#the usa is a christian state. when i talk abt the usa im not talking abt catholicism
cuddlycryptid · 3 months
America is definitely a colonization state, but you can’t say the same thing about Israel
That’s erasing thousands of years of Jewish history
imagine saying the state literally committing a genocide in order to colonize and ethnically cleanse an entire civilization and history is. not engaging in violent colonialism
the government is not the same entity as everyone who has ever lived there or ever contributed to the culture and history of judaism. the israeli state is committing atrocities and some of its population contributes obviously (idf). but you need to separate the israeli state from people who are jewish and ppl who happen to have been born there but disagree with the genocide. pretending like critiquing the state automatically includes these groups, or has anything to do with jewish history or culture, is a tool used to deflect accusations of the war crimes israel is actively committing. please think critically
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