoooooo I’m into it now. That’s why I’ll just skip over this question HAHAHAHA I always end up being obsessed with the things I swear off in the beginning :((((
What’s a trend that you haven’t caught on to yet, but you want to? Vlogging? It’d be nice to make a video or two of my own.
Do you type fast? Very. My co-workers recently started sharing this typing speed website that we’re all free to try out and so far I’m the official reigning champion haha. No one has beaten my WPM record yet.
Did you learn to type through a computer program for kids? Yes. I never adopted the ‘standard’ finger practice though; I type only with my index and middle fingers.
How many years were you homeschooled? I was never homeschooled.
If applicable, what’s a youtuber you would love to collab with? Louise Pentland.
Do you think you’re successful in life? Not quite there yet, but I’m comfortable with the way I’m working towards it for now. It’s nice to be doing things that I know will lead to something in the future.
What color is the tree outside your window? If you mean the leaves, then green.
What color is your rug, if you have one? (not carpet, rug) I don’t have one in my room but the main one we have in the living room is brown.
What do you take for pain? I take a Biogesic pill for headaches. If I get muscle sores/strains, I rub Katinko on the spots that hurt.
Which pharmacy do you use? I never need to go to those but I can always take a drive to the nearby Mercury Drug.
Do you reapply nail polish when it starts to chip? I don’t wear nail polish at all.
What is this month’s calendar picture? I don’t use a calendar.
What was the last thing you ate? Sushiiiiiiiii. I made a very impulsive and rash decision to buy THREE ORDERS of sushi yesterday. I hadn’t eaten all day and I also had a crappy at work, and my clouded judgment thought buying 24 pieces of maki was the way to go. I’m still in the stage of trying to convince myself I deserved it anyway.
What are your favorite things to put in tea? I don’t drink tea tea, but when I buy milk tea I always go for chocolate flavors. I also don’t like pearls in my milk tea.
Do you wish the Unicorn Frappuccino was a regular drink at Starbucks? I never go for customized drinks, so I don’t care at all about this.
Is there a coffee shop in your town that’s better than Starbucks? Possibly, but I may not have checked it out yet. For now, I like buying from Starbucks.
Do you frequent any coffee shops? Back in college I used to alternate between Starbucks and Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf; I’d go several times a week to either because coffee shops were the best place to study at.
What’s your favorite Lisa Frank character? I was never aware that there were characters lol. I thought it was only her.
Which Disney character looks the most like you? Raya for sure, but before her, I felt a big connection with Moana.
Did you go to Disney World or Disneyland as a kid? No, I haven’t gotten to go yet. It would be nice if my first time could also already be a trip with my own kid in the future :)
Do you live with a demon? Talk about creepy question lol. No.
Who has the best personality on youtube? Who cares? < I mean, same. I’m sure they all put up a show to some extent - I don’ think anyone would ever know the answer to this...but personally, those whose personalities I find really endearing would beeeeee Grace Helbig, Kelsey Impicciche, Kelsey Darragh, and Andrew Ilnyckyj.
What are some of your goals for this year? Stay employed, be better at my job, collect more BTS albums.
Does it feel like spring yet? We don’t have spring, so I don’t know what that would feel like.
What do you do to celebrate Earth Day? I don’t wait until April 22 to do something for the planet.
How do you celebrate Easter? I don’t.
Have you ridden your bike yet this year? I can’t ride bikes, haaaaa.
What does your bike look like? The family bike has some blue and grey on it. Not that I ever practice riding it.
What is your favorite place that you’ve lived? I like the house that we live in now. I like that we have a rooftop and that we don’t live with extended family.
Do you shop at Aeropostale? No, and I’m not sure we have Aeropostale shops here. The only reason we ever got Aeropostale items of clothing in the past was because relatives living in the States would occasionally bring home a box of pasalubong for us here in the Philippines.
What’s the last thing you wore from Aeropostale? Idk, probably a shirt. Have you ever been to a church that just wanted your money? Aren’t all churches like that? < Can agree and can confirm. My local parish has been undergoing a ridiculously extravagant renovation for years now and the thing is that the renovation is meant to be so fucking fancy they clearly can’t afford it, so they’ve been pooling money from churchgoers for years now as well. When we could still physically attend mass I used to keep myself from laughing everytime one of the church staff would come up on the podium and ask for money again.
Who is someone you are struggling to forgive, if applicable? I don’t struggle to forgive. I just don’t forgive. If someone does me wrong I just do my best to block them out of my memories, get into the mindset that they never existed, and live peacefully from there.
Have you ever had someone try to intentionally bully you to suicide? I don’t think so, at least not intentionally. My mom always did it unintentionally though, especially in my tween and teen years. She was always very harsh with her words and actions (she still is, but we don’t butt heads as often anymore). I didn’t have a very good emotional foundation mainly thanks to her and I had to claw my own way to get to be the much more stable self I am today.
What’s your favorite type of cereal? Sweet ones.
Who are your favorite kids that you’ve babysat? I never babysat kids outside of younger relatives.
Who is your favorite cousin? My eldest cousin from my mom’s side. I’ve always viewed him more as a brother than a cousin since we did live under the same roof for nearly a decade before my family moved to our own home.
Does one side of your family live in another state? My family is spread out everywhere, dude. I have relatives living in another town, another city, another province, another region, another island, another country. Idk about cultures but that’s generally how Filipino families are to begin with.
What states did your parents grow up in? I’m not saying that.
Do you want kids? If yes, how many? It would be nice. I just don’t know if I’ll ever be able to find someone I would want to marry and have a family with. It definitely seems bleak, but then again I’m 23 lmao. I’m not in a hurry.
