#the way I was just abt to go to bed before I got notified abt this skkfkskfjs
doggolol · 1 year
0 notes
fantoccia · 2 years
(Hi I got to thinking abt Donna and Angie as Gotham characters cos lol @ everyone I interact with at this point. But hey if u wanna take a look, kinda long drabble)
On the cusp of where Gotham transitions from its old city to newer buildings like most cities did, a tall house stood on a small section of land still somehow untouched by concrete and brick. It stood out from the rest of the city, yet still somehow seemed to fit in perfectly- an old gothic-style home with slanted roofs and a couple of spires, all surrounded by a black metal fence that kept most of the city away...
Despite the darkened windows and otherwise unwelcome appearance, there was a small sign that dangled just at the end of the stairway- mostly faded but still recognizable as advertising the location as a Bed and Breakfast. The number underneath would be obscured beyond recognition, however, and anyone who tried to buzz the home at the gate would simply be politely notified that they were currently Booked Full and they would have to make an appointment at another time. 
Anyone who was in the know would know this was a stretch in the truth. While the rooms may not be left without vacancy, appointments weren’t made in the way most hotels or other B&Bs would... The guests in this home were very special indeed and sometimes the price for staying isn’t in money. Prices may vary, but anyone who knows anything about what it was like inside would all pay one similar payment- silence. 
The home and the family who owned it mirrored their location- an in-between, a sort of veil between old or new, dark or light, good or bad... A truly grey, neutral area for anyone who was willing to play by the rules. The family within had enough quiet influence to uphold this sort of sovereignty... Plus the services offered were enough to have those that would normally cause them problems to look the other way.
One of these services was what Batman was after tonight. He would take the short glide from the nearest rooftop to land upon the walkway, the sound of his heavy bootsteps upon the wooden porch probably enough to alert those inside to his presence before he even reaches the door. Knocking wasn’t exactly how he normally operated, but he’s long since learned the Rules of the home... And if he wanted to get what he was after, he was going to play along. 
Knock Knock. A pause followed by allowing himself in- the door wasn’t locked, after all. The home itself was quite cozy- Batman walks through a short foyer before being greeted by a dimly lit living room filled with antiquated furniture. It was like stepping back in time... or into someone’s attempt at a haunted house. Alongside the usually quaint and pleasant decorations were... dolls. Everywhere. He can’t help the feeling of being watched the instant he walked into the home, but he’s certain he’s not the only one...
Chances are the sensation wasn’t far off the mark, either. As he walks in, the black-clad figure resting on one of the chairs by the fireplace would look up to him without any sign of surprise. She always seemed to anticipate his arrival, despite his only warning of approach being his footsteps mere moments before...
“Donna.” Batman nods politely as he stops in the entranceway. Her dark eye seems to bore right into him as she motions him in, other hand gently resting on a smaller figure in her lap. “Thank you for having me... Who is it we have tonight?” While he always made sure to acknowledge Donna, he knew she wasn’t the one he was going to wind up speaking with. 
“Oh, I’m Letty! Pleased to meet you!” The small dark-haired doll in Donna’s lap seemed to spring to life without so much as a twitch from the woman. Batman would have to admit her ventriloquism was superb; as many times as he’d try to catch her lips moving, they’d only press together even tighter.
“Well, miss Letty.” He’s patient, leaning in to speak to the doll as he would anyone else... Something that he’d notice would get a tiny twitch of a smile on the otherwise somber puppeteer’s lips every time. “I’m here for a bit of information...” 
“Oh, information? Gosh, I dunno if I know much worth saying!” The little doll bats her eyelashes as her head cocks to the side. “Not much has really come through lately, mister! Nothing really worth gossiping over anyway, hee hee!” There is a hint of movement in Donna’s arm as the doll hides a giggle behind a porcelain hand.
“Ah... Thank you. Do you suppose Angie would know anything?” Batman nods to the doll, chancing a glance up to Donna now. Her eye glances thoughtfully to the side; his right, her left- she’s not thinking up a lie, she’s trying to remember what she can. He’s spoken to her enough now that he probably didn’t really need to notice her eye movements, Donna’s more likely to clam up completely than to lie. But there’s always the one chance.
“Umm... I dunno! She’s cleaning up room three if you wanna talk to her.” Letty hums after a beat of thought, Donna now turning her head to look pointedly up the nearby stairs. Batman follows her gaze for just a moment before looking back to her and nodding politely.
“I’ll go see what she has to say. Thank you Letty... Donna.” Again, he makes sure to thank the silent woman as well, gaining another little hint of a smile, before he turns to the stairway. Even without the sound of his boots, anyone would be able to hear him making his way up... Almost every other step had a sort of creak to it that he knew by heart by now. At this point, he could probably write sheet music for the specific sounds these steps made... Thankfully he isn’t attempting to sneak up on anybody this time, this house was a nightmare to traverse...
Once he reaches the room Donna pointed out, he would peek in through the open door. Another woman was inside, humming lightly as she sorts out a few little things about the room... which was just a small kitchen area short of being a whole suite. While the sort of clients that stayed there didn’t stay for the amenities, it was honestly a lovely home... He would consider asking for a stay one night if he wasn’t so sure the question would simply be met with a sweet smile and a loving, heartfelt apology that they were booked for the next few months.
Batman knocks on the door frame, stepping in when the woman peeks over... again, not terribly surprised to see him there. She tuts a little before he has a chance to open his mouth. “Tch! Those boots of yours are gonna go right through our antique flooring one day! And what are you gonna do about it when they do?”
“I’ve always taken care to reimburse any damages your home receives, Angie.” He replies easily enough, stopping a few feet from her as she moves now to straighten out the bedsheets. “... I do try not to, though. This building is a historical landmark by now.” 
