revasserium · 10 months
Hey hon! 👋🏻😊
I'd love to request #153. "Miraculous ruin" from your prompt list with Chevalier Michel!
thank u for the req @randonauticrap!!! <3 i hope u like it! reqs are open!
153. miraculous ruin
chevalier; 857 words; fluff and neck kisses with the smallest wafting of angst but mostly just me meditating on chev bc... well, who wouldn't want to meditate on chev
there are no winners in wars — but sometimes, just sometimes, there are survivors.
there’s blood dark as grape skins staining chevalier’s robe when he comes back. you purse your lips and reach for him. he is still for only a moment, and then he softens, reaching for you as well, letting long, cool fingers trail into your hair, curling into the roots as he tips your head back for a kiss. another kiss. another. another.
there is blood as dark as grape skins but between your lips you crush them to wine.
his breathing is ragged and blood thrums hot beneath your skin as he grazes his teeth against your pulse, his lips skimming past your collarbones, fingers tugging at the fine material of your chemise.
he kisses you like a question, like he’s searching for the answer in the warmth of your mouth, along the backs of your teeth. and all you can do is kiss him back like perhaps, if you tried hard enough, you could give him something like an answer.
“y-y’know…” you murmur, gasping as he presses you back into the silken sheets, “i read an in-interesting thing in a book today…”
“oh?” chevalier lifts his head, his eyes bright and sharp, even beneath the hazy glow of lust, the mention of books never fails to draw his interest. you smile, shift up the bed ever so slightly to lean against the headboard, letting your own fingers trail along the delicate line of his neck.
“yes… it said that the neck is one of the most intimate places to kiss a person… even more so than the lips.”
at this, the corners of his lips twitch. you allow yourself your own smile as he tugs you back down beneath him, caging you in with his limbs.
“and how so?”
he tips your head back; you feel heat and sweetness gather in the pit of your stomach. his voice is indulgent — so much frost and cream and butter — it tells you that his incredible mind has probably already gotten to the answer. it tells you that he wants to hear you say it anyway.
and isn’t that love? in it’s own way?
your lashes flutter closed as he peppers your skin with butterfly kisses.
“b-because…” you bite back a hiss as he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, the soft of your neck, painting your skin in a daisychain of blossoming reds and purples. you’ll have a time of trying to cover them up tomorrow but perhaps… perhaps you’ll leave them —
“because it would be so easy to kill a person…” you feel his movement still, and perhaps, you think, he’s remembering a time when he had pressed a blade to your throat. such a different kind of kiss, such a different kind of bite that might have made — cool metal against warm flesh.
chevalier pulls back, watching you with steady eyes. once, you’d thought them cold, but these months and days with him had taught you otherwise. with him, you learned that there’s a heat to the blueness, a warmth to the ever-cooling depths of the ocean, the ever-widening expanses of sky. there’s fire, isn’t there? in the sun? in the stars? in the weight of the world as it presses down on the ocean floor. in the so-called monsters that inhabit those depths, but they too find a way to make light, their bodies changing and adapting over centuries to make it themselves.
chevalier smiles and he is incandescence.
he is the fire in the heart of stars, he is the luminescence at the bottom of the seas.
with him, you learned that blue is heat and fire and light and life, too. always, life.
so much — life.
“yes… it would be easy to kill you like this,” he muses, his tone almost academic in its lightness. but you feel the way his lips linger on your jugular, your own heartbeat stuttering beneath his touch.
“yes… but instead…” you close your eyes and lean into his touch.
“instead…” he echoes, kissing you slow, kissing you soft, kissing you till you are trembling beneath him, open and willing and —
“you choose to kiss me.”
to love me.
he chuckles, the sound rumbling through his chest as he buries his face in the crook of your neck, pulling you into his arms as he rests beside you on the bed.
“yes. i do.”
it’s a simple thing, but his agreement isn’t so easily earned. you revel in it, curl into him as he lets out a sigh.
there is no getting the blood out of his robes — he’ll have to have another made. and then another after that. there are no winners in wars, but you know that there will be survivors. you glance up at him, resting with his eyes closed, and you allow yourself another smile.
you lean up, slow, tilt your head and press your lips to the side of his neck. a kiss. another kiss.
another. another.
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xbalayage · 9 months
Hey Michelle!
I'm slowly but surely becoming obsessed with your Silvio text posting. Lol Please don't feel pressured to answer this if you don't want to, but I was just thinking.... how would Silvio be if you were killed and he feels like he could have (or somehow should have) stopped it?
Would he be someone who just loses all motivation to do anything, or would he be hellbent on revenge, or maybe want to do what he thinks You would want him to do? I'm just curious on how you think he'd react long-term.
Silvio doesn't handle it well AT ALL and sees it as a personal attack - an act of war.
Because EVERYONE FAR AND WIDE IN THE COUNTRY OF BENITOITE knows of his obsessive fondness of you. And to take the only source of happiness from him, the only person who's ever accepted him for who he was, saw the beast in him but loved him anyways. Learned of his past, the wrongs he'd committed, the wrongs he'd done towards you to push you away from him at first but it never scared you away; you never let go of his hand.
Honestly, others could've attacked him from any angle: him personally, his wealth, his possessions, his title. He wouldn't have given a damn in the world.
And now.. now he had no charming smile to wake up to, no warmth to fill his heart and bed, no one to make the smallest things feel like the greatest adventures. Who's love soften him as the days grew of the two of you together. No one to sass him off and tell him when he's wrong or even just to playfully give him a hard time, no one to eagerly await his arrival back into town on the docks. No one to crave for him.
A lot of anger, rage and resentment still carried with him through the years but a deep sadness festered; the mere smashing of doors, broken vases, shattered mirrors and agonizing screams wouldn't ever bring you back to him. The thirst came back - he started to aggressively drink again to numb the pain, quench the thirst that he never imagine having to go through again.
Fuck, he hasn't cried since he was a kid; before, he had to dry his tears himself, wipe his chin and stand tall, make something for himself. Yet now, he'd give anything for the touch of your love to wipe his cheeks dry, the charm in your voice that made everything feel better, the warmth in your hands that would never let him go.
Now, all he's left with is a cold tombstone. Used of the finest materials, one he has meticulously kept in pristine condition, littered about with roses and all the things you've ever cherish and loved. Any moment, any chance he had, he was there with you. Reminisce, talk about his most cherished moments and memories with you, the gift you've given him that money couldn't ever come close to - and how he feels like he failed you.
He even wanted to commemorate a statue in your honor; a symbol of love, peace and hope. Etch your name onto the side of every ship. A mural done in your memory.
But it's once he starts to finally think, actually SIT and FUCKING THINK about who could've done this to you. Who hated his bare existence so much that taking your life would've made the assailant smile, knowing damn well you were the key to his weakness.
And there was only one bastard who immediately comes to mind. Who'd pull such a dirty move, who had lingering eyes in every inch of the continent, who'd laugh in his face and feign innocent.
"If war is what you fuckin' wanted, if a game is all but what ya wanted to play. Bring it the hell ON."
He couldn't bring you back and hell, maybe this isn't what you would've wanted him to do. But his eyes tunnel visioned, rational thought left his head a while ago. It wouldn't be a smart move to cause tensions with the Conquering Beast's nation and he knew that all to well. But with a little investigating, a little planning, a little money, and a lot of dirty playing; he'd win the war in your name.
Now, all he needed was time and the right opportunity.
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lorei-writes · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Ahh, hello there!
Thanks for thinking of me <3 And now, hmm... What is it that I have not recommended yet...
Different; Similar -- Chevalier & Gilbert, Gen Fic; I still plan to talk a little bit about some details there, I'm very happy with them,
To remember is a heavy burden to bear II -- Rio, Gen Fic; it's one of the stories I wrote to illustrate the point I've made in this meta post.
Jealous Kisses -- Kenshin x Reader
The Doors that Connect and Divide: Entrance: Arthur -- Arthur x Reader; it's a start of a series I'm working on, and if I do say so myself... It is going to be a rather thrilling crossover.
Slavic Grandma at the Mansion -- headcanon and not a full fic, but... It's Grandma.
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aquagirl1978 · 1 year
This Is Love - Clavis Lelouch x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Happy Birthday Clavis!
Pairing: Clavis Lelouch x Reader
Prompt: based on Clavis' 3rd birthday card
Tags: fluff
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Clavis stared up at the ceiling, his head nestled in the pillow made by your soft thighs.
I’m in love, he thought to himself. I’m so, so in love.