What’s a craft that you’ve seen online that you don’t think will work? Most of the shit that that 5 Minute Crafts channel or whatever they’re called puts out.
What, if anything, are you severely allergic to? Grass.
Have you ever had an allergic reaction to an insect? Nopes.
How do you react to bee stings? I’ve never been stung and I hope that never happens to me.
Is there a good hospital where you live? I’m not so sure; I don’t take trips to the hospital frequently.
What’s your favorite kind of tea to drink in the spring? I never drink tea. Never been my...cup of tea? Hahahaha.
What are your favorite biblical names for girls? Elizabeth and Eden.
…for boys? Luke, Noah, Jacob, Seth.
What color nail polish do you usually wear in the spring? Again, I never put on nail polish.
What’s your favorite color that you’ve dyed your hair? I haven’t tried dyeing my hair either :( It’s something I want to explore, though.
Do you ever eat ice cream in the winter? We don’t have winter but yeah, I’m not opposed to having ice cream when the climate is on the cooler side.
How often do you wash your sheets? Every month or so.
What was the name of the biggest bully in your high school? No one got away with pulling that kind of shit in my old school.
^Did everyone hate her/him? -
^Were you his/her target? -
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spraklecat · 6 years
Amusing thoughts about Magnum XL-200
Because I’ve been thinking about him too much lately.  I’m not even that fond of the actual coaster, but I love how much personality the thing has and I’d love to give it more of a chance if/when I ever go to Cedar Point again.
(Some are a little nsfw and get kind of heavy)
-Actually a huge weeb since he was inspired by a Japanese coaster lol  He likes watching old anime with Vortex and more recently, city pop. 
-Wears too much spandex and otherwise overly revealing/tight clothing and SV usually has to tell him to put some real pants on because it's a family friendly park.
  -Honestly his fashion taste in general is best described as 50% space shuttle 50% dominatrix
-Has some fucking nice legs from jumping around so much.  Would be very good at steeplechase races since endurance running and jumping are 100% his thing
-Acts like like a crazy bouncy Lazytown character in general except naughtier and not very flexible or graceful but he makes up for it in his amusing antics and energy
-Fittingly, he fucking loves bananas and can't get enough of them.  He would crawl in through someone's window at night just to take their bananas if he was hungry enough. 
-He either loves or hates people, there's not much of an in between.  He's surprisingly judgemental and doesn't get along with most modern coasters, especially B&Ms, because of his experiences with Raptor and Rougarou, but is much more open towards wooden coasters and Togos, Vekomas, and other Arrows.  It's partly out of jealousy on his part, partly out of the fact that a lot of newer coasters don't like his abrasive personality.
-He's very loyal and almost clingy towards those he is close to, though, and is VERY hurt when people abandon him and it can be damn hard to fix those relations with people because he doesn't believe much in change. 
-He's really stuck in the past in general and has trouble with pretty much any kind of newer technology, which Vortex or SV usually help him with.  It's largely because as said before, he's scared of/tends to deny change.
-And he's a cocky bastard because of that mindset as well, still thinks he's the best damn coaster in the world and all other hypercoasters are just wanna-bes and challenging that is a good way to get on his bad side
-A lot of his persona is due to his insecurities, which he mostly deals with through denial.  See: his fondness for high heels and corests, his over the top public behavior, and rudeness towards newer coasters to prove he's not a gentle overengineered ride.
-He can be very moody and unpredictable,  but generally is most agreeable in the morning, gets cranky around midday, then just goes bonkers in the evening.  Because of his moodiness, others joke about him being an honorary wooden coaster since they're that way too (and his ride design was inspired by them).
  -When depressed, he tends to be even more dramatic than usual and laugh hysterically at everything, even if it's really not funny.  That or get really snippy and unusually withdrawn.
-If he ever looks normal, something's wrong.  His default state is wacky and outrageous and he loves to dress up so he only will go out in a normal shirt and jeans if he's actively trying to blend in or having a damn mental breakdown (or theoretically a physical one but being an Arrow, he's very durable in that regard).
-Well this is starting to get a little depressing.  His main close relations are SV(best friend), Vortex (his bf), his hyper siblings Desperado and Big One, and the other CP Arrows (they're like his adoptive family though their relationships have gotten strained).  And while he doesn't particularly like them, Gatekeeper and Valravn still keep trying to be nice to him and change him because they're sweet and optimistic like that.
-Him and Steel Phantom used to be a thing until she was modified and dumped him and distanced herself from a lot of the other Arrows realizing how toxic they could be.  He's still sort of raw from it and it's a big part of his fear of change and the two mutually agreed not to talk since.
-Okay, back to random silly stuff instead.  He's fond of poppier 80s metal and cheesy dance music which Vortex haaaates
-He's gotten a little soft in the middle and SV and Vortex like to poke it because he's ticklish and his reactions are funny.
-He is also always the big spoon because nobody wants all that hair in their face lol  Also because he's the protective type and his partners have always been smaller than him. 
-He used to love blowing kisses at people when he was younger and not so cranky and bitter. 
-Into some crazy shit but that's not appropriate for here :P
-His hugs are godawful don't do it he's so damn boney it's like hugging a small tree
-His appetite is completely disproportional to his appearance and either terrifying or hilarious depending on the person.  This is because the coaster is known as a real line-eating ride for its impressive rider capacity.  
-Has taken TTD under his wing and the two go around "borrowing" cars and going way too fast over speed bumps and bonding over their love of dirty jokes.  TTD doesn't quite know what to think of him and is frankly a little scared of him but he's pretty fun. 
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