“Yes well... Some histories don’t quite make it into the school books, do they?” Once she was done fussing about with the room, she finally turns to him and flashes a wide, sweet smile. “Now... To what do we owe the pleasure of your visit, Mister Man, the Bat?” Cheerful and chatty, Angie was definitely the opposite of the somber silent woman downstairs... but sometimes Batman wonders who was easier to talk with when he needed something.
“I’m here for some information. Perhaps you can help me.” He begins easily enough, the little purse of the girl’s glossy lips indicating her interest. “There’s been word of Mister Freeze making a reappearance-”
“Victor isn’t doing anything.” Angie interjects, brow furrowed as she looks at him. “He’s not doing anything and you should know he’s not doing anything.” A comment that has him clearing his throat before continuing.
“I don’t watch him all the time, Angie. Even as often as I’m able to, he has his moments of privacy... I simply know I’ve received a tip-”
“His moments of privacy include spending time with his wife and son along with researching his illness. Your tip is bunk.” She isn’t budging... Her voice is actually getting firmer- but not fiery just yet. She’s certain in what she knows- so she either doesn’t know what this tip was about or else she’s right... “So you can go ahead and tell the Commissioner that even sending out his bat-buddy here isn’t gonna change what I’m gonna say!” 
“Commissioner Gordon contacted you about this?” Batman arches a brow under his mask now. Gordon wasn’t the one who contacted him about this, after all, Batman didn’t think he knew anything just yet. His question gets a little blink from Angie before she gains a sly sort of smirk, hands coming up to rest on her hips.
“Well! Seems like someone really wants you boys to think Victor’s up to something! Trying to get the poor man in trouble... You know, he’s only just turned over a leaf, he shouldn’t have to deal with this.” Batman’s only really half listening to Angie’s fussing now, just giving a slow nod for a moment before finally sighing and glancing over her.
“Would you have an idea of anyone who may want to frame Fries for anything? Perhaps someone who would want to ruin what he’s trying to build?” Of course, he has plenty of ideas for himself, but his visit so far hasn’t been completely fruitless... might as well ask. He watches as Angie purses her lips again, eyes glancing one way, then the other... Going over scenarios in her head, seeing who she could think of, before her brow furrows and her lips curl down.
“Oohh... Oh I bet I do! Tut! That worm of a man, if this is his fault I’m gonna... He’s gonna wish you got a hold of him first...” She’s grumbling, mostly to herself than to Batman at this point. It was almost amusing seeing her fume, he had no doubt in his mind that whoever she had her sights on now was going to get quite the earful... Still, he tilts his head towards her. She catches the motion and snaps out of her thoughts, flashing another sweet smile before stepping forward to give his arm a little pat.
“Here, allow me to speak with him first... I’d like to make sure my information is correct, after all. You don’t need any more baseless accusations thrown about!” Though a bit more veiled than she normally puts it, Batman can understand what she’s saying- if it’s who she thinks it is, it’s going to be handled. 
Somehow... He feels like Angie’s special brand of justice might be fine in these circumstances. Her continued quiet seething promises resolution... Yet still, he has to make his offer.
“You know how to reach me if you learn who is behind this.” He pauses when she cocks a brow at him with a little grin. “... You know how to contact Commissioner Gordon if you wish to reach me.” He rephrases carefully, gaining a snort from the other.
“Ha! Come on now, Batty... Surely a few pretty ladies have your number tucked away somewhere safe~ What’s one more?” Angie teases as she sidles in just a bit closer, almost close enough now to lean in against his chest as she bats her eyelashes up at him.
“Believe it or not, I don’t take house calls.” Batman responds easily enough, glancing down over her before he suddenly leans in closer, speaking low to let all the gravel in his voice really get to work right in her ear. “Though if you’re going to be offering some additional personal services tonight, I might just have to see about booking a room... Then I may be the one calling for you.”
The small woman’s face is bright red in an instant, her previous bravado replaced with sputtering now. “Buh! Y-you! This isn’t that type of hotel! We’re booked up anyway! You! You! Just go on, get! I need to vacuum!” Angie squeaks as she now shoves at his middle, Batman allowing himself to be ushered out of the room now with a low chuckle. She never did respond well to her bluff being met.
Batman makes sure to say goodbye to Donna (and Letty) as he makes his way out now, calling Gordon almost as soon as the door shuts behind him to let him know what had transpired. The Commissioner suggests waiting to see what comes of it all... and Batman finds himself agreeing with the plan. No harm has come just yet... And this all was an attempt to nip any plans in the bud anyway.
Still, one week later and Batman pays another visit to check up on things. There had been no more tips, no changes in activity, nothing... Upon asking Angie about her lead, she’d simply smile sweetly to him and say it had been handled. The knowing little gleam in her eye as she says that makes Batman believe that it surely has been handled. Perhaps not the form of justice he or Gordon would’ve dished out, but sometimes some things can be handled in other ways. 
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I just got into “Who’s Lila?” So I’m kinda confused on what’s up with William? You seem cool and the only other person on this hellsite that likes the game so can I ask abt ur personal take on him?
Yoooo I get to talk about blorbo from my games!! Also thanks for the compliment you seem cool too, Anon :)
Ok so obvious warning for spoilers for the game as well as discussion of murder, violence, etc. Also putting this under a readmore just so it doesn't clog up the main tag. Also holy shit this is going to be a long post sorry guys
So! the lore and plot of Who's Lila is pretty confusing, not gonna lie, so I'm going to try to make it as simple as possible, and explain what I know concretely.
William Clarke is a young man, exact age unknown, though as I have stated before in a previous post, I assume him to be a teenager at least sixteen years old, due to the fact that the school he attends appears to be a high school. I could be wrong, but that’s how I interpret it.