To anyone looking at him, one might think by his half-lidded eyes and flushed cheeks that Clavis had been drinking all evening. But they'd be wrong. His drink of choice this evening was his favorite grape juice as he enjoyed your company.
It was you who caused him to make this giddy face; it was you he was intoxicated with. 
His golden gaze met yours as you twined your fingers through his wisteria hair, your smile soft as he rested his hand atop yours. Insecurity was second-nature to him. He was always second best in this world; never first to anyone.
That was, until he met you. 
Not that those feelings ever fully went away. Sometimes, just your warm touch was enough to push those feelings down into the dark abyss, locked away where they belonged. 
But nothing made him feel as complete as your words. To hear your soft voice say that he was beloved and adored was enough to make his heart skip a beat. It was enough to make him focus on things other than what his next trap would be. And it might be enough to make him one day forget how much he hated the smell of rain- soaked roses. 
That’s how much you filled him with love.
“Clavis, did you hear what I said?” you asked, your hand pressed upon his chest, your warmth radiating through the thin fabric of his shirt.
Oh, he heard you. He heard you loud and clear. Your words were the entire reason why he was so filled with love.
"Say it again…" he asked, his eyes locked on yours.
"Clavis, you're going to be a father."
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Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @jet-ivory @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu  @randonauticrap
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ikemenlibrary · 7 months
Ikémen Prince Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who chose to participate in this event and helped make it a success! Everyone is so talented, and I am in awe of all of you <3 Going through all your pieces have been truly enjoyable and I've loved every minute of it!
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Prove It To Me | Jin Grandet x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for xxsycamore
They Say Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder | Nokto Klein x Emma (MC) | by @xxsycamore for nightghoul381
Unaccepted Together | Clavis Lelouch x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for scummy-writes
Autumn Daze | Gilbert Von Obsidian x MC | by @scummy-writes for daegupaksu
A Starry Tryst (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @daegupaksu for drachonia
Sea at Sunrise (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x MC | by @drachonia for nightghoul381
Bookmarked Dialogue | Keith Howell x Julie (OC) | by @ikemenlibrary for queengiuliettafirstlady
The Gentle Stag Rewrites The Stars | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Princess Picnic Pick Me Up | Rio Ortiz, Clavis Lelouch, Silvio Ricci, Gilbert Von Obsidian, MC | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for misty-moth
Peter Clavis and the Lost Boys (Artwork) | Clavis Lelouch, Nokto Klein, Luke Randolph | by @misty-moth for pondlilies00
Take a Rest (Artwork) | Sariel Noir x MC | by @pondlilies00 for alydra (bluejay-writes)
This is fine. | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @bluejay-writes for randonauticrap
Ember Glows the Heart | Leon Dompteur x MC/Reader | by @randonauticrap for myonlyjknight
A Clavish Day Off | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @myonlyjknight for claviscollections
Petrichor | Yves Kloss x MC/Reader | by @claviscollections for pillowpillowillow
The Voyager Prince (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci | by @pillowpillowillo for aquilapolariz
In Business, In Life | Silvio Ricci x Hyacinth (OC) | by @aquilapolariz for tacogawa
La Belle et la Bête (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x MC | by @tacogawa for kokorokai
The Tyrant's New Wife (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x Airin D'Avalos (OC) | by @kokorokai for airin-queenz
Chilly Morning's Date | Licht Klein x MC | by @airin-queenz for ikemenlibrary
Read to Me | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @ikeromantic for aquagirl1978
What Was I Made For | Gilbert Von Obsidian x Rosemary (OC) | by @aquagirl1978 for prisoniclover
Return | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @prisoniclover for chirp-a-chirp
Cat-astrophe | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @chirp-a-chirp (with art by @aide-falls) for katriniac (ohtomatotome)
Getting There is Half the Fun | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for violettduchess
Practical Magic | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for ikeromantic
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the12thnightproject · 5 months
A Holiday Video for you...
(volume up)
Text of message (in case it goes by too fast) below the cut.
Dear Tumblr-verse,
Happy Holidays to the tumblr community. When I stumbled onto here a few years ago, looking for a place to talk about fanfic and fan spaces, I never expected to find such a lovely group of people. I look forward to interacting with you all every day, whether you only appear once in a while as a short comment in my feed, whether I anxiously await your next art post or fanfic, or whether you drown my feed in your latest fandom enthusiasm. I am happy to call you my friends.
You all are the best, and no matter what holiday you celebrate, I hope it is full of joy and peace.  And… also… if you wish… these crazies… (all cgs are from Cybird Ikemen sengoku).
in no particular order...
@msviolacea @workbyrui @ashavazesa @spoopy-fish-writes @lazyscience @mllorei @cottonfluffballofdoom @the-cowardly-cheese @tsubaki3192 @iphigeniainaulis @cheese-ception @nuttytani @daegupaksu @evil-quartett @kippin-art @venulus @bestbryn @akitsuneswife @darkscarletroses @arrthurpendragon @annebrontesrequiem @katriniac @lyds323 @fighting-and-drawing @aquagirl1978 @writingwhimsey @violettduchess @honeyandbiscuitandtea-cafe @pathogenic @scorchieart @drewadoodle-dandy @fragile-sandwich @ikemen-writer @selenacosmic @queengiuliettafirstlady @dolcezzzza @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @skiagrafia @randonauticrap @scummy-writes @lyrical-cynical @tele86 @ikeromantic @leonscape @judejazza @yarnnerdally @candied-boys @wordycheesecake @olivermorningstar @itsmyara
And if I missed tagging you, a thousand apologies, but tumblr apparently has a person limit on these and would not allow me to tag my entire mutuals list.
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maries-gallery · 10 months
can i just say, gilbert love his hair being pulled during sex. (my contribution to the thirst night)
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genre: nsfw, mdni
warnings: hair pulling, sub!Gilbert, needy Gilbert, biting, marking, humping and grinding, make out session, female bodied reader
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OH MY GOD ANONS YOU SPEAK FACTS! And what's funny is that I was talking about this with @rhodolitesrose yesterday AND YES ABSOLUTELY FDEDRSGD GILBERT IS SO SUB MATERIAL!
He just looks so good underneath you as you sit on his lap, so adorable with flushed cheeks and heated skin. Eyes glazed over with desperate need for your touch.
And his hair is just so soft and so fluffy... You can't help but run your fingers through it, surprised to get a whine from him as you tug on the strands.
"Oh? You like this?" You muse, gazing down at him with a smile.
He doesn't answer, but he doesn't need to, the helpless moan that falls from his lips as you pull his head back by his hair is enough. Much like is the way he grinds his hips up against yours as you rake your teeth over the sensitive flesh of his throat, his hands holding onto your hips to keep you flush against him.
Of course he could push you away, push you down on the bed and climb over you, take the power back. But he doesn't want to. Because Gilbert likes this.
He likes the thrill that flashes through his veins at the idea that you might bite him, he likes the idea that he is at your mercy for once.
And making you Queen of Obsidian has never looked so tempting.
"Unggh-!" Pretty eyes flutter close, long eyelashes gracing his cheeks like butterfly wings. His fingers dig in the softness of your hips, the fire inside of him consuming him with need from the inside out.
"You look so pretty like this, you know?" You whisper in his ear, and he whines as he hears the evil smile on your lips. You are enjoying this way too much, and if it had been anyone else he might have killed you.
But it's you. And god does he want this.
"You like this too?" You say, teeth lightly digging in the skin of his nape, sting laced with pleasure as your tongue nips at the flesh and sucks on it.
Once again he doesn't need to answer, not when a grunt laced with a moan comes from his throat, not when his hips thrust up against yours, desperate to get rid of the barrier of clothing between the two of you.
And when you release his skin with a resonating pop, only to marvel at the patch of blooming purple you created? He is gone. Heart hammering wildly in his chest at the idea of you loving him enough to mark him. At the idea that he is yours.
What you enjoy most though is certainly the way his features twist with pleasure and the neediest whines fall from his lips as you lower yourself on his cock, slowly sliding it in until you are flush down against him.
"Now, now, am sure you can stay still for me, right?" You murmur against his lips, and he aches to thrust up inside of you and take what he wants.
But the pain that comes with aching for you is far sweeter than anything he could ever claim himself. And in fact he loves this so much he might even come around to ask you to top him more often...
