#the urge to say 'blue is the warmest color' was STRONG L O L
revasserium · 10 months
Hey hon! 👋🏻😊
I'd love to request #153. "Miraculous ruin" from your prompt list with Chevalier Michel!
thank u for the req @randonauticrap!!! <3 i hope u like it! reqs are open!
153. miraculous ruin
chevalier; 857 words; fluff and neck kisses with the smallest wafting of angst but mostly just me meditating on chev bc... well, who wouldn't want to meditate on chev
there are no winners in wars — but sometimes, just sometimes, there are survivors.
there’s blood dark as grape skins staining chevalier’s robe when he comes back. you purse your lips and reach for him. he is still for only a moment, and then he softens, reaching for you as well, letting long, cool fingers trail into your hair, curling into the roots as he tips your head back for a kiss. another kiss. another. another.
there is blood as dark as grape skins but between your lips you crush them to wine.
his breathing is ragged and blood thrums hot beneath your skin as he grazes his teeth against your pulse, his lips skimming past your collarbones, fingers tugging at the fine material of your chemise.
he kisses you like a question, like he’s searching for the answer in the warmth of your mouth, along the backs of your teeth. and all you can do is kiss him back like perhaps, if you tried hard enough, you could give him something like an answer.
“y-y’know…” you murmur, gasping as he presses you back into the silken sheets, “i read an in-interesting thing in a book today…”
“oh?” chevalier lifts his head, his eyes bright and sharp, even beneath the hazy glow of lust, the mention of books never fails to draw his interest. you smile, shift up the bed ever so slightly to lean against the headboard, letting your own fingers trail along the delicate line of his neck.
“yes… it said that the neck is one of the most intimate places to kiss a person… even more so than the lips.”
at this, the corners of his lips twitch. you allow yourself your own smile as he tugs you back down beneath him, caging you in with his limbs.
“and how so?”
he tips your head back; you feel heat and sweetness gather in the pit of your stomach. his voice is indulgent — so much frost and cream and butter — it tells you that his incredible mind has probably already gotten to the answer. it tells you that he wants to hear you say it anyway.
and isn’t that love? in it’s own way?
your lashes flutter closed as he peppers your skin with butterfly kisses.
“b-because…” you bite back a hiss as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, the soft of your neck, painting your skin in a daisychain of blossoming reds and purples. you’ll have a time of trying to cover them up tomorrow but perhaps… perhaps you’ll leave them —
“because it would be so easy to kill a person…” you feel his movement still, and perhaps, you think, he’s remembering a time when he had pressed a blade to your throat. such a different kind of kiss, such a different kind of bite that might have made — cool metal against warm flesh.
chevalier pulls back, watching you with steady eyes. once, you’d thought them cold, but these months and days with him had taught you otherwise. with him, you learned that there’s a heat to the blueness, a warmth to the ever-cooling depths of the ocean, the ever-widening expanses of sky. there’s fire, isn’t there? in the sun? in the stars? in the weight of the world as it presses down on the ocean floor. in the so-called monsters that inhabit those depths, but they too find a way to make light, their bodies changing and adapting over centuries to make it themselves.
chevalier smiles and he is incandescence.
he is the fire in the heart of stars, he is the luminescence at the bottom of the seas.
with him, you learned that blue is heat and fire and light and life, too. always, life.
so much — life.
“yes… it would be easy to kill you like this,” he muses, his tone almost academic in its lightness. but you feel the way his lips linger on your jugular, your own heartbeat stuttering beneath his touch.
“yes… but instead…” you close your eyes and lean into his touch.
“instead…” he echoes, kissing you slow, kissing you soft, kissing you till you are trembling beneath him, open and willing and —
“you choose to kiss me.”
to love me.
he chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, pulling you into his arms as he rests beside you on the bed.
“yes. i do.”
it’s a simple thing, but his agreement isn’t so easily earned. you revel in it, curl into him as he lets out a sigh.
there is no getting the blood out of his robes — he’ll have to have another made. and then another after that. there are no winners in wars, but you know that there will be survivors. you glance up at him, resting with his eyes closed, and you allow yourself another smile.
you lean up, slow, tilt your head and press your lips to the side of his neck. a kiss. another kiss.
another. another.
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