A little bit about will’s backstory because I’m trying to show the timeline of the game. The earliest thing we know about Williams life is that his father left when he was a toddler. His mother was extremely overprotective for unknown reasons (more on this later.) and isolated him until he was a teenager. According to Will/Lila, she didn’t allow him to date, and made him feel as if it was unnatural for him to be interested in girls his age. At one point, she was incredibly verbally abusive towards him when he brought a girl home. She died according to Will. It is not known how, just that she died in the boiler room.
From the start of the game, William expresses that he has a very hard time expressing emotions, and that he has to plan out his expressions carefully. At the start, the assumption is that there is something supernaturally wrong with him because of this.
After the death of his mother, for unknown reasons, presumably because he is an older teenager, William did not go to a foster family or social services, but lived alone himself. He apparently has/had a job, but it is not shown where.
At some point, William joined/discovered a fraternity/cult (in his own words.) run by a man known as Father Lawrence. The purpose of this cult was to create tulpas. According to wikipedia, a tulpa is "Tulpa is a concept in Theosophy, mysticism, and the paranormal of an object or being that is created through spiritual or mental powers." So essentially, a spiritual being. according to Father Lawrence, this tulpa they created needed to be fed via sacrifice, so they ran their cult on an animal farm, where they sacrificed the animals to it. They created a tulpa/spirit named "Lila". I'm not sure if I'm interpreting this correctly, but apparently Lila showed herself to different members of the fraternity, specifically her 'face'. She had the appearance of a pretty young girl, and William apparently saw her face.
At some point prior to the game ("A few weeks ago" According to a girl William talks to in the classroom at the beginning of the game,) William visits a party hosted by one of his classmates, who was also in this cult/fraternity. During this party, William acts notably different than he does in the rest of the game. He is shyer, more humanly nervous, awkward, and... i don't know, childish almost. He clearly still has to plan his facial expressions, but it seems to come from a place of inexperience and neurodivergency rather than maliciousness, or being manipulative as you are in the rest of the game. During this party, William encounters a young woman lying drunk on the bed. He helps her, and goes downstairs to notify the host of the party. On the way, he encounters a young woman named Tanya Kennedy. William immediately is in a state of shock (his face shifts into multiple emotions and positions, indicating he doesn't know how to express himself.) Tanya Kennedy apparently looks exactly like Lila, leading William to associate the two. After Tanya has a fight with her boyfriend, William goes on a walk with her, dances with her, and kisses her. He later confesses to the police officer that "Kissing her didn't feel right. It was like I wasn't kissing her, just an effigy." (Essentially confirming he was associating her with Lila.)
Now at some point, William was possessed by Lila, and he was ejected from his own body. Again, not sure at what point this happened, or how. I haven't finished the game yet. What I do know is that at some point, Lila, controlling William's body, murdered Tanya Kennedy. When you go through Tanya's phone, we see a text exchange between Tanya and William. William begs Tanya not to come over, Tanya decides to anyways. It could be William was possessed when she arrived for the sole purpose of murdering her, or it could be Lila possessed him beforehand, and faked the texts to lure Lila over. I am not sure. Either way, from then on, Lila is in sole control, manipulating the people in William's life for some unknown reason. She has a bizarre sense of protection over William, and yet doesn't care if William is arrested, or injured.
So my main analysis of William as a character is this: at the beginning of the game, my assumption was that he could not control his face because of being possessed. However, during the party when he is clearly 'himself' he still has to pick and choose how to express himself. Moreover, according to Tanya, he has been doing this at least since he began going to school with them, so at least for a year. My main assumption is that William is neurodivergent, possibly autistic. In fact, during the police interview, if you make any face other than 'neutral' the police officer questions your face. William explains he has a hard time expressing himself. the office asks if William has ever been tested for neurodivergency, and William replies that he has not.
Remember how I mentioned Will's mother being overprotective and isolating him? I believe she did so because of his neurodivergency. I believe she saw him as incapable of being attracted either sexually or romantically to other people, (often happens to neurodivergent people, unfortunately.) However, William is not emotionless. In his own words, she verbally abused him until he was 'sobbing and begging for her to stop.' After his mother died, William would have had absolutely no support system. The only person who expresses concern for him in-game are Detective Yu, and Mrs. Hutchins, the concierge of the building. Now, William doesn't know Detective Yu before Lila possesses him, and Mrs. Hutchins, despite her kindness, appears to still be at arms length with him. Therefore, William has no parental guidance or mentor. So let's talk about his friends!
When William befriends Martha and the rest of the gang, they act warmly towards him at first, but clearly seem hesitant towards him. This isn't immediately a bad thing. However, even after helping Martha, and behaving politely to the other kids, Mike still refers to Will as a 'weirdo' right after meeting him. Moving on to the beginning of the game, William's friends act hostile towards him. Granted, this is fair because Lila is possessing him and made him murder Tanya, but the fact that they are so quick to be unkind to him raises eyebrows and shows that they likely did not ever consider him to be their friend.
William likely felt connecting with the fraternity/cult. Upon talking to Matthew, the host of the party William visits, William thinks to himself how 'cool Matthew is, and how he wishes he could tell him that.' So we know William is likely a lonely, unsupported and likely traumatized individual. It is incredibly common for cults (remember, that's how William referred to it.) to prey on these type of people.
I will say, William isn't perfect. Even before he got possessed, he still chose to dance with Tanya, knowing she was in a relationship. That is not good, obviously. I still don't know if they actually slept together. I feel like it's implied they did, but I don't know how I feel about it. Still, this is a mistake a young teenage boy made. He's not a monster for it, but he still chose to do so.