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @randonauticrap @pockcock @ikemen-writer @ikesimp100 @veervers
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nightghoul381 · 5 months
The Night is Far Too Long Without You ~ Jude Jazza (POV) x Reader
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A little something I made for @judejazza a little while back because soft Jude
Jude Jazza x Reader Genre: light angst, hurt/comfort, fluff WC: 682
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Another day passes and my head is filled with thoughts of you once again as I try to drink enough to get to sleep. I know I’d sent you away. Your month was up, you were meant to live in the light, not be tainted by my darkness; and yet I can’t seem to stop the ache in my heart when I remember your smile, your laugh, your voice.
I throw back the rest of my drink, roughly thumping the glass onto the table before moving to the window and finding a bright star you’d pointed out one night while we were cuddled together. It was your star now, at least in my mind. I would look to it whenever I needed reassurance that there was a chance we were doing something together. We could possibly be looking at the star at the same time.
I light a cigarette, eagerly inhaling the dark smoke and letting it pervade my body. I’m mad at myself and that has turned into being angry with the world. Why couldn’t I just tell you the truth. Why couldn’t I tell you that I selfishly wanted to keep you by my side for the rest of your life and never let you go despite knowing what would be best for you is anything but me.
A quiet knock at the door made the anger boil just a little hotter. Can’t even get a moment’s peace in the middle of the night now could I.
I stalk over to the door and throw it open, freezing in my tracks, eyes wide.
“Fuck, I’m hallucinating.”
I close the door again and shake my head attempting to clear the fog. Another set of knocks followed by the sound of a voice calling my name fills my ears and I can feel my lifeless heart roaring back to life as I once again open the door and find you standing there.
“What are you doing here?” I grumble, trying desperately to keep my excitement down, to keep my hopes from rising on the chance that you’re here to smash them down.
“Ellis told me everything, Jude.”
God I missed the sound of your voice saying my name, I hardly processed what you’d said, instead focusing on the way just seeing your face, the way you awkwardly fidget with your sleeves and chew on your lower lip.
“I missed you so much, and when he told me that you had become miserable since I’d left I had to come back, I needed—!”
I cut off your words with a firm kiss, pulling you into my arms and clinging tightly to you. I could feel emotions choking my throat—an entirely unfamiliar experience in my adult life. Is this real? Am I dreaming? I honestly don’t care, I just know I have you in my arms, my lips on yours and your soft moans flooding my ears and making everything stir to life.
“I was an idiot.” I say, finally releasing you from the kiss. Your lips are swollen and wet from my ravenous attack but the intense hope in your eyes breaks the last of my restraint.
Between kisses I tell you how angry I was with myself for pushing you away. I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off you, trying to memorize every curve and line of your body in case this dream was to end abruptly.
“I missed you too,” you whispered, breath heavy and panting as I pull you into my room and shut the door behind me.
I lead you over to the couch by the window and marvel at the sight of you once again in my room with the silver moonlight framing you like the most delicate painting.
Never again, I vow to myself. I will never again push you away.
I settle onto the couch and you don’t hesitate to curl up beside me, resting your head against my chest and moving my arm to drape across you.
I hear the contented sigh you breathe out and I finally feel at peace again.
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Taglist: @judejazza @aquagirl1978, @themiscarnival @abundance-pathchooser @xbalayage @maries-gallery @randonauticrap @queengiuliettafirstlady
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bluejay-writes · 7 months
This is fine. (Chevalier / MC)
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You can read/collect this fic on Ao3 if that’s more your speed!
Rating: T Pairing: Chevalier/MC Wordcount: 2646 Summary: Some hurt/comfort with Chevalier. MC is kidnapped and left in a cellar to rot. Chevalier, Nokto, and Clavis make an attempt to save her. Injuries occur. Hearts are bared. Pillows are thrown.
Author's Notes: This fic is a gift for @randonauticrap, Madame L, and was written for the Ikepri gift exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen.
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I won’t let it end like this.
MC worked to free her hands, which were bound behind her back with rope.  To her kidnappers’ credit, the knots seemed to be well done, and the rope was secure but not so tight as to cut off circulation to her hands.  She had, of course, still fought against her attackers enough to rub her wrists raw against the coarse fibers.
Her best, strongest, hope was that one of the princes would get word of her abduction and come rescue her before this situation got out of hand.  Of course, they couldn’t afford to acknowledge that she was Belle, and so it was entirely possible that she would have to get out of this situation on her own.  That thought made her suddenly wish she’d taken Nokto’s suggestion of pretending that she was in a relationship with one of them as a cover for her presence in the palace.
Being Belle had given her all kinds of experience in situations she never thought she’d be in.  Spending her time trying to understand Chevalier had left her at the whim of Clavis’ traps enough times that she knew her way around most knots and binding techniques.  She’d endured enough of Nokto’s endless flirting that she knew she wasn’t cut out to be a disposable consort. Even still, a lover could be rescued by her prince, of course. Not so a noblewoman who simply had permission to study in the palace.
As she let her mind wander over her time as Belle, her fingers worked nimbly at the rope behind her back.  The odd sound she was hearing was getting louder, and she realized that something was happening to the house whose cellar she was trapped in.  Were those footsteps?  It sounded almost like the patter of heavy rain, with the occasional peal of thunder.  But it wasn’t raining today, and the sound was louder near the interior stairs rather than the cellar doors.
Just like that.
MC grinned in triumph as the rope came undone, and she rolled her shoulders to ease some of the stiffness.  The offending length of rope went in one of her skirt pockets.  Not the sort of thing a normal noble lady would have in her skirts, but MC was far too used to her life as a commoner to be without copious pockets.
Next stop, escape. MC made her way over to the cellar doors, hoping to avoid going through the house to get away from her captors.  Of course, the cellar doors appeared thoroughly secured with chain and a padlock on the inside, let alone whatever might await her on the other side of those doors.  Nearing them, however, she heard a voice she wasn’t expecting.
“She’s here.” It was Chevalier’s voice. Quiet through the heavy cellar doors, but the ice in his tone was unmistakable.
“Are you sure, King Highness?” That was Nokto.
“Chev wouldn’t say it if he wasn’t certain.” …and Clavis.
“I’m in here!” MC tried to call, but her voice came out hoarse from disuse. She cleared her throat and tried again, banging against the door. “Chevalier! I’m in here!”
“Well, well.” Nokto’s voice carried through the door. “Padlocked and reinforced.”
“Your fancy swordwork can’t fix this, but I should be able to get the lock open in a minute.”
“It’s chained and locked on this side too.” MC yelled, her voice cracking.
A moment of dead silence followed her revelation, and then she heard Chevalier’s no-nonsense tone.
“I’m going through to the interior stairs. Get this unlocked, just in case.”
“King Highness, the manor is collapsing, you can’t mean to— Ugh, he’s gone.” Nokto’s bitter words pushed MC into gear, as she turned and rushed towards the other side of the cellar.
The heat from the stairs was immense, and in that moment MC realized she hadn’t been hearing rain, but fire.  Someone had set the manor ablaze and left her locked in the cellar to die. They’d locked her in here so thoroughly that they were probably counting on the princes failing to save her, regardless of how hard they tried.  The fallout from that happening would be bad enough, but now, against all odds, Chevalier was working his way through a burning manor to reach her. He was smart enough not to try something that he wasn’t entirely confident would succeed, but even what little she knew about fires told her that the situation could change in an instant.  Sure, she was Belle, but she was a replaceable commoner.  There was no way her life even came close to balancing the risk to Chevalier’s own.
She climbed the stairs carefully, realizing just how hot the air had gotten. She reached for the handle, but was greeted with three unpleasant truths.  First, that the fire on the other side of the door had heated the handle to an unpleasant degree.  Second, that her abductors had, in fact, locked said door.  Finally, Third, that she was as much a simpleton as Chevalier always insisted she was, having to learn those first two truths the hard way. There was no doubt in her mind that terror waited on the other side of that door. Even so, she absolutely had to get through it. The hinges were on her side of the door, which meant it opened into the fire, so Chevalier wouldn’t be able to break it down from his side. Her only way out, unless he miraculously found a key somewhere, was to break this door.
Gritting her teeth, MC slammed her shoulder into the door. Nothing. It was hot, but not as hot as the metal door handle. She couldn’t tell if it gave a little bit, or if that was just wishful thinking.  She tried again, and this time something snapped.  The heat was overwhelming, and she wasn’t even in the worst of it yet. She knew to be worried about breathing in the smoke, but it was the kind of knowledge that came from reading, not from experience.  So, when the door gave on her third attempt, the first thing she did was take a deep breath… of the acrid smoke that started pouring down the stairs.
