#the red shoes (suzy ❧ answered)
deathmaiidens · 1 year
Can I hear your Suzy Bannion headcanons?
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Due to her FC being the lovely Seohyun, my version of Suzy is South Korean, but spent a lot of her childhood and adolescence in America
Her mother was a very famous dancer with another company and they were very close. Even before she died when she was ten (which obviously affected her a lot), Suzy was enchanted by the world of ballet and wanted to follow in her footsteps
Her father wasn't by any means abusive (or even purposefully neglectful), but her relationship with him is somewhat strained due to his distance. After her mother's death, she saw herself as pretty much on her own and tried too hard to be mature and responsible before she really had to be
I play her as more of an ingenue and wide-eyed idealist than she is in the original movie. She's like a lot of the heroines from the ballets she loves, but can be witty like in the film sometimes and is a lot stronger than she seems. She's basically a bad-ass Disney Princess
Her favorite ballet is Giselle, but she has a soft spot for The Nutcracker as well (it was her childhood favorite and Clara was the first role she danced at age fourteen)
Her favorite movie is The Red Shoes and she dyed her hair auburn as a nod to Moira Shearer. I have her tag as 'the red shoes' mainly because of the Kate Bush song inspired by the film reminding me of her and the grimness of the original story fitting the overall mood of Suspiria
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deathmaiidens · 1 year
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tag dump 007
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