My final thoughts are these: William felt loved/supported by the cult. He felt seen and loved by Lila, the tulpa, despite the fact that she didn't have good intentions for him. William associated Lila with Tanya because they look the same. (He even asks her at one point if she is Lila, to which she responds in confusion, because. of course she would. she doesn't know what he's talking about.) William connects with Tanya because he is associating her with Lila, who he feels supported and loved by. Unfortunately, he is a young autistic kid who naively put his trust in people who did not have good intentions for him, and it ended with his possession.
Is this all confusing and bizarre? You bet! But this isn't even everything! I haven't talked about the Dada dog, the stranger, the empress or the prince, or even detective Yu! This is just me talking about William! That's how deep this games lore goes.
He is a young, mentally ill/neurodivergent teenage boy who lives alone, has some form of childhood trauma, got attached to a cult that didn't have his interests at heart, got possessed by a spirit, the spirit murdered a girl, and it's up to us (the player) to fix things.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
Hii can u do a imagine abt like the reader and vinnie got into a fight bc of the rumors going around abt vinnie and nai and she saw the paparazzi picture too with nai and vinnie and nai is kinda touchy to vinnie (the reader and vinnie are secretly dating) and the reader hang out with larray and charli and dixie and she keep thinking abt the fight so she kinda had a bad day and when she came home she said this to vinnie “ I know you are mad at me but I had a really bad day so can we pause the fight for 5 minutes I need a hug “ with Vinnie plss thank youuu!
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*Picture's not mine*
As long we got each other - Vinnie Hacker
So I changed it up a bit, hope that’s okay with you☺️ Thanks for your request, so sorry for the wait. Enjoy 💜
Warning : a Little bit of angst
Word Count : 1.3k
‘’ TikTok stars, Vinnie Hacker and Nailea Devora were seen hanging out at Saddle Ranch with other known creators. The pair has been spotted a lot together recently, hanging out and posting videos together. Their fans has been shipping them and –“ you closed the tab, sighing.
You were watching one of Hollywood Fix’s latest video while Vinnie was in the shower. You could feel your blood boil into your veins at the newest gossip. You got tired of hearing all these rumors about your boyfriend. It was your choice to keep your relationship a secret, not wanting people to come after you for dating one of the most hyped TikToker to ever be.
You were quickly making a name for yourself and you preferred laying low with Vinnie, scared of people cancelling you or calling you a clout chaser. He understood and respected your decision, even though the only thing he wanted to do, was show you to the world. Vinnie was madly in love with you, to say the least, showering you with his affection any time of the day. He often stayed at your place, liking the calm and the intimacy the two of you could have, it was far different from the Hype House.
“Earth to (Y/N)” a voice startled you. Looking towards the bathroom, you were met with a dripping Vinnie. He was leaning against the door frame, drying his wet hair with a towel while another one sat tightly against his hips.
“What?” you asked rather harshly, making him put both his hands up in defense
“Whoa there, Tiger. What’s gotten you all worked up?”
“I know you baby. Something is bothering you, I can tell. Talk to me” he approached you, sitting next to you, on the bed.
“Are you and Nai sleeping together?” you asked looking directly into his eyes
“Wh-what? Of course not, I’m in a relationship with you, I would never do that”
“Well maybe, she should know because she’s all over you.” you responded, sighing loudly.
“She’s just my friend (Y/N), nothing more” he said putting his hand on your right knee, before you got up swatting his gesture away.
“Really? You always go out with her, everyone is talking about you and I’m getting tired of it. You take her out like the both of you are in a relationship” you said getting frustrated
“I don’t take her out, we all go as a group. Plus, if my girlfriend wasn’t so ashamed of me, maybe she’s the one I would take out” he got up, turning his back at you, heading towards his dresser to grab some clothes
“I’m not ashamed of you, don’t change the subject Vinnie. You know why I want to keep our relationship a secret”
“Then stop giving me bullshit about going out with my friends, I asked you a bunch of time to come and you always deny my offer. Going out to lunch as a group doesn’t mean people will think we are together.” He sighs before covering his upper body with a white t-shirt
“You know damn well, girls who hang out with you always get hate, Nai is probably the only exception. You said you respected my decision”
“I do respect your decision, but it doesn’t mean I have the same opinion. I just want to be with you and show you off (Y/N). It’s difficult for me too.” He said turning to face you, his eyes burning into yours
“It’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one getting the hate” you responded aggravated with the conversation
“You’re not going to get hate (Y/N), and even if you did, who cares? It doesn’t matter as long as we have each other”
“Arghhhh, you don’t get it” your voice getting louder, grabbing your bag turning around marching towards the door
“Where are you going?” he asked you dumfound
“Out, we’re both clearly angry with the situation, and I prefer to leave before one of us says something we would regret.” You said, exiting the room leaving Vinnie speechless and fuming.
You had gone to join your friends, trying to change your mind from the argument you just had with your boyfriend. Hanging out with Larray, Charlie and Dixie for sure helped, but they could see you were not your normally bubbly self.
“You sure everything is good girl?” Larray asked you, looking worried
“Yeah (Y/N) you seem off today” Charlie emphasized while sipping on her iced coffee
“Oh euhm yes, everything is okay. I don’t know I’m just tired I guess” you responded giving your friends a small smile trying to reassure them.
After a day filled with shopping and paparazzi following you around, you decided to head back home, feeling exhausted. You wiggled your keys, unlocking the door, stepping inside, dropping your many bags on the floor before making your way to the living room plugging your cellphone. It had notified you earlier, indicating your phone was out of battery. A few seconds passed, before it rang multiple times, a bunch of text messages and missed calls coming through, most of them being from Vinnie.
“Where are you baby?”