Wracked with coughs it was all MC could do to look around for Chevalier as she watched the fire lick up the walls.  It was simultaneously dark and bright with the red and yellow of flames flickering over the burned husks of furniture.  Ah. The butler’s pantry. Of course. What else would connect to the cellar?
MC hunkered down, trying to keep her head out of the smoke as her eyes burned and tears rolled down her face.
“Chev—” she coughed, and tried to get a breath that wasn’t smoke as a figure stepped through the doorway across the room. 
The second prince looked like a bandit, with a cloth over the lower half of his face, tear tracks running into it through the soot that had collected over his fair skin and in his hair. Before she could say another word, a loud crack rang through the room, and something above Chevalier gave way to the all-consuming fire.
“Chevalier!” MC called, her hands reaching out uselessly toward the prince, who lifted his arm to ward off the falling beam, even while sending a concerned glance in her direction. A sickening crack and the momentary flash of pain across Chevalier’s face was all she saw before the beam hit the ground in a flash of sparks and fire.  
Heedless of the fire, or as heedless as one really can be while everything is burning down around them, MC scrambled across the room to where Chevalier was crouched on the ground, his arm clutched to his chest.
“Chev.” she whispered, concerned as he stood again.
“Simpleton.” His voice was low and rough. “Get downstairs. Now.”
MC knew better than to argue with Chevalier on a good day, and by the tone of his voice, going against his command here was a death wish. Still…
“Not without you.”
Chevalier growled, and MC was reminded that once again she was dealing with the Brutal Beast. He reached out with his good arm and grabbed her wrist, his calloused hand against the raw skin making her hiss, but she didn’t dare pull out of his grasp.  He seemed to realize there was a problem, loosening his hold and taking her hand instead. Her heart fluttered.
Now is not the time for this, MC. she admonished herself, before Chevalier admonished her aloud. 
”Get out of this alive, then swoon.”
They made for the stairs, but Chevalier stopped short.
The stairs… were on fire. 
MC looked at the stairway, and then at Chevalier’s face, which had of course not changed from his usual stoic mask, excepting a small crease between his brows.
“These stairs won’t hold.” He said, and then pulled her to him. “Hold on tight.”
To what?!
Sparing not even a moment for a second thought, Chevalier picked her up by the hips and tossed her over his shoulder before descending the stairs in a rush.  True to his appraisal, the staircase collapsed behind them. Now the only way out truly was the padlocked cellar doors.
MC looked at his face as he set her down once they were clear of the collapsing staircase, and caught the tail end of a wince and a clenched jaw before he smoothed his expression once more.
“Show me the cellar doors.” He said, with no preamble.
MC nodded, and led him to the chained-and-padlocked door she’d just been at. She didn’t know how they were going to get that lock unlocked. Chev had blocked that beam with his dominant arm and she wasn’t as good at locks as she was at knots. Maybe something to ask Clavis about after this, assuming they made it out.  For now, getting out was the priority.  And they needed to do it soon.  MC felt like her lungs were on fire like the rest of the manor.
Of course, she needn’t have worried. Chevalier unsheathed his sword and made quick work of the lock, ripping it off of the chains and pulling the chains free from the door, before once again claiming her hand with his good hand. Well then. His arm must not actually be as hurt as she thought it was.  He had used both arms to lift her over his shoulder, after all. The beam was probably just hot.
“Let’s go, Simpleton.”
MC rolled her eyes at his use of that favored nickname, and allowed him to haul her along with him as the cellar doors opened, showing the concerned faces of none other than Nokto and Clavis.
Having reached the relatively cool outdoor air, MC felt like she was gulping down breaths rather than simply breathing them.
“Let’s get clear of this.” Nokto said, as behind them another room of the house collapsed inwards.
“MC. Deep breaths.” Clavis’ voice rang in her ears, and she turned to look at him, but the world kept spinning even though she’d stopped moving, and she felt herself falling.
“MC.” Chevalier’s arms held her, and distantly she worried about him holding her with that injured arm. As everything went dark, she would have sworn she saw him roll his eyes as she heard him mutter. “You weren’t supposed to take me seriously about swooning. Idiot.”  
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Oddly, scent was the first thing to come back to her. Clean cotton, medicine, and paper.
Then, sound. A quiet conversation, the shuffle of feet across a rug, and the sound of a door closing.
MC blinked, opening her eyes.  She was laying on a familiar bed, though it wasn’t her own.  A quick glance about told her everything she needed to know.  She was in Chevalier’s room, and the prince himself was laying next to her on the bed.  Otherwise, the room was entirely vacant. Whoever had been having that conversation must have left. MC took a moment to check on Chevalier, and what she saw made her stifle a gasp. First, he was shirtless, but that was secondary to the fact that his right side was covered in bandages from shoulder to hip, with the arm itself in a splint. So he had broken the arm.
For her part, she’d been changed out of the ruined dress she’d been wearing, into a clean nightgown, her wrists carefully bandaged, as well as a number of other small wounds she hadn’t even noticed in their escape from the burning manor house. Someone had even washed her hair. How long had she been out?  Certainly it couldn’t have been that long…
MC turned to slip out of the bed and find a robe so that she could go report in to Sariel and find out what he knew about what had happened, and see if there was someone who would tell her how hurt Chevalier actually was, since he certainly would never give her a straight answer about it.  She didn’t get very far, as Chevalier grasped her hips and tugged her over into his arms. 
“Where are you going?” He muttered sleepily. “Stay with me.”
MC’s heart thundered in her chest.  Of course he just wanted to sleep more. He’d done this to her before when she was sent to wake him, and she knew better than to read into his desire for touch when sleepy.
“I need to go report what happened to Sariel.” She said. Honesty was always the best policy with Chevalier, he could taste a lie before you even uttered it.  And if she didn’t get out from his hold, he was going to feel her heart racing, and then he’d be asking her to explain that, and… she knew how useless he found the concept of Love. They’d discussed it. At length.
“The Devil can wait.” He muttered, his breath ruffling her hair. “I, on the other hand, cannot.”
“Chevalier.” MC huffed. “You’re literally the epitome of waiting right now, you’re trying to sleep.”
“No. I am trying to keep you from leaving. Sleep is a convenient side effect.”
“You’ll give me ideas if you keep this up, you know.”
“You already have plenty of them, if your heartbeat is to be considered.”
I knew it! MC sighed. He’s too perceptive.
“Well, the man I love his holding me captive in his bed, what am I supposed to think?”
“Perhaps you might think that you’ve won our little bet.”
She froze. He couldn’t mean it, could he? In the back of her mind, MC could hear Sariel reminding her about Clause 99, but right now she did not care, not even a little bit.
“You mean, you…”
“I love you.” He said it plainly, but the words settled in her chest like a warm sweater on a cold day. “The thought that I could have lost you in that fire nearly broke me. And there you were braving the worst of it to aid me rather than saving yourself.” He tapped on her shoulder, and she turned to face him.  There were tears in his eyes as he looked her in the eye.
“I love you, MC. You win.”
“I love you, Chevalier.” she said, her eyes misty. 
Everything was different now. New, and shining.
She blinked to clear the tears that were threatening to fall, and thus was surprised when Chevalier’s lips met hers, but it didn’t stop her from kissing him back.
Their moment, of course, was broken by vibrant applause.
“Oh, well played, Chev.” Clavis’ voice was full of mirth and mocking. “Save the damsel in distress and then profess your undying love.  How many times does that happen in those books in your little library?  Was that all research, then?”
Chevalier grumbled and threw a pillow at Clavis.  
Well. Not everything had changed, after all.
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The gentle stag Rewrites the stars  
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The gentle stag Rewrites the stars  
Fandom: Ikemen Prince
Pairing: Keith x MC
Part of : Ikemen Prince Gift Exchange hosted by @ikemenlibrary and @sunnyikemen
Gift for @ridiculouslly-ridiculous, I really hope you may like it 🤗
Tag: Slow burn Mutual pining Party Stargazing Realization of feelings Confession of requited feelings First Kiss Fluff
Word Count : 3.962
Author’s Note: The so very friendly and not at all romantic relationship she has with Keith begin to get more intimate when he invites her over to a ball held to celebrate his birthday.
Pleasant occasion turn the ball into a stargazing date, where they realize the feeling they have for one another and couldn't hide any longer, for nothing resist to the almighty power of Love. 🥰
Side Note: All the images were found on Pinterest-Google and I was unable to find the source, please if any of you know the owner tell me and I will provide to give the artist the credit for the image.