“I’m sorry, can you please call me back”
“(Y/N), I’m starting to get worried now”
“I saw you were out with you friends, I know you’re mad at me baby, I’m sorry, I love you”
You sighed, contemplating whether to call him or not. Before thinking twice, you dialed his number, the phone ringing a couple of times before hearing his deep voice
“(Y/N)?” he said, his voice sounding worried
“I know we’re fighting right now, but I had a really bad day and I need a hug” you said on the verge of tears
“I’ll be right over baby” he responded before hanging up. You went to change into some comfier clothes and washed your face before you heard a knock on the door. You went to open it and the moment you did, two big arms engulfed you in a hug. Your head found its way into his neck, breathing in his scent.
“I needed that” you mumbled, detaching yourself slightly as you looked into his eyes.
“I love you, you know that” he said his eyes burning into your soul making you close the gap between the both of you, going in for another hug.
“I’m sorry about the argument. It was stupid of me to accuse you of being with Nai”
“It’s okay baby, I’m sorry for the way I spoke to you, I shouldn’t have. I don’t want you to worry about other girls, you’re the only one for me” he said kissing the top of your head
“And I respect your decision to keeping our relationship on the low. I’m just so in love with you and I just want to show you to the world, but I know it’s selfish of me to think this way” he sighed pulling your body away from him, only standing a few centimeters from each other. You pecked his lips, before smiling softly at him, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion
“Let’s go get ice cream” you said out of the blue
“What?” he said laughing lightly
“You heard me, let’s go get ice cream, together, as a couple” you took his hand dragging him out of the door
“You sure about that? I don’t want to pressure you” he said stopping you and bringing you closer to him
“Vinnie, I’m willing to go out with you in public, dressed like this and holding your hand and you’re questioning me?” you asked smirking at him “You were right earlier, I’m not afraid as long as we got each other”
That night you and Vinnie went to get ice cream a few fans snapping pictures of the both of you hand in hand smiling at each other, both your names soon trending on the internet.
Thanks for reading
Hope you like it, let me know what you think
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starrynite7114 · 3 years
perfume (drabble)
A/N: Hello peeps! Mayans Season 3 is almost done and I guess I’m here with a drabble. I got the request and the inspiration just flowed. I’m not going to lie, my inspiration has been non-existent lately due to personal reasons. I’m trying little by little, but I think my muse for Angel is not as strong as before. If anything, you might even see me posting for Rio, Ez, Miguel and Bucky Barnes. Regardless, I hope you will all bear with me, I am trying to finish all my works in progress for Angel, I do not want to leave any of you hanging. You never know, my muse might return! 
I hope everyone has been well. It feels like it’s been ages, but it’s only been a few months and everything is just kicking my butt. 
Please enjoy this little drabble! <3
Requested by anon! Thank you!
i don't know if you take requests or not, but please if you do can you make this tiktok with angel??🥺? like she sees the tiktok and think abt doing it with angel when he comes home tired or anything you think is good...
thank you very much and if u don't feel like writing it i understand ❤️
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Word count: 730
You yawned, your head against Angel’s pillow as you watched the next episode of Shadow and Bone. Angel was out late due to a late run called by Bishop. You tried your best to stay awake since you wanted to see Angel. With how busy the club was and how busy you were at work, you’ve only seen Angel a few times this week.
You were used to it, you’ve been together for six years, this was just another busy season. You heard the rumble of his motorcycle which woke you up. Sitting up, you leaned against the headboard and placed a pillow in front of you. The door opened and your boyfriend’s voice reverberated throughout your house.
“Mi Dulce, I’m home.” Angel called out.
“Room, baby.” You replied.
Angel walked in, kutte already off and boots gone. “Let me shower.” He walked over to you and dropped a kiss on your lips. “Hi mami, you look good.”
Your cheeks warmed at his words and you smiled. “Such a charmer.”
“Only to you baby.”
He walked out and left you to your own devices. You paused Shadow and Bone, opening TikTok. It was addicting but such a blessing during this pandemic. Scrolling through, you saw a woman talking about spraying perfume in between your breast and shoving your significant other’s face between them. You looked at your perfume on your vanity. Standing up, you pulled your tank top down and sprayed your perfume. When you sat back down, you heard the water turn off. Settling in your previous spot, Angel walked in with just a towel around his waist.
Your boyfriend was too fucking sinful.
“Like what you see?” Angel smirked.
“Yeah, Ben Barnes is looking good.” You matched his smirk, giving him a wink as well. 
Angel looked at the screen and rolled his eyes. “He’s on another fucking show?”
“Yes, he is.” You opened your legs and arms, “cuddle?”
As much as Angel wanted to fuck you, he was exhausted. He wanted to lay down and just hold you or be held by you, regardless, he just wanted to relax. He slipped on some boxers and basketball shorts before joining you in bed. 
He crawled over to you and laid his head in between your breasts. You hugged his head to your chest, kissing his forehead, rubbing your fingers through his hair. Angel breathed you in and he was immediately intoxicated with your scent. He knew that perfume, it was your favorite one.
“Fuck baby,” he breathed in your scent again, burying his head further into your chest. Your fingers continued to run through his hair and it was lulling him to sleep. “I love you.”
“Me too.” 
Angel poked you, hating it when you replied in such a nonchalant way. He looked up from your chest, glaring at you.
“Okay, Jesus Christ, I love you too.” You kissed his forehead again.
“Thank you.” He turned to face your chest again.
“Everything go okay?” You questioned as you resumed your show.
“No, but I don’t want to talk about it.” His voice was muffled by your skin. “How was your day?”
You continued to rub his head. “Good, you know fending off men.” 
Angel’s head shot up and you laughed. You hugged his head towards your chest and kissed the top of his head. “I’m joking. It was fine, busy, but it was fine.”
“I can’t believe you started this show without me.” He pretended to whine, knowing fully well he didn’t care for the show. 
You narrowed your eyes at him. “You said you didn’t want to watch it!”
“Yes, but I’ll watch it cause it’s our thing.” He snuggled further into your chest. You were his favorite pillow. 
You and Angel always watched TV shows together. You two took turns picking and this was the first time you veered from that tradition.
“I feel betrayed.” Angel added. 
You laughed. “Babe, did you want to see me gush over Ben?”
“Yes, I don’t care as long as I’m there with you.” His voice was fading, you knew he was getting sleepy. Today was such a tense day, but having your arms around him, your scent invading his senses, he was at peace.
And just like that, Angel fell asleep. You heard his light snores and smiled. Maybe TikTok wasn’t all about pranks, sometimes, it could be useful.
tagged list: @justahopelessssromantic : @carlaangel86 : @woahitslucyylu : @encounterthepast : @enamoured-x : @anangelwhodidntfall : @briana-mishell24 : @bribri-82 : @chibsytelford : @agirllovespancakes  : @twistnet : @everyhowlmarksthedead : @trulysuccubus : @jadert15 : @sammskellington : @cind-in-real-life :  @onmyspookysblock : @sadeyesgf : @thickemadame : @summertimesadnesswithadashofsass : @gemini0410 : @elcococruz : @samcrobae : @sesamepancakes : @iambabyharry : @blackmissfrizzle : @mrs-losa : @1-800-imagines : @phoenixhalliwell : @lady-pswrld : @dazzledamazon  : @getyourcrayoncas : @fvckthisbxtchup : @lukealvxz : @scuzmunkie : @lilac-tea-time : @danie1432 : @cocotheclown : @soaronmywings : @my-rosegold-soul : @buttercup812 : @un-poetryy : @angelreyesgirl : @sheeshgivemeabreak : @vicmackeybullshxt : @bigcreatorwombatdreamer : @khyharah : @strawberrywritings : @cherry-icetea : @fuzzy-jellyfish : @losolvidad0s : @brownsugarcoffy : @courtrae89 : @prdsdjarin : @blessedboo : @marvelmaree : @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat : @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead : @thesandbeneathmytoes : @dark-twisted-and-mechanical-mind : @maddie-georges : @pearlkitten33  : @incorrect-mcdanno : @that-chick212 : @imanerdychubbyqueen : @60shannon : @deeandbobbymcgee : @marquelapage : @justlikebreathing : @mindless-x-dreaming : @thesewordsareallihavetogive : @wiccanmetallicrose : @appropriate-writers-name : @likedovesinthewnd : @admirehermind : @krysiewithak : @helli4nthus : @robbosvgdens : @scuzmunkie : @proudlittlewitchbitch : @lilacyennefer : @witchyhours : @amorestevens : @skyofficialxx : @booksandlatenights : @appropriate-writers-name : @capnsaveahoe : @aria725 : @miss-nori85 : @acelovestoread : @withmyteeth : @luckyharley1903 : @berberriescorner : @pananegra : @montanaraed : @cherieann-2001 : @chaeycunty
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thankyoumskobayashi · 5 years
TGCF Snakes On a Plane AU starring Ban Yue as an orphan with a collection of 3,000 snakes which she brings with her on a journey to an orphanage. General Ke Mo is the long-suffering pilot, Pei Ming is that asshole who hits on women, Pei Su is his biologist son who is embarrassed by his very existence. Eventually Pei Su helps Ban Yue in collecting all her precious snakes and putting them back in their containers. 
Xie Lian feels his bad luck caused the snakes to break loose, but San Lang (who gave him his window seat and spent the whole flight flirting with him) insists the problem is the quality of the duct tape instead. Bc there was duct tape used on the boxes.... not the smartest idea but how else is an orphan going to load 3,000 snakes on a plane????
By the end of this experience, Xie Lian's Dad Instincts have been activated, Pei Su is ready to become Ban Yue's older brother, and Ke Mo (who has a secret fear of snakes) just wants to retire so he can leave this plane forever. By the end of it, Hua Cheng has bought several things online that Xie Lian mentioned he had to do without, and even put his info in Xie Lian's phone.
Ling Wen fixed the plane in midair because she used to be a mechanic, and since knowing practical stuff like engines helps her fix the plane she saves them enough to let Ke Mo land the plane. I feel like she wouldn't panic even if snakes are falling on her, so she probably fixed the engine wearing at least 3 snakes as a scarf. Any more snakes and she'd probably put them on the nearest item so she can move around.
Also by the end of it Ling Wen wants to keep her scarf snakes bc she likes having the company. Xie Lian wants to adopt one too, but only a snake that's going to grow up small. Hua Cheng immediately orders luxury snake cages, immediately trying to curry favor with him.
Jun Wu is an old grandpa and he offers to take some of the snakes until Ban Yue finds a home. He's only ever had dogs but he'll be damned if he can't learn.
At the start of the airplane ride, Feng Xin and Mu Qing fought for the window seat in front of Xie Lian, eventually Mu Qing won. Behind them Hua Cheng smiled and pointedly offered Xie Lian his window seat. He slipped his arm around Xie Lian's shoulders and the two bickering before only turned their heads around to glare at this rando for daring to make a move on their friend.
Hua Cheng was some rich kid who was saved from a concussion when a ball from a baseball game went flying towards him at high speeds. Little Xie Lian, who was also sitting nearby and had brought a glove, reached over and caught it. He gave it to Hua Cheng with a sigh, telling him to be careful from then on. Hua Cheng had asked his name, and Xie Lian had unwittingly told him. From then on, Hua Cheng tried to unsuccessfully gain Xie Lian's attention.
They had both gotten into the same college. Hua Cheng despaired in his first year, however, groaning hopelessly among the stacks. Xie Lian, who was scribbling a paper nearby, reached over and handed the last of his snacks to this random depressed person among the bookshelves. He was obviously hungry- his stomach confirmed that- yet he gave away the last of his food with some encouraging words and returned to writing.