Tag list
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @aquagirl1978 @violettduchess @atelieredux @klutzyroses @randonauticrap @thewitchofbooks @princess-pray-a @judejazza @itsmyara
You can find me on AO3 as QueenJuliet 😊
Thank you for everyone who will like, reblog, or comment please be gentle with me english is not my first language so please do not leave rude comments I apologise for eventual errors I hope you will like it 😊
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“It isn’t a date.”
What I hoped to be a confident assertion of my plan for the night did nothing but elicit giggles and knowing smirks from all the princes, sat around the round table.
Leon was the first to break the ice, or as well melt it with the warmth of his smile.
“Alright then, if you say so we believe you, it's true guys ?” 
I hoped they would have listened to him … but in vain, as I noticed seeing Jin smirk as he spoke breezily.
“Of course darling, an invite to a party, in his country, really sounds like a casual stroll to me.” 
I sighed as much as I hated that impression he was right, and yes I may have been getting my hopes up a little bit, but he was such a wonderful gentleman, and it was impossible not to love him. 
“Be careful out there.” Licht hidden kindness melted my heart, I met his eyes melting at the sight of a soft light smile curling his lips, I didn’t shy away from requiting with one of my own
“I will, thanks for the advice.”
“Remember to pay attention to your outfit,  and don’t dare look sloppy on your date.” Yves' warning makes me smile with gratitude, of course I should avoid it or else the nobles will mock me, easily ignoring the fact he called it a date,
“Thank you I will, don’t worry.”
“As if.” his haughty attitude didn't change a bit but the slightly more relaxed smile curling his lips told me another story.
Truth to be told, Keith's wicked side intrigued me like his soft one, the fact I was the only one in Rhodolite to know of his birthday and of his sides maybe made me special to him somehow, or at least I hoped so.
I turned at the sound of a scoff, coming from the head of the table opposite to Leon, in time to see a little smile play on Chevalier’s lips before he resumed his usual stern expression. 
If even he didn’t  believe me then it was useless to hope someone else would, if even he saw our meetings as dates I can only imagine what kind of rumors had spread around the courts about us.
“Dearie me. Who could have imagined you would have been conquered by him of all people?”  I glared at Clavis, ignoring his amber eyes gleaming mischievously, immediately backed up by Nokto,
“He certainly played his card right little lady, you got to admit it.” the foxy grin on his smile tickling on my nerves, pushing me t to give him a piece of my mind
“He isn't my lover.” I declare in a futile attempt at dissuading them from a truth everyone saw but me.
“Not yet.” 
“As much as I am fascinated by Keith.” I do my best to ignore the accomplices smiles Julie and Luke kept giving one another as they look up at me, mentally slapping my face for pronouncing his name, like we were intimate, we are a bit, but still, I sigh heavily, great now everyone knows what I feel for him, confirming things they already thought on their own anyway. 
“Prince Keith is only a friend. I know my place.”
Or at least, I should have known my adoration with him would have done nothing but hurt us both. Everyone knew it but him, blissfully unaware and careless of the supposed forbiddance of that feeling while our meetings became more and more similar to romantic trysts than mere strolls.
“As you desire sweetie.” a playful smile curled Julie’s lips glimmering in her bright green eyes, knowing her fondness for matchmaking I am sure she saw straight through my lies, but it was the best I could offer to fool myself with a non-existent distance between us.
“Thank you for listening to me.” I took advantage of the courtesy to calm down my heart beating furiously in my chest, with measured steps I walked toward the door, my hand was on its knob … when a crystal clear voice reached my ear.
“Enjoy your rendez-vous alors.” a Cheshire cat grin danced on her lips, receiving only a hearty chuckle as answer to my glare.
Once out of the door I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding in until now, affection swelling in my heart at the thoughtfulness they had for me, even though someone showed that better than others, and with a spring in my step I direct myself toward my room, basking in the excitement filling my heart at the prospect of that night party.
The afternoon flew by in an instant, my effort to study was useless, since the only thing in my mind was him. Love was forbidden between a commoner and a noble or, at least, was a lot more difficult than how I read it to be in countless fairytales … but how can you rule the unruly, govern the ungovernable, put rules to emotions, and oblige the heart to follow them?
Brief answer: you can’t. 
I sigh heavily, pushing aside the book I was reading, yet another way to cram my head with etiquette and rules that I should have followed to disguise myself as a noble, hoping for it to be enough to earn my place by his side  …  if only Keith, too,  would have been so crazy as to favor love over politics regarding marriage matters. 
Wondering if our love was starcrossed or written above the stars, I looked to them beginning to twinkle in the early evening sky, still colored with the warm hues of the setting sun in search of answers to questions that kept me thinking all through the day, especially after a totally casual and not at all romantic meeting of ours.
The ever present mantra of not getting too close to him flew out from the window the instant he appeared in my mind, making a jolt of blush spread across my cheeks as I adjusted the tiara on my curls in front of the mirror, mindful to adjust every detail to perfection, running my hands over the soft jade velvet of the gown, a color I chose thinking of him alike the nature themed accessory completing my outfit.
The carriage ride to Jade took longer than expected but I didn’t pay any attention to it, too lost in the admiration of the flourishing countryside scenery out of the window. 
The drumming of my heartbeat only got louder as I caught a glimpse of the Royal palace, dazzling bright like a gleaming Jade stone surrounded by a thick forest amidst the blue velvet of the night sky, embroidered with stars, that so many times Keith and I looked at  together.
I ran my fingers nervously over the richly decorated envelope, an official invite to his birthday party, sighing dreamily I caressed his signature, a flamboyant calligraphy I would have recognized amidst thousands.
A celebration he always felt no need for, but everyone insisted on celebrating as he confessed albeit shily to me only a few days prior as we were having tea together … and not that too was not a date … perhaps ? 
Nervously I stir my fingers on the gown adjusting invisible crinkles, before rushing to take a mirror pocket from my pochette to check out on my makeup and straight the tiara on my curls, to distraction myself I pick up the coins he gifted me rolling it between my thumb and forefingers, letting out a sigh to dispel my anxiety, smiling fondly at the memory of how he taught me how to make it dance in my palm, even though I was not even good enough as him I liked keep playing, reminiscing all the times we spent together, swelling my heart with all the love I and for him and was doing my best to forget but in vain.
The palace got bigger at each roll of the wheels on the cobblestone mixing with the horses’ hooves as the rhythmic undulation of the carriage slowed as we approached the gates, trailing off in a path surrounded by a rainbow of flowers and foliage billowing in the wind greeting the guests. 
My heart beat so loudly almost drowning the music coming from inside, I place and hand over it overwhelmed by a rush of anxiety mixed with excitement as the carriage came to a halt in front of his entrance.
I slide off as gracefully as possible letting the excitement for the night that awaited for me lead the way, pushing away all my nervousness as I smile, concentrating myself to not fall from my high heels keeping a straight composure as I approach the throne placed on a mezzanine floor, with the windows on their back.
I catch my breath at his sight I didn’t know it was possible but he looked even more gorgeous than ever in his formal clothes shining like a Jade under the light of the moon, shaking my head I focus on my courtesy, after the attendant presented me as the daughter of a Rhodolite noble, a surge of pride swelled in my chest at the small satisfied smile playing on his lips.
I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding in until now, meeting his amber gaze as I rose from my position, smiling at his thoughtfulness at the sight of him descending the stairs to come greet me.
“You looked really beautiful tonight, as ever.” His compliment makes a surge of pride swell in me, as I unconsciously bow to him, sliding my fingers over the front of my gown, letting the softness of the velvet under my fingers calm me down a little bit.
I lower my head bashfully to hide my blush behind the fan gazing at his heart melting expression, a tender smile curled on his lips, radiating acceptance and kindness glimmering in his golden eyes as he took my hand in his leaving a gentle kiss on my knuckles, enough to set my skin on fire, I tried to refresh fanning myself but in vain, for the warmth of his hands still lingered on mine even after he retracted it.
“Thank you so much for coming, it made me so happy to have you here today.”
My heart jumped in my chest at the honesty in his voice, so different from the shallow lies of the nobles I got used to during my time at the palace.
“It was my pleasure and honor to meet you, Prince Keith. May I wish you a pleasant and mirthful birthday.”