He didn't know how many times Hua Cheng stopped by his dorm room, awed, reverent, yet kept away by the glares of Xie Lian's roommates. They knew their friend was gay, and they knew assholes would want to date him, so they did their best to keep him from meeting Hua Cheng.
Even the handwritten note thanking Xie Lian for saving him didn't seem adequate. Hua Cheng tore it up and flopped dramatically on his bed. He'd seen Xie Lian that morning and that was enough to inspire him to keep going.
When college was over, he went back to whatever his parents wanted him to do, but it wasn't enough. He kept checking on what Xie Lian would be doing, until finally he overheard Xie Lian excitedly telling Feng Xin and Mu Qing about the trip they were going to take. So Hua Cheng could only book a ticket on the same plane trip.
Mu Qing had the nerve to snark at Hua Cheng. "Break our best friend's heart, playboy, and we'll break your face."
"Believe me, you'd have to bring me back to life to kill me a fourth time if that ever happened," Hua Cheng just laughed.
"San Lang, you're so funny," Xie Lian murmured. "How would they find your soul the 2nd time, let alone the 4th??"
"I'd die several times over before breaking your heart Gege." Hua Cheng tossed him a red stress ball with silver butterflies on it making a pattern like the stitches on a baseball. Xie Lian caught it, tracing his fingers over that unique pattern.
"Here, keep this. It's my promise to you." He stretched, yawning, curling his hand around Xie Lian's shoulder, making him go red and shift awkwardly in surprise.
Throughout the whole plane ride, Xie Lian's getting hit on by this guy who he assumes is an Airplane Rando, but Hua Cheng is talking to him like they're already close. Maybe he's just a really forward person??
Behind them is this little kid who looks scared and uncertain. She is holding her favorite pet snake and looks terrified.
Xie Lian immediately lends her a dog-eared copy of his favorite book to cheer her up. He gives out crayons, coloring books, pencils- you name it. Ban Yue is having a grand old time, coloring flowers in while she tells Xie Lian about how she's bringing all her snakes with her. By this time the snakes are escaping their boxes, but haven't reached the cabin yet.
Ban Yue loves snakes because they're chill, great listeners, and she has someone to protect. Xie Lian tells her that's wonderful, and if her favorite snake is her only one.
By this point, the snakes have found the cabin's ventilation shaft. They are free from their cardboard prison and spread out to explore this large metal box.
Pilot Ke Mo hits some turbulence. Passenger Ling Wen, who was just flipping through engine forums, slams her laptop shut as she hears something go wrong with the plane. She makes her way to the attendant and whispers a plan as the plane's nose dips unsteadily.
Xie Lian buries his face in his hands. "I knew I shouldn't have gone on this trip! Now our plane is going to crash."
"Gege won't crash, I'll protect you with my body so you'll never hit the floor," Hua Cheng draws him to his chest and murmurs comfortingly.
"Too shameless!"
"Don't listen to them, Gege. They are jealous of our love~"
Xie Lian resists the urge to ask how he can fall in love with someone he doesn't even know, when he turns around and sees Ban Yue squinting at the vents.
She holds not just her favorite snake, but two now.
"That's funny, I could have sworn I only brought this one with me. How on earth could the others..."
Screams of anger and shouts of alarm echo throughout the plane. The flight attendant had let mechanic Ling Wen have a look at the airplane, and was then notifying pilot Ke Mo of the situation. Ke Mo agreed to make gentle spirals to slow their descent and give Ling Wen time to fix things. However, he wouldn't have anticipated a snake dropping into his lap so that he'd scream and lurch the whole plane forwards!!!
Screams echo throughout the cabin; other passengers must be feeling similarly.
Xie Lian takes all his luggage out of his bag and gives it to Ban Yue for collecting her snakes in. He then picks up the snake around his neck and drops it in there. Hua Cheng immediately offers to put Xie Lian's stuff in with his own stuff. Xie Lian is grateful.
Xie Lian and Ban Yue go down the aisle collecting snakes and apologizing to the over passengers. Jun Wu is deadpan handing over his snake and asks if he can keep it.
Ban Yue is shocked but shakes her head. These are her snakes, and she knows how to take care of them thank you very much.
They continue in this way until Xie Lian is bitten by a snake. Hua Cheng runs up immediately because he "wants to suck out the venom" but Xie Lian stops him by asking what's the point of Hua Cheng also ingesting it too.
"The point is that if anything happens to you, I won't forgive myself!"
Pei Su who has been calmly reading the newspaper this whole time, clears his throat. "Actually, it doesn't have the proper markings. This snake is not venomous."
Ban Yue's eyes lit up. A fellow snake expert?
Soon Pei Su is explaining to whoever is nearby what kind of snake has just landed on them. He joins the crew going down the aisle stuffing snakes into Xie Lian's bag. Eventually, they run out of bag and Ban Yue thinks to check the duct tape on her packaging... d*mn, did the duct tape get loose again?!? She'd have to check and see. A bad feeling for that mechanic arose within her.
Meanwhile in the cockpit, Ke Mo is hollering mad and shaking with fright. "I have HAD IT up to Here with these MOTHER F*CKING SNAKES on this MOTHER F*CKING PLANE!!!" as more and more of the snakes drop from the vents. He has truly tried to stop the plane from landing right away but his stress is mounting.
Meanwhile Ling Wen is fixing the plane while covered in snakes and completely unfazed abt it. She wipes sweat off her brow and pets the snakes hanging off her arms. A look of concentration crosses her face as she adjusts some more things. "Almost there..."