"It is now that you are here with me." the earnestness of his heartfelt confession bring a smile to my lips as he tucked a rebel curl behind my ear, ignoring the way my heart raced out of control at the warm contact of his fingers brushing on my cheeks, while an hint of sensuality flickered on his honeyed eyes for a brief second, enough to make me yearn for more.
There was a hint of shyness in his smile as he gazed back at me, while a soft rosy blush crept up on his cheeks making my heart swell with love I held for him, enhanced by the tenderness I saw reflected in his golden eyes as he leaned to me, his breath fanning on my cheeks distracting me from everything else, moment I savour to the fullest revelling in the little touch of his chest brushing against my breast, as my heart galloped wildly in a frenzy from his allure.
“I would like to show you something.” He bit his bottom lip, fidgeting with his own fingers before raising his wide doe-like eyes to look at me with such a heart melting gaze I couldn’t deny anything to 
“Do you want to come with me ?” his almost pleading tone pulled at my heartstring, I tenderly placed my gloved hand over his own.
“Of course, lead me.” The sun dawned once more on his features brightened by such a pure soft smile I stared in awe at, I would go with you anywhere if you asked me a secret wish I keep to myself.
I bask in his manly warm hands engulfing mine as he lead me to a secret passage directed to his personal astronomy tower that only he would grace his presence upon, since he kindly explained to me that the astronomer was too engrossed in a deep discussion with the librarian to ever notice or care about the falling stars scheduled for that night to happen.
“I see well it’s cute that is happening today. It's like a gift from the universe.”
I sense him smiling as he gently squeezing my hand in his,
“Moreover I hope you will like my present when you open it, I left it at the entrance with the others.” 
“Trust me, your presence here is the best gift I could ever receive from you.” 
his soft voice dripped with tenderness as he squeezed my hand, turning around to give me a heart melting smile, so bright to shine even through the darkness of the corridor.
Once arrived there I follow him out on the balcony, my breath catch in my throat, mesmerized by the view of the Kingdom stretching before my eyes, shrouded in darkness almost a continuation of the night sky, with the stars sliding down to play hide and seek from clouds to the towns’ houses, a sight so beautiful to entrance me completely, smiling at the pleasant contact of his masculine forms hovering over next to me while his pinky finger ever so shily crawl on the railing to overlap with mine. 
I looked up at him but he simply smiled, enraptured by his handsome features I smiled back at him, squeezing his hand as he engulfed mine in his once more.
“It is so … beautiful.” I manage to murmur as I stare in awe at the sight, sliding to look back at him, the light of the lanterns dancing on his alluring features
“I am so happy you like it.” 
“Look out there for the falling star, don’t forget to make a wish-” 
“-And it will be granted.” I continue smiling at him, revelling in our shared knowledge.
Curiosity and hope got the best of me and before I know it I had my eyes glued to the sky feeling his pinky finger ever so slowly crawl to entwine with mine as I look briefly at him, seeing a soft smile plastered on his lips as he feigned innocence staring at the stars, reflected in his golden eyes.
I bask in that intimate contact hoping from the bottom of my heart the darkness could conceal the red blush of my cheeks, the same shade of rose I saw dusting over his as I softly squeezed his fingers, he ever so softly entwined with mine.
A bit of time passed by and nothing was in sight, so much so that I was thinking that maybe the towns’ light overshine over the stars … when suddenly I saw it.
A comet rushing amidst them all, burning bright, like my love for him, piercing through the clouds near the moon.
Unable to stay still I beam brightly pointing out excitedly at the sky
“I saw one, there.” I smile at him, unable to look away from the galaxy reflected in his gaze as the lights of the lanterns and the moon danced in the golden pool of his eyes.
“You seem to be lucky tonight, I have yet to see any.”
“Don’t be upset. I am sure you will see one too soon.”
“Have you expressed your wish?”
“Yes.” I confess bashfully 
“But I don’t know if it became true.” I trail off, looking down at the towns’ below, wondering if maybe I could belong there too, a wishful dream I brush off shaking my head from the bittersweet thought of what could have been … if only I would have been a noble but I wasn’t and so I was forced to see my love off with another, I clutch my fingers on my heat to calm the painfully tug at the thought.
“Why not ?” His tone dripping with concern as he leaned next to me, brushing his thumb on the back of my hand, managing to calm be it for a while my racing heart, making my focus shift back to him
“It … too strange that is.” I looked briefly up at him, in time to see surprise in his widened eyes, while a sympathetic smile played on his lips.  
“I am sure it will.” 
His support warmed my heart as I squeeze his hand before going back to gaze at the sky, doing my best but failing at forgetting the love I felt for him, or else this would have led us to our downfall and the mere idea of hurting him was unbearable to me, desiring from the bottom of my heart for him to be happy.
A bit of time went by and I kept my eyes open for any sign of a falling star, ready to indicate that to him and gave him the chance to make a wish too, all that to earn that bright, tender smile of his that never failed to make my heart swell with love and affection for him.
I had just thought that when his gentle voice shook me from my reveries
“I saw one too.” 
“You made your wish Keith ?” I leaned over with curiosity, I know well it was forbidden to tell it but a part of me wondered what he used it for … but with great astonishment he shook his head, his tone unusually serious as he looked straight at me.
“Wishing upon a star? What for when I have everything I could have wished for and more right there, in my arms.” 
His masculine brawny body engulfing me in his hug, I looked up at him seeing affection glimmering in his amber gaze, glimmering like molten gold at the warm suffused light coming from the lanterns of the balcony.
It was too good to be true, he was a prince and I was … well I a commoner faking to be a noble even though he knew of it this didn’t changed the difference in our status
“Keith please.” I beg, half hoping he wasn’t joking for my heart would have not take too well the delusion of my feelings being teased so openly 
“It is not a lie” his words filled my heart with hope, as it began to race out of control in my chest so much I was sure he could hear it too. 
“But your duty …”
“Is to follow my heart and that is what I am doing.This always has been the best thing to do for us in Jade and I am no exception.” This statement took me off guard, I always assumed Royalty everywhere married off just for duty and alliance but he proved me wrong and no one knows how much I was immensely grateful for it.
“But who can love someone like me.” My insecurities speaking up before I had a chance to shut them up, I bit my lip trailing my gaze on my fingers curled on his chest,
“I will.” his sturdy fingers cupped my face, raising me to meet his gaze, unwavering, loyal and honest like I came to know both his sides to be.
“I am not tricking you, please trust me.” a plea dripping over his tone pushing me to let down my guard, as I always did around him looking back into his gaze
“I love you.” the brightness of a thousand suns glimmering in his honey eyes, pouring over his tender smile.
“Oh Keith I love you too.” 
The sensation of his lips on mine was nothing like I expected it, it was far better, it really felt like we were melting into one another, it was shy and a bit clumsy I felt his hands curl on my hips to help me remain on my feet as I  get swept off by the soft movements of his lips savouring mine, while I grip my fingers on his shirt, afraid he may slip off if I loosened my clutch … but there was no need to, as he proved wrapping his arms around me holding me close to his chest.
Reluctantly he pulled away leaning his forehead to mine, brushing his thumb on my cheeks, before trailing it over my sensitive bottom lip, a dreamy sigh escaped my lips immediately robbed by his lips landing once more on mine,it was a brief kiss but enough to let me desiring for more, enhanced by his warm breath fanning over my swollen lips.
“Please grant me the honor of being my fiancé.”
The honest affection filling his golden eyes mesmerize me, driving me in further into that golden pool I wished to swim in with him … and now finally could after week spent wishing and dreaming to become his lover,
“Oh Keith. Yes.” the diamond on the ring glimmered in the sheer light of the moon witness of that peculiar engagement as he ever so gently slide it on my ring finger, unknowingly setting my heart ablaze with indescribable happiness and swollen with love, racing in my chest with all the affection I held for him, I hoped to convey tip toeing to leave a tender kiss on his soft cheeks, revelling in his rosy blush.
Surely he would have had a lot of things to explain to the court sooner or later, like I should have to after all …  but for now all that mattered was us, alone on his balcony sharing a promise with only the stars as guardians of our love.
I welcomed the softness of his lips melting once more on mine in a sweet, tender kiss, robbing me of any coherent thought as he embraced me ever so strongly swallowing the ever soft whimpers escaping from my lips as he deepened the kiss, while my fingers dived in his soft grey curls and his own tightened around my hips as he hold me close to him.
Reluctantly he pulled away brushing a gentle kiss on my forehead as he took my hands in  his, placing a gentle kiss on their knuckles looking straight at me 
“I love you my little bunny always and forever.” his heartfelt confession moved me to the core, I did my best to reciprocate.
“I love you too, my stag, all of you, so very much.” 
He placed his head on mine, pulling me in a slow improvised waltz on the balcony floor, I eagerly followed, leaning my head on his chest, hearing our hearts beating in sync like one, like the soulmates we were destined to be.
The princes of Rhodolite were right since the beginning this was a date, and no one knew how much happy it made me to have been able to finally confess that feeling I held secretly hidden in my heart until that moment 
Love was a gift, I always believe in that, but no one of all my books prepared me for this, to love and to be loved was pure bliss, it filled your heart with affection and happiness, a passion smoldering as the sun and ten fold as bright, inexplicable to describe and I was grateful to all the universe for making that possible, bringing us together as written above the stars since the beginning of the universe and for all eternity.
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drachonia · 4 months
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Long time no see! This is my piece I made for the loveliest of lovelies @randonauticrap! I chose to make a piece of a character I don't usually see much of, Jin. Hope Lenore likes the personalized chocolates. <3
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revasserium · 11 months
🤍✨️send this to ten other bloggers you think are wonderful. keep the game going✨️🤍😊
@randonauticrap thank you darling! <3 this is so sweet of you!!! i hope your weekend is treating you well, and you're getting lots of sleep and eating good food, wherever you are!
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xxsycamore · 8 months
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𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐓𝐨𝐨
↬   🧡 Jin has been acting strange today. Before you can make a connection between all the strange things happening all day, he's got you head over heels for him once again.
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Jin Grandet x f!Reader • rating: G • tags: Fluff; Established Relationship; Married Characters; Aged-Up Character(s)• wordcount: 1,111 • masterlist
For Cozytober 2023 by @randonauticrap . Prompt - No. 14: Lord Huron - The Night We Met Lyrics - "I had all and then most of you/Some and now none of you/Take me back to the night we met"
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MADAME L!!! Here too, I want to wish you a very happy birthday, may your day be filled with all things you love, and I'll help a little bit by offering you this humble gift... I hope you enjoy, our dear resident Jin lover 🥺❤❤❤
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Jin has been acting strange today.
It was around noon when you began looking around for him, remembering the plans you two made for your day off. It's strange that he hasn't monopolized your time since the very second you opened your eyes in the morning... which made you all the more determined to be the first to find him and not the other way around.
Strangely, everyone you ask gives a different reply as to where they saw him last. Leon for one sounded very confident about seeing him in the training grounds - while Yves was sure he had stopped by the kitchen just a couple of minutes ago.
You stand helpless in front of the palace gardens, autumn leaves dancing in the air with a gust of wind, as if to highlight the lack of any presence in the vast open space stretching out ahead of you. You sigh, noting the position of the sun and how it's been following you in your quest to find your lover, rolling across the sky faster now that the days are getting shorter.
You reach the sitting area and a gasp comes out of your mouth as if you refuse to believe your eyes. There, on the pink settee, that's definitely Jin just casually lounging around...
"Did you get lost in the palace?"
Lost? In the place you've been living for so long now?
"You look as if you just saw a ghost. Come here... this was our meeting spot for today, did you forget?"
"Maybe I did? I don't know. I'm a bit distracted these days."
Jin smiles sweetly at you, standing relaxed as you take a seat next to him. As soon as you're close enough, however, his demeanor changes as he almost pounces on you, stealing your breath as he plants a passionate kiss on your lips.
You guess he missed you?
What you expected to end as soon as it began becomes deeper and fiercer, and even though you chuckle and pull away to ask him what's with him today, he doesn't let go. He just keeps on kissing you.
"I think I could spend my life with a girl like you."
Face burning red, you decide not to pay too much mind to the oddness of it and to enjoy his showcase of love instead.
It's evening when you get summoned to Leon's faction room. The fourth prince soothes your worries but still insists all of you wait for Jin before starting.
At last, Jin shows up. Takes out a lollipop. Banters with Yves. Tousless Yves' hair. Attempts to tickle Yves.
"Do we really have to do this part as well?!"
Leon is quick to steal your attention with a well-timed cough before he addresses, at long last, the reason you're all gathered here. Apparently, it's something about an upcoming gathering with officials from abroad and it has to do with making a good first impression when it comes to introductions. You suggest Chevalier's faction should be the one working harder at these, but Leon only gives you an understanding look before asking Jin to introduce himself first.
"Jin Grandet. 34 years old, still in the prime of my youth. I'd say my best feature is those charming eyes of mine."
Before everyone can roll their eyes, and despite the fact that you feel the urge to do so yourself, you chime in: "Well, he's right."
Jin winks at you and continues.
"My hobbies are my wife, my wife, and my wife."
"You're the worst."
"You never shut up about your wife."
Noting the mood of the other princes based on these comments, Leon uncrosses his arms and calls it a night. Just like that. You thought he was way more tolerant and used to Jin's antics by now... and you also thought you'd be stuck here for much longer. But in the next second, you find yourself in the room alone with Jin who looks as if he has no intentions of getting up from the couch anytime soon.
He shifts the lollipop from one side of his mouth to the other with his tongue, the hard piece of candy clinking softly against the back of his front teeth.
"Sooo?" You ask, approaching him. "Are you going to tell me what all of this is about, already?"
"Why don't you take a seat?"
You spend a whole two seconds considering his offer before you sit down close enough to him that your knees are touching. The question still present in your eyes, you hold his gaze demandingly.
"I was thinking about you a lot lately."
"Jin, you always think about me-"
"And about the night we met. Well, the night I introduced myself to you."
All the pieces fall right into their places. That day, two years ago... you got lost in the palace, wandering off until you accidentally witnessed Jin kissing a woman in the garden, and...
When your mind goes to that place, your new, fresh memory of Jin kissing you breathless right there just earlier today domineers over the initial one.
And then when night fell, you now remember, you were right here in this very room, and...everything was just as it happened just now.
"You...recreated that day? But why?"
"Because I hate myself for giving you a bad first impression like that. I was such a fool. I had no idea how special you're going to become to me and... I don't want you to look back at those memories and remember me by all those awful things. And I wish I could rewrite much more than that first day. But unfortunately, I can't."
You take hold of Jin's face, suppressing the urge to seal his lips with your own so he doesn't say another word. Emotion rushes through you, and you lay your forehead against his shoulder instead.
"Jin, I could never trade our first memories together for anything. You know why? Because they're the proof of the long path we walked towards here."
Jin is at a loss for words, evident by the way he freezes and only after a few silent moments does he shift a little so he can stroke your back. When that ceases being enough to communicate how touched he is, he gently guides you to look him in the eye again.
"I love you more than anything. I love you so damn much."
You chuckle, rubbing your thumb across his chin as you get closer.
"Do you remember your next line?"
"No, I don't."
"If you keep staring at me like that, you're gonna make me think the feeling is mutual."
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @kittygrimm88 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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aquagirl1978 · 10 months
Chasing Fireflies - Chevalier Michel x Reader (Ikemen Prince)
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A/N: Part of the Summer Days Sultry Night writing event I am co-hosting with @violettduchess
Pairing: Chevalier Michel x Reader
Prompt: fireflies and summer festival
Tags: fluff
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“Look, Papa!”
The young boy proudly held out his cupped hands to his father; nestled inside was a firefly, its abdomen glowing brightly in the fading twilight sky. 
Chevalier smiled softly as he watched his son gaze at the firefly, his face alight with joy, amazed that amidst all the lights and sounds of the summer festival that this small creature captured his full attention.
“What are you going to do with him?” Chevalier asked his son as the firefly crawled along one of his small fingers.
The boy looked up at his father, his attention finally pulled from the tiny insect. “I’ll let him go,” he replied quickly, as if there was no other answer in the world. “I just wish Mama was here to see.”
“Your mother and sister will be back shortly. With a pile of books, I’m sure.” The firefly fluttered his wings before flying away, his flickering light soon disappearing in the distance.
“Goodbye, firefly.”
Something stirred inside Chevalier as he watched his young son wave goodbye to his friend the firefly. Looking back on his own childhood, he couldn’t recall a single, innocent moment like this shared with either of his parents. This. This affection, this connection, this love was everything he had been missing and craving for so many years.
That all changed when he met you.
Chevalier looked up, his smile bright like the firefly, as soon as he spotted your figure approaching. In one of your hands was a small stack of books pressed against your chest; the other hand held a smaller hand, that of your young daughter. 