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aeide-thea · 6 years
i probably should have written this post earlier, i.e. before i had more of a bottle of rosé than i’m quite willing to admit to, but! i did not! so you are getting the not-not-drunk version! on the bright side alcohol’d me is very nice, mostly they are just Friendly and Happy albeit a little overinclined 2 inform you about how sad it is that they and A— are passing like ships in the night, that is, without any kissing...
anyway! today was a Day omg. i was very stupidly nervous about my german exam for reasons unbeknownst to man or otherwise nonbinary person, except i guess that i wanted it to be painfully apparent to A— that i’m good at this, which, uh, if he didn’t know that already he’s kind of oblivious and also my quickness has yet to cause him to be overwhelmed with love for me, why is that honestly! but anyway i was pretty excruciatingly jittery, like, we were all sitting in our formal rows and there were Extra Non-Classmate Strangers joining us for the proficiency exam and like, everyone else was being quiet and normal and i was, like, making dramatic woeful faces at C and telling her to pat my head and tell me it was going to be okay, which, jesus, self, calm yr tits! unclear if A— was observing this, he was there at this point but also my stratagem has mostly been to assiduously avoid any chance of eye contact in case my face somehow says ‘hello i think yr beautiful and would like to grammatically bump faces,’ which frankly seems like a likely thing for my face to say! anyway we did our exam and like, babe, i love you but also when you write a thing and then go back and add an introduction you’re supposed to make sure that e.g. people are introduced the first time we encounter them, rather than the second? and not repeat yourself? so that was a little lol. anyway we had a choice of two passages and i went with the one that was about wolfram eilenberger’s zeit der zauberer, which is not important except that the ““conclusion”” on this passage was, like, ‘and then mussolini and hitler leveraged the economic and political crises of the period—’ [at which point a nice friendly dazu compound, hello, how nice to encounter you here in the home stretch when i thought perhaps i might be free and clear!] ‘—to build up their movements, which led to fascism/nazism,’ the end. dear A—, i am very bad at conclusions but i’m pretty sure that was not one! anyway that was the first mention of mussolini in my day but not the last.
then C and i went to the grad cafe, which, sadness, who is going to let me into the grad cafe now! i will have to rub elbows with the general populace once more! which is especially a thing bc holy shit is campus swarming with literal high schoolers rn, i mean, good for them but also i have a solid decade on these children and it makes me feel ancient, remember when i was this ignorant of how much the world was going to bruise me!
anyway we went to the grad cafe and hung out with C’s boyfriend L for a while, who is like. a quiet really lovely italian potato? jesus i come up with the worst most insulting similes to describe people i actually like, i said to C this morning that i was the neurotic cheetah friend and she was the sensible dog friend which i meant as, like, ‘yikes i need a keeper, i am very grateful for yr well-adjustedness!’ but i feel like was probably kind of insulting although i apologized later and she was like, honestly i’m just amused! you were so zany this morning! which. yes. yes i was.
anyway we hung out and did postmortems on our respective exams and then went for lunch at Local Thai Place where i haven’t been since... maybe since i brought R there? is that possible? anyway in a long time, so that was kinda nice.
and then A emailed me to say,
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which like, sry abt the humblebrag or whatever but i’m just. how fucking typical honestly, jesus. i’m so absurd.
also he wants a ~contact in my department~ bc literally everyone else in the class was a grad student who needed to pass the reading proficiency exam as part of their degree requirements, except, uh, i am a baby dork who just thought it would be interesting, so i don’t think there’s anyone to notify particularly! i mean i guess he could let Prof V— know, but she would definitely be like, dot dot dot thanks, glad K— is out there jumping through random unnecessary hoops??? or, you know, whatever the equivalent of that is in german, since she’s also a native speaker, so presumably they would conduct this entire exchange auf deutsch...
anyway then i had more class, whoop whoop, which for my sins was a second class on the fucking aeneid, goddamn, i have spent a truly staggering amount of time being lectured on that poem considering how much i hate it! i mean parts of it are flooringly good and parts of it are workmanlike as shit and parts of it are shamefully propagandistic and the latter two aspects make me real frustrated with it even though the first aspect is also very real. anyway i decline to let drunkme have the final word on vergil so like, maybe someday there will be more things to say. although also my main feeling about him is intense apathy so also there might not be.
but so anyway that led to the second mention of fascism in my day, bc the fasces came up somewhere and then we got into Modern Reception of Same, which admittedly in diesen finsteren Zeiten is not nearly as remarkable as it might once have been, but i still was, idk, amused that my life had arranged itself in such a way that both my classes raised the topic! although i guess maybe a different way of saying that is, thank god classicists and germanists are acknowledging some historical culpability here, this is kind of an important time to be doing that...
but anyway back to some more frivolous notes, bc at the end of the day this is a perblog—
as i said to E earlier, i retract any aspersions i had previously cast on my baby mythology classmates, one of them asked for an extension on the paper and so we all got one, thank fuckin god honestly; and
A— emailed me as [different subset of my legal name than i have been using in that class all semester] and i really don’t know what to make of that, like, in the system i’m [full legal name] and my email is [firstinitial lastname] so unless he’s been doin some pokin on facebook or something i d fuckin k honestly! A Mystery! probably the actual answer is that he has paid insufficient attention to get my name right but also he got it right in class on multiple occasions so ????
anyway on that note i am going to end this inexcusably long post so i can go to bed and then study a bunch and then take another exam tomorrow evening and then help Baby Sister move and then somehow produce a dauntingly-long paper out of currently-nothing, yikes yikes yikes! 
in the meantime we can all take bets on whether A— will give me the A+ that quite frankly my disgusting aptitude and enthusiasm deserve, or the significantly more dubious grade that my total failure to hand in any of the more boring assignments has technically probably consigned me to... i mean, to be clear, the grade is not remotely important! except for the part where i'm obviously going to use it to decide whether he liked me at all, because that’s obviously what grades mean! welcome to this embarrassing illustration of the ways in which my brain is in certain ways very good but also in other ways very very crazy!
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