Warmth filled his body with his family reunited, his queen by his side. No longer a strange feeling, it was something he secretly wished would never go away.
“What did you two do while we were shopping?” you asked, genuinely curious.
“I caught a firefly, Mama. But…he flew away before you came back.”
“Oh, that’s a shame. I wish I could have seen him. 
Something in the air caught Chevalier’s eye; he reached out, his fingers outstretched, quickly closing into a loose fist. He turned over his hand, his fingers opening to reveal a tiny firefly in his large palm. 
“Papa, you caught one!” the boy and girl exclaimed together excitedly.
Chevalier turned to you, proud to present you this prize. He cupped his hands like his son did earlier, careful to not let the firefly fly away just yet. He stood there silently, simply enjoying the childlike joy that filled your face.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady @queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome @kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @violettduchess @umi-adxhira @bellerose-arcana @yarnnerdally @crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @scorchieart @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings @wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage
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ikemenlibrary · 3 months
My Ikémen Valentine Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you all once again for another great and successful exchange! I can't wait to see you all soon :) <3
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The Gentle Stag Spell of Love | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for keithsandwich
A Sweet Taste | Silvio Ricci x Emma (MC) | by @keithsandwich for goustmilk
Love Letters (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @goustmilk for drachonia
Chocolates & Cake (Artwork) | Jin Grandet x Lenore (OC) | by @drachonia for randonauticrap
Silent Letters to My Beloved | Rio Ortiz x Gender Neutral Reader | by @randonauticrap for coderealizes
A Chance Event | Clavis Lelouch x Female Reader | by @coderealizes for pondlilies00
A Trip Away (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x MC | by @pondlilies00 for maeko-kun
Give Me The Smile in Your Heart (Artwork) | Vlad x MC | by @maeko-kun for tacogawa
Under The Trees (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x Julie (OC) | by @tacogawa for queengiuliettafirstlady
Together | Cyran Rose x AU Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for readerinsertfiction
Fate | Comte de Saint Germain x MC | by readerinsertfiction for ikemenlibrary
Valentines in Wonderland | Luka Clemence x Alice (MC) | by @readerinsertfanfiction for bluejay-writes
Puppy Love Picnic | Silvio Ricci x Airin (OC) | by @bluejay-writes for airin-queenz
Sweet's Love (Artwork) | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @airin-queenz for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Finding Home Within You | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for chirp-a-chirp
Revolve | Isaac Newton x Mitsuki (MC) | by @chirp-a-chirp for fang-and-feather
A Taste of Domesticity | Isaac Newton x Reader | by @fang-and-feather for bicayaya
How To Take Care of a Sick MC | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @bicayaya for pillowpillowillow
Love Potion for Two | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @pillowpillowillo for kalims-pessimist-bestie
Take a Break | Jin Grandet x Oliver (OC) | by @kalims-pessimist-bestie for olivermorningstar
Evening Ride With You (Artwork) | Licht Klein x Emma (MC) | by @olivermorningstar for xbalayage
A Hidden Feeling | Silvio Ricci x Reader | by @xbalayage for violettduchess
It's You. You're My Kink | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for kokorokai
Sweeter Than Chocolate | Lancelot Kingsley x Alice (MC) | by @kokorokai for daegupaksu
Tempering Chocolate (Artwork) | Sebastian x Mitsuki (MC) | by @daegupaksu for ohtomatotome
Smarty Pants | Leonardo da Vinci x MC | by @sunnyikemen for technicolorbirds
Haunted Dreams | Licht Klein x Emma (MC) | by @technicolorbirds for midwinterrmomento
Flower Language | Leonardo da Vinci x MC | by @midwinterrmemento for sunnyikemen
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maries-gallery · 8 months
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Firs entrance to @randonauticrap 's COZYTOBER event!
genre: fluff
warnings: none
wordcount: 1k
Prompt: Cursed by Lord Huron
Lyrics: "The spell she cast on me is real”, "I gotta find me a cure.", "I was doomed by our first kiss."
star banner by the lovely @/saradika
For more content like this, check the masterlist
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Through his travels at sea, Silvio had seen and experienced many things. 
Through rain and thunderstorms he had witnessed the waves rise before his ship, so high they kissed the sky. In the middle of the ocean, he had witnessed the vast infinity of the world and understood what it truly meant to be by one’s self. On more occasions than one he had witnessed the Sun being swallowed by clouds of coal and smoke, the sea tainted with ink as light faded in the distance. 
Yet nothing ever got his heart hammering in his chest the way you did. Nothing ever instilled such fear, such wonder. Never had he encountered as wickedly enchanting a creature as you. 
Never, had he been drawn to anything as much as he found himself drawn to you, lured by the flickers in your gaze and by the taste of his name on your tongue. 
He knows he should stay away, but it’s too late, you’ve caught his heart and made it yours. Locking it away in your treasure chest, leaving him cold and empty and heaving for mercy. 
He was doomed by the first kiss. A kiss he had stolen from you himself in the hope of shutting you up, instead you had taken his heart in return. Every thought now haunted by the softness of your lips on his and the sweet taste of your scent. 
And a part of him wants to flee, to free himself from your claws and swim back to the surface. Yet another part of him finds comfort in the power you have over him, in the hold you have over his every thought and every waking hour. As much as he hates it. 
He stares at you as the two of you stand on the beach, pouring rain soaking through his bones yet he can’t seem to care. Feet rooted in the sand as he holds your gaze, your eyes piercing through him and there is nothing he can do to escape from you. 
Not when you’ve stolen the air from his lungs and his survival depends on your vicinity alone. So even as the tears of the sky stain through his clothes, he remains in front of you. 
You stare at him, a scowl on your features as you cross your arms over your chest. He had said something unkind yet again, and you had gone to the beach in front of the Benitoitian castle to avoid throwing a punch at him. 
His heart twists in his chest as a visible shiver wracks through your body and in a flash he is by your side, removing his coat to drape it over your shoulders. He hopes you don’t catch the concern in his gaze. 
“Damnit you really have no sense of self preservation. Didn’t you see it was pourin’?” He scowls, and warmth spreads in his chest as you shoot him a glare.  
“Honestly between staying in the same room as you and the rain, I’ll take the rain in a heartbeat.” You say, yet your hands still clutch at the fabric of his coat, seeking its warmth and comfort. His heart flutters at the sight. 
Part of him wants to learn your wits and how you play your tricks. How you managed to wrap him around your finger with such ease. Another part of him doesn’t care, already too lost in you, slowly drowning in the gentle warmth that lulls his chest at the mere thought of you. 
Each kiss a deal with the devil he can’t escape, each kiss another part of his soul he willingly sells to you for eternity and forevermore. 
It is not even like the two of you are a thing. Your lips just happened to meet a few too many times than proper. Either in an attempt to shut the other up or because of unbridled frustration. 
Sometimes he thinks you might be a witch, a siren of sorts, one that sings sailors to their death. Unlucky sailors like him, weak to your charms. But then again, it doesn't seem like you are trying to lure him in. In fact it is quite the opposite. 
It is not like you are kind or tender to him, not like you are soft in your advances or bold in your seduction. No. You’re scorching fire and raging passion, especially when it comes to arguing with him or demonstrating just how much of a “pain in the ass” he is to you. 
And maybe that’s why he found himself so drawn to you in the first place. Not because of some supernatural charm, not because of some spell he cannot escape. But because of you. Because you are the first woman that dares be honest with him, that dares put him back in his place and would rather jump into a sea of sharks than let him buy you with his money. 
Maybe the reason he finds himself so drawn to you, is because you are the first to see him as a person. 
Maybe that is why, even the most hurtful of words and most insulting sentences sound like a blessing when sung in your voice. And before he knows it Silvio would rather cross Hell by your side than go through Heaven alone. 
You make hating you so tempting. Yet he can’t find the strength in himself to push you away, strangely enamoured by the thought of you spitting your fire at him yet again. 
The spell you cast on him is real. And he has to find a cure, but he doesn’t know if he wants to. 
“You should come back inside.” He says, swallowing thickly as bitterness coats his tongue at your harsh gaze. 
He waits for you to move, for you to go back to the safety of the palace. And when you do, he follows after you, because where else would he go? 
And even though he knows you’re in Benitoite as Belle, he wishes you’d come for him instead.
taglist: @aquagirl1978 @xbalayage (COME GET YOUR MAN) @pockcock @nightghoul381 @itsjudesfault @veervers @candied-boys @kalims-pessimist-bestie @ikesimpleton @ikemen-